ECSWR2015 | Ljubljana
ECSWR2015 | Ljubljana
ECSWR2015 | Ljubljana European Conference for Social Work Research April 222324 2015 DETAILED CONFERENCE PROGRAM updated: 21.3.2015 LIST OF POSTER PRESENTATIONS POSTER PRESENTATIONS WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22nd at 14:00 (Opening) MAIN FOYER AUTHORS' PRESENTATIONS: THURSDAY 14:00 & 15:30 MAIN FOYER POSTER AWARD COMPETITION Best poster award will be announced at the closing ceremony Intercultural competence in social workers practice in cultural diverse context in Andalucia (Spain) Manuela A. FernandezBorrero Understanding Meaningful Involvement: An Exploration of the Involvement of Older People in Adult Safeguarding Sarah Finlay TRANSITION INTO ADULTHOOD OF YOUTH WITH INTELLECTUAL DISABILITIES IN SLOVENIA Gašper Krstulović What do the social workers think about the family foster care unaccompanied foreign minors in Italy? Serenella Oletto Left Behind After Adoption: Maternal Perspectives on Termination of Parental Rights Sharon Borja How do safeguarding Social Workers approach and resolve the conflicts between rights and protection presented when an adult at risk lacks mental capacity? Cat Meredith Young people's experiences of epilepsy: A review of qualitative studies Judith Chew Sexualised Girls: Narratives of the Safeguarded? Lara Pizycki Children's Acquirement of Lifeworld in Disadvantaged Urban Quarters Potentials and Constraints of the Method Subjective Map Peter Rahn Ethnocultural differences in infant vaccination in Israel Yanina Shraga Exploring the role and experiences of Approved Mental Health Professionals Sarah Matthews Between private and public – power, emotion and agency in the preadoption services Pia Eriksson Social workers and professional values: ethical reflection using focus group method Annalisa Pasini The Process of Identity Formation in the Dominant Culture Sara Verderber Discourse, Power, and Social Work: Using the Tragic Death of a Young Girl in Taiwan as the Starting Point for Investigation YiShis Cheng Social worker's experience of applying mental capacity legislation – issues of promoting autonomy Carole Southall New Realities for Social Work in a Global Context: Foreign Underage Mothers in a Country of Migration Pablo ÁlvarezPérez The welfare centers experts experience on interventions for child protection in high conflict divorce situations Maja Laklija MultiCultural Perspective of Alcohol Use among High Risk Youth in Israel: Implications for Social Policy and Program Development Alexander Reznik INTERCULTURAL TRAINING FOR WORKERS INVOLVED IN HIV CARE PRATICES Carlo Giaquinto Repeated Entries to the Swedish Addiction Compulsory Care System: A National Register Database Study Robert Grahn Elderly Social Policy in Albania Alba Dhima Roles and social workers: the case of social work and networks with prisoners in Brussels. Peter Raeymaeckers ELDERLY IN ESTONIA: COPING AND POSSIBILITIES OF SUPPORT Marju Medar REPRODUCTIVE TECHNOLOGIES AND SOCIAL WORK: Models of psychosocial counseling SANDRA BREGAR "Shall we talk about sexuality?" Children's perspective on sexual advice and sexual education in residential care units Dominik Mantey Resilience towards social problems: a study of interracial couples Fernando Relinque Bridge over troubled water – How do drug cope with the transition from institutional rehabilitation to everyday life? BritMarie Follevåg, Svanhildur Gudmundsdóttir Globalization and the quality of life of seniors Katarzyna Jagielska Institutionalized Children Inter independence Competences and Social emancipation in the Real World – A case study Clara Santos Case studies of community participation in Luxembourg. An analysis of community participation process in local level Anola Bracaj "The Politic Social Work in Small Local Government of Estonia: The Configuration between the Structural Power and The Performance of The Social Services " Vaike Raudava Social Work in Housing Policies in a Economic Crisis Context Octavio VazquezAguado Forensic psychology curricula, as professional training opportunity for the staff of multidisciplinary equip in prison, to treat individuals with mental health problems. Nevila Koҫollari Social Workers' Views of Their Workspaces Alix Walton