Scroll down to view the bulletin - Catholic Parish of Innaloo / Karrinyup
Scroll down to view the bulletin - Catholic Parish of Innaloo / Karrinyup
Scroll down to view the bulletin Catholic Parish Roster 21/22 March Innaloo/Karrinyup Readers Our Lady of Good Counsel St Dominic’s Parish Priest—Fr Nicholas Perera 27 Thomas Way, Karrinyup 6018 H 9245 3899 M 0401 454 565 [email protected] Deacon Gregory Lowe 0413 623 949 Weekend Saturday 6.00pm St Dominic Sunday 8.00am OLGC Sunday 9.30am St Dominic Weekday OLGC Thursday 9am Saturday 2nd,3rd,& 5th 9am Welcome Home Parish Office 19 Phillips Grove Innaloo Phone 9446 1666 Fax 9244 9035 [email protected] Parish Secretary Maureen Smith 9204 5172 St Dominic’s Primary School 9446 1929 Our Lady of Good Counsel Primary School 9341 3148 Baptism—phone Parish Office Marriage—By appointment with Priest/Deacon Blessed Sacrament Adoration St Dominic Wednesday 8.15am-12 noon OLGC 5th Saturday 9.30am Mass Times Benediction 1st Friday at St Dominic’s Healing Mass & Anointing St Dominic 1st Saturday 9am OLGC (Advent/Lent)1st Friday of month 7.30am St Dominic Tuesday 7pm Wednesday 8am communion service & 7pm Friday 9am Saturday 1st & 4th 9am Reconciliation St Dominic 1st 4th Saturday after 9am Mass OLGC 2nd3rd 5th Saturday after 9am Mass Rosary Every weekday after Mass Evening Prayer & Adoration Karrinyup House of Prayer: 4 Prisk St Monday 7pm-8.15pm & Thursday 5pm-6pm Parish Centre Booking St Dominic Stanley Menezes 9445 7890 OLGC Moya Riou 9447 0963 Children’s Liturgy School terms only St Dominic 9.30am Sunday mass weekly OLGC 2nd Sunday at 8am Monday Innaloo parish centre 2nd & 4th Monday Tuesday St Dominic’s Playgroup Wednesday Charismatic Prayer Group Karrinyup Parish Religious Ed Program PREP Thursday Seniors’ Group Innaloo parish centre 9.30am 10.00am 3.45pm 11.00am M Maugeri S Maugeri Acolyte S Menezes Extra-ordinary Ministers D O’Sullivan E Maugeri Offertory Procession OLGC G & L Howell Altar Society OLGC K Wear & E Jeffery Barbara Brucciani President 9446 5324 Small kindy playground Liz Troon 9447 5041 Morag McPherson 92751130 1st & 3rd Thursday of the month St Dominic/OLGC Outreach Fr Nicholas 9245 3899 St Vincent de Paul Society Non perishable food items collected weekly Karrinyup House of Prayer Michelle Jones 0404 564 890 Tuesday—St Patrick Wednesday—St Cyril of Jerusalem Thursday—St Joseph, spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary Friday—Day of Penance 8.00 am 9.30 am G Howell K Wear D de Gruchy E Vucemillo B Martin Joanna M Rodrigues P Riney D Riney B O’Neill Altar Society St Dominic Planned Giving OLGC L & G Howell St Dominic B & M Webb Morning Tea 8am J Gates & M Farmer 4th Sunday of Lent Second Collection 8 March $1082 Holy Week and Easter Time Table Family Mass This Weekend The Sacred Paschal Triduum Holy Thursday 2 April OLGC 7pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper Good Friday Stations of the Cross 9am St Dominic’s and 11am OLGC Passion of the Lord and Holy Communion Service 3pm St Dominic’s Holy Saturday 7pm Vigil Mass at St Dominic’s 6pm Saturday St Dominic’s and 8am Sunday OLGC. Students from a school class participate. The class also illustrate the gospel of the day. Easter Sunday 5 April Mass Saturday 21 March 2.30pm. Afternoon tea served in the school hall. View the photographic display from past years. Please RSVP on 9341 3148 or email [email protected]. The mass will be celebrated by Archbishop Timothy Costelloe. You are very welcome to extend this invitation to past students/family and staff who may not be aware. See notice board. Normal Sunday mass times of 8am OLGC and 9.30am St Dominic’s. Stations of the Cross During Lent In both churches at 7pm. Parish Mission Statement We, the Catholic Community of Innaloo/Karrinyup, unite in Faith to worship God. With our Blessed Mother as guide and companion, we commit to following Christ Jesus, by loving one another, caring for the needs of our community and encouraging all to express God’s gifts and talents in order to be living members of the Body of Christ. Parish Groups St Vincent de Paul Society 7.30pm 6.00 pm Project Compassion Week 4 Story Sarita was struggling to grow enough food for her family on her tiny farm plot. In 2007, Sarita’s life changed. Caritas Nepal, supported by Caritas Australia, initiated the Kolkatla Fish Raising Group, an innovative, collaborative program that works for the common good of the wider community. Sarita & 11 other villagers were provided with funding/training necessary to establish & run a business raising & selling fish. PPC Meeting 4th Saturday Mass 28 March The 4th Saturday mass on 28 March will take place at Karrinyup at 9am. Saturday mass times are back to normal next month. Mass times were changed to accommodate the St Patrick’s Day breakfast. OLGC School is 50 OLGC Prayer Group is 30! A celebration mass at OLGC 8am 22 March with Emeritus Archbishop Barry Hickey. Morning tea will follow in the parish hall. Please join us to praise God for the many blessings to us and the parish over the years. All welcome Wednesday Adoration Come visit Jesus (Exposed on the Altar) every Wednesday. 8am communion service, 8.20am Rosary and Prayers to St Joseph. 8.45 your time to pray or listen to Jesus speak to you. Until 12 noon. Next meeting Wednesday 18 March. Readers D O’Sullivan & S Fernandes; E Gomm & M Smith; David, I Rodrigues Acolyte P Wall; M Archer; I Baviah E-o M M Wall & M Purcell; L & G Howell; P Riney & M Birkett Offertory Procession 8am B Solar & G White This Weekend Weekend Roster Planned Giving OLGC M Smith St Dominic E Vucemillo Bulletin information to Lee Healy 9448 4147 or [email protected] by Thursday pm