Practice Area Summary Industrial Sector Expertise


Practice Area Summary Industrial Sector Expertise
Practice Area Summary
Industrial Sector
Transforming Industrial
Markets for the Poor
Innovision in Industries
Innovision is supporting development partners to design, manage, and evaluate interventions in
the industrial market systems. Industrial subsectors are driving growth in emerging markets.
Bangladesh like many other developing countries and emerging economies in the world, have
observed rapid growth in industrial subsectors. Ready Made Garments (RMG), furniture,
plastics, light engineering, electrical and electronics industries are thriving. We have extensive
experience on research, project management and evaluation on value added industrial products
(furniture, jute diversified products, leather goods, plastics), food processing, renewable energy
and waste recycling subsectors.
We are specialized on the application of the Markets for Poor (M4P) approach for design and
management of industrial market systems interventions. We are also specialized in designing
monitoring and evaluation system based on the Donor Committee for Enterprise Development
(DCED) standard for M4P projects in the industrial markets.
We adopt a 360° approach to our services, which helps us provide development solutions
grounded on sound technical and theoretical knowledge, practical application, and
implementation challenges. Our extensive engagement on market research helps us gain
market insights and analytics that we use to design development strategies targeted towards
results. We venture into project implementation to test our strategies and this helps us adopt
improved approach for research and technical assistance services for development strategies.
Snapshot- Project Management
Co-facilitator for “Improving Local Furniture
Industry of Bangladesh Project”
Technical Assistance
Project Management
Funded by UKaid, Swiss Development Cooperation,
Embassy of Netherland, and CIDA, the “Improving Local
Furniture Industry of Bangladesh Project” was
implemented by Katalyst from 2010 to 2013. Under this
project, as a co-facilitator Innovision Consulting
collaborated with the leading furniture manufacturers in
Bangladesh, the national association of the furniture
manufacturers Bangladesh Furniture Industries Owners’
Association (BAFIOA), and the local partners of the
association at Dhaka and other major cities in the country
manufacturing furniture.
Innovision also worked with Bangladesh Furniture
Exporters’ Association (BFEA) and Bangladesh Export
Promotion Bureau (EPB) extensively for capacity
development of the SMEs. We also facilitated the SMEs
on export market intelligence, which they practiced to
penetrate the global market. As the co-manager of the
project, Innovision was responsible to:
Innovision in Industries
Design and management of interventions that could
tackle the challenges in the furniture sector as
identified by the client (Katalyst)
Staff recruitment and capacity development to
ensure that the project team is able to manage the
interventions based on the Making Markets work for
the Poor (M4P) approach which was adopted by
Katalyst for design, management and monitoring of
the interventions
Identify potential private and public sector partners
for the project interventions
Negotiate terms and conditions with private and
public sector partners and manage partnership
contracts for the interventions.
Ensure regular monitoring of intervention results/
impacts based on the Donor Committee for
Enterprise Development (DCED) standard for
monitoring and evaluation
Communicate results to the client, donors and
industry stakeholders as deemed necessary
Ensure financial monitoring for fund disbursement
and coordinate with the client for financial reporting
and audit
Major Works
Co-facilitation for “Improving Local Furniture Industry of
Bangladesh” project implemented by Katalyst, funded
by UKaid, Swiss Development Cooperation, Embassy of
Netherland, and CIDA
Consultant to DFID Bangladesh for “Survey of Realized
and Unrealized Investments in Infrastructure in
Technical Assistance to GIZ Yemen for “Assessment of
the Development Potential of Waste Recycling and
Hospital Furniture, Equipment and Consumables Value
Chain in Yemen”
Technical Assistance to SMEPS Yemen for Sector
Mapping for five Value Chains, Value Chain Training,
and Designing the Strategic Plan of SMEPS Staff for
Private Sector Development Programme, (PSDP)
Consultant to Traidcraft Exchange for The Domestic
Market Research for the Capacity Building and Market
Development of JDP SMEs
Scoping Study for Mohammadi Steel for Marketing and
Business Scope of Steel Industry Survey and Analysis
Snapshot-Technical Assistance
Clients and Partners
DFID Bangladesh
GIZ Yemen
Mohammadi Steel
Small Micro Enterprise Promotion Service (SMEPS)
Traidcraft Exchange
Innovision in Industries
Innovision conducted “Sector Mapping for Five Value
Chains, Value Chain Training, and Designing the
Strategic Plan of SMEPS Staff for Private Sector
Development Programme, (PSDP)”, implemented by
Social Fund for Development, and funded by GIZ- Yemen.
Innovision carried out five sectors’ value chain mapping
(medical education, tailoring, restaurant services, IT
software and automobile repair and services), conducted
value chain training for the SMEPS staffs and provided
guidance for SMEPS program; next 5 years strategic plan
from 2014 to 2019.
In consultancy support to Traidcraft Exchange for “The
Domestic Market Research for the Capacity Building
and Market Development of JDP SMEs”, Innovision
conducted a research in conjunction with a baseline survey
on JDP enterprises and their workers. This research was
conducted to determine the size and structure of the
potential domestic market for JDPs, needs and
requirements of existing and potential buyers in terms of
product design, price, quality, scale, etc., commercially
feasible JDPs for development and recommendations for
JDP SMEs on accessing the market.
Assessment of the Development Potential of Waste Recycling and Hospital Furniture, Equipment and
Consumables Value Chain in Yemen
In 2013, Innovision provided technical assistance to GIZ Yemen for assessing development potential of waste recycling
and hospital furniture, equipment and consumables value chains in cooperation with the PSDP Yemen. Our consultant
developed a simple methodological guideline for sustainable sector analysis using Hot Spot Analysis to inform the
quantitative matrix and conducted a holistic assessment based on economic, ecologic and social/ inclusive criteria of two
selected sectors (waste/recycling and manufacturing of hospital furniture) in Yemen based on the methodological
guideline. Innovision also developed case studies using this methodology, based on the outcomes of the case studies;
recommendations for interventions in the sectors were developed, and presented recommendations on which sector to
choose for promotion. Finally, the guidelines and tool were refined by using and integrating the experiences gained
through the pilot-test. In this way, the field-testing led to refining of the tool.
Snapshot - Research
Survey of Realized and Unrealized Investments in Infrastructure in Bangladesh” for DFID Bangladesh
In 2012, Innovision performed a survey to identify the realized and unrealized infrastructure projects in Bangladesh,
especially in Public Private Partnership (PPP) model. The survey identified the major constraints in private sector
investments and explored the reasons behind the sluggish progression or stalemate in the infrastructure projects in
Bangladesh. Thirty-four companies involved in infrastructure projects in Bangladesh were included in the survey especially
the power generation sector. Private investors were also found to be investing in ports, Internal Container Depots (ICD),
Information, and Communication Technology (ICT), wastewater treatment, health, roads and bridges and other areas of
infrastructure. Ten out of Thirty-four surveyed companies had 100% local investments in the infrastructure sector, while
another 10 enterprises were operational backed by full foreign investment and the rest are joint ventures with varied
ownership percentage.