SIG Conference Program â PDF
SIG Conference Program â PDF
As of May 22, 2015 MSOM SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP MINI-CONFERENCE 2015 ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Healthcare Operations Management Supply Chain Management Achal Bassamboo, Northwestern University Sarang Deo, Indian School of Business Gad Allon, Northwestern University Robert Bray, Northwestern University Yanchong Karen Zheng, MIT iFORM Sustainable Operations Nicola Secomandi, Carnegie Mellon University (Chair) Jiri Chod, Boston College Dan Iancu, Stanford University Andre Calmon, INSEAD Ruben Lobel, University of Pennsylvania Service Management Hamid Nazerzadeh, University of Southern California Ramandeep Randhawa, University of Southern California SCHEDULE All sessions will take place at the Rotman School of Management located at 105 St. George Street. SUNDAY JUNE 30 7:30 AM 8:00 AM to 8:30 AM 8:30 AM to 10:00 AM 10:00 AM to 10:30 AM 10:30 AM to 12:00 12:00 PM to 1:30 PM 1:30 PM to 3:00 PM 3:00 PM to 3:30 PM 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM Registration Open Breakfast Session Sunday A (SA) Coffee Break Session Sunday B (SB) Lunch Session Sunday C (SC) Coffee Break Session Sunday D (SD) Welcome reception for all participants will take place at the Royal Ontario Museum (ROM) at 6:30PM. Drinks and hors d’oeuvres will be served. Conference lanyard and tickets will be made available for registered participants at the registration table located at the ROM. SUNDAY JUNE 28, 2015 | LL1010 iFORM 8:30-10:00 SESSION A OPERATIONS & HEDGING CONFERENCE AGENDA Operational Models with Risk Hedging Constraints AUTHORS:DISCUSSANT: Rene Caldentey Onur Boyabatli Leon Valdes Production with Risk Hedging— Optimal Policy and Efficient Frontier AUTHORS:DISCUSSANT: Liao Wang Danko Turcic David Yao 10:00-10:30 10:30-12:00 SESSION B CAPACITY & FINANCIAL RISK COFFEE BREAK Production, Capacity, and Liquidity of a Self-Financed Firm AUTHORS:DISCUSSANT: Jie NingTunay Tunca Matt Sobel Financial Risk and Newsvendor Model: The Role of Random Demand and Random Capacity Correlated with Market Returns AUTHORS:DISCUSSANT: Bo LiRene Caldentey Arreola-Risa 12:00-1:30 LUNCH 1:30-3:00 SESSION C Retailer-Direct Financing Contracts Under Consignment SUPPLY CHAIN FINANCING AUTHORS:DISCUSSANT: Diwakar Gupta Vishal Gaur Yibin Chen Risk or Margin: The Role of Trade Credit in Competition AUTHORS:DISCUSSANT: Heikki Peura Laurens Debo Yang S. Alex Guoming Lai 3:00-3:30 COFFEE BREAK 3:30-5:00 SESSION D Buyer Intermediation in Supplier Finance SUPPLY CHAIN STRUCTURE & FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE 6:30-9:30 AUTHORS:DISCUSSANT: Tunay I. TuncaVlad Babich Weiming Zhu Supply Chain Network Structure and Firm Returns AUTHORS:DISCUSSANT: Jing Wu Alireza Tahbaz-Salehi John Birge WELCOME RECEPTION ROYAL ONTARIO MUSEUM (ROM). Drinks and hors d’oeuvres will be served. ROTMAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT, UNIVERISTY OF TORONTO SUNDAY JUNE 28, 2015 | LL1020 SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT 8:30-10:00 SESSION A INVENTORY MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE AGENDA “Global Supply Chain Management Involving Developing Economies” THOUGHT LEADER: Hau Lee, Stanford University “Asymptotic Optimality of Tailored Base-Surge Policies in Dual-Sourcing Inventory Systems” AUTHORS: Linwei Xin, David Goldberg “Supply Disruptions and Optimal Network Structures” AUTHORS: Kostas Bimpikis, Ozan Candogan, Shayan Ehsani 10:00-10:30 COFFEE BREAK 10:30-12:00 SESSION B “Supply Chain Network Data - A New Frontier in Supply Chain Management Research” CHANNEL COORDINATION THOUGHT LEADER: Vishal Guar, Cornell University “Channel Integration, Sales Dispersion, and Inventory Management” AUTHORS: Santiago Gallino, Antonio Moreno, Ioannis Stamatopoulos “Payment Timing in Multiechelon Supply Chains: Cost Assessment, Incentives, and Coordination” AUTHORS: Jeannette Song, Jordan Tong, Gregory DeCroix 12:00-1:30 LUNCH 1:30-3:00 SESSION C “The Effect of Bargaining on Testing Operations Management Models” HUMAN BEHAVIOR THOUGHT LEADER: Elena Katok, The University of Texas at Dallas “The Sum and Its Parts: Judgmental Hierarchical Forecasting” AUTHORS: Mirko Kremer, Enno Siemsen, Douglas Thomas “Information Sharing, Advice Provision or Delegation: What Leads to Higher Trust in a Distribution Channel?” AUTHORS: Özalp Özer, Upender Subramanian, Yu WangCOFFEE BREAK 3:00-3:30 3:30-5:00 SESSION D PRICING & REVENUE MANAGEMENT COFFEE BREAK “Innovative Pricing and Revenue Management in Information-Rich Settings” THOUGHT LEADER: Yossi Aviv, Washington University at St. Louis “Online Network Revenue Management using Thompson Sampling” AUTHORS: Kris Johnson, David Simchi-Levi, He Wang “Competition-Based Dynamic Pricing in Online Retailing: A Methodology Validated with Field Experiments” AUTHORS: Marshall Fisher, Santiago Gallino, Jun LiCOFFE 6:30-9:30 WELCOME RECEPTION ROYAL ONTARIO MUSEUM (ROM). Drinks and hors d’oeuvres will be served. SUNDAY JUNE 28, 2015 | LL1025 HEALTHCARE OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT 8:30-10:00 SESSION A CONFERENCE AGENDA Impact of Workload on Health Status of Patients Discharged from an ICU AUTHORS: Song-Hee (Hailey) Kim, Edieal Pinker, Elizabeth Bradley, Joan Rimar Collaboration and Professional Labor Productivity: An Empirical Study of Physician Workflows in a Hospital AUTHORS: Lu Wang, Itai Gurvich, Jan A. Van Mieghem, Kevin J. O’Leary 10:00-10:30 COFFEE BREAK 10:30-12:00 SESSION B Motivating Process Compliance Through Electronic Monitoring: The Benefits and Limitations of Electronic Monitoring on Hand Hygiene in Healthcare AUTHORS: Bradley R. Staats, Hengchen Dai, David Hofmann, Kathering Milkman Emergency Department Due-time Scheduling in Canadian Triage and Acuity Scale (CTAS): When Will I See a Doctor? 12:00-1:30 1:30-3:00 SESSION C AUTHORS: Eric Park, Yichuan Daniel Ding, Mahesh Nagarajan LUNCH A Dynamic Programming Approach to Palliative Chemotherapy Scheduling for Metastic Colorectal Cancer Patients AUTHORS: Iakovos Toumazis, Murat Kurt, Artemis Toumazi, Loukia G. Karacosta, Changhyun Kwon, Daniel A. Goldstein Outpatient-Clinic Capacity Management when Continuity of Care Matters AUTHORS: Yichuan Ding, Diwakar Gupta, Xiaoxu Tang 3:00-3:30 COFFEE BREAK 3:30-4:15 SESSION D Online Scheduling of Operating Rooms 6:30-9:30 WELCOME RECEPTION ROYAL ONTARIO MUSEUM (ROM). AUTHORS: Chaithanya Bandi, Diwakar Gupta Drinks and hors d’oeuvres will be served. SUNDAY JUNE 28, 2015 | LL1030 SUSTAINABLE OPERATIONS 8:30-10:00 SESSION A SUPPLY CHAIN SUSTAINABILITY CONFERENCE AGENDA Transparency and Indirect Reciprocity in Social Responsibility: An Incentivized Experiment AUTHORS: Tim Kraft, Leon Valdes, Yanchong Zheng DISCUSSANT: Basak Kalkanci The Buyer’s Role in Improving Supply Chain Energy Efficiency AUTHORS: Jason (Quang) Nguyen, Karen Donohue, Mili Mehrotra DISCUSSANT: Kevin Shang 10:00-10:30 COFFEE BREAK 10:30-12:00 SESSION B A Dynamic Mechanism for Achieving Sustainable Quality Supply MECHANISM DESIGN AUTHORS: Tracy R. Lewis, Fang Liu, Jing-Sheng Song DISCUSSANT: Hamid Nazerzadeh Inducing Environmental Disclosures: A Dynamic Mechanism Design Approach AUTHORS: Shouqiang Wang, Peng Sun, Francis de Véricourt DISCUSSANT: Tim Kraft 12:00-1:30 LUNCH 1:30-3:00 SESSION C Competition and Externalities in Green Technology Adoption GREEN TECH POLICY AUTHORS: Maxime C. Cohen, Georgia Perakis, Charles Thraves DISCUSSANT: Mark Ferguson Impact of Electricity Pricing Policy on Renewable Energy Investments and Carbon Emissions AUTHORS: A. Gürhan Kök, Kevin Shang, Safak Yucel DISCUSSANT: Gal Raz 3:00-3:30 3:30-5:00 SESSION D SHARING ECONOMY COFFEE BREAK Service Region Design for Urban Electric Vehicle Sharing Systems AUTHORS: Long He, Ho-Yin Mak, Ying Rong, Zuo-Jun Max Shen DISCUSSANT: Peng Sun Bike-share Systems: Accessibility and Availability AUTHORS: Ashish Kabra, Elena Balavina, Karan Girotra DISCUSSANT: Jose Guajardo 6:30-9:30 WELCOME RECEPTION ROYAL ONTARIO MUSEUM (ROM). Drinks and hors d’oeuvres will be served. ROTMAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT, UNIVERISTY OF TORONTO SUNDAY JUNE 28, 2015 | LL1035 SERVICE MANAGEMENT 8:30-10:00 SESSION A CONFERENCE AGENDA Rational abandonment from Priority Queues AUTHORS: Philipp Afeche and Vahid Sarhangian DISCUSSANT: Senthil Veeraghavan An Equilibrium Analysis of a Multiclass Queue with Endogenous Abandonments AUTHORS: Baris Ata, Peter W. Glynn, and Xiaoshan Peng DISCUSSANT: Achal Bassamboo 10:00-10:30 COFFEE BREAK 10:30-12:00 SESSION B Queues with Time-Varying Arrivals and Inspections with Applications to Hospital Discharge Policies AUTHORS: Carri Chan, Jing Dong and Linda Green DISCUSSANT: Yong-Pin Zhou Collaboration and Multitasking in Networks AUTHORS: Itai Gurvich and Jan A. Van Mieghem DISCUSSANT: Noah Gans 12:00-1:30 LUNCH 1:30-3:00 SESSION C Trading Time in a Congested Environment AUTHORS: Luyi Yang, Laurens Deboy, and Varun Gupta DISCUSSANT: Philipp Afeche Obervational Learning with Large Choice Sets AUTHORS: Chen Jin, Laurens Debo, Seyed Iravani, and Mirko Kremer DISCUSSANT: Guillaume Roels 3:00-3:30 3:30-5:00 SESSION D COFFEE BREAK Randomized Markdowns and Online Monitoring AUTHORS: Ken Moon, Kostas Bimpikis, and Haim Mendelson DISCUSSANT: Kamalini Ramdas Consumer Choice under Endogenous Network Effects AUTHORS: Ruxian Wang and Zizhuo Wang DISCUSSANT: Gustavo Vulcano 6:30-9:30 WELCOME RECEPTION ROYAL ONTARIO MUSEUM (ROM). Drinks and hors d’oeuvres will be served. ROTMAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT, UNIVERISTY OF TORONTO NAVIGATING THE ROTMAN SCHOOL 2ND FLOOR NORTH BUILDING SOUTH BUILDING DESAUTELS EVENT HALL GROUND FLOOR i MAIN ENTRANCE SOUTH ENTRANCE LOWER LEVEL (LL) LL1010 LL1020 LL1035 LL1025 LL1030 NAVIGATING TORONTO PARK HYATT HOTEL INTERCONTINENTAL ROYAL ONTARIO MUSEUM ROTMAN SCHOOL HART HOUSE VICTORIA UNIVERSITY