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IIC - INTERSPORT International Corporation GmbH Media Information INTERSPORT Retail Sales at record level in 2014 and an excellent start to the new year Bern (Switzerland), May 27, 2015 – Another record year for the world’s leading sporting goods retailer INTERSPORT: Retail sales increased worldwide by 2% from 10.3 billion Euro to 10.5 billion Euro. Adjusted for currency effects, the growth comes to 3%. Growth drivers were mainly the FIFA Football World Cup and the product categories “Running” and “Fitness”, whilst the winter sports business declined. A further EUR 290 million can be added from the athletic speciality footwear banner The Athlete's Foot, which was acquired in December 2012 (+7.5% versus 2013). The start to the new year has been excellent. In the first quarter 2015 an INTERSPORT sales increase of 8.4% to 2.6 billion Euro billion has been realized. In 2014, INTERSPORT succeeded in realizing EUR 1 billion with the sale of football products for the first time. In comparison, on the occasion of the 2012 Football European Championship a turnover of EUR 850 was realized with football related articles. The biggest sellers this time were the team shirts of world champion Germany with more than 600,000 units sold. Previously, at Football World Cups or European Championships some 300,000 to 330,000 German jerseys were sold. Overall, INTERSPORT also sold more than 550,000 World Cup balls. Buoyed by global trends like fitness, wellness and nature, the product categories "Running" and "Fitness" continued to grow with double-digit rates in 2014. The Outdoor business remained stable at last year's high level, while the winter sports business decreased due to the bad winter in the months of January and February and in autumn. “Major sporting events like the Olympic Games and the Football World Cup always have a positive effect on the sale of sporting goods. Not least because of this, we succeeded in increasing retail sales to a new record level in 2014 again”, says Franz Julen, CEO of IIC - INTERSPORT International Corporation (IIC). "The Olympic Games motivate consumers to do sports and to buy new sports equipment when needed, while the Football World Cup with team shirts, World Cup balls and licensed products have an immediate, positive impact on sales". Big markets are growing above average The world's leading sporting goods retailer realized sales of 10.5 billion Euro (plus 2% to the previous year,) across 44 countries in 2014. Adjusted for currency effects, the increase comes to 3%. Just like last year, the major markets such as Germany, France, Great Britain and Canada as well as most Eastern European countries recorded the highest growth rates. The Nordic countries, but also Switzerland, which are highly dependent on the winter business, reported stagnating or declining sales figures. Italy and Spain, at least on a like for like basis, have returned to growth after years of stagnation. At the end of 2014, INTERSPORT had 5'490 points of sale worldwide. IIC-INTERSPORT International Corp. The Athlete’s Foot grows by 7.5% A positive development can also be reported from the franchise store chain The Athlete's Foot which was acquired in December 2012. "This is the result of the clear positioning in in the sports lifestyle sector, a new brand and store concept, a solid partnership with the main suppliers, as well as the growing demand for ‘athleisure’ in all parts of the world.” says Ingmar Kraak, CEO of The Athlete's Foot. Over 2014, the number of stores remained stable at 392, operating across 25 markets in the Americas, Europe and Asia. In the first months of 2015, the sales network has been expanded. “With shop openings in Denmark, Greece and Turkey and notably by the conversion of the 50 door ‘Coach’ chain in The Netherlands to The Athlete’s Foot banner we have recently embarked on a first wave of European expansion”, notes Kraak. "In the coming months, we will open new The Athlete's Foot stores in various European countries. We can rely on highly successful operating INTERSPORT license partners." Furthermore, the conclusion of a master franchise agreement in Algeria means that the first The Athlete’s Foot stores will be open in the North-African country within the next months. Excellent start to the new year The world’s biggest sporting goods retailer has also started successfully into 2015. In the first quarter INTERSPORT achieved with 2.6 billion Euro a sales increase of 8.4% compared to 2014. "Certainly, we benefited from a good winter especially in January and February, but also the product categories “Outdoor”, "Running", "Fitness" and “Football shoes” achieved good sales", Franz Julen gives reasons for the excellent sales in recent months. Without a major football event this year, INTERSPORT expects growth of 2% to 4% in 2015. For further information: Franz Julen CEO IIC – INTERSPORT International Corp. T +41 31 930 78 04 E [email protected] Ingmar Kraak CEO The Athlete’s Foot. T +41 31 930 79 60 E [email protected] About INTERSPORT and The Athlete’s Foot With retail sales of EUR 10.5 billion and more than 5,400 affiliated stores in 44 countries, INTERSPORT is the world's leading sporting goods retailer. In December 2012 INTERSPORT acquired the athletic speciality footwear chain, The Athlete's Foot, with around 400 stores in 25 countries and retail sales of EUR 290 million. The INTERSPORT Group is represented in 66 countries on all five continents. 2