IOBG Delta District 19 Commodores Appreciation BBQ Attire


IOBG Delta District 19 Commodores Appreciation BBQ Attire
IOBG Delta District 19
Commodores Appreciation BBQ
Attire: Boating Casual
Delta Marina Yacht Harbor
100 Marina Drive
Rio Vista, CA
(707) 374-5761
Date: May 15 & 16, 2015
BBQ: Saturday May 16 @ 3PM
Menu: Tri-Tip, Chicken,
Potato Salad, Beans and Dessert!
The bar is open @ noon
Door Prizes
Boating in: Friday and Saturday night free for
IOBG Delta District19 members in good standing.
Non-member boats $25.00 per night.
No host dinner at The Point for all those interested in socializing on Friday evening.
If you aren’t boating in but want to join us for dinner let me know so I can reserve seating.
RV in: Call (1-866-774-2315) or email @ [email protected]
Check their website for more information @
Lunch is free to all 2015
Members of Delta District 19
All spouses and guests are $10.00 each.
Commodores Appreciation BBQ
**Please Reply by Monday, May 11, 2015**
By Car:___________By Boat:_________Length:_________Beam:__________
Arriving: Friday_______________Saturday____________________________
Friday Night Dinner:
2015 Past Commodores:
Number______@ $0.00 _________
Number______@ $10.00 ________
Total Amount Enclosed:
Mail check **payable to IOBG** to:
Sandee Clark
PO Box 280
Hughson, CA 95326
Phone: (209) 883-1330
Email: [email protected]