On the radiation and diffraction of linear water waves by an infinitely
On the radiation and diffraction of linear water waves by an infinitely
ARTICLE IN PRESS Ocean Engineering 34 (2007) 436–450 www.elsevier.com/locate/oceaneng On the radiation and diffraction of linear water waves by an infinitely long rectangular structure submerged in oblique seas Y.H. Zhenga,, P.F. Liua, Y.M. Shenb, B.J. Wua, S.W. Shenga a Guangzhou Institute of Energy Conversion, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou 510640, People’s Republic of China State Key Laboratory of Coastal and Offshore Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116023, People’s Republic of China b Received 20 June 2005; accepted 15 March 2006 Available online 27 June 2006 Abstract The radiation and diffraction of linear water waves by an infinitely long rectangular structure submerged in oblique seas of finite depth is investigated. The analytical expressions for the radiated and diffracted potentials are derived as infinite series by use of the method of separation of variables. The unknown coefficients in the series are determined by the eigenfunction expansion matching method. The expressions for wave forces, hydrodynamic coefficients and reflection and transmission coefficients are given and verified by the boundary element method. Using the present analytical solution, the hydrodynamic influences of the angle of incidence, the submergence, the width and the thickness of the structure on the wave forces, hydrodynamic coefficients, and reflection and transmission coefficients are discussed in detail. r 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Oblique-wave radiation and diffraction; Analytical solution; Wave force; Hydrodynamic coefficient; Reflection and transmission coefficients 1. Introduction There have been many theoretical and numerical studies on the radiation and/or diffraction of oblique waves by infinitely long structures. Levine (1965) studied the interaction of oblique waves with a completely submerged circular cylinder near the free surface based on the Green’s function. Garrison (1969) investigated the interaction of an infinite shallow draft cylinder oscillating at the free surface with a train of oblique waves using the boundary integral method. Bolton and Ursell (1973) used the multipole expansion method to the interaction of an infinitely long circular cylinder with oblique waves. Bai (1975) presented a finite-element method to study the diffraction of oblique waves by an infinite cylinder in water of infinite depth. Liu and Abbaspour (1982) studied the scattering of oblique waves by an infinite cylinder of arbitrary shape using a hybrid integral equation formulation. Leonard et al. (1983) Corresponding author. Fax: +86 20 87057612. E-mail address: [email protected] (Y.H. Zheng). 0029-8018/$ - see front matter r 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.oceaneng.2006.03.002 extended Bai’s finite-element method to solve the diffraction and radiation boundary value problems arising from multiple two-dimensional horizontal cylinders interacting with obliquely incident linear waves. Garrison (1984) used a Green’s function method to investigate the oblique-wave interaction with a cylinder of arbitrary section on the free surface in water of infinite depth. Isaacson and Nwogu (1987) developed a generalized numerical procedure based on Green’s theorem to compute the exciting forces and hydrodynamic coefficients due to the interaction of oblique waves with an infinitely long, semi-immersed floating cylinder of arbitrary shape. Losada et al. (1992) and Losada et al. (1993) applied the eigenfunction expansion method to the propagation of oblique waves past rigid vertical thin barriers and calculated the transmission and reflection coefficients. Abul-Azm (1994) investigated the diffraction through wide submerged breakwaters under oblique waves by use of the eigenfunction expansion method. Mandal and Dolai (1994, 1996) used the oneterm Galerkin approximation to determine the upper and lower bounds for the reflection and transmission ARTICLE IN PRESS Y.H. Zheng et al. / Ocean Engineering 34 (2007) 436–450 coefficients in the problems of oblique-water wave diffraction by a thin vertical barrier in water of uniform finite depth. The one-term Galerkin approximation was used also by Das et al. (1997) to evaluate the upper and lower bounds for the reflection and transmission coefficients in the problem of oblique-water wave diffraction by two equal thin, parallel, fixed vertical barriers with gaps presented in water of uniform finite depth. Williams et al. (1995) presented a Green’s function approach for oblique wave diffraction by segmented offshore breakwaters. Sannasiraj and Sundaravadivelu (1995) and Sannasiraj et al. (2000) applied the finite-element technique to the study of the interaction of oblique waves with one freely floating long structure and with multiple floating structures in directional waves, respectively. Abul-Azm and Williams (1997) used the eigenfunction expansion method to examine oblique-wave diffraction by a detached breakwater system consisting of an infinite row of regular-spaced thin, impermeable structures located in water of uniform depth. Cho et al. (1997, 1998), and Cho and Kim (1998) investigated the performance of a single and dual flexible membranes in oblique seas and the interaction of a horizontal flexible membrane with oblique waves, respectively by use of the eigenfunction expansion method. The method was used also more recently by Twu et al. (2002) to examine the wave-damping characteristics of vertically stratified porous structures under oblique-wave action. Abul-Azm and Gesraha (2000) examined the hydrodynamic properties of a long rigid floating pontoon interacting with linear waves in water of finite depth by use of the eigenfunction expansion method. Politis et al. (2002) developed a boundary integral equation (BIE) method for oblique-water wave scattering by cylinders in water of infinite depth, and Zheng et al. (2006) studied analytically the wave radiation by an infinitely long rectangular structure floating on the free surface in oblique seas. Although there are many analytical and numerical studies on the interaction of oblique waves with twodimensional structures listed above, there were no analytical results, to the authors’ knowledge, reported on the radiation and diffraction by an infinitely long rectangular structure fully submerged in oblique seas. For this purpose, the interaction of oblique waves with an infinitely long and submerged rectangular structure is examined here by use of an analytical method. The expressions for the radiated and diffracted potentials are derived by use of the method of separation of variables. The unknown coefficients in the expressions are solved using the eigenfunction expansion matching method. The expressions for wave exciting forces, hydrodynamic coefficients, and reflection and transmission coefficients are given, and verified through comparisons of the results obtained by the present method with those by the boundary element method (BEM). In addition, the effects of the angle of incidence, the submergence, the width and the thickness of the structure on wave forces, hydrodynamic coefficients, and reflection and transmission coefficients are discussed in detail. 437 2. Problem formulation and mathematical model An infinitely long rectangular structure of width 2a, submergence s1 and thickness b is submerged in water of constant water depth h1. A linear wave train of amplitude A and angular frequency o is obliquely incident upon the structure from x ¼ p. A right-handed Cartesian coordinate system (x, y, z) shown in Fig. 1 is employed with the origin at the undisturbed water surface. The z coordinate is measured positive upwards and the x axis is directed to the right. Here it is assumed that the structure is infinite in direction y and the incident wave direction makes an angle y (01oyo901) with the x-axis. As usual we assume that the fluid is inviscid, incompressible, and the motion irrotational and periodic, so the flow field can be depicted by a velocity potential fðx; y; z; tÞ ¼ Re Fðx; y; zÞeiot , where p Reffiffiffiffiffiffi[ffi ] denotes the real part of a complex expression, i ¼ 1, t is the time and F is the spatial complex velocity potential satisfying the following three-dimensional Laplace equation: q2 F q2 F q2 F þ þ 2 ¼ 0. qx2 qy2 qz (1) For linear water waves, it is convenient to decompose F into the following three parts: F ¼ FI þ FD þ 3 X FðRLÞ , (2) L¼1 where FD and FðRLÞ (here L ¼ 1 stands for heave, 2 for sway and 3 for roll) are the diffracted potential and the radiated potential, respectively. FI is the incident wave potential expressed as FI ¼ jI ðx; zÞ expðiky sin yÞ, where jI ¼ igA cosh½kðz þ h1 Þ expðikx cos yÞ, o coshðkh1 Þ (3) in which g is the gravitational acceleration and k is the wave number, which is determined by the dispersion relation k tanhðkh1 Þ ¼ o2 g. 2.1. Mathematical model for radiated potential If we assume that the motions of the structure are small, the oscillations vary sinusoidally in the y direction, and the amplitude of motion mode L of the structure is denoted by z o s1 y x IV d1 b h1 a III a II h2 Fig. 1. Schematic of geometry. I ARTICLE IN PRESS Y.H. Zheng et al. / Ocean Engineering 34 (2007) 436–450 438 AðRLÞ , then the radiated potential FðRLÞ can be expressed as FðRLÞ ¼ ioAðRLÞ jðRLÞ ðx; zÞ expðiky sin yÞ, (4) jðRLÞ where is the spatial potential independent of y. Substitution of Eq. (4) into Eq. (1) yields the following governing equation: q2 jðRLÞ q2 jðRLÞ þ ðk sin yÞ2 jðRLÞ ¼ 0. qx2 qz2 (5) The boundary conditions for the radiation problem considered are the following: qjðRLÞ o2 ðLÞ j ¼0 qz g R ðz ¼ 0Þ, qjðRLÞ ¼ 0 ðz ¼ h1 Þ, @z qjðRLÞ ¼ d1;L ðx x0 Þd3;L qz ðz ¼ s1 or z ¼ d 1 ; jxjpaÞ, (6) (7) 3. Solution method As usual the eigenfunction expansion matching method is used here to obtain the analytical solution to the above boundary-value problem. The fluid domain is divided into four subdomains I, II, III and IV as indicated in Fig. 1. The radiated potentials in the four subdomains are denoted by LÞ LÞ LÞ LÞ , jðR2 , jðR3 and jðR4 and the diffracted potentials are jðR1 denoted by jD1 , jD2 , jD3 and jD4 , respectively. 3.1. Expressions for radiated potentials If the method of separation of variables is applied in each subdomain shown in Fig. 1, one can obtain the expressions for jðRLÞ as follows: LÞ jðR1 ¼ / X Að1nLÞ egn ðxaÞ cos½ln ðz þ h1 Þ, ð8Þ qjðRLÞ ¼ d2;L þ ðz z0 Þd3;L ðd 1 pzp s1 ; x ¼ aÞ, (9) qx " # qjðRLÞ ð LÞ ik cos yjR ¼ 0, lim (10) x!/ qx where (x0, z0) is the assumed center of rotation and the d function is given by ( 0 Laj; (11) dj;L ¼ 1 L ¼ j: LÞ LÞ jðR2 ¼ jðR2P þ / h X Að2nLÞ emn ðxþaÞ þ Bð2nLÞ emn ðxaÞ n¼1 LÞ ¼ jðR3 / X ð18Þ Að3nLÞ egn ðxþaÞ cos½ln ðz þ h1 Þ, LÞ LÞ jðR4 ¼ jðR4P þ / h X Að4nLÞ eun ðxþaÞ þ Bð4nLÞ eun ðxaÞ ð20Þ where ln, an, gn, un, bn and mn are the eigenvalues expressed by n ¼ 1, Similarly, if we assume FD ðx; y; zÞ ¼ jD ðx; zÞ expðiky sin yÞ, then jD satisfies the following governing equation and boundary conditions: a1 ¼ ik1 ; k1 tanhðk1 s1 Þ ¼ o2 =g qjD o2 j ¼0 qz g D (13) qjD ¼ 0 ðz ¼ h1 Þ, qz qjD qj ¼ I on S0 , qn qn qjD ik cos y jD ¼ 0, lim x!/ qx n ¼ 2; 3; . . . , (14) (15) bn ¼ ðn 1Þp=ðh1 d 1 Þ where n is the outward normal from the fluid and S0 is the wetted surface of the submerged rectangular cylinder. n ¼ 1, (22a) (22b) (23) n ¼ 1; (24) n ¼ 2; 3; . . . ; n ¼ 1; 2; 3; . . . ; 8 n ¼ 1; < k0 qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi mn ¼ 2 2 : k0 þ bn n ¼ 2; 3; . . . ; k0 ¼ k sin y (21a) (21b) an tanðan s1 Þ ¼ o2 =g n ¼ 2; 3; . . . , 8 < i k cos y n ¼ 1; qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi gn ¼ : l2n þ k20 n ¼ 2; 3; . . . ; 8 qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi > < i k21 k20 un ¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi > : a2n þ k20 (16) i n¼1 cos½an ðz þ s1 Þ ln tanðln h1 Þ ¼ o2 =g (12) (19) n¼1 2.2. Mathematical model for diffracted potential q2 jD q2 jD þ ðk sin yÞ2 jD ¼ 0, qx2 qz2 i cos bn ðz þ h1 Þ l1 ¼ ik; k tanhðkh1 Þ ¼ o2 =g ðz ¼ 0Þ, (17) n¼1 (25) (26) (27) ARTICLE IN PRESS Y.H. Zheng et al. / Ocean Engineering 34 (2007) 436–450 LÞ LÞ and jðR2P and jðR4P are the particular solutions for radiation motion mode L in subdomain II and IV respectively, their expressions are given by LÞ jðR2P (28) ¼ C F 2 ðzÞ d1;L ðx x0 Þd3;L , LÞ jðR4P ¼ C F 4 ðzÞ d1;L ðx x0 Þd3;L , (29) where k0 sinhðk0 zÞ þ k0 coshðk0 zÞ o2 g coshðk0 s1 Þ k0 sinhðk0 s1 Þ h n¼1 jD3 ¼ / X i. (31) ð33Þ A03n egn ðxþaÞ cos½ln ðz þ h1 Þ, (34) n¼1 / X A04n eun ðxþaÞ þ B04n eun ðxaÞ n¼1 (30) o2 g / X A02n emn ðxþaÞ þ B02n emn ðxaÞ cos bn ðz þ h1 Þ jD4 ¼ jI þ cosh m1 ðz þ h1 Þ , C F 2 ð zÞ ¼ m1 sinh m1 h2 C F 4 ð zÞ ¼ jD2 ¼ jI þ 439 cos½an ðz þ s1 Þ ð35Þ where ln, an, gn, un, bn and mn are the eigenvalues expressed by Eqs. (21)–(26), respectively. 3.3. Solution method for the unknown coefficients 3.2. Expressions for diffracted potentials The unknown coefficients Að1nLÞ , Að2nLÞ , Að3nLÞ , Að4nLÞ , Bð2nLÞ , Bð4nLÞ , A02n , A03n , A04n , B02n and B04n ðn ¼ 1; 2; 3; . . . ; L ¼ 1; 2; 3Þ appearing in Eqs. (17)–(20) and Eqs. (32)–(35) are determined by the eigenfunction expansion matching method using the conditions of continuity of pressure A01n , jD1 ¼ / X A01n egn ðxaÞ cos½ln ðz þ h1 Þ, (32) 0.8 -2.8 0.6 -2.9 0.4 -3.0 1 F1 n¼1 -3.1 0.2 0.0 -3.2 0 3 (a) 6 kh1 9 12 0 3 6 kh1 9 12 0 3 6 kh1 9 12 0 3 6 kh1 9 12 (b) -1.4 0.4 0.2 2 F2 0.3 -1.5 0.1 0.0 -1.6 0 3 (c) 6 kh1 9 12 (d) 1.75 0.8 1.70 0.4 3 F3 0.6 1.65 0.2 0.0 (e) 1.60 0 3 6 kh1 9 12 (f) Fig. 2. Dimensionless wave forces and phase angle by present method and by BEM (s1/h1 ¼ 0.2, b/h1 ¼ 0.2, h1/a ¼ 6, y ¼ 301, (x0/h1, z0/h1 ¼ (0, 0)). –––– present method; , BEM. ARTICLE IN PRESS Y.H. Zheng et al. / Ocean Engineering 34 (2007) 436–450 440 and normal velocity at x ¼ 7a. For the radiation problem, the continuity conditions are the following: 8 ðL Þ qjR4 > > > s1 ozo0; x ¼ a; > > LÞ < qx qjðR1 ¼ d2;L þ ðz z0 Þd3;L d 1 ozo s1 ; x ¼ a; > qx > > qjðLÞ > > : R2 h1 ozo d 1 ; x ¼ a; qx (36) 8 ðL Þ qjR4 > > > > > LÞ < qx qjðR3 ¼ d2;L þ ðz z0 Þd3;L > qx > > qjðLÞ > > : R2 qx s1 ozo0; x ¼ a; d 1 ozo s1 ; x ¼ a; h1 ozo d 1 ; x ¼ a; (37) LÞ LÞ jðR2 ¼ jðR1 h1 pzp d 1 ; x ¼ a, LÞ LÞ ¼ jðR3 jðR4 s1 pzp0; x ¼ a, (41) while for the diffraction problem, the conditions of continuity are expressed as 8 qjD4 > > x ¼ a; s1 ozo0; > qx > > > qjD1 < qjI x ¼ a; d 1 ozo s1 ; (42) ¼ qx > qx > > > qj > > : D2 x ¼ a; h1 ozo d 1 ; qx 8 qjD4 > > > > > > qx qjD3 < qjI ¼ qx > qx > > > qjD2 > > : qx x ¼ a; s1 ozo0; x ¼ a; d 1 ozo s1 ; (43) x ¼ a; h1 ozo d 1 ; (38) jD2 ¼ jD1 x ¼ a; h1 pzp d 1 , (44) h1 pzp d 1 ; x ¼ a, (39) jD2 ¼ jD3 x ¼ a; h1 pzp d 1 , (45) LÞ LÞ jðR4 ¼ jðR1 s1 pzp0; x ¼ a, (40) jD4 ¼ jD1 x ¼ a; s1 pzp0, (46) 1.2 0.4 1.0 0.3 Cd1 Ca1 LÞ LÞ jðR2 ¼ jðR3 0.8 0.6 0.2 0.1 0.4 0.0 0 3 (a) 6 kh1 9 12 0 3 6 kh1 9 12 0 3 6 kh1 9 12 0 3 6 kh1 9 12 (b) 0.15 0.4 0.10 Cd2 Ca2 0.5 0.05 0.3 0.00 0.2 0 3 (c) 6 kh1 9 12 (d) 1.8 0.6 1.5 Cd3 Ca3 0.4 1.2 0.2 0.9 0.6 0.0 0 (e) 3 6 kh1 9 12 (f) Fig. 3. Dimensionless hydrodynamic coefficients by present method and by BEM (s1/h1 ¼ 0.2, b/h1 ¼ 0.2, h1/a ¼ 6, y ¼ 301, (x0/h1, z0/h1 ¼ (0, 0)). ––––, present method; , BEM. ARTICLE IN PRESS Y.H. Zheng et al. / Ocean Engineering 34 (2007) 436–450 jD4 ¼ jD3 x ¼ a; s1 pzp0. (47) According to the method presented in Zheng et al. (2004), if the first N terms in all infinite series are taken, one can obtain the following two sets of linear system of complex equations: SXðRLÞ ¼ FðLÞR , (48a) SXD ¼ FD , (48b) where S is the 6N 6N coefficient matrix of the system; F(L)R and FD are the right-hand side vectors of length 6N. 441 XðRLÞ and XD are the vectors of the unknown coefficients in the expressions for the radiated and diffracted potentials, respectively. X D ¼ ½A011 ; . . . ; A01N ; A021 ; . . . ; A02N ; A031 ; . . . ; 0 0 0 A3N ; A41 ; . . . ; A4N ; B021 ; . . . ; B02N ; B041 ; . . . ; B04N T and the same order is applied to the arrangement of the unknown coefficients in XðRLÞ . For convenience to readers, the expressions for the non-zero elements in S, F(L)R and FD are given in Appendix A. Eq. (48) can be solved by a standard solution method for a linear system of equations. After the unknown coefficients are determined, the wave forces, hydrodynamic coefficients, and transmission and reflection coefficients can be calculated. 0.8 -2.2 0.6 -2.4 1 F1 -2.6 0.4 -2.8 0.2 -3.0 0.0 -3.2 0 3 (a) 6 kh1 9 12 0 3 6 kh1 9 12 0 3 6 kh1 9 12 0 3 6 kh1 9 12 0 3 6 kh1 9 12 (b) 0.5 -1.3 0.4 -1.4 2 F2 0.3 0.2 -1.5 0.1 0.0 0 3 (c) 6 kh1 9 -1.6 12 (d) 0.8 1.8 1.7 0.4 3 F3 0.6 1.6 0.2 0.0 1.5 0 3 9 12 (f) 0.8 1.0 0.6 0.9 Tw Rw (e) 6 kh1 0.4 0.2 0.7 0.0 0.6 0 (g) 0.8 3 6 kh1 9 12 (h) Fig. 4. Effect of angle of incidence on dimensionless wave forces and reflection and transmission coefficients (s1/h1 ¼ 0.2, b/h1 ¼ 0.2, h1/a ¼ 6, (x0/h1, z0/h1 ¼ (0, 0)). –––– y ¼ 151; –––– y ¼ 451; ––’–– y ¼ 751. ARTICLE IN PRESS Y.H. Zheng et al. / Ocean Engineering 34 (2007) 436–450 442 4. Expressions for wave forces and hydrodynamic coefficients 4.1. Expressions for wave forces Because the structure is assumed infinite and the velocity potential is assumed periodic in the y direction, only the wave forces acting on a cross-section perpendicular to the y axis is considered here. The wave force in direction j can be expressed as F jyt ¼ Re F wj eiðky sin yotÞ where Fwj is the wave force independent of y and time t, and can be calculated from the incident and diffracted potentials by Z F wj ¼ rio jI þ jD nj ds (49) S0 or from the incident and radiated potentials by Z Z ð j Þ qjI ds , F wj ¼ rio jI nj ds jR qn S0 S0 components of unit inward normal to the surface of the structure. Substituting Eqs. (3), (17)–(20) and (32)–(35) into Eqs. (49) and (50), one can easily obtain the specific expressions for wave forces by using the diffracted and radiated potentials, respectively. For convenience to a reader, the specific expressions for the wave excitation forces by using the incident and diffracted potentials are given in Appendix B. 4.2. Expressions for hydrodynamic coefficients As presented in Zheng et al. (2006), the hydrodynamic coefficients including the added mass mL,j and the damping coefficient NL,j are defined here by Z h i mL;j ¼ r Re jðRLÞ nj ds ¼ r Re f L;j , (51a) S0 (50) in which r is the density of water, S0 is the wetted surface of the structure in the xz plane, nj is the generalized inward normal to the structure in the xz plane with n1 ¼ nz, n2 ¼ nx and n3 ¼ ðz z0 Þnx ðx x0 Þnz , nx and nz are the Z N L;j ¼ ro S0 (51b) where the expressions for f L;j ðL ¼ 1; 2; 3; j ¼ 1; 2; 3Þ are given in Appendix C. 1.2 0.6 0.8 0.4 Cd1 Ca1 h i Im jðRLÞ nj ds ¼ roIm f L;j , 0.2 0.4 0.0 0.0 0 3 (a) 6 kh1 9 0 12 3 6 9 12 kh1 (b) 0.15 0.5 Cd2 Ca2 0.10 0.3 0.05 0.00 0.1 0 3 (c) 6 kh1 9 12 0 3 6 kh1 9 12 0 3 6 kh1 9 12 (d) 2.0 1.5 Cd3 Ca3 0.4 1.0 0.2 0.5 0.0 0 (e) 3 6 kh1 9 12 (f) Fig. 5. Effect of angle of incidence on hydrodynamic coefficients (s1/h1 ¼ 0.2, b/h1 ¼ 0.2, h1/a ¼ 6, (x0/h1, z0/h1 ¼ (0, 0)). –––– y ¼ 151; –––– y ¼ 451; ––’–– y ¼ 751. ARTICLE IN PRESS Y.H. Zheng et al. / Ocean Engineering 34 (2007) 436–450 443 4.3. Expressions for reflection and transmission coefficients 5. Results and discussion When the structure is assumed stationary, the reflection coefficient Rw and the transmission coefficient Tw can be calculated by the following expressions: 5.1. Verification of the analytical solution ioA0 coshðkh1 Þ 31 , Rw ¼ gA (52) ( ioA011 coshðkh1 Þ T w ¼ 1 þ . gAeika cos y (53) C aj ¼ 0.8 -2.8 0.6 -2.9 0.4 -3.0 1 F1 In this section, BEM is used to verify the present analytical solution. The geometric parameters for the computation are s1 =h1 ¼ 0:2, b=h1 ¼ 0:2, h1 =a ¼ 6, y ¼ 301 and x0 =h1 ; z0 =h1 Þ ¼ ð0; 0Þ. The results calculated by use of the present analytical expressions and by BEM are given in Figs. 2 and 3, where all quantities are non-dimensionalized as follows: j ¼ 1; 2; mj;j ð2rad 1 Þ 3 mj;j 2ra d 1 j ¼ 3; -3.1 0.2 -3.2 0.0 0 3 6 kh1 (a) 9 12 0 3 6 kh1 9 12 0 3 6 kh1 9 12 0 3 6 kh1 9 12 0 3 6 kh1 9 12 (b) 0.4 -1.4 0.2 2 F2 0.3 -1.5 0.1 0.0 -1.6 0 3 6 kh1 (c) 9 12 (d) 1.8 1.2 hc 1.7 0.6 3 F3 0.9 1.6 0.3 1.5 0.0 0 3 (e) 6 kh1 9 12 (f) 1.00 0.20 0.10 Tw Rw 0.15 0.99 0.05 0.98 0.00 0 (g) 3 6 kh1 9 12 (h) Fig. 6. Effect of the submergence on the dimensionless wave forces and reflection and transmission coefficients. (b/h1 ¼ 0.2, h1/a ¼ 6, y ¼ 301, (x0/h1, z0/h1 ¼ (0, 0)). ––––, s1/h1 ¼ 0.2; ––––, s1/h1 ¼ 0.4; ––’––, s1/h1 ¼ 0.6. ARTICLE IN PRESS Y.H. Zheng et al. / Ocean Engineering 34 (2007) 436–450 444 ( C dj ¼ N j;j ð2road 1 Þ N j;j 2roa3 d 1 ( F wj ð2rgAaÞ F j ¼ F wj 2rgAa2 not necessarily valid for the corresponding dimensional quantities. The computational parameters used are almost the same as those presented in Section 5.1 and only one parameter is changed for a particular case. The emphases of the discussions are laid on the hydrodynamic effects of the angle of incidence, the submergence, the thickness and the width of the structure on wave forces, hydrodynamic coefficients, and reflection and transmission coefficients. j ¼ 1; 2; j ¼ 3; j ¼ 1; 2; j ¼ 3; yj ¼ tan1 Im F wj Re F wj . Fig. 2 shows the dimensionless wave forces and their phase angles, and Fig. 3 gives the dimensionless added mass and damping coefficients obtained by the present method and by BEM. Clearly, the results obtained by the present method agree very well with those obtained by BEM, which illustrates that the analytical expressions for the diffracted and radiated potentials, wave forces and hydrodynamic coefficients are correct. 5.2. Discussions 1.2 0.4 0.9 0.3 Cd1 Ca1 The discussions presented in this section are based on the dimensionless quantities defined in Section 5.1, and the obtained rules are valid only for dimensionless quantities, 5.2.1. Hydrodynamic effects of angle of wave incidence To illustrate the hydrodynamic effects of the angle of wave incidence, we compute the wave forces, hydrodynamic coefficients, and reflection and transmission coefficients for the angle of incidence y ¼ 151, 451 and 751. The results are given in Figs. 4 and 5. It can be seen that the influences of the angle of incidence on the dimensionless wave forces, hydrodynamic coefficients, and reflection and transmission coefficients are appreciable in some water region. For the example given here, as the angle of incidence increases, the dimensionless wave excitation forces F1, F2, and F3, the transmission coefficient Tw, the dimensionless heave added mass Ca1, and the dimensionless sway and roll damping coefficients Cd2 and Cd3 0.6 0.1 0.3 0.0 0.0 0 3 6 9 12 0 3 (b) kh1 (a) 6 9 12 9 12 9 12 kh1 0.15 0.5 0.4 0.10 Cd2 Ca2 0.2 0.3 0.05 0.2 0.00 0.1 0 3 (c) 6 kh1 9 12 0 3 (d) 4.5 6 kh1 0.6 3.5 Cd3 Ca3 0.4 2.5 0.2 1.5 0.5 0.0 0 (e) 3 6 kh1 9 12 0 (f) 3 6 kh1 Fig. 7. Effect of the submergence on the dimensionless hydrodynamic coefficients. (b/h1 ¼ 0.2, h1/a ¼ 6, y ¼ 301, (x0/h1, z0/h1 ¼ (0, 0)). ––––, s1/h1 ¼ 0.2; ––––, s1/h1 ¼ 0.4; ––’––, s1/h1 ¼ 0.6. ARTICLE IN PRESS Y.H. Zheng et al. / Ocean Engineering 34 (2007) 436–450 decrease, while the reflection coefficient Rw and the dimensionless heave damping coefficient Cd1 increase. The dimensionless sway added mass Ca2 and roll added mass Ca3 increase in some water region (e.g. kh1 o5), while they decrease in the water region of kh1 47 with the increase in the angle of wave incidence. 5.2.2. Hydrodynamic effect of the submergence of the structure The hydrodynamic influences of the submergence of the structure on the hydrodynamic behaviour of the structure are shown in Figs. 6 and 7 for s1/h1 ¼ 0.2, 0.4 and 0.6. It can be seen from Fig. 6 that the dimensionless vertical and horizontal forces and the reflection coefficients decrease with increase in the submergence ratio s1/h1. The roll torque increases in the water region of kh1 ohc and decreases in the water region of kh1 ohc as the submergence ratio increases. Fig. 7 illustrates that the larger the submergence ratio s1/h1, the smaller the dimensionless hydrodynamic coefficients for the structure in heave and sway motions and the larger the roll added mass. 5.2.3. Hydrodynamic effect of the width and thickness of the structure Figs. 8 and 9 show the influences of the width of the structure on the dimensionless wave forces, hydrodynamic 2.0 1.2 0.9 0.0 1 F1 445 0.6 -2.0 0.3 -4.0 0.0 0 3 (a) 6 kh1 9 12 6 kh1 9 12 0 3 6 kh1 9 12 0 3 6 kh1 9 12 0 3 6 kh1 9 12 1.0 0.2 2 F2 0.3 -1.0 0.1 -3.0 0.0 0 3 (c) 6 kh1 9 12 (d) 3.0 0.4 1.0 F3 3 0.6 -1.0 0.2 -3.0 0.0 0 3 (e) 6 kh1 9 12 (f) 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.9 Tw Rw 3 3.0 0.4 0.4 0.8 0.2 0.7 0.0 0 (g) 0 (b) 3 6 kh1 9 12 (h) Fig. 8. Effect of the width on the dimensionless wave forces and reflection and transmission coefficients. (s1/h1 ¼ 0.2, b/h1 ¼ 0.2, y ¼ 301, (x0/h1, z0/h1 ¼ (0, 0)). ––––, a/h1 ¼ 0.2; ––––, a/h1 ¼ 0.4; ––’––, a/h1 ¼ 0.6. ARTICLE IN PRESS Y.H. Zheng et al. / Ocean Engineering 34 (2007) 436–450 446 coefficients, and reflection and transmission coefficients for a/h1 ¼ 0.2, 0.4 and 0.6. Clearly, the influences of the width on the hydrodynamic behaviors are appreciable, especially the influences on the reflection and transmission coefficients. The maximum reflection coefficient and the minimum transmission coefficient, regarded as a function of kh1, greatly increase and decrease, respectively, with the increase of the width ratio a/h1. This should be seriously considered when a rectangular structure is used as a submerged breakwater in oblique seas. Fig. 10 illustrates the influences of the thickness of the structure on the dimensionless wave forces and reflection and transmission coefficients. Clearly the influence of the thickness on the dimensionless vertical force is relatively small, and the dimensionless horizontal force and transmission coefficient increase with the increase of the thickness ratio b/h1. The effects of the thickness of the structure on the dimensionless hydrodynamic coefficients are presented in Fig. 11. It can be seen that the dimensionless added masses and damping coefficients of heave motions decrease, while those of sway motions increase as the thickness ratio increases. 6. Concluding remarks The radiation and diffraction problem arising from the interaction of linear water waves with an infinitely long submerged rectangular structure in oblique seas is studied here by use of the method of separation of variables and the eigenfunction expansion matching method. The analytical expressions for the radiated and diffracted potentials, wave forces, hydrodynamic coefficients, and the reflection and transmission coefficients are given and verified. The effects of the angle of incidence, the submergence, the width and the thickness of the structure on wave forces, hydrodynamic coefficients and reflection and transmission coefficients are examined, which may provide some important information for engineering designers. Acknowledgments This work is supported by the National Basic Research Program of China under Grant no. 2005CB724202, the National Natural Science Foundation of China under 6.0 4.0 3.0 Cd1 Ca1 4.0 2.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0 3 (a) 6 kh1 9 12 0 3 6 kh1 9 12 0 3 6 kh1 9 12 0 3 6 kh1 9 12 (b) 0.6 0.20 0.15 Cd2 Ca2 0.4 0.10 0.2 0.05 0.0 0.00 0 3 6 kh1 9 12 (d) (c) 0.8 0.4 Cd3 0.6 Ca3 1.2 0.2 0.4 0.0 0.0 0 (e) 3 6 kh1 9 12 (f) Fig. 9. Effect of the width on the dimensionless hydrodynamic coefficients (s1/h1 ¼ 0.2, b/h1 ¼ 0.2, y ¼ 301, (x0/h1, z0/h1 ¼ (0, 0)). ––––, a/h1 ¼ 0.2; ––––, a/h1 ¼ 0.4; ––’––, a/h1 ¼ 0.6. ARTICLE IN PRESS Y.H. Zheng et al. / Ocean Engineering 34 (2007) 436–450 2.0 1.0 0.0 F1 1 1.5 -2.0 0.5 -4.0 0.0 0 3 (a) 6 kh1 9 12 3.0 0.4 1.0 3 6 kh1 9 12 0 3 6 kh1 9 12 0 3 6 kh1 9 12 0 3 6 kh1 9 12 2 F2 0.6 -1.0 -3.0 0.0 0 3 (c) 6 kh1 9 12 (d) 3.0 0.4 1.0 F3 3 0.6 -1.0 0.2 0.0 -3.0 0 3 (e) 6 kh1 9 12 (f) 0.8 1.0 0.6 0.9 0.4 0.8 Tw Rw 0 (b) 0.2 0.7 0.2 0.0 (g) 447 0.6 0 3 6 kh1 9 12 (h) Fig. 10. Effect of the thickness on the dimensionless wave forces and reflection and transmission coefficients (s1/h1 ¼ 0.2, a/h1 ¼ 0.6, y ¼ 301, (x0/h1, z0/h1 ¼ (0, 0)). ––––, b/h1 ¼ 0.1; ––––, b/h1 ¼ 0.2; ––’––, b/h1 ¼ 0.4. Grant nos. 50579005 and 10332050, and the Guangdong Natural Science foundation under Grant no. 04000377. Appendix A. Expressions for the non-zero elements in S, F(L)R and FD (L)R The expressions for the non-zero elements in S, F and FD are given as follows ði ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; N; j ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; N Þ: S i;i ¼ gi N ðli Þ; Si;Nþj ¼ mj e2mj a E li ; bj , S i;3Nþj ¼ uj e2uj a F li ; aj , Si;4Nþj ¼ mj E li ; bj ; S i;5Nþj ¼ uj F li ; aj , SNþi;2Nþi ¼ gi N ðli Þ, SNþi;Nþj ¼ mj E li ; bj ; S Nþi;3Nþj ¼ uj F li ; aj , SNþi;4Nþj ¼ mj e2mj a E li ; bj , SNþi;5Nþj ¼ uj e2uj a F li ; aj , S2Nþi;j ¼ E lj ; bi ; S2Nþi;Nþi ¼ N bi e2mi a , S2Nþi;4Nþi ¼ N bi ; S3Nþi;2Nþj ¼ E lj ; bi , S3Nþi;Nþi ¼ N bi , ARTICLE IN PRESS Y.H. Zheng et al. / Ocean Engineering 34 (2007) 436–450 448 6.0 8.0 4.0 Cd1 Ca1 6.0 4.0 2.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 0 3 9 12 0 3 6 kh1 9 12 0 3 6 kh1 9 12 0 3 6 kh1 9 12 (b) 0.8 0.4 0.6 0.3 Cd2 Ca2 (a) 6 kh1 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.0 0 3 6 kh1 9 12 (c) (d) 0.6 0.9 0.7 Cd3 Ca3 0.4 0.5 0.3 0.2 0.1 -0.1 0.0 0 3 (e) 6 kh1 9 12 (f) Fig. 11. Effect of the thickness on the dimensionless hydrodynamic coefficients. (s1/h1 ¼ 0.2, a/h1 ¼ 0.6, y ¼ 301, (x0/h1, z0/h1 ¼ (0, 0)). ––––, b/h1 ¼ 0.1; ––––, b/h1 ¼ 0.2; ––’––, b/h1 ¼ 0.4. S 3Nþi;4Nþi ¼ N bi e2mi a ; S 4Nþi;j ¼ F lj ; ai , S 4Nþi;3Nþi ¼ N ðai Þe 2ui a , S 5Nþi;3Nþi ¼ N ðai Þ, ¼ Pð3iLÞ , LÞ F ðR4Nþi Pð5iLÞ , F Di ¼ LÞ ¼ Pð4iLÞ ; F ðR5Nþi ¼ ika cos y P6i e ; F DNþi ¼ P6i eika cos y , ¼ LÞ F ðR3Nþi E li ; bj ¼ F li ; aj ¼ Pð1iLÞ ¼ where cos2 ½li ðz þ h1 Þ dz, Z h1 N bi ¼ cos½li ðz þ h1 Þ cos bj ðz þ h1 Þ dz, Z 0 cos½li ðz þ h1 Þ cos aj ðz þ s1 Þ dz, Z d 1 C F 2 ðzÞ cos½li ðz þ h1 Þd3;L dz h1 Z 0 d 1 0 Z d 1 C F 4 ðzÞ cos½li ðz þ h1 Þ d3;L dz s1 Z s1 þ d2;L þ ðz z0 Þd3;L cos½li ðz þ h1 Þ dz, F D4Nþi ¼ P8i eika cos y ; F D5Nþi ¼ P8i eika cos y , Z Z s1 F D2Nþi ¼ P7i eika cos y ; F D3Nþi ¼ P7i eika cos y , N ð li Þ ¼ cos2 ½ai ðz þ s1 Þ dz; h1 LÞ S 5Nþi;5Nþi ¼ N ðai Þe2ui a ; F ðRiLÞ ¼ F ðRNþi ¼ Pð1iLÞ , Pð2iLÞ ; 0 N ð ai Þ ¼ s1 S 4Nþi;5Nþi ¼ N ðai Þ; S 5Nþi;2Nþj ¼ F lj ; ai , LÞ F ðR2Nþi Z d 1 h1 cos2 bi ðz þ h1 Þ dz, Pð2iLÞ ¼ C F 2 ðzÞ d1;L ða x0 Þd3;L h1 cos bi ðz þ h1 Þ dz, d 1 ARTICLE IN PRESS Y.H. Zheng et al. / Ocean Engineering 34 (2007) 436–450 Pð3iLÞ ¼ Pð4iLÞ Z d 1 Z 0 C F 2 ðzÞ d1;L þ ða þ x0 Þd3;L h1 cos bi ðz þ h1 Þ dz, C k ðnÞ ¼ C F 4 ðzÞ d1;L ða x0 Þd3;L ¼ a e2mn a þ 1 e2mn a 1 C b1 ðnÞ ¼ cos bn h2 , mn m2n s1 Pð5iLÞ ¼ d 1 a e2un a þ 1 e2un a 1 C a1 ðnÞ ¼ . u2n un C F 4 ðzÞ d1;L þ ða þ x0 Þd3;L h1 cos½ai ðz þ s1 Þ dz, Appendix C. Expressions for fL,1, fL,2 and fL,3 8 h i < gkA cos y h1 þ sinhð2kh1 Þ 4k o coshðkh1 Þ 2 P6i ¼ : 0 P7i ¼ P8i ¼ ðs1 þ z0 Þ sinðln h3 Þ þ ðd 1 þ z0 Þ sinðln h2 Þ ln cosðln h3 Þ cosðln h2 Þ þ , l2n cos½ai ðz þ s1 Þ dz, Z 449 The expressions for fL,1, fL,2 and fL,3 (L ¼ 1, 2 ,3) are given as follows: / h i X f L;1 ¼ f PL;1 þ Að2nLÞ þ Bð2nLÞ C b ðnÞ, i ¼ 1; ia1; igA ð1Þi1 k sinhðkh2 Þ , o coshðkh1 Þ k2 þ b2i igA o coshðkh1 Þ Z n¼1 / h X i Að4nLÞ þ Bð4nLÞ C a ðnÞ, n¼1 0 cosh½kðz þ h1 Þ cos½ai ðz þ s1 Þ. s1 f L;2 ¼ / X h i C l ðnÞ Að3nLÞ Að1nLÞ , n¼1 Appendix B. Expressions for wave excitation forces The expressions for the vertical forces Fw1, the horizontal force Fw2 and the torque Fw3 by using the diffracted potentials are expressed as follows: " # / X 0 0 0 0 A2n þ B2n C b ðnÞ A4n þ B4n C a ðnÞ , F w1 ¼ rio f L;3 ¼ f PL;3 þ þ / X rgAC y C l ð1Þ þ rio ¼ A03n A01n C l ðnÞ, coshðkh1 Þ n¼1 " F w3 ¼ rio / X þ x0 A02n þ B02n C b ðnÞ þ n¼1 x0 # n¼1 / X A04n B04n C a1 ðnÞ n¼1 / X rgAC y C k ð1Þ , A04n þ B04n C a ðnÞ þ coshðkh1 Þ n¼1 where C b ðnÞ ¼ cos bn h2 e2mn a 1 mn , C a ðnÞ ¼ e2un a 1 un , C y ¼ eika cos y eika cos y , C l ð nÞ ¼ (B.2) / X A03n A01n C k ðnÞ A02n B02n C b1 ðnÞ n¼1 / X / h X sinðln h3 Þ sinðln h2 Þ , ln ðB:3Þ n¼1 i Að4nLÞ Bð4nLÞ C a1 ðnÞ n¼1 ( þ x0 / h X n¼1 (B.1) / h i i X Að3nLÞ Að1nLÞ C k ðnÞ Að2nLÞ Bð2nLÞ C b1 ðnÞ n¼1 n¼1 F w2 / h X Að2nLÞ þ Bð2nLÞ i C b ðnÞ / h X Að4nLÞ þ Bð4nLÞ i ) C a ðnÞ , n¼1 where f PL;1 ¼ 2a½C F 2 ðd 1 Þ C F 4 ðs1 Þ d1;L þ x0 d3;L , f PL;3 ¼ ½C F 2 ðd 1 Þ C F 4 ðs1 Þ 2ax0 d1;L þ ða x0 Þ3 þ ða þ x0 Þ3 d3;L 3 . 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