Pastor Bryan`s Message - Indian River Presbyterian Church


Pastor Bryan`s Message - Indian River Presbyterian Church
Monthly Newsletter of IINDIAN RIVER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 2499 Virginia Ave., Fort Pierce, FL 34982 772‐464‐4263 We are an ECO congregation. A Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterians Pastor Bryan’s Message
“In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps.” Proverbs 16:9 (NIV) Dear IRPC Family, As we transition into the month of May by God’s grace, we have said, “See you next fall” to most of our seasonal friends and family. And on Sunday, April 26, I also announced that we have begun a five week sermon series on the Lord’s vision for IRPC: Indian River Presbyterian Church Envisions a movement of the Gospel transforming: Lives, Communities and the World Can you believe it has been two months since the Strategic Plan Task Force of the Session shared an overview at our Annual Congregational Meeting on February 8? Have you honestly taken 20‐30 minutes to read through the Plan? Hard copies can still be found at church on Sundays or you can go to our website and find a copy there. I hope every member that is able, will engage the Strategic Plan and provide feedback to me or anyone serving on Session. In the meantime, please know the Session is prayerfully working to implement the Plan’s recommendations and discern how to address some of the identified “GAPS” in mission and ministry here at IRPC. We covet your prayers and encouragement (and patience), as we seek to follow where the Lord is leading our congregation in the days ahead. Here are some “specifics” in terms of how you can pray for your leaders and staff: LOVE GOD LOVE OTHERS
MAKE DISCIPLES Continued on next page Pastor Bryan’s Message continued 
Discernment and wisdom as to the “how, when, and where” regarding the planning of a Church in partnership with the Florida Presbytery of ECO 
Preparing for the 1st of our “Joint 5th Sunday worship Services” on May 31 at 10:30 am. I will be preaching a message, “Perfectly One” from John 17:20‐23 
Looking to bring together two (2) “Focus Groups” of members and friends of IRPC, as a result of the feedback gained from our congregational TCI Insight Survey from December 2014 
Address in further detail our $19,000 1st Quarter Operating Budget deficit with all the Covenant Partners of IRPC, with encouragement and honesty as we “spur one another on to love and good deeds”!! 
Continue to encourage deeper engagement with and participation in our Ministry Team Mondays (MTMs) ‐ our ministry and mission planning time on the 2nd Monday of the month to which YOU are invited! 
Preparations for the summer sermon series on the Book of Nehemiah, beginning June 7th. 
Guidance for the Congregational Nominating Committee as they begin their discernment for next class of elders, who will begin their service in 2016 Please be in touch if I can help you understand in more detail, any of the above ministry items. I take comfort in Jesus’ deep love and everlasting promises for His church! Loving God, Loving Others and Making Disciples with you, Pastor Bryan God does most of His work for people through people. JESUS in the GALILEE and JERUSALEM 2016 Have
you ever wanted to visit the Holy Land and actually walk where
Jesus walked, and see where many of the Biblical stories took place?
Would you like to go with a group which wants to grow in
understanding the Bible and have an encounter with the Living Lord
in His Land?
Pastor Bryan, Tour Host, and Tour coordinator/lecturer, Dr. Larry Selig
(Bryan’s father-in-law), are planning to return to the Holy Land after
Easter next year, for 10 days of Biblical discovery, scheduled to
depart from Newark on Thursday, March 31, 2016 and return the
following Saturday, April 9.
Total cost for the trip - including trip insurance, all transportation from
the Orlando airport and within Israel, lodging with two buffet meals a
day, gratuities, taxes, fees, etc. - comes to $3,627.
Brochures are now available in the Narthex and in Sample Hall to
review the details but also contact Pastor Bryan if you have further
questions. He would love to see another group from IRPC plan to
become "Holy Land Pilgrims" as 14 of us did in 2009 and as 7 others
did in 2011!!!
We Are Here For You
We are a Stephen Ministry
listen, encourage and pray with you
when you are experiencing difficulties
in life.
Please look at the brochure inside the
red friendship register (during worship
service) and get in touch with Pastor
Bryan at 772-464-4263, extension 105
or email him directly at
[email protected] for more
information about this Christ-centered
confidential caregiving ministry
exuberantly in service to His Kingdom.
If you are interested in serving the Lord
as a Stephen Minister, please contact
Pastor Bryan and learn more.
On‐Line Giving Did you know…. that you can now give your tithes and mone‐
tary gifts online? Simply go to: and complete the process. Of course you can always give through traditional methods with a check or cash during worship service or by free on‐
line banking. Which ever way you choose to give, prayerfully consider how God is leading you to give and know that your gifts are a vital part of the ministry of your church. Thank you. Make Disciples
9:30 am, Coffee House
(Room 201)
Traditional Bible Study for Adults.
Everyone welcome.
Entering The Sanctuary As you come to Sunday worship, please be respectful of others and keep your conversations to a minimum. Many of our members relish the time before the service as a time to pray, reflect and be one 9:30 am, Room 107
Pairs & Spares (Adults)
Current series is
“Acts of Worship”
Topics include: the Awesomeness
of God, Prayer as Worship, and
Aspects of Stewardship
11:00 am, room 107
“Truth Seekers”
All are welcome. For more info
contact Meribeth Sterrett or Alicia
Wallman at 464-4263,
extension 107
10:00 am, Room 107
Margie’s Sermon Study
For more info, call Margie or
contact the church office.
with the Lord. Thank you. A GREAT BIG THANK YOU A huge thank you goes out to all of our teachers that volun‐
teer their time and talent to teach our church body! Thank you so much for your time and service. SAVE THE DATE
 May 2: Ladies Birthday Celebration
 May 3: First Sunday Breakfast
 May 3: Mexico Mission Update &
Luncheon Celebration
 May 3—8: Teacher Appreciation Week
 May 6: National Day of Prayer
 May 10: Mother’s Day
 May 16: Annual IRPC Community
Work Day
 May 25: Office Closed
 May 31: Graduation Sunday  May 31: CHURCH WIDE JOINT WORSHIP SERVICE CALLING ALL WONDERFUL LADIES OF IRPC WHO ARE 90+ … We will be celebrating YOU with a special party at 12:00 Noon Saturday, May 2, in Sample Hall with entertainment, good food, and fun fellowship. If you would like to attend but are in need of transportation, contact Jeanette Merksamer or the church office. The Gospel: The “good news” that the power of God’s Kingdom has come to save and transform our individual hearts and lives, our church, our city, and our world through the person
and work of Jesus Christ.
Discipleship: We seek to help each other follow Jesus Christ and become more like Him by
intentionally developing relationships aimed at pointing each other to the Gospel.
Community: The Gospel forms and shapes the church into a people who are deeply committed to each other, and who point our city to God’s coming Kingdom.
Missional Living: We seek the authentic and internal change of our friends, family, neighbors,
and coworkers who do not yet know the saving and transforming love of God in Jesus Christ.
Service: We seek to bring God’s Kingdom to earth by humbly and lovingly serving the needs of
our neighbors, city, and world just as Jesus Christ came to serve us in our need.
Engagement: We are all called by God to be ministers of the Gospel.
God’s Glory: We seek to glorify God by believing with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength
that He is greatest love, treasure, and joy.
Supporting our Student Ministry
Dear IRPC Family,
During the month of May, IRPC’s Surge
student ministry is partnering with Loves
Calling to raise funds for their summer trip.
Loves Calling is a not-for-profit Christian
fundraising organization founded by one of
our own, Lee Unruh, who’s mission is to
help church groups raise money while also
helping global missions partners at the
same time.
For example, Arise Talents is a school in
Uganda that is partnered and supported by
Loves Calling. This school is run by a
young man named Dickson who houses and
educates children in Uganda while showing
them the love of Christ and teaching them
how they can use their talents to be the
hands and feet of Christ to their people.
The relationship between Loves Calling and
Arise talents is a very unique one in that a
lot of the merchandise and art work sold
through the fundraisers are made by the
students of the Arise Talents school. So,
simply put, they make super cool artwork,
ship it to Loves Calling who then distributes
to church groups to sell as a fundraiser.
From the funds raised, the church group
earns half and the other half is sent to Arise
Talents to support their school and students.
As a youth pastor, I love this fundraising
model and fully support the mission and
vision of Loves Calling (and not just
because I love Lee). If you are interested in
supporting us, Surge and Loves Calling, find
one of our middle or high school students or
check out the menu at their website at
And as always, thank you for all of the
love and support that our students receive
from their IRPC family.
Iley Harrison, IRPC Youth Pastor
Mother’s Day
M - O - T - H - E - R
“M” is for the million things she gave me,
“O” means only that she’s growing old,
“T” is for the tears she shed to save me,
“H” is for her heart of purest gold;
“E” is for her eyes, with love-light shining,
“R” means right, and right she’ll always be,
Put them all together, they spell “MOTHER,”
A word that means the world to me.
r yo
ay ,
Howard Johnson (c. 1915)
Solo Women Club
Planning Meeting
Out of the Mouths of Babes
A nursery school teacher was
Tuesday, May 12, the Solo Women will
meet in Sample Hall at noon for lunch
($4.00) prepared by the Committee of
Jerry M., Mary Ann, Shirley K. and
Mariel. Please call the church office to
make your reservation by May 10th.
observing her classroom of children
while they were drawing. She would
occasionally walk around to see each
child’s work.
As she got to little Sarah who was
working diligently, she asked what the
This is our Planning Meeting where we
prepare our schedule for the next year,
beginning in September. This is also our
last meeting before our summer break.
It is very important that everyone comes
with their suggestions for the new year.
drawing was. Sarah replied, “I’m
drawing God.” The teacher paused and
said, “But no one knows what God looks
Sarah replied, “They will in a
Will we see you there on the 12th?
WOMEN’S MINISTRIES Circle Groups ‐ Studying Women of The Bible Deborah: 10 am, 2nd Saturday of the Month, in the Coffee House #201 Esther: 10:30 am, 1st Tuesday of the Month, at homes of participants or Room #107 Ruth: 10 am, 1st Tuesday of the Month, in the Coffee House #201 Rebekah: 10:30 am, 1st Wednesday of the Month, in the Coffee House, Room #201 All women are invited to attend and you do not have to join any one group. Just come and check us out! NOTE: All Circles meet September through June. A Note of Thanksgiving
Jeanette Merksamer is the
newest Stephen Minister at
Since becoming a member of
IRPC, Jeanette has joined many
ministries and initiatives, we are
truly blessed to have her as part
of our IRPC family.
It’s Quarter Auction
time at GraceWay
Village, Friday, May
8th at 6 pm.
Bring a large pack of diaper wipes
or 4 non-perishable food items and
receive an extra paddle to bid on
Hope’s Closet Fund Raiser at
Bass Pro
Save the date for the
first ever Celebrate
Women event sponsored by the Bass Pro
Shop to benefit Hope’s
Closet 4 Children.
On May 9th, from 10 am - 2 pm join Hope’s
Closet volunteers for ladies-only activities including refreshments, mini massages, make-up
consultations, give-aways, and raffle prizes.
Families are welcome to check out the latest
sporting gear and the giant floor to ceiling
aquarium. Attendees who donate good quality
gently-worn children’s and teen clothing will receive an entry ticket to this event.
Bass Pro is located at 2250 Gatlin Blvd. in Port
St. Lucie. For more info e-mail
[email protected].
Life’s Little Blessings
Welcome to little Stephen Joseph
Reuther III, born to Katie and Steve
Reuther, on Easter Sunday, April 5th.
Proud maternal grandparents are J. and
Marcie Gaines, IRPC members. Let the
spoiling begin!
Work Day
Looking for something to do on Saturday,
May 16th? We’ve got just the ticket!
Join us by spreading Christian love by
working on various community projects.
Pastor Bryan will start us off with a devotional (and coffee and donuts) at 8 am in
Sample Hall. Then at 9 am we’ll head out
into our community to do the Lord’s work!
VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL & FAMILY SUMMER NIGHTS More info coming soon!! Questions? Do you know someone who
needs to have work done? Contact Tom
Bunten or call the church office. Sign-up
sheets for the IRPC Community Work Day
will be available in Sample Hall on May 3
and May 10.
National Day of Prayer
Observed at IRPC on Wednesday
May 6th until Thursday May 7th
Join us in reading Matthew 1 thru Revelation 22. We’ll start in the
sanctuary at 6 pm on May 6th and end around noon on May 7th. The
Sanctuary will remain open on May 7th until 4:30pm for prayer. A sign-up
sheet is available in Sample Hall for both readers and security. Hope you
have the privilege of participating in this meaningful experience!
If you have any questions, please contact
Elder Mark George or the church office.
Graduation Sunday, May 31
Is Approaching Fast!
Once again IRPC will honor our graduates
on Graduation Sunday, May 31st. On that
Sunday, there will be a video presentation of
the graduates during the Family Joint worship Service at 10:30 am.
Graduates are asked to arrive by
10:15 am in Sample Hall. During the
collection of the offering the video will be
shown and then Pastor Bryan will offer a
prayer for the graduates.
If you would like your graduate to be included in the bulletin announcement and
video presentation on this special Sunday
please submit three (3) photos of them,
preferably one being a “senior” picture by
May 24, 2015. Photos must be clearly labeled and can be either emailed or dropped
off at the front office. All photos will be re-
turned to the student inside their
“senior gift bag” which they will receive when they gather in Sample
Hall after the service on Graduation
no later than May 24, 2015.
Snail Mail to Iley at: IRPC, 2499
Virginia Ave., Fort Pierce, FL 34982
Email to [email protected]
Name of Graduate: ____________________________________ Name of School Graduating From: ________________________ _____________________________________________________ High School or College Degree: ___________________________ _____________________________________________________ CELEBRATION LUNCHEON & UPDATE — May 3 Mark your calendar and plan on attending a luncheon at noon on Sunday,
May 3 in the River Kids Wing to celebrate a successful mission trip by the
Mexico Mission Team.
Learn the vital role IRPC played in
planting churches in the Yucatan.
Enjoy Tacos and Testimonies of
what God did on the Mission Trip!
Cathy & Glenn Sneed, Hank &
Meribeth Sterrett, David & Melissa Hayslip, Iley Harrison, Jessica Marsh, Chris
McSweeny, Ken, Michelle & Justin Hoff,
Ken Greico and Zack, Ted Moroz &
Merisa, Nicole Wenger, Victoria Stalls &
The Mission Team: Andrew Marsh,
Take a bottle from the table in Sample Hall on
Mother’s Day, May 10th
Fill it with change
Bring it back to church by Father’s Day, June 21
Care Net Pregnancy Services of the Treasure Coast is a Christian
ministry whose mission is to defend life, to meet physical, social
and spiritual needs to those who may be experiencing a crisis
pregnancy, to bring healing and wholeness to lives traumatized
by abortion, to present the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and to
challenge our communities to adopt a Godly view of sexuality
and the sanctity of human life.