
Please ensure that the jurisdiction and eligibility criteria are met before proceeding with the postal visa
If you reside in England or Wales, you may be eligible to submit your visa application by post.
If you reside in Scotland or Northern Ireland, you must only apply in person for your visa at the Italian
Consulate in Edinburgh:
Consulate General of Italy in Edinburgh
32 Melville Street
Edinburgh EH3 7HA
Scotland, U.K
 You must also meet the following criteria in order to be eligible for a postal visa application:
 You hold a valid UK residence permit (NOT a C-type visitor visa)
 You are applying for a short stay visa (Tourist or Business)
 You have been issued and have used a Schengen visa issued by the Italian Consulate in London
within the past 12 months OR
 You have been issued and have used at least 2 Schengen visas issued by any other Schengen
country’s Embassy/Consulate in the UK within the past 24 months
 Please duly fill out the application form ensuring all information is accurate (signatures on the
form are required in two places – field 37 and after the declaration at the end of the form)
 Check the lists of documents required for the different visa categories at the following links:
o For Tourist and Family/Friend Visit applications, please click here
o For Business applications, please click here
o For EEA/EU-family member applications, please click here
o For Minor applications, please click here
Important notes:
If you are going to Italy for a Conference, you need to apply under the Tourist category
If you have a separate UK residence permit (biometric card) please send only a photocopy of the
biometric card
 If your application documentation requires you to provide any passport other than yours (like your
parents’ or your spouse’s) or marriage/birth certificates, please send only photocopies of the same
Postal applicants must enclose a Postal Order payable to 'VF Services Ltd', so personal cheques, company
cheques or cash are NOT acceptable.
Calculate the amount of your payment per application:
Currently applicable visa fee as per the visa category
VFS Service charge of £ 24.00
Courier delivery service of £ 14.80 (to be included only if a pre-paid Royal Mail envelope is not
being provided)
SMS and Email service for the tracking of your passport (recommended) at £ 1.44
Children under the age of 6 and applicants applying under the EEA/EU-family member category are
waived from the Visa fee. However they still must enclose a postal order for all the other outstanding fees
of £ 40.24 (VFS service charge + Courier delivery service + SMS/email service)
Please ensure that if you don’t wish to avail of our Courier delivery service (DX Secure), then enclose a
self-addressed, prepaid, Royal Mail envelope (one per passport /application) for the safe return of your
passport and any other documents that might be returned.
Please submit your postal visa application to:
Italy Visa Application Centre,
50 Devonshire Street North
Manchester M12 6JH
Please note that Italian postal visa applications can only be submitted to the Manchester centre and any
postal visa application sent to the London or Cardiff centres will be returned, unprocessed.
Processing time:
Processing time is minimum 2 weeks from the date of reception of your documents at the VFS Visa
Centre, providing a complete file is received.
Processed passport return procedure:
Only one processed passport shall be returned in per envelope (Royal Mail SDE/Courier). VFS will not be
responsible for any delays, due to the incorrect numbers of return envelopes provided or courier charges
not paid as per the number of applications.