

Professor Vineet Kumar Singh, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, A T Still
University of Health Sciences, USA delivered a lecture on Molecular basis of
Staphylococcus aureus pathogenicity on March 26, 2015
Professor Vineet Kumar Singh, Department of
Microbiology and Immunology, A T Still University of
Health Sciences, USA delivered a lecture on Molecular
basis of Staphylococcus aureus pathogenicity and role of
Methionine sulfoxide reductase(Msra) in adherence and
virulence of mutants on lung epithelial cells. . Dr. Singh is
investigating global changes in staphylococcal gene
expression in response to stress conditions and identifying
regulatory networks that aid in the process of infection and
antibiotic tolerance with the aim of identifying novel
therapeutic agents. Dr Singh lecture was attended by
faculty of various Divisions and students of IVRI Izatnagar.
Dr R K Singh, Director, IVRI was also present in the
lecture. Dr Bhaskar Sharma, National Professor, Dr P Joshi,
Head, Biochemistry, Dr Meena Kataria, Principal Scientist
and other faculty members were present in the lecture and
interacted with Professor Vineet K Singh. There was
serious and lively discussion during the lecture on issues of
survival strategy of Staphylococcus aureus & expression of
MsrA’s. Dr R K Singh, Director, IVRI took part in ensuing
discussion on drug resistance of various bacterial species
and emphasized the need for further research on this area.

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