March 21 Meeting - Jayhawk Model Masters


March 21 Meeting - Jayhawk Model Masters
AMA Club # 2013
Year 2015
Facebook at:
Jayhawk Model Masters
March 21 Meeting
23rd Street Hy-Vee
2015 Officers
Vice Pres.
Fld Safety
Board 3yr
Board 2yr
Board 1yr
Editor, yrs
8:00 AM – Breakfast
9:00 AM – Business Meeting
Schedule of Events:
Gary Webber
George Jones
John LaGesse
Darrel Cordle
Don Boucher
Mike Weinsaft
Scott Borton
Gary Rauckman
March 21, JMM Club Meeting
OK, who ordered this weather? Whoever it
is, make him a lifetime member. To date,
this is the most beautiful and mild March
that I can remember. And you pilots have
not disappointed; I have not seen so much
flying for this time of year. One reason, of
course, is that we have an influx of old
members excited about flying again.
May 9, Jayhawk Open
May 16, Jayhawk Electric
May 23, Blue Sky Fly-In, Topeka
June 6-7, Paola Float Fly
June 27, Jayhawk Float Fly
Last weekend the whole Kloepper family
was there including wives, girlfriends, sons
and daughters. Thursday, Kyle Walker and
KC Moore were flying. Hey, KC was flying
an old Top Flite F-4 prop Jet that I built
back in 1999-2000.
Look at this, Gary Webber has his “raffle
prize” U-Can-Do flying already. He pulled
the Rim-Fire 80 out of his Revolver and put
it in this one. He said the larger “U” is
lighter than the “R”. Oh…..the Revolver is
getting a new Rimfire 120.
Here are some photos of the F-4 Prop Jet
flown by KC.He had an OS 61 on it which
makes it a bit underpowered but it flew
better that when I had it.
Oops….Bill Elkins ripped the gear out of
his Goldberg Model 12.
And here is an old Funster, previously built
by former member Jesse Longoria. Kyle
Walker is now flying this machine.
Last Saturday brought out a lot of pilots.
George Jones was flying his large Hanger
9 Super Cub. Kirk Kloepper had a Hanger
9 T-34 that he was flying, and Chris
Kloepper was flying a Cora-plast Spad as
well as his old PT-19. Pictures are on the
next page.
Chris’s PT-19
Super Cub on final below:
On March the 6th, I found Dave Alexander
at the field with his new Zero that he
showed at the club meeting last month.
Kirk’s T-34
Chris’s Spad. Remember the “Spad
Works” group who sold these kits and
improvements for the club.
And finally, a photo of a PT-26 flown by
George Jones.
Dee & Mee changes Ownership
John LaGesse gave the treasurer’s report
indicating that our net worth is currently
$7,887.90. Safety officer Darrell Cordle
warned about flying too far away. This was
apparently related to someone getting so
far out that they lost orientation. A golf
course crash was the result.
I guess most of you know by now that the
ownership of the Topeka Dee & Mee
Hobby Shop has reverted back to Robert
Longyear. Apparently, Robert financed the
purchase of the store to a new owner and
he was not able to stay current with the
payment. The hobby business is a tough
one with all the internet sales to compete
Gary Webber announced that the official
address of our field is now 1205 E 1000
RD. After the meeting the mowing
committee met and knocked out their
mowing schedule.
Feb. 21 Club Meeting
Gary Webber confirmed that we have a
contract with Cromwell Solar and that the
install may be completed by May 1.
Currently we are waiting for a final ok from
the Corp of engineers from what I
understand. We will have 450 ah storage
with 2 panels and inverter to 120 volts.
Design of the charging station is still in
Out of the 28 people in attendance we had
several who were first timers. New member
Paul Frankum just moved to the KC area
from Savannah and chose to join our club.
Paul was the Dist. 5 associate VP and
plans to be our Dist. 9 associate VP as
well. Paul has been in the hobby quite
some time and is also a jet flyer.
Paul Morgenroth visited for the first time
and plans to join the club. Paul is a friend
of Suman and shared a table with him at
the KCRC swap meet. He is a senior in
high school and has built and flown stick
and tissue aircraft as well as quad copters.
Paul showed me a video of his 2 min.
indoor free flight of his Peck Polymer
aircraft. I hope we can get it on our
website. We welcome both of these two
Paul’s to our club.
KUEA now has an institutional membership
with the club for $300 and it carries with it
one membership vote. Details still need to
be worked out regarding how we monitor
who is flying under their membership.
It was decided that the 2nd annual club
auction be held at the July meeting. It was
also decided that we move the Sept. club
meeting up one week to the 2nd Sat. of the
Fred Heck, a former member 17 years ago
was also at the meeting, and has rejoined
the club. We welcome him back. I see we
currently list 61 members on our roster; 37
are paid and 24 are unpaid. I know many
of the 24 unpaid plan to join, so guys lets
get caught up. This is going to be a great
year for a great club.
There was also discussion about the
primary AMA flight rules regarding the
extension of the flight lines. There seems
to be some debate about what the AMA
rules actually say and how they are to be
The Gal-O-Fuel was won by Darrell Cordle
and the Razor 3D Raffle prize was hauled
off by Phl Abbadessa.
And Suman brought a wood and tissue
model. This is a Jimmy Allen
“Thunderbird”, a 1930’ design that was
built about 15 years ago, and the builder
built a special cardboard box to carry the
model in. Suman took away the Model of
the Month with this aircraft.
Show & Tell
First to show his aircraft was Dave
Alexander; he had a new FMS Japanese
Zero with retracts, wing tip lights, flaps and
all kinds of details. The 55” foam Zero
features a 70 amp ESC and flies on a 4S
Rob Dewhirst brought a “Rob Designed”
video camera/cell phone experimental
solution to a field internet signal. Basically,
he has designed a “mini hot spot” which
could be a huge money savings to us. It
might cost as little as $8 per month on
Rob’s 5 gig plan. I have no idea what I just
told you about this, but it must be really
really cool.
Cameron Morsey was showing a 2S
powered Dragonfly as pictured above
Here is Rob holding the cool stuff:
Charging Stations
OK, let’s assume we have a charging
station in the next 4-6 weeks. What do you
plan to plug into it? Here are some
examples of what one might see in the
near future.
Field charging stations
Hamburg Flyers Solar Charging Station