Akintola Akintoye_Developing Theoretical and Conceptual


Akintola Akintoye_Developing Theoretical and Conceptual
EDMIC 2015 Research Workshop, OAU, Ile
Ife, Nigeria
Presentation Outlines
Developing Theoretical and
Conceptual Frameworks
Akintola Akintoye
Definitions: Theory; Concepts, etc.
Theoretic Framework (TF): Definition, Purpose, etc.
Conceptual Framework (CF): Definition, Purpose
Similarities and Differences between TF and CF
Developing Theoretical Framework
Formulating Conceptual Framework
Using Concept Map to Formulate Conceptual
• Purpose of Review of Related Literature in
Development of TF /CF
• Summary
What theory must address
Three major defining characteristics of a theory:
• it is “a set of interrelated propositions,
concepts and definitions that present a
systematic point of view”;
• specifies relationships between / among
concepts; and
• explains and / or makes predictions about the
occurrence of events, based on the specified
A theory has four components, namely:
Importance of Theory in Research
Definition of Concept
• The function of theory in research is to
identify the starting point of the research
• definition of terms, concepts or variables
• a domain to which the theory is applicable
• a set of relationships amongst the variables,
• specific predictive claims.
(Wacker J G (1998) A definition of theory: Research guidelines for different theory-building
research methods in operations management. Journal of Operations Management, 16: 361-385)
• An image or symbolic representation of an
abstract idea
problem and to establish the vision to which
the problem is directed.
• It determines and defines the focus and goal
of the research problem.
Professor Akintola Akintoye, University of
Central Lancashire, Preston, UK.
• The components of theory which (i) “convey
the abstract ideas within a theory”; (ii) a
“complex mental formulation of experience.”
(Chinn PL, Kramer MK 1999. Theory and Nursing: A
Systematic Approach. 5th Edition. St Louis, USA: Mosby.)
EDMIC 2015 Research Workshop, OAU, Ile
Ife, Nigeria
Derivation of TF and CF
A Set of Related
What is Theoretical Framework?
It is a frame of reference that is a basis
for observations, definitions of concepts,
research designs, interpretations, and
generalizations, much as the frame that
rests on a foundation defines the overall
design of a house.
(LoBiondo-Wood G, Haber J (1998) Nursing research: methods critical
appraisal and utilization. (4th Ed) Mosby. . Missouri p. 141).
Adapted from Imenda S (2014) Is there a Conceptual Difference between
Theoretical and Conceptual Frameworks? J. Soc Sci, 38(2), 185-195
What is Theoretical Framework?
What does Theoretical Framework do?
• This refers to the theory(ies) that a researcher
chooses to guide him/her in his/her research.
• It helps the researcher see clearly the
variables of the study;
• It can provide him with a general framework
for data analysis
• It is essential in preparing a research proposal
using descriptive and experimental methods
• It is the application of a theory, or a set of
concepts drawn from one and the same
theory, to offer an explanation of an event, or
shed some light on a particular phenomenon
or research problem.
Theoretical Framework
• The theory provides a point of focus for
attacking the unknown in a specific area.
• If a relationship is found between two or more
variables a theory should be formulated to
explain why the relationship exists.
• Theories are purposely created and
formulated, never discovered; they can be
tested but never proven.
Professor Akintola Akintoye, University of
Central Lancashire, Preston, UK.
Theory Development
• The importance of the theory is dependent on the
degree of research-based evidence and level of its
theory development.
• There are four levels of theory development:
– Factor isolating (describe phenomena)
– Factor relating (explain phenomena)
– Situation relating (predict the relationships
between/among phenomena)
– Situation producing (control phenomena and
EDMIC 2015 Research Workshop, OAU, Ile
Ife, Nigeria
Theoretical Framework of a Study
Why is Theoretical Frameworks Used?
• It is a structure that can hold or support a
theory of a research work.
• It presents the theory which explains why the
problem under study exists.
• Thus, the theoretical framework is but a
theory that serves as a basis for conducting
• To provide the organization for the study
• To test theories
• To make research findings meaningful and
• To establish orderly connections between
observations and facts.
• To guide the researcher in the interpretations of the
• To predict and control situations
• To stimulate research
What is Conceptual Framework?
What is Conceptual Framework?
• An end result of bringing together a number of
related concepts to explain or predict a given
event, or give a broader understanding of the
phenomenon of interest – or simply, of a research
• This consists of concepts that are placed within a
logical and sequential design.
• It represents less formal structure and used for
studies in which existing theory is inapplicable or
• It is based on specific concepts and propositions,
derived from empirical observation and intuition.
• It may be possible to deduce theories from a
conceptual framework.
• The process of arriving at a conceptual
framework is akin to an inductive process
whereby small individual pieces (in this case,
concepts) are joined together to tell a bigger map
of possible relationships.
Conceptual Framework
• It is an interconnected set of ideas (theories)
about how a particular phenomenon
functions or is related to its parts.
• It serves as the basis for understanding the
causal or correlational patterns of
interconnections across events, ideas,
observations, concepts, knowledge,
interpretations and other components of
Professor Akintola Akintoye, University of
Central Lancashire, Preston, UK.
Purposes of Conceptual Framework
• To clarify concepts and propose relationships
among the concepts in a study.
• To provide a context for interpreting the study
• To explain observations
• To encourage theory development that is
useful to practice
EDMIC 2015 Research Workshop, OAU, Ile
Ife, Nigeria
Purposes of TF and CF together
Theoretical Framework Vs
Conceptual Framework
• Helps the researcher see clearly the main variables
and concepts in a given study;
• Provides the researcher with a general approach
(methodology – research design, target population and research
sample, data collection & analysis)
• Guides the researcher in the collection,
interpretation and explanation of the data
• Guides future research – specifically where the conceptual
framework integrates literature review and field data.
Difference between CF and TF
Purposes of Theories and Conceptual Models
• Their overall purpose is to make research
findings meaningful and generalizable.
• Theories and conceptual models help to
stimulate research and the extension of
knowledge by providing both direction and
Identify Relevant
Theoretical Structure
(Deductive Approach)
Apply TF to
Research Problem
Mixed Methods Research
Research Problem
Third methodological or research paradigm
(along with qualitative and quantitative
Relationship between TF and CF
Relative to Research Paradigms
Research Problem
Synthesise Relevant
Concepts from
Various Sources (CF)
(Inductive Approach)
Apply CF to
Research Problem
Adapted from Imenda S (2014) Is there a Conceptual Difference between
Theoretical and Conceptual Frameworks? J. Soc Sci, 38(2), 185-195
Professor Akintola Akintoye, University of
Central Lancashire, Preston, UK.
(Imenda, 2014)
Created from a variety of
conceptual and theoretical
Evolve from literature review /
adapted from existing theory
Conceptual Meaning
Synthesis of relevant concepts
Application of a theory as a
whole or in part
Process Underline
Review of Literature
Inductive – many aspects of
different theoretical perspectives
are brought together
Deductive – use dominantly in
natural science
Located in both quantitative and
qualitative paradigms
Located mainly in the
quantitative research paradigm
School of Application
Limited to specific research
problem and / or context
Wider application beyond the
current research problem and
Research Base
Social Science / Management
based research
Natural Sciences based
Difference between the two
• A conceptual framework is the researcher’s idea
on how the research problem will have to be
• This is founded on the theoretical framework,
which lies on a much broader scale of resolution.
• The theoretical framework dwells on time tested
theories that embody the findings of numerous
investigations on how phenomena occur.
EDMIC 2015 Research Workshop, OAU, Ile
Ife, Nigeria
Theoretical and the Conceptual Framework
• The theoretical framework basically differs from
the conceptual framework in terms of scope.
Developing TF and CF
• The theoretical framework describes a broader
relationship between things.
• The conceptual framework is much more specific
in defining this relationship.
• The conceptual framework specifies the variables
that will have to be explored in the investigation.
How to come up with TF / CF
Generally in order to come up with TF / CF to guide
conduct of the research, the Researcher has:
• Review literature pertaining to their chosen research
• Find out what has been studied so far in the fields
• Come up with own synthesis of the literature.
• Look for gaps in knowledge
• Identify what questions need to be answered
• Identify what problems need to be given solutions.
• Use to outcomes of this to formulate own conceptual
framework to serve as a guide for research venture.
Using TF / CF in Research Process
• Once a TF / CF is selected, it should be used
throughout the study.
• This means that it guides the entire research
process; however, the entire theory is not
tested in one study.
Process of Research: Relating Theoretical
Framework and Conceptual Framework
Do a search of the literature for theories and examine various theories to determine
what might be appropriate to examine the research problem.
Select the theory for the research study. This is the theory that will guide and direct
the research process.
Conduct a comprehensive review of literature on studies that used this theory base
Formulate the hypotheses or research questions to be tested using the theory or
propositions from within the theory,
Write the conceptual definitions of the study variables based on the theory, .
Operationalize the study variables by selecting the instruments that will be used to
test the concepts. The instrument must be congruent with the theory.
Explain the findings of the study using the theory,
Draw conclusions from the results based on the theory.
Decide if the theory is supported by the results of the study
Determine if there are any implications from the results that can be related to the
Make recommendations for future research and include use of the theory
Professor Akintola Akintoye, University of
Central Lancashire, Preston, UK.
Formulating Theoretical Framework
specifies the theory used as basis for the study
mentions the proponents of the theory
cites the main points emphasized in the theory
Supports his exposition of the theory by ideas
from other experts;
• illustrates his theoretical framework by means of
a diagram; and,
• reiterates his theoretical proposition in the study.
EDMIC 2015 Research Workshop, OAU, Ile
Ife, Nigeria
Methods of Developing Conceptual
• Experiential Knowledge
• Prior theory- simply published work, but
other people’s theories and research in
general. - a set of concepts and ideas and the
proposed relationships among these
• Prior research— this is useful other than as a
source of theory
Prior research
Four specific things that Prior research can contribute
to your research design.
• Helps you to develop a justification for your study—
to show how your work will address an important
need or unanswered question.
• Can inform your decisions about methods,
suggesting alternative approaches or identifying
potential methodological problems or solutions.
• Be a source of data that can be used to test or
modify your theories.
How to Formulate Conceptual Framework
• First, you need to have a set of concepts to work
with; these can come from
– existing theory
– your experience,
– The people you are studying—their own concepts of
what’s going on.
• The main thing to keep in mind is that at this
point you are trying to represent the theory you
already have about the phenomena you are
studying, not primarily to invent a new theory.
Concept Mapping for Developing
Conceptual Framework
Concept mapping is a tool for
developing and presenting the
conceptual framework for your design.
Maxwell, J.
(2005). Conceptual framework: What do you think is
going on? In Qualitative Research Design: An Interactive Approach,
(pp. 33-64). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications.
• Can help you generate theory
Conceptual Paradigm
Reasons for creating concept maps
• a diagram that visually represents and
interprets the underlying theory, principles
and concepts of a research.
• a visual presentation of variables that
interrelate with one another as perceived by
the researcher before an actual empirical
investigation is done to prove its relationships
• To pull together, and make visible, what your
implicit theory is, or to clarify an existing theory.
• This can allow you to see the implications of the
theory, its limitations, and its relevance for your
• To develop theory. Like memos, concept maps are
a way of “thinking on paper”; they can help you
see unexpected connections, or to identify holes
or contradictions in your theory and figure out
ways to resolve these.
Professor Akintola Akintoye, University of
Central Lancashire, Preston, UK.
EDMIC 2015 Research Workshop, OAU, Ile
Ife, Nigeria
Different Kinds of Concept Maps
Example of Concept Map
There are different kinds of concept maps, with
different purposes; these include the following:
• An abstract framework mapping the relationship
among concepts
• A flowchart-like account of events and how you
think these are connected
• A causal network of variables or influences
• A treelike diagram of the meanings of words
• A Venn diagram, representing concepts as
overlapping circles
Swamp Leadership: The Wisdom of the Craft, by B. Croskery, 1995, unpublished
doctoral dissertation, Harvard Graduate School of Education.
Example of Concept Map
A Causal Network: Perry-Parkdale School. In M. B. and Huberman, A. M. (1994),
Qualitative Data Analysis: An Expanded Sourcebook (2nd ed.)Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Based on the foregoing example,?
1. specifies the theory used as basis for the study
2. mentions the proponents of the theory
3. cites the main points emphasized in the theory
4. Supports his exposition of the theory by ideas from
other experts;
5. illustrates his theoretical framework by means of a
diagram; and,
6. reiterates his theoretical proposition in the study.
Professor Akintola Akintoye, University of
Central Lancashire, Preston, UK.
Strategies to develop Concept Map for
Conceptual Framework
• Think about the key words you use in talking about this
topic; these probably represent important concepts in
your theory.
• Take something you have already written and try to
map the theory that is implicit (or explicit) in this.
• Take one key concept, idea, or term and brainstorm all
of the things that might be related to this, then go back
and select those that seem most directly relevant to
your study.
Do not ignore concepts based on your experience rather
than the literature; these can be central to your
conceptual framework..
Purpose of Review of Related
Literature in Development of TF /CF
• It gives researcher several ideas on how to select
and formulate his own research problem.
• It helps the researcher identify studies that have
been done related to the topic he is interested in.
• It avoids possible duplication of similar studies.
• It guides the researcher on the possible
theoretical framework he can use for his current
EDMIC 2015 Research Workshop, OAU, Ile
Ife, Nigeria
• It gives direction to the researcher on how he will
create his own conceptual framework.
• It allows the researcher to browse several kinds
of research designs, sampling techniques,
statistical procedures, questionnaires and
processes of presenting, analysing , and
interpreting data, from where he could base his
own choice for his paper.
• It gives a picture of a comparative analysis
between variables used in reviewed materials
and those used in the current study.
Professor Akintola Akintoye, University of
Central Lancashire, Preston, UK.
In summary, they both ‘serve’ the same purposes
but are different:
• Conceptually
• Methodologically
• Scope of their application
While the words are used interchangeably in the literature, a
theoretical framework provides a broad explanation of
relationships that exists between concepts.