Minutes 26-04-15


Minutes 26-04-15
Meeting 26th April 2015
Minutes - for approval
Attendees: Jim Higginson - chair
Sukhdev Parhar - IT
Alexandra Thompson - Secretary
Mayank Shastri - core and foundation trainees rep (18:17)
Richard McNulty conference officer (18:18)
Daanesh Zakai
Introduction and clarification of roles
JTG constitution
Annual conference
Arrange first in-person meeting
second degree issues
Introduction and clarification of roles
The skills mix of this committee is more evenly split across dentist’s first and medics first, with
members based around the UK
To chair the meetings, laison with the rep to the BAOMS council and reporting back.
It was agreed that the secretaries role is to keep the minutes, remind the committee of meetings
and organisational commitments along with the need to be involved in other JTG business,
conference and campaigns.
To maintain the JTG website, ensure that relevant information is disseminated. To act as a
IT/sound and vision expert at the conference. To maintain the dropbox account for the JTG
Core training and foundation rep
Dealing with foundation and core training issues, JH has already taken some emails regarding this
and will forward to MS for action.
Conference officer
To deliver a successful conference, on time and in budget. Will provide an overview, but all
members will help with the organisation of the conference
there is a dropbox account with JTG files and information, this is currently ‘owned’ by Cat Wicks
the outgoing chair. Plan to gain access to these files JH to contact CW and to link them to the JTG
gmail account rather than a personal account SP to action
Website profiles:
MS and DZ still to update profiles on the JTG website.
MS will update
AT will contact DZ to remind to update
The JTG has a draft constitution, but the role of chairperson and liason to the BAOMS committee is
new and this needs updating.
The rules for election of the committee are unclear and need to be clarified in bylaws, especially
with regards to the eligibility to vote
JH to email the draft constitution, all members to read and offer comments on the constitution
Annual conference
feedback from some potential sponsors last year that it clashed with freshers fairs and also the
British association of oral surgeons conference.
Need to ensure that it does not fall too early in rotation for hospital jobs as most people will need at
least 6 weeks notice to organise annual leave
Friday and Saturday is traditional, JH and SP remarked that this means people can often do one of
two days, even if the whole 2 days isn’t possible.
Late October/early November weekends were thought to be a good option, no committee member
currently has a problem with these dates
All committee members to look at potential clashes with other large events over 4 weekends in
It was remarked that many JTG members find leaving London for a conference unpalatable. MS
commented that a large concentration of members and trainees in the Greater London Area makes
London the obvious choice. A suggestion of 1 in 3 conferences to be outside London was made.
All members of the committee present agreed that a London based conference was a logical step
this year.
potential venues were discussed including the RSM, RCSeng, RM to investigate potential venues
and provide a list of 3 options for the next meeting
Conference handover document
This document is available in dropbox and should be very helpful in planning the next conference
Second degree issues
tuition fee loans/student loans company
Need for clarity with regards to tuition fee loans for second degree students- there was a mix of
experience with this even amongst the committee.
The devolved nations have different rules
AT to write to the student loans company in the hope of gaining clarity
NHS bursary
Clarigication with regards to the situation with the UCAS codes, for 5 year and 4 year graduate
entry programme for medicine and dentistry.
AT to write to the NHS bursary adminstration
The point was made that the current situation must be clear before any lobbying can occur to
change that situation.
Pay protection
The committee are aware this is a continuing issue for JTG members
SP is aware of Kathleen Hildelston at the BMA who is knowledgable with regards to this.
MS made the point that this issue was discussed at length in 2010 but very little changed as a
result. It is very much up to the employer trusts.
The BAOMS position statement is available to JTG members but BAOMS as a charity it will not get
Clarity is important and whilst it is unlikely we can influence policy centrally there may be an
opportunity whilst the junior doctor contract is being negotiated. The pertinent paragraph in the
terms and conditions of the current junior doctors contract is also up for negotiation.
JH to investigate who the contact is at the BMA and discuss the possibility of making our issues
known as a stakeholder organisation.
Undergraduate reps and regional reps
SP to contact the current cohort of reps and ask for further representation for undergraduates and
regional reps via email
Next Skype conference call agreed: Saturday 9th May 5pm.
1st in person meeting
venue ‘in London’ Saturday 6th June