Newsletter March 2015
Newsletter March 2015
MARCH NEWSLETTER 2015 UPCOMING EVENTS ACTIVITIES The Blessing of the Baskets will take place on the 11th April 2015 at 3pm in our Chapel. We hope you are able to join us. Kalyna Care wishes everyone a Happy Easter. MULTICULTRAL DAY Volume 18, Issue 03 Contents Activities 1 Our Residents 2 Dates to Remember 2 Church Services 2 Just for Laughs 3 Students 3 New Staff 3 Congratulations 3 Activities Calendar 3 Traffic Flow & Parking 4 Our Mission, Values & Philosophy 4 th Please join us on Thursday 19 March for our Multicultural Day celebrations, which will be taking place from 1.30pm to 4.00pm. There will be many activities offered on the day such as Dr. Saratchrandron will be singing, and of course residents, family members and staff will be showing up in traditional wear and their dishes. There will also be Terracotta ornaments and Luci-lu Shoes on display for sale. KALYNA CARE’S MEN’S SHED UPCOMING EVENTS Kalyna Care hosted a morning of woodworking in our workshop on Thursday 5th March. Our male residents enjoyed the opportunity to create flower boxes with the assistance of our volunteer Roman. God gave us the gift of life; it is up to us to give ourselves the gift of living well. – Voltaire 2 OUR RESIDENTS NEW RESIDENTS We welcome the following residents, The following residents will be celebrating their birthday in April, Bohdan Chorkawyj Evica Groszow Lydia Dudinski Maria Herceg WE BID A FOND Nadia Boburka FAREWELL TO, Maria Melnyk Arnaldo Valenta Budimka Alimpic Wasyl Dazkiw Tatiana Wenhrynowycz Theodore Winnicki Feodora Berketa George Burban May they Rest in Peace. Danuta Orac Sophia Manyk Nina Suduk We wish you all a Happy Birthday. DATES TO REMEMBER Liturgical Services will take place on the below dates in our Chapel beginning at 11.00am Catholic Liturgy Sunday 22nd March Thursday 26th March Thursday 2nd April HAIRDRESSER Tuesday 31st March Tuesday 14th April Orthodox Liturgy Thursday 23rd April English Liturgy Monday 6th April (Please note church services are subject to change) PODIATRIST Konvalyia Wing Monday 4th May Maja Hrudka Monday 4th May Sosna & Topolya Wednesday 6th May The next Resident/ Representative meeting will be held Wednesday 8th April 3pm. DIETICIAN Monday 30th March We hope you can join us for our next Community Breakfast on Friday 24th April 2015 from 8am to 9am. Please RSVP to Tammy on 9367 8055 by Monday 20th April. h 3 CONGRATULATIONS 6 Please join us in congratulating Swati Kamlesh on her new role as Second Chef. Swati has worked for Kalyna Care for over three years and has been a great contribution to the team. Swati is also studying for her Certificate III in hospitality. We wish her all the best in any further endeavours. YOUNG VOLUNTEERS Students from the Catholic Regional College in St. Albans are volunteering their time from 1pm to 3pm every Monday. They will be involved in activities with our residents. Organised by our Leisure & Lifestyle Coordinator, Divya, the program will started in mid-February. OUR NEW STAFF We welcome the following new staff to Kalyna Care so far this year: Abebayehu Antachew - Carer Gulchachak Sadikova - Carer Sara Ewenetu - Carer Shalini Wijerathne – Hospitality Services Jade Hart – Hospitality Services MONTHLY ACTIVITIES CALENDERS As part of our improvement plan at Kalyna Care, we will be publishing our monthly Activities Calendar onto our website at as of April. This is in addition to the copy posted on our notice boards in each area. Further improvements over the last month include, a) Relocation of television antenna points and TV’s to larger areas in both Sosna and Topolya. b) Insulation of an additional air-conditioner in the front entrance. c) Video intercom has been installed to the front door, which allows staff to safety open the front door from both Maja Hrudka and Sosna areas outside of business hours. Just for Laughs “Sugar why don’t you sit down by the table and we’ll start supper.” Said Dorothy to her Husband of 50 years. “Sure thing,” said her husband settling himself down. “Now darling, would you like the soup first or the salad?” Questioned Dorothy. “Umm I guess I’ll take the soup.” He responded. After a whole meal of one endearing term after another, their guest Bob couldn’t contain his curiosity any longer. Bob snuck into the kitchen and asked, “Dorothy do you always talk to your husband like that?” “Bob, I’ll be honest with you,” Dorothy replied. “It’s been five years now, I just can’t remember his name, and I am just too embarrassed to ask him!” 4 TRAFFIC FLOW & PARKING I RESPECT U Please be reminded about the changes in our car park. There are road markings clearly marking the direction of traffic. Signage stating where there is NO ENTRY. All passenger vehicles are not permitted to TURN LEFT into the large carpark. Entry is only via the roundabout and exit through the large carpark. An exception is made for Trucks, as they are too large to exit the facility through the car park due to the tight cornering... Additionally, please DO NOT park in the MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS ONLY designated car parking bay as; this is for doctors and any other Medical Professionals. It is essential that everyone follows the new Traffic Management plan, as Kalyna Care will not be held accountable if you don’t. Find us on the Web: UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCE ARE STAFF OR VISITORS TO THE FACILITY ALLOWED TO PARK IN THE INDEPENDENT LIVING UNITS CAR PARK. Volume 18, Issue 03 344 Taylors Road Delahey VIC 3037 PH: 03 9367 8055 FAX: 03 9310 7943 ABN: 57 006 305 844 OUR MISSION, VALUES AND PHILOSOPHY We offer a variety of documents in many languages, which are available on our document stand located in our foyer. If we don’t have the one that you are after on display then please see our receptionist for assistance. Kalyna Care News: We welcome your feedback and contributions to Kalyna Care News. Contact Tammy Scurlock on (03) 9367 8055 or email [email protected] Our Mission Our mission is to provide an Aged Care facility and affiliated services to the community that: Enables KalynaCare to continue to be the provider of choice for the Ukrainian and broader multicultural community Provides quality culturally appropriate services and care that are responsive to individual needs and choice Promotes and respects dignity for all Cultivates a warm, friendly, caring, compassionate and home-like environment Continues to embrace its Ukrainian heritage and remains true to the vision set by our founding members. Our Values RESPECT –for and with those who we care for, those we work with and those with whom we have involvement. These values are: Respect A warm, friendly, Empathy Support and Improvement caring, Privacy and Dignity compassionate and Equity and Encouragement home-like Compassion Trust and Understanding. environment. Our Philosophy KalynaCare is committed to being a provider of Consumer Directed Care (CDC) providing service users with greater control over the design and delivery of the services that they wish to receive.