Terms of Reference Moderation of Discussions on Issues
Terms of Reference Moderation of Discussions on Issues
Terms of Reference Moderation of Discussions on Issues Related to Inclusive Market Development 1. Katalyst Katalyst is a market development project that aims to contribute to increasing the income of poor men and women in rural areas. It does this by facilitating changes in services, inputs and product markets, which in turn increases the competitiveness of farmers and small enterprises. Katalyst is co-funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), the UK Government, and the Danish International Development Agency (Danida). It is implemented by Swisscontact under the umbrella of the Ministry of Commerce, Government of Bangladesh. 2. About Capitalisation In Phase 3, Katalyst has defined a new overarching theme titled ‘capitalisation’ under which it plans to intensify its activities to create awareness for a wider range of stakeholders on the overall concept of market development and influence them to further improve or streamline their practices related to inclusive development, thereby leading to wider scale of impact. For Katalyst, capitalisation is the process through which the project identifies learning from its own and other’s experiences and knowledge in order to use it to improve practices for itself and its partners further while contributing to inclusive development. The underlying rationale of capitalisation is based on the premise that facilitative, indirect approach, knowledge, and experience currently practiced by Katalyst could also be promoted and utilized by a greater number of well positioned stakeholders. With a greater number of stakeholders voicing appreciation for and promoting a similar systemic approach, there will be far greater level of outreach and impact, resulting in both direct and indirect benefits to the poor. This is of utmost importance, because as a project with limited life span, Katalyst would like to see that target groups are benefited beyond the project’s life. 3. Background of the assignment As a part of the capitalisation strategy, Katalyst plans to influence well positioned stakeholders to promote and utilize aspects of Inclusive Market Development1 Approach. In order to do so, Katalyst will undertake a series of dialogues/discussion sessions with relevant public and private sector stakeholders. The discussion events will firstly seek to garner greater understanding among various stakeholders on issues relating to inclusive market development and inclusive business2 in Bangladesh. The discussion events are attempted at creating a positive attitude amongst the key stakeholders regarding the concept of inclusive business and influencing them to adopt aspects of the same into their own work. Secondly, through the discussion events, Katalyst also seeks to extract IB based knowledge and experiences from the relevant stakeholders. Furthermore, Katalyst expects to identify scopes for applying inclusive market development initiatives to solve major issues. A series of publications based on the outcomes of these discussions will also be compiled, which can later be used to influence more key stakeholders to promote and practice inclusive market development. Katalyst is seeking consultant(s)/consultancy firms for moderating these discussion events. The consultant(s)/consultancy firms will be required to do background research on the issues and to develop publications subsequently. The consultant/consultancy firms will also be required to assist Katalyst in developing relationships with and influencing key stakeholders, inviting participants to the event as well as overall planning and event management of the event. The particular expertise required for the consultants are mentioned in section 5. 4. Areas of work Based on the topics and objectives of each of the discussion events set by the capitalisation team of Katalyst, the areas of work for the consultant(s)/consultancy firm will include the following: • Planning: The consultant(s)/consultancy firm is expected to do background research on the topic as well as to create a guideline for the detailed points to be discussed in the sessions. The consultant(s)/consultancy firm must assist Katalyst to contact and invite participants to the event as well as to assist Katalyst in event management. 1 Inclusive Market Development (IMD) focuses on developing markets to make them more inclusive and beneficial to the low income groups as producers, consumers and employees. 2 Inclusive Business (IB) models include the poor into a company’s supply chains as employees, producers and business owners or develop affordable goods or services needed by the poor. (Private Sector Division, Partnerships Bureau, UNDP, 2010). • Moderation: The consultant(s)/consultancy firm is expected to moderate the discussion sessions and engage the participants in the dialogue. The moderator must guide the discussions in order to successfully explore the topic and achieve the objectives set out by Katalyst. The moderator will also be expected to give a presentation at the discussion on his findings from the background research. In some cases the consultant may be required to develop a key note paper. • Developing Publications: The consultant(s)/consultancy firm may have to create a report and discussion proceedings based on the discussion event and background research. Furthermore the consultant(s)/consultancy firm may be required to create other publications depending on the topic and objective of the session. These publications may include but are not limited to: case studies, experience briefs, research papers, short videos, documentaries, policy briefs, manuals, reports, practice briefs, discussion/workshop papers, etc. The details of the tasks for each of the assignments including the timeline shall be determined by Katalyst and will be finalized through mutual agreement between the consultant and Katalyst. 5. List of expertise required Expertise expected from the consultant is as follows: • Extensive experience in moderating workshops, especially with participants from relevant stakeholders (government officials, private sector, NGOs etc.) • Experience of working with the issues relevant to private sector development as well as knowledge of Inclusive Market Development, Inclusive Business and Markets for the Poor (M4P) Approach • Previous extensive experience of working with the public sector and/or private sector, especially in the field of agriculture or agriculture extension and agribusiness. • Ability to create high quality publications that highlight good writing and communication capabilities as well as the ability to effectively collect and portray findings in order to influence relevant stakeholders 6. Contract Duration The contract will remain valid for 18 months, starting from April 15 2015 (tentative). The number of assignments for engagement will depend on available opportunity and specific area of expertise of the consultant. 7. Budget The consultant(s) are required to propose their daily rates. The consultancy firms are requested to propose the daily rates of their pool of consultants in accordance to the budget template.
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