Faculty of Engineering and Architecture Computer Engineering Department COM 352 – DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM BOOK STORE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (BSMS) Academic Year: Spring 2014-2015 Evaluation Type: Term Project Due Date: May 17, 2015 (Strict !) Our company needs a Book Store Management System. It has many Branches located in different sites. Related to these branches, we need to keep track of Customer, Book, and Shop Assistant information. Our system should have as an Administrator. Besides from our administrator, our system is used by company staff as back shop assistant and front shop assistant and customers for different purposes. Administrator must be able to do following operations in the system: To login to system using user-name and password. To display and update his/her personal information. Adding a new shop assistant by giving an id, name, surname, username and a password etc. to him/her (Back and Front Shop Assistants). Removing a shop assistant (Firing situation). Updating a shop assistant. Searching and displaying a specific shop assistant or shop assistants. To take backup copy of the current database catalog and existing data snapshot into flat files. To view login history of the system users. Back Shop Assistant must be able to do following operations in the system: To login to system using user-name and password. To display and update his/her personal information. Adding a new book. Removing a book. Updating a book. Searching and displaying a specific book or books. Front Shop Assistant must be able to do following operations in the system: To login to system using user-name and password. To display and update his/her personal information. Adding a new customer by giving an id, name, surname, username and a password etc. to him/her. Removing a customer. Updating a customer. Adding a new renting of the customer. Removing renting of the customer (when customer returns the book). Updating renting of the customer. Searching and displaying a specific customer or customers. Searching and displaying a specific renting or reservations. Searching and displaying a specific book or books. Displaying all available and not available (rented) books. Displaying all rented books that belong to a customer. Customers must be able to do following operations in the system: To login to system using user-name and password. To display and update his/her personal information. Requesting a new renting. Learning payment information (You may decide about the calculation). Returning a book. Searching and displaying a specific book or books. Displaying all available and not available (reserved) book(s). Displaying all reserved books that belong to him/her. IMPORTANT NOTES: Feel free to add and implement new functional and/or non-functional user requirements into your system to get additional bonus grades. You should add three triggers to the system decided by you for necessary situations. You may implement your project either as a desktop application or a web application. You may select your DBMS (e.g. Oracle, MySQL etc.) and platform freely. In any case, a user friendly Graphical User Interface (GUI) is expected to be developed together with highly satisfied user requirements and a well-designed database. Do NOT forget to prepare your term Project Report based on the content described in Term Project assignment sheet.