Kopernik Q1 2015 Conference Call | Presentation
Kopernik Q1 2015 Conference Call | Presentation
Kopernik Global All-Cap 1Q 2015 Conference Call Presented by: David B. Iben, CFA CIO & Lead Portfolio Manager . Index Kopernik Overview • Centering on Client Success • Investing with a Distinctive Philosophy • Uncovering Value with Industry Specialists Market Overview • Markets in Review • Return-Free Risk? • Bifurcated Performance • Unsustainable Margins • The Dollar Has Soared • Taking Advantage of Investors’ A.D.D. • Uranium • Coal • Hydropower • What Would Newton Think? • Is the Secular Decline Over? • Gold & Gold Industry • Advanced Economies vs Emerging Economies • Stock Market Capitalization 2 Centering on Client Success Kopernik Global Investors, LLC (“Kopernik”) is a global equity investment management specialist, organized to ensure a culture centered on client success • Leadership and ownership by investment professionals • 100% employee owned Private Funds 8% Mutual Funds 46% • Equity participation for all professionals • Principals invest alongside clients • Capacity to be limited, enhancing return potential • Founded by David Iben – July 2013 UCITS 10% Separate Accounts 36% Total Firm AUM by Type (As of 3/31/2015) Mutual Funds Private Funds UCITS Separate Accounts Total Firm AUM Assets as of 3/31 are preliminary. $681.94 MM 126.49 MM 152.28 MM 531.25 MM $1,491.96 MM 3 Investing with a Distinctive Philosophy The likely outcome of a distinctive philosophy consistently implemented by skilled investors – sustainable investment success and low correlations to other managers • We view ourselves as owners of businesses: - Market inefficiencies present numerous opportunities to identify quality businesses that we believe are mispriced - Independent research of a company’s business, industry supply/demand, competitive positioning and management uncovers opportunities • We predicate our intensive, original research on: - A global perspective to enhance understanding of markets and companies - A long-term investment horizon to allow for inherent value to be realized - Value as a prerequisite, not a philosophy - Bottom-up, fundamental analysis to gain a thorough understanding of a company’s business and valuation - Industry-tailored valuation metrics to assess distinct industry characteristics and success drivers 4 Uncovering Value with Industry Specialists • Far-reaching investment experience in global markets with a long record of success • Searching for market anomalies with industry specialists who have diverse backgrounds and distinct perspectives • Group vetting to challenge ideas and develop high conviction 5 Markets in Review NON SEQUITUR © 2014 Wiley Ink, Inc.. Dist. By UNIVERSAL UCLICK. Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved. 6 Global equity markets have become increasingly bifurcated over the past six years. This trend was magnified by the S&P’s stellar performance in 2013 and 2014. Emerging markets and Europe on the other hand have lagged behind. The U.S. equity bull market, that started in March 2009, has been propelled by unprecedented quantitative easing. While there are notable differences, today’s current U.S. equity market reminds of the tech bubble experienced in early 2000 with valuations that are, in our opinion, unsustainable. As a result of the “economic recovery” observed in the U.S., policy makers worldwide now view quantitative easing as the cure-all for their economies as well. While government debt levels in most countries around the globe continue to grow, global bond yields remain at extremely low levels and nominal yields have even turned negative in as many countries such as Germany, Denmark and Switzerland. Over $5 trillion of sovereign debt is trading at negative nominal interest rates. We must pay them for the privilege of loaning money to them. We fear that this experiment in monetary policy is bound to end badly. While investing in these bifurcated markets is particularly challenging, we have taken advantage of the many opportunities to buy dominant companies at very attractive valuations. Although we have clearly been early, we believe we have never had a more attractively valued portfolio. Diversification across industries, countries, regions and currencies is more important than ever. 7 Return-Free Risk? Historical 30 Year Bond Yield Source: Bloomberg 16.00% 30 year bond current yield = 2.6% $1,051 14.00% 12.00% 10.00% Yields go to 2% Price of Bond $1,224 Gain/Loss 16.46% 4% $827 -21.31% 8% 12% $435 $273 -58.61% -74.02% 16% $196 -81.35% 8.00% 6.00% 4.00% 2.00% 0.00% 8 U.S. Stock Market as % of GDP NON SEQUITUR © 2014 Wiley Ink, Inc.. Dist. By UNIVERSAL UCLICK. Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved. 9 Bifurcated Performance Performance of Equity Markets Source: Bloomberg July 1, 2014 - December 31, 2014 $1,100 $1,050 $1,000 $950 $900 MSCI Emerging Markets Index MSCI AC World Index MSCI EAFE Index Dec-14 Dec-14 Nov-14 Nov-14 Oct-14 Oct-14 Sep-14 Sep-14 Aug-14 Aug-14 Jul-14 Jul-14 Jul-14 $850 S&P 500 10 Unsustainable Margins U.S. Corporate Profits as a % of GDP 12% 7/1/2014, 11% 10% 8% 6% 4% 2% 0% 1947 1952 1957 1962 1967 1972 1977 1982 1987 1992 1997 2002 2007 2012 Source: Economic Research Division, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 11 The Dollar Has Soared U.S. Dollar vs Major Currency September 2014 - April 2015 $102 $100 $99.48 $98 $96 $94 $92 $90 $88 $86 $85.20 $84 September-14 October-14 November-14 December-14 January-15 February-15 March-15 Source: Bloomberg 12 NON SEQUITUR © 2014 Wiley Ink, Inc.. Dist. By UNIVERSAL UCLICK. Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved. 13 Taking Advantage of Investors’ A.D.D. 14 Uranium Getting Cheaper On “Wall Street” Even As It Gets More Expensive On “Main Street” Uranium 8/28/2014 – 3/23/2015 $140 $130 UXA1 | +18.94% $120 $110 U CN | -7.24% $100 $90 $80 $70 CCJ US | -23.26% 8/28/2014 9/28/2014 10/28/2014 Uranium Spot Price | UXA1 11/28/2014 12/28/2014 Cameco Corp | CCJ US 1/28/2015 2/28/2015 $60 3/31/2015 Uranium Participation Corp | U CN Source: Bloomberg 15 Uranium demand (klb U3O8) Uranium Uranium Supply & Demand 2003-2020E Source: Bloomberg 215,000 195,000 175,000 155,000 135,000 115,000 95,000 75,000 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Total Demand (Power Utility) 2012 2013 2014E 2015E 2016E 2017E 2018E 2019E 2020E Total Supply (Mine Production) New Reactors Under Construction 90 net new reactors by 2023 Source: Cameco, Q2 2014 Operable 2014 New Shut Operable Change Under Construction 2014 Americas Europe Asia Other* India China Russia & E. Europe** 126 136 77 6 21 21 49 8 10 14 16 15 57 21 (8) (16) (14) (13) 126 130 77 22 36 78 57 0 (6) 0 16 15 57 8 6 4 9 5 6 27 12 Total 436 142 -51 526 90 69 Region/Country *Other: Bangladesh, Iran, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Turkey, United Arab Emirates **E. Europe: Armenia, Belarus, Ukraine 16 Uranium Source: UX Consulting Company 17 Coal World Electricity Production By Fuel Source Source: World Bank 9,000 8,000 World Electricity Production (TWh) 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 Coal 1992 Gas 1994 Hydro 1996 1998 Nuclear 2000 Oil 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 Other 18 Energy Stocks vs. Energy Prices $1,200 $1,100 $1,000 $900 $800 $700 $600 $500 $400 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 WTI Sep-14 Nat Gas Oct-14 PRB Coal Nov-14 Dec-14 Jan-15 Feb-15 CAPP Coal WTI – West Texas Intermediate | PRB Coal – Powder River Basin | CAPP Coal – Central Appalachian Coal $1,200 $1,100 $1,000 $900 $800 $700 $600 $500 $400 $300 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Peabody Energy Aug-14 Sep-14 Exploration & Production Oct-14 Oil Services Nov-14 Dec-14 Global Energy Index Jan-15 Feb-15 Source: Bloomberg 19 Hydropower Source: Bloomberg IDA vs Eletrobras | P/B 2.00 1.80 1.80 1.65 1.60 1.51 1.49 1.40 1.31 1.27 1.22 1.19 1.20 1.09 1.06 1.00 0.80 0.60 0.40 0.52 0.37 0.28 0.43 0.41 0.47 0.33 0.22 0.23 0.15 0.20 0.00 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 P/B Eletrobras 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 P/B IDA 20 What Would Newton Think? Market Capitalization $432 billion $670 billion $724 billion Price-to-Sales 0.76x 1.00x 3.80x Price-to-Book 0.50x 1.26x 6.00x 77,000,000 107,300,000 83,000 6.6 million sq. miles (4.2 billion acres)1 3.3 million sq. miles (2.1 billion acres)1 2.9 sq. miles(1,866 acres)6 25% of the world2 12% of the world3 - 80,000 (m b) 13,219 (m b) - 48,676 (billion standard cu m) 459 (billion standard cu m) - 1,060.7 TWH4,5 557.4 TWH4 - Gold Holdings 38.8 million ounces (1,208 tons) 2.2 million ounces (67 tons) 27.1 million ounces (842 tons)7 Gold In-situ 160.8 million ounces (5,000 tons) 77.2 million ounces (2,400 tons) - No No Yes Size of Workforce Resources Land Freshwater Crude Oil Natural Gas Electricity Generation Rapidly Obsolescing Products 1 Russia and Brazil are the 1st and 5th largest countries by land size in the world, respectively. largest of Russia’s bodies of fresh water, Lake Baikal, is the oldest, deepest and purest fresh water lake in the world. Baikal alone contains over one-fifth of the world's fresh surface water. Of the country's 100,000 rivers, the Volga at 2,294 miles is the longest river in Europe. 3 Brazil has a dense and complex system of rivers, one of the world's most extensive. The Amazon Basin is the most extensive river system in the world. It has a total area of 7,008,370 km 2. The Amazon river basin alone, which covers 48% of the country’s territory, accounts for 75% of Brazil’s freshwater resources. 4 Russia and Brazil are the 4th and 8th largest electricity producers in the world, respectively. 5 Brazil is the second-largest producer of hydroelectric power in the world, trailing only China, and the country depends on hydroelectricity for more than 75% of its electric power supply. Much of Brazil's hydroelectric potential lies in the country's Amazon Basin. 6 Over a period of nine months ending in January 2015, Russia has been purchasing gold and has now overtaken China as the fifth largest country in total gold reserves. In November 2012, Brazil doubled its gold holdings. 6 Apple Inc., Form 8-K for qtr. ended Dec. 27, 2014. Approximately 15% is leased property, 85% is owned. 7 Cash and Short Term Investments of $32.46 billion as of December 27, 2014 converted to ounces of gold ($1,199/ounce as of April 2015). 2 The Russia P/B, P/S – RTS Index Brazil P/B, P/S – Ibovespa Brasil Sao Paulo Stock Exchange Index Apple - AAPL Sources: World Gold Council, USGS, Britannica, OPEC, Bloomberg, CIA.gov, EIA.gov, BP, Reuters Gold statistics are displayed in Metric Tons and Troy Ounces. Data as of March 31, 2015 - Unless otherwise noted 21 Is The Secular Decline Over? USDX Index December 1984 - April 2015 $160 $151.47 $150 $140 $130 $120 $110 $99.54 $100 $90 $80 $70 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 DXY Curncy (DOLLAR INDEX SPOT) Source: Bloomberg 22 Gold Production Input Generates Income Gold No Dollar No No No Edible No No Medium of Transaction Fair Excellent Excellent Poor * * Store of Value Intrinsically Valuable Source: Kopernik Analyst 23 Gold Gold Price / U.S. Monetary Base 0.0030 Source: Bloomberg 0.0025 0.0020 0.0015 0.0010 0.0005 - 24 25 Gold Industry ($bn) Gold Industry | Comparison of Market Caps 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 Gold Chevron Pfizer Facebook JNJ Microsoft Apple ($bn) Gold Miners Market Cap vs Upside Potential $1,600 $1,400 $1,200 $1,000 $800 $600 $400 $200 $0 Aggregate Market Cap of Gold Miners Liquidation Value Optionality Value Theoretical Value Source: Bloomberg Gold Miners Market Cap vs Upside Potential Liquidation Value: $200/ounce for ounces in the ground and an 85% recovery rate. Optionality Value: $260/ounce (the price of a 5yr call option with a strike price of $1300); same ounces and recovery rate Theoretical Value: $900/ounce; same ounces and recovery rate. 26 Advanced Economies vs Emerging Economies Gross domestic product based on purchasing-power-parity (PPP) Source: IMF Current International Dollar in $B $70,000 $60,000 $50,000 $40,000 $30,000 $20,000 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Advanced economies 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Emerging market and developing economies As of: April 2015 Name P/B P/E Curr EV/T12M Sales EV/T12M EBIT FCF Yld Dvd 12M Yld - Gross S&P 500 INDEX 2.885 18.484 2.187 16.274 5.040 1.977 MSCI EAFE 1.722 17.752 1.472 15.316 3.834 2.884 HANG SENG INDEX 1.520 11.601 2.188 11.145 7.843 3.271 ARGENTINA MERVAL INDEX 1.282 10.783 1.958 15.779 -6.789 0.499 IBOV BRAZIL IBOVESPA INDEX 1.329 14.813 1.528 11.580 20.569 4.026 KOSPI KOSPI INDEX 1.202 53.740 1.261 26.188 1.549 1.235 RTS Standard Index 0.364 4.192 0.917 6.303 33.091 Ticker SPX MXEA HSI MERVAL RTSSTD 0.088 Source: Bloomberg 27 Stock Market Capitalization Relative to GDP % of World GDP 2013 % of MSCI ACWI Jan 2015 United States 22% 52% China 12% 2% Japan 7% 7% Germany 5% 3% France 4% 3% United Kingdom 4% 7% Brazil 3% 1% Italy 3% 1% Russia 3% 0% India 2% 1% Other 36% 23% Source: World Bank, Bloomberg 28 THANK YOU Q&A Session A copy of this presentation will be made available on Kopernik’s website shortly after the call. 29 Important Information The information presented herein is proprietary to Kopernik Global Investors, LLC. This material is approved for a presentation to authorized individuals only and, accordingly, this material is not to be reproduced in whole or in part or used for any purpose except as authorized by Kopernik Global Investors, LLC. Please consider all risks carefully before investing. The accounts managed according to the Global All-Cap investment strategy are subject to certain risks such as market, investment style, interest rate, deflation, and illiquidity risk. Investments in small and mid-capitalization companies also involve greater risk and portfolio price volatility than investments in larger capitalization stocks. Investing in non-U.S. markets, including emerging and frontier markets, involves certain additional risks, including potential currency fluctuations and controls, restrictions on foreign investments, less governmental supervision and regulation, less liquidity, less disclosure, and the potential for market volatility, expropriation, confiscatory taxation, and social, economic and political instability. Investments in energy and natural resources companies are especially affected by developments in the commodities markets, the supply of and demand for specific resources, raw materials, products and services, the price of oil and gas, exploration and production spending, government regulation, economic conditions, international political developments, energy conservation efforts and the success of exploration projects. There can be no assurances that investment objectives will be achieved. Kopernik Global Investors, LLC is an investment adviser registered under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, as amended. This document, as of March 31, 2015 is descriptive of how the Kopernik team manages the Global All-Cap strategy. There is no guarantee that any strategy’s investment performance objectives will be achieved. This profile is not legally binding on Kopernik Global Investors, LLC or its affiliates. © 2015 Kopernik Global Investors, LLC | Two Harbour Place | 302 Knights Run Avenue Suite 1225 | Tampa, Florida 33602 | 813.314.6100 | www.kopernikglobal.com 30
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