Winter 2013-2014 Lambton Outdoor Club NEWSLETTER Doug Winch completes the Bruce! Lambton Outdoor Club P.O. Box 653 Sarnia, ON N7T 7J7 Male suada Quis Dolor set Ipsum mauris sapien vitae soldales erat What’s Inside... Notes from the President ………………….…… 2 Executive/Committees …………………….……. 3 Cycling Report ……....................…………….……. 4 Hiking Report ….…...………....……………….…... 6 Paddling Report …........….....………………….... 6 Winter Activity Report….....……………….…... 7 Social Report ………..….....……………………...... 8 New Members ........................................................9 Hiking Schedule ……....…......................…….….10 Winter Activities Schedule….………...........…12 Petit Train du Nord.……...…….….…………..…13 Temagami Trip ................................................... 14 Member ProPile ....................................................15 Photo Gallery ....................................................... 16 Social Adverts …........................…....…………....17 Our Sponsors ........................................................18 Club Apparel ........................................................18 Membership Application ………….………...…19 Waiver Form ………….……..….…………………. 20 PM40036145 Notes from the President I would like to take this opportunity to thank the LOC members of the executive as well as the committee chairs for their ongoing dedication. A word of thanks especially to our past president, Yahya Hematy, for his service. We appreciate your time and effort in moving the club forward. At present, there is an ongoing need for a vice-president of the club, so please consider this exciting opportunity. As usual, the club was busy with activities this fall with ideal weather. The hikers had an excellent view of fall colours on the Bruce Trail, the wine tasting in Niagara was delicious, the bike trip to Quebec was a success, and the paddlers had amazing weather for their trips. There is a continued need for members to serve on the various committees. At the moment the biking committee needs members to plan and lead trips. As you know, this year the November Xmas party is at the Polish Hall with dinner and dancing. Season’s Greetings to all our members and their families. Hope to see you in 2014 at the ever popular New Year’s Pot Luck and Hike. Bob McGill President Lambton Outdoor Club “Good boots ain’t cheap and cheap boots ain’t good.” ~ Unknown President Bob McGill 542-6981 Vice President (VACANT) Past President Yahya Henaty 542-3217 Secretary Kim Smith 862-1234 Treasurer Tony Abbott 542-6273 Newsletter Contributions The LOC newsletter is published four times a year and distributed to members as well as other clubs, organizations and some commercial outfits. Contributions are always welcome. The editor reserves the right to make changes. This is your newsletter! Submission Deadlines for receipt of contributions from members or committee heads are: Feb 1 * May 1 * Aug 1 * Nov 1 Printed newsletters are usually in the mail within 3 weeks of the deadline. Please send ALL contributions to: Editor Chris Richmond NEW PRESIDENT RECEIVES THE GAVEL 2 Lambton Outdoor Club - Winter 2013-2014 [email protected] OUR DEDICATED VOLUNTEER COMMITTEE MEMBERS ACTIVITY Canoe/Kayaking CHAIR MEMBERS Brian Seabrook 542-2015 Jim Belair, Dave Butler, Hank DeJong, John Elliott, Fern Noel, Stan Piskorowski Cycling Margaret Lovegrove 542-8905 Jack Beaton, John Lovegrove, Kathy Ludanyi, Susan Osso, Pat Polley, John Timar Hiking Greg Hogan 344-3755 Dick Carey, Bonnie Clark, Ted Kemp, Bruce Lester, Rod Richmond, Doug Winch, Fern Noel 542-9694 Jack Beaton, Jim Belair, Joe Burley, Rita Martindale Winter Activities SUPPORT CHAIR MEMBERS Communications David Druiett 869-2864 Denise Coleman, Lyn Druiett, Brenda Paquette, Newsletter Chris Richmond 704-1113 Distribution Lori Clancy Website Tony Arnold 542-1578 Membership Bill Clark 864-4118 Social Sue Carey 869-6548 Publicity Chris Richmond 704-1113 Auditor John Kratz Gillian Abbott, Donna Boutilier, Aurore Holbrook, Nancy Hicks, Pat Kidd, Kim Smith, Collette Wilson LOC ONLINE WEBSITE: Check out our event and activity information, color newsletter, photos, slide shows, videos, forms and more: Website Contributions We welcome your stories and photos (identify date/location/ people). Send to Webmaster Tony Arnold ([email protected]) EMAIL: Send requests for information, suggestions etc. to: [email protected] FACEBOOK: Find us on Facebook Search ‘Lambton Outdoor Club’ and click Like to see photos, comments and more. Newsletter Articles Wanted! Take some notes/photos while on an LOC activity, write up a small article (300-500 words) or blurb, and share with your fellow members! Photos should be full resolution and suitable for printing. Volunteering is a great way to get involved with your club and to meet new and interesting people. Contact any of the above Chairs if you would like to help out! Lambton Outdoor Club - Winter 2013-2014 Email your submission to: [email protected] An acknowledgment email will be sent to confirm receipt. 3 CYCLING REPORT Margaret Lovegrove Many adventures around the corner! delicious lunch at Parks and this day was no We have had a very successful exception. The summer of cycling but the season shorter ride was 45 is now coming to a close. km and the longer Over the months of July, August one 70km. It was a and September the weather was good day for really good and none of the rides were affected by heat. Some of us everyone. On August 19th to are still out cycling in October and the 23rd six of us November weather permitting. were to drive to The last quarter’s rides have Midland, Ontario. included a ride to Petrolia from th Camlachie on August 4 , four of us Unfortunately, one of cycled up the Camlachie Road and our cyclists was very arrived in Petrolia in time for a late ill and was unable to breakfast. On our way back to the come. We stayed at a motel in Midland and rode our bikes each sky was very dark and the wind day on different trails. The first day was in our face so it was tough. after we arrived we walked into Another group left from the Tennis town to get some supper. It was a Courts on Cathcart and went to Coffee Lodge in Petrolia for coffee Monday and not much was open and back to John’s on London Line that day. The following morning we set out on our ride and the hills for lunch. th were very steep and some of us On August 11 , we had our fun walked up the hills. We got onto day at Canatara Park. We had 18 the trail and rode about 60km in cyclists on our first ride of the very hot weather. We all managed morning. It was a fun ride. We to do the distances, but it sure was cycled through the park and down hot. The next morning we got back Cathcart Blvd. as far as Modeland on our bikes and rode out toward Road and took the trail back up St. Marie amongst the Hurons toward Michigan Avenue. When historical area and toured the area we almost reached Michigan, we on foot. It was very interesting. went into the Blackwell park and We only cycled about 20 km rode around on the trails there. because of the heat. After that we There are some hills in that park. walked through town that day and We arrived back at Canatara park found a place to get ice cream. On to pick up new riders and drop off the third day it was not quite so hot some riders who did not want to and so we got back on our bikes continue. Around 11am we set off and cycled about 45 km. The for the bridge trail and rode out to afternoon was getting pretty hot, the casino and then headed back to the park for lunch. We all had a but we all had water and got back safe and sound. It really was a fun fun time that day. th On August 18 , we rode to Parks few days in Huronia. On August 25th there was the Blueberry Farm on a beautiful day. Pinery/Grand Bend ride. John 5 went from Shetland and a larger group started from Inwood and we Lovegrove led this one from the all met for lunch. There is always a Lambton Heritage Museum. We Season of Cycling Ending 4 Lambton Outdoor Club - Winter 2013-2014 started by cycling around the park trail and then out on to the path to Grand Bend for lunch at Best’s. Then we returned via the trail back to the Heritage museum and the vehicles. It was a very easy ride of 35kms and the Pinery is a lovely park to ride in. On August 31st one of our new members, John Ward, organized a ride from Lake to Lake. The intention was to start from Rondeau Park on Lake Erie and ride to Mike Weir Park on Lake Huron, a distance of 104kms. After much checking on the weather and wind directions, 9 of us set off from Lake Huron. The route was down Camlachie Road and Marthaville Road and on into Dresden. There was a welcome break at Burn’s Restaurant for lunch. Then the remainder of the ride was through Dresden to Kent Bridge road all the way to Rondeau. It was a fantastic ride as the wind was from the North all day. CYCLING REPORT continued On September 8th, 6 members went to Quebec for our 200km trip. We had a great time. This is a wonderful trip to take any time of the year. I have heard from others who went in the middle of the summer that they had a good time but a bit too hot. We had good temperatures, but got very wet one day. About half of the trail is paved and quite easy to navigate. The rest of the trail is hard pack and also quite easy to ride. A description of this ride is in the newsletter. From September 13 to 20, Pat Polley, Shirley Stone, John and Margaret Lovegrove drove to Plymouth Mass and joined a tour with Bike and the Like around Cape Cod. The first and second days were spent touring Plymouth and learning about the Pilgrim Fathers On Day 3 we took the ferry to Provincetown and cycled around there . Day 4 our only wet day was a long ride (85) to Dennisport using the Cape Cod Rail Trail. Days 5 and 6 were on Martha’s Vineyard riding on the trails. John and I also visited Chappaquiddick and rode as far as we could. No sign of the infamous bridge though! Day 7 was back on Cape Cod at Woods Hole and an interesting visit to the Oceanographic museum and aquarium there. Then we cycled via the Shining Sea Bike Path and the Cape Cod Canal Trail to Sandwich which is a lovely old town. The last day we cycled back to Plymouth. This day was marred by an accident between one of the leaders and one of the cyclists and both were injured. It happened toward the end of a long downhill Great way to stay in shape! stretch so I wonder if this was a factor and has made me think that at the beginning of next season we should concentrate on cycling safety. On September 29th, we had the last organized ride of the season and this was the Old World Cities Tour that went from Bothwell to Dresden and back. Twelve of us started from the arena in Bothwell and went via Cairo (nothing to see there) and Florence to Dresden for lunch, again at Burn’s. The return was via different route to Bothwell. The day was overcast and rain threatened but held off until after we had finished. The total for this ride was 80 kms and it was a good day. The Thursday group continued to meet at the Fish Fountain and ride either down river to Corunna, Courtright or Sombra. The sausage run to Courtright is popular. Heading east the rides go to Camlachie, Bright’s Grove and one Thursday we started in Camlachie and rode to the Pinery and back. There have been some interesting rides this year especially in the southern end of the County which we have not explored in recent years. Already I am thinking about next year so I am looking for volunteers to help with the cycling committee. The urgent need is Lambton Outdoor Club - Winter 2013-2014 from the recreational group so please consider joining the committee. The only qualifications required are enthusiasm and ideas. Dorothy Knight (outgoing Chair) and Margaret Lovegrove (incoming Chair) “Don’t be insane, cover your brain.” ~ 8 year old boy, on wearing bike helmets. 5 HIKING REPORT Greg Hogan This past Fall we had a number of interesting hikes. The two Bruce Trail hikes were very successful with walks through Devil’s Pulpit and across the quarry bridge north of Milton. Also, Bonnie’s Niagara walk through the “grapes of wine” was sold out. We were finally able to complete a hike along the dykes at Hullett Marsh. And David led a wonderful walk at Port Franks. Unfortunately, a couple of hikes had to be cancelled because of hunting in them. As for this winter, we start the year with our always enjoyable Tortoise and Hare hike on News Year Day followed by lunch. March will host our annual two maple syrup hikes at Fort Rose and A. W. Campbell. There will be another Thames River area hike in March that will be take a circle route from London’s Springbank Park. And there will be lots of opportunity to hike in the local areas. It is also not too early to consider next year’s Bruce Trail hikes. The May long weekend hike is in the planning stage, but the June hike is set to continue on from the end of last spring’s Wiarton area hike going past Cape Croker and ending at Jackson’s Cove. Have a Happy Christmas and safe New Year’s and let’s all PADDLING REPORT The 2013 paddling season is behind us so things will be slow for the next six months. We will be having pool sessions again this winter. Those haven't been scheduled yet but when we do have the dates you will be informed by the club's email. Thank you to all of the parAcipants and organizers 6 Local walking is great! Brian Seabrook Enjoy the unspoiled beauty! who made the past season a success. Brian Lambton Outdoor Club - Winter 2013-2014 make a 2014 goal to get out and enjoy our great outdoors hiking. Greg WINTER ACTIVITY REPORT Fern Noel Winter Glorious Winter 2014 Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow! 519-899-2824 Your winter fun committee (Rita [email protected] Martindale, Jack Beaton, Jim Belair, Joe Burley, Fern Noel) have put together an exciting selection of activities for you. Cross country skiing at Duntroon Resort Collingwood— Jan 14, 15 Contact; Joe Burley 519-331-2044 [email protected] We have booked the farmhouse (will sleep up to 20), at Highlands Nordic Ski Resort in Duntroon, near Collingwood, for the following dates: Arriving on Tuesday, January 14 and departing on Thursday, January 16. Total cost to be shared is $260.00 per night. The price per person could be as little as $13.00/ night depending on how many sign up. Trail passes: group rate of $13.00/ day. Classic rentals: group rate of $15.00/day. We will share food arrangements. For room layout and pictures please check the Highlands website: under ‘Farmhouse’. For those who haven't stayed here before, it's a great old house with lots of character, a fully equipped kitchen with a huge table perfect for large group meals, and guarantees for lots of fun and great memories. Cross Country skiing in Algonguin Park Feb 9-12, limit of 8 people NOTICE THAT THIS TRIP PRECEDES THE DOGSLED TRIP IN THE SAME AREA. MEMBERS WILL HAVE THE OPTION OF DOING BOTH TRIPS OR CHOOSING EITHER ONE. We will arrange for an overnight in nearby hotel on Feb 12 for those who wish to continue on to the dog sledding. Dogsledding in Algonguin Park —Feb 13,14---Limits of 4 to 10 Contact Rita Martindale— 519-899-2824 [email protected] This is a very special experience. Travel by dog sled across wilds of Algonguin Park, two days on the trail and one overnight in heated tent. Meals provided. Learn how to work with the very friendly dogs. This experience is presented to you through Black Feather: see their website at – We have reserved two yurts for 3 wintertrips/wintertrips_dogsled.htm. nights in Algonguin park. Each is a Cost is $450/person +HST. If heated shelter complete with interested contact Rita and she will lighting, tables, chairs, bunk beds, and comfortably holds 4 each. The send you the application form. You pay Black Feather. Your reservation park provides first class groomed trails with warm huts along the way. for this should be in with BlackFeather by Jan 1, and contact There will also be option for Rita as well. snowshoeing along some of the trails. We’ve been there before— its excellent. We will share cost of On Feb 12 overnight in nearby yurts rental ($80/person ) and food. motel in Sunridge with rooms at Contact Rita Martindale, about $100 double occupancy. Winter Camping and Snowshoeing at Killarney Park Late February We return to our favourite park for three nights of winter camping, and snowshoeing. We will base camp strategically to allow trips across the scenic lakes, and hike up “The Crack” for a panoramic view. All this brings you in direct touch with nature night and day. If the moon is out we go for some moonlight trips. Exact dates to be set by the participants. Contact Fern Noel 542-9694 or email [email protected]. Ski-Mail We will reactivate the use of SkiMail so members can arrange their own day trips. Contact either Jack [email protected] or Jim Belair [email protected]. Fern Lambton Outdoor Club - Winter 2013-2014 7 SOCIAL REPORT Sue Carey While the Cat`s Away Yes, your Social Committee Chair was away for the last two social functions and the MICE DID PLAY extremely well! Gillian Abbott headed up the “Summer Fun Day” based out of Canatara Park in August 2013. By all reports from attendees and my committee members able to attend it was a success! The weather was perfect. The planned activities by the Hiking and Cycling Committees were well planned and enjoyed. Forty-seven was a great turnout…. a quarter of the LOC membership! There were 22 cyclists and 17 hikers. I know that does not add up BUT it does mean that some of our members were able to attend for the good food and socializing. The AGM and Fall Fun Day in September 2013 was headed by Joan Lind and was attended by 51 members and guests. The food was described as delicious. The presentation, `Bike and Barge in Northern Italy` with Chris and Rod Richmond was described as excellent. The Executive Committee raised $120.00 in the 50/50 draw and sent the proceeds to Bluewater Trails. It does not get better than this folks! Thanks to my committee members for a job well done! Why if I don`t watch out someone will be clamoring to take over the `chair’ position. Social Committee Member Changes service have been appreciated Farah! Fun, food and fellowship! If you are thinking about serving LOC on the Social Committee, the next meeting is January 8, 2014. This is the meeting where the majority of the social events are scheduled. You will be welcomed to ``come and see`` and then decide if this committee appeals to you. Please contact me (519.869.6548) at your earliest convenience. Upcoming Activity Planned MARK YOUR CALENDARS! New Year`s Day Hike and Pot Luck Plan to join your LOC friends by bringing in 2014. Take part in the New Year’s Day Event on Sunday 1 January 2014 with the annual hikes. There will be good eats, a 50/50 draw and a feature presentation by the Canoe/ Kayaking, "Paddling in Greenland" with Jim Belair. See the advertisement for details and what you need to bring to make this event special. I hope to see most of you at the LOC Christmas Social Sunday November 24, 2013 at the Polish Hall, Sarnia ON. A special thanks goes to Farah Khalka who has served on the Social Committee and has recently resigned. It has become increasing difficult for her to continue in this capacity with working and living out of the area. Your past efforts and On behalf of the Social Committee, I wish all members a safe and joyful holiday season filled with family and friends to lift your spirits. 8 Lambton Outdoor Club - Winter 2013-2014 Till next time Susan Carey Volunteers do not necessarily have the time, they just have the heart. ~ Elizabeth Andrew WELCOME! NEW LOC MEMBERS Road id bracelet ••• Members of the LOC who walk, run, hike, bike, kayak, snowshoe etc. may be interested in a product that provides identification in an emergency situation. You could save your own life or the life of a loved one by wearing a special road id braclet, In the event of an emergency the bracelet provides emergency responders with an emergency phone no. and name, as well as a phone no. or website to access your emergency profile. This bracelet should be worn by everyone, especially those who engage in outdoor activities. Check out to learn more. Donna Boutilier has contacted the company and acquired gift certificates to be given as door prizes at the upcoming Christmas party and will be speaking on this item. NAME JOINED Derek Barke 11-Aug-13 Louis and Marg Dallaire 11-Aug-13 David S and Ann deMilo 10-Oct-13 Louise and Bob Gibson 30-Aug-13 Mark and Cindy-Lee Johnson 11-Aug-13 Bert and Cindy Robertson 11-Aug-13 Susan Schouten 10-Oct-13 Barb Sisco 15-Jul-13 Patrick Taylor 18-Aug-13 Monica Trapani-Royal & Graham 24-Sep-13 Adrian Vandenbroek 11-Aug-13 Norman and Shary Walton 15-Jul-13 ••• “To shorten the Winter borrow some money due in the Spring.” ~ W.J. Vogel The Cycling Committee is in need of new members to help with planning the next season. The greatest need is for the recreational cycle group but everyone is welcome. If you are interested in volunteering, the only qualifications are enthusiasm and ideas for ride. Contact Margaret Lovegrove at [email protected]. Lambton Outdoor Club - Winter 2013-2014 9 Activities Schedule HIKING DATE DEPARTING LENGTH/ LEVEL EVENT DETAILS COORDINATOR Nov 23 9:30 am CBTC 2 hrs E Blackwell Park A liesurely walk around Logan’s Pond and other city ponds. Park at tennis courts on Cathcart west of Modeland Rd. Lunch out after. Ernie 882-1262 Nov 30 9:00 am BG 2 hrs M Attawandaron Scout Camp Get a Scouter’s perspective of the flora, fauna and dunes of this significant camping area. Lunch out after. Les M. 869-2313 (Saturday) (Saturday) DATE Dec 14 (Saturday) DATE Jan 1 (Wednesday) DEPARTING LENGTH/ LEVEL 9:00 am VPP Parking lot Petrolia 2 - 2.5 hrs E DEPARTING 9:30 am All Saints Church EVENT DETAILS Petrolia Walk About A walking tour of historic Petrolia. Lunch out after. COORDINATOR Bonnie C. 882-2507 LENGTH/ LEVEL EVENT DETAILS COORDINATOR 2 hrs E-M Tortoise and Hare Hikes All Saints Anglican Church (Vidal and Charlotte Streets, Sarnia). A chance to clear the cobwebs from the night before celebrations. A Potluck lunch, social activities and presentation will follow, Bring your own plates, cup, utensils, etc. Ernie L 882-1262 Doug W. 330-4960 Jan 11 9:30 a.m. Henderson CA 2 hrs M Lorne Henderson Conservation Authority An opportunity to walk through the hills and reservoir of one of Lambton’s finest conservation areas. Depending on weather, could be snow or water. Bring boots. Lunch out after. Ernie L. 882-1262 Jan 25 9:30 a.m. Bickford Woods 2 hrs E Bickford Woods Explore this hidden gem which is one of the largest woodlots in the county. Located just east of Hwy 40 on Bickford Line. Bickford is 2 lines south of Hwy 80 (Courtright Line) Bruce L. 862-1234 (Saturday) (Saturday) All Coordinators are unpaid volunteers who may not have first aid training etc. and are advised to turn away those ill-equipped for the activity. Those who participate in LOC activities do so at their own risk. Children under 18 years must be accompanied by an adult. 10 Note: Additional paddling outings will Lambton be sentOutdoor out Club - Winter 2013-2014 by Email. Activities Schedule HIKING DATE DEPARTING LENGTH/ LEVEL EVENT DETAILS COORDINATOR Feb 8 10:00 a.m. Perch Creek MA 2 hrs E Perch Creek Wildlife Mgmt Area Come and enjoy this little gem just outside the City. Park on Churchill Line east of Blackwell Sideroad. Lunch out afterwards. Doug W. 330-4960 Feb 22 10:00 a.m. Animal Farm 2 hrs E Canatara Park Enjoy a winter outing in our own wonderful park. Lots of trails to explore. Ted K. 330-7895 LENGTH/ LEVEL EVENT DETAILS (Saturday) (Saturday) DATE DEPARTING Mar 8 (Saturday) 10:00 a.m. Suncor NW Modeland Rd Mar 15 9:00 a.m. 2 hrs E Mar 22 8:00 a.m. 402 TS 3 – 3½ hrs E–M Mar 29 9:00 a.m. BG 2 hrs M (Saturday) (Saturday) (Saturday) DATE 2½ hrs E DEPARTING LENGTH/ LEVEL May 17 - 19 Travel on Friday the 16th 3 days total D June 6 - 7 Travel on Friday the 5th 2 days total D Ed 27 30 (Victoria Day Weekend) (Weekend) COORDINATOR Suncor Nature Way/Wawanosh Wetlands The Wetlands provide critical habitat for local and migrating birds. Maria V. 869-8231 A. W. Campbell Conservation Authority Enjoy a walk and pancake lunch at this Conservation area in Alvinston. After a late winter adventure have lunch with the Firemen. Fee for lunch. Rod R. 704-1113 Springbank / Thames River Valley This walk will centre around Springbank Park in London and depending on the weather will loop through a couple of the Parks in the area. Bring snacks & water. Bonnie C. 882-2507 Parkhill / Fort Rose Maple Syrup A late winter hike through a hilly conservation area. Then a second opportunity to enjoy a pancake and syrup lunch and some extras. Fee for lunch. David D. 869-2864 MARK YOUR CALENDAR COORDINATOR BRUCE TRAIL Hike details to follow in next newsletter. Rod R. 704-1113 Greg H. 344-3755 BRUCE TRAIL - Peninsula Section Leading off from last May weekend will go from Port Elgin Bay Road to Jackson’s Cove. Dick C. 869-6548 Departing Locations Key: BG - Brights Grove Plaza, near Shoppers Drug Mart WSCA - West side of Clearwater arena 402TS - Esso Truck Stop, Oil Heritage Rd., off 402 CBTC - Cathcart Boulevard Tennis Courts Note: Phone numbers without area code are assumed (519). Activity Level Key: E - Easy for beginners M - Moderate (due to terrain, length, speed) D - Difficult (experienced participants only) All - All are welcome Note: Length is for actual time spent on activity and excludes travel time or meals afterwards. Lambton Outdoor Club - Winter 2013-2014 11 Activities Schedule WINTER ACTIVITIES DATE Jan 14-15 DATE DEPARTING Contact Joe DEPARTING LENGTH/ LEVEL EVENT DETAILS 2 days Duntroon Resort - Cross country skiing at Duntroon Resort, Collingwood. LENGTH/ LEVEL EVENT DETAILS COORDINATOR Joe [email protected] COORDINATOR Feb 9-12 Contact Rita Algonquin Park - Cross country skiing and snowshoeing. Rita rmartindale@ Feb 13-14 Contact Rita Algonquin Park - Dog sledding Rita rmartindale@ Late Feb Contact Fern Killarney Park - Winter camping and snowshoeing. Fern [email protected] 12 Lambton Outdoor Club - Winter 2013-2014 LE PETIT TRAIN DU NORD Six of us started out on September 8th for our trip to Quebec. Four travelled together and the other two followed. We just happened to arrive at the hotel in St. Jerome about the same time. We got to our rooms and unloaded our bicycles for the night. Soon afterward, we walked into town to get a bite to eat. It truly was a nice town to walk around. The next morning very early, we had breakfast and got our bikes back on our cars, got our bags and drove to the train station in downtown St. Jerome. We gave our bags and our bikes to the tourism group and got on the bus for our trip to Mont Laurier. The bus ride was about 2 hours long and so we got talking with the other folks that were going on the same trip. We arrived in Mont Laurier around 10 am and the guides gave us all our bikes and off we went. Our luggage was being sent to our next hotel. Each day the guides pick up the luggage and deliver them to your next hotel. Our first day was 66 km long. We cycled on a paved trail and it was great. We were cycling along at a good pace because of the good trail. The scenery was very pretty. We arrived in Nomingue at the hotel on the golf course. It sure was a nice place to stay. We had our dinner at the hotel and that was an absolutely stunning dinner. We all slept well that night. Our second morning, we had breakfast that was just a spectacular as the dinner the night before. We started out around 9 am and it was raining. It had rained and thunderstormed during the night, so everything was very wet. This was the day that Sarnia had 35C heat and we had 12C chilly wet weather. We got very wet very quickly, but the trail was still very good and we just stayed cheerful in spite of the weather. Eventually the rain did stop, but it was very humid. We arrived in Mt. Tremblant after a 57 km ride. The scenery again was beautiful even in the rain. Our third morning was still pretty wet. We got up and had breakfast and were on the path again around 9 am. It was still pretty chilly out, but on we went. Shortly after we got on the trail we could see that the trail was going up hill. Almost half of our day was going up and once we reached the summit, it was the best ride – all down hill from there. We saw three deer going across the trail and it sure was a nice sight to see. The lakes and the streams were really pretty. We arrived in Val-David very damp and very dirty. Glad to see the hotel by that time. Lambton Outdoor Club - Winter 2013-2014 Our last morning was dry. The sun was slowly coming out when we got on our bikes. Again around 9 am we headed out for the final leg of our trip. This was a really nice part of the trail. At times we were cycling along the side of the mountain. Steep drop on one side and high cliffs on the other side. We saw a couple of deer this day too. We arrived back in St. Jerome mid afternoon. Four of the travellers decided to go to Montreal to the Botanical Gardens. It sure was a sight to see. The photos they took were amazing. The next morning we had to drive back to Sarnia. This trip is one you can do on your own time and your own pace. Each day is an average of 50 km and is great for novice as well as experienced cyclists. There will be a smile box of pictures on the LOC website soon. Kathy Ludanyi, Gail Nawrock, Kathleen McCullough, Lori Clancy, Bill Knight and Dorothy Knight 13 TEMAGAMI CANOE TRIP Lambton Outdoor Club Canoe Trip to Temagami August 29 – Sept 6, 2013 by Ron LaFlair Have you watched stars appear at dusk or gotten up in the middle of the night to see the countless points of light in the sky? Have you canoed or hiked past old growth red pine trees or listened to a beaver having his evening snack of deciduous tree bark a few feet from you? These are some of the things our LOC group experienced recently in Temagami, which is a 7 hour drive from Sarnia up north of North Bay.) Fern Noel led the group of 8 seasoned campers: Tony Arnold, Brian Seabrook, Ted and Rita Martindale, Bud Teeple, Paddy Deery and Ron LaFlair. I will leave it to you to guess who got up to see the stars and who got up in the wee hours to re-close the food barrels that some small animal (raccoon?) had opened for a meal Who knew that raccoons had learned to open the lever mechanism used to close the 14 barrels? Our trip went well. We had a short delay at the start due to heavy rain but that soon passed and we had only light sprinkles after that. The weather was pleasant with temperatures neither too hot or too cold. We had only brief periods of headwinds and very few times when bugs appeared. Bud had one of the new clip on repellants so you could cluster close to him if bugs appeared, but that was a rare occurrence. cottages in the area are modest compared to some areas closer to Toronto. The area has no white water and we approached the trip as a relaxing paddle and set up camp well ahead of happy hour at 5:00. The food was great even after the raccoon claimed his share. We had good times reminiscing around the campfire but lived mostly by the sun so we were up early and after the stars were out most were soon in bed. If you want to experience the outdoors and The campsites were on crown land camaraderie of such a trip be quick and there was no fee for their use. I to sign up when the plans for next had feared that they might be messy years' trip are announced. but all were clean and marked as were the portages. Lake Temagami is a relatively large lake with some wide channels and other smaller bays. We started down a river that took us away from the main lake and into smaller lakes and returned later in the week to the main lake. There are cottages and power boats on the main lake but by the time we got there it was after Labour Day “Paddling a canoe is a source of and we did not have many cases of enrichment and inner renewal.” power boats rushing by. The ~ Pierre Elliot Trudeau Lambton Outdoor Club - Winter 2013-2014 MEMBER PROFILE worked as a bookkeeper for a car dealership. Mary started hiking in 2005. Mary Vandenberg She hiked parts of the Appalachian ••• Trail and just loved it. Meet our featured member this This year she travelled to issue, Mary Vandenberg. Holland and participated in the Mary lives in Chatham and ‘4 Daagse in Nijmegen’ walk with does a lot of travelling to 46,000 other people. They walked participate in LOC activities. She for 4 days, doing 40 km/day and met Bonnie Clark on a hike in 39,300 people Pinished. Arizona and that is how she came She is now hoping to complete to hear of the LOC. Goes to show the Bruce Trail and is an active that word of mouth can be very member of the club. She enjoys effective advertising! gardening, reading, clogging and She was born in Holland and of course hiking! has two daughters and two grandsons. Mary is retired, having Member Profile: Mary on the recent Niagara Winery Hike Congratulations to Doug Winch who completed the Bruce Trail this fall. The trail is ~ 890 kilometres of beautiful but very challenging terrain. Way to go Doug!! Lambton Outdoor Club - Winter 2013-2014 15 PHOTO GALLERY A BUSY SUMMER AND FALL FOR THE LOC. CLOCKWISE FROM TOP: TEMAGAMI CANOE TRIP, BRUCE TRAIL, NIAGARA HIKE, HURONIA BIKE TRIP, TEMAGAMI CANOE TRIP 16 Lambton Outdoor Club - Winter 2013-2014 New Year’s Day Hike and Pot Luck Wednesday Jan. 1st 2014 All Saints (formerly St. George) Anglican Church, Sarnia, ON Arrival Time: 9:30 am Hiking Begins: 10:00 am from the parking lot Pot Luck Lunch: 12:00 noon Presentation: ”Paddling in Greenland” with Jim Belair (Sponsored by Canoe/Kayaking Committee, proceeds from 50-50 chosen by this committee also) Catch up with or make new LOC friends! You bring: A labeled dish (w/ labeled serving utensil) (main, salad, or dessert) Plate, cutlery, mug Buy LOC logo T-shirts! Enjoy the best pot luck ever! A friend who may be interested in joining the LOC! A great way to start the new year, socializing with folks and having fun. There will be door prizes, 50-50 draw, LOC merchandise and memberships for sale and information about upcoming feature activities. Interesting presentation! See you there !! ‘EAST COAST TRAIL’ HIKING TRIP (2014) Brenda Lorenz is planning a trip to hike this trail next year, and has spoken to some club members who would like to participate. She would like to do most of the 265 km trail in August or September of 2014, and according to the Brown Rabbit website, they can tailor trips to whatever the group wants to do. Once she gets names of those interested she will call a meeting to decide on details: how long, the hikes, and other activities. People will make their own bookings with airlines and with Brown Rabbit for accommodations. Listed below are websites with information about the trail, and the Brown Rabbit Cabins, a place recommended by Bonnie Clark for accommodations, trip arrangements, trailhead transportation, sea kayaking, whale watching etc. Contact Brenda if interested 336-5967. (Limit 12-14 people) Lambton Outdoor Club - Winter 2013-2014 17 Micor Source for Sports 49 Finch Drive, Sarnia They give us a break. Show your LOC card to the following merchants to get discounts: Revolution Bike Shop 1801 Blackwell Road, Sarnia 519-337-8787 519-491-1777 (10% OFF all non-sale items) (10% OFF bikes and accessories) Sharkskin Weathergear The Bicycle Shop 112 Michigan Ave., Point Edward 410 Front Street N, Sarnia 519-344-0515 519-332-3550 (10% OFF all accessories) (10% OFF all non-sale items) Wawanosh Watercraft 3510 Queen Street, Camlachie 519-869-8252 1801 Blackwell Road 519-491-1777 (10% OFF across the board) Classifieds Ironworks Gym 611 St.Clair Street Point Edward, ON 519-336-6867 (Group rate available, call for details) LOC T-Shirts Items for Sale Salomon Madshus Touring skis 190 cm, Salomon bindings, Salomon boots size 11, poles, carry bag. Used 1 season, excellent condition. $125.00 Snowshoes (Red Feather brand) with harness, poles. Excellent condition $50.00 Contact Bud Teeple 519-332-9321 Forward classified ads to: Chris Richmond, Editor [email protected] Short sleeved logo t-shirts only $12.00 Sizes S(36”), M(41”), L(45”), XL(48”), XXL(51”), in a variety of colors. Also available: Long-sleeve t-shirts $21.00 Short-sleeve golf shirts $31.00 Long-sleeve golf shirts $34.00 Dry-wick t-shirts $19.00 (S,M,L,XL), $22.00 (XXL,XXXL) For colors and to order call Barbara Ann Arnold @ 542-1578 Lambton Outdoor Club - Winter 2013-2014 18 LAMBTON OUTDOOR CLUB (Website - MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION FORM The Lambton Outdoor Club (LOC) is a non-profit organization that offers its members canoeing, kayaking, cycling, hiking and winter activities, as well as several other social events. The Club supports outdoor recreational activities in a manner that is non-destructive to the environment. The Club brings together people of common interest in outdoor activities, and provides opportunities to improve skills for the enjoyment of these outdoor activities. Membership is open to all ages, and wherever possible, outings will be geared to members’ interests and abilities. Some outings will be more physically demanding than others; awareness of your own physical fitness has to be your guide. Members receive a quarterly Newsletter that has all the outings, plans and information. MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION New member or Renewal (See note below) Family or Single Name (PRINT) ____________________________________________________________________ Spouse / Partner __________________________________________________________________ Address _________________________________________________________________________ City ___________________________ Prov./State _____________ Postal Code _______________ E-mail _____________________________________________ Phone No. ____________________ Check which sections you are interested in: Canoeing / Kayaking Cycling Would you be willing to organize outings? Would you be willing to work on committees? Preferred delivery of quarterly newsletter? Hiking Winter Activities Yes Yes By email No No By Canada Post All activity organizers are unpaid volunteers. You are invited to participate in the Club activities and do so at your own risk. The Club’s activity organizers are not necessarily trained in First Aid or CPR. Safety is your responsibility. Each applicant must read, understand and sign the “Liability Release & Assumption of Risk” form. Please return: (1) Completed Membership Application form. (2) Signed “Liability Release & Assumption of Risk” form. (3) Membership fee - Single $25, Family $30 (US Residents pay amount in US$) (4) Mail to: Lambton Outdoor Club P.O. Box 653 Sarnia, Ontario N7T 7J7 Note : A “Liability Release & Assumption of Risk” form must be completed, signed and returned with this application form, including renewals. Without it your membership application cannot be processed. Attachment 8 Revised: 22nd October 2012 Lambton Outdoor Club - Winter 2013-2014 19 LAMBTON OUTDOOR CLUB LIABILITY RELEASE AND ASSUMPTION OF RISK Please read the following carefully and sign in the spaces indicated. This release is a precondition for participation in all Lambton Outdoor Club (LOC) activities, and unless agreed to and signed, your membership to LOC is not valid. I (print name) _____________________________________________________________________ and (print name) ___________________________________________________________________ understand that outdoor recreational activities involve inherent risks, obstacles, and hazards that are natural and manmade, could cause me serious or fatal injury. Also, that all LOC officers, activity organizers, coordinators, sponsors, and participants are unpaid volunteers. I choose to participate in the LOC activities and do so at my own risk. I am responsible for my own safety. I, for myself and family, heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, release and hold harmless LOC, its officers, organizers, coordinators, sponsors and participants from any claims, demands, damages, actions or causes of actions arising out of, or in consequence of, any loss, damage, injury or death to my person or property that may have arisen while participating in any LOC activity or event. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, I further release any recourse that I may now or hereafter have, resulting from any decision made by any LOC officer, coordinator or organizer of the activities. I agree to pay the cost of any emergency evacuation of my person and belongings that become necessary. I acknowledge that there are no medical or physical conditions or disabilities that would not allow me to participate in any LOC activities, and that it is my responsibility to ascertain the degree of experience, physical fitness and skill level required to participate in these activities. I further acknowledge the right of any LOC officer, coordinator, or organizer to judge me unfit to participate, due to intoxication or any other reason, without objection or need for examination. I acknowledge that I have read the above and fully understand the nature and consequences of granting my consent and waiving any and all claims for liability and damages against the abovementioned parties. Minors under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. responsibility, as outlined above, for any minors I bring to an LOC event. I accept full Signed___________________________________ Signed__________________________________ Dated:(Year/Month/Day)____________________ Dated:(Year/Month/Day)_____________________ Attachment 9 th Revised: 12 May 2007 Lambton Outdoor Club - Winter 2013-2014 20
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