Pulling Together-Against Noxious Weeds 2015 Cost Share Program
Pulling Together-Against Noxious Weeds 2015 Cost Share Program
Pulling Together-Against Noxious Weeds 2015 Cost Share Program Description LEWIS & CLARK CONSERVATION DISTRICT 1. 2. 3. 4. Land treated must be privately managed and located in Lewis & Clark County. A maximum of $1500 per landowner or $5000 per group is available. Only one project application per landowner will be funded annually. The District will cost share up to 50% of the project. Herbicide only for individual sprayers Commercial application costs and chemical for commercial application Biological controls Re-seeding with a native mix as approved by the Conservation District 5. The Conservation District program will only pay for completed practices that are initiated through the program or follow a 5 year weed management plan from the County or NRCS. 6. Practice must be applied by November 1st of the program year. 7. Contract award and selection will be based on: New invader management Noxious weeds on the State and County priority lists Watershed wide effort Use of integrated weed management practices Revegetation program Improvement of management practices Location in an area affected by fire in 2012 8. Applications for the program will be accepted through March 31, 2015. Projects will be ranked by the Weed District and the Conservation District. Final award will be made by the Lewis & Clark Conservation District. Letters of approval and cost share amount approved will be mailed out to approved applicants. 9. No funds will be given out to participants until a completed reimbursement form and receipts (or copies of receipts) are submitted to the Conservation District. Deadline for submission of the form and receipts is November 1, 2015. 10. Be aware that these funds are considered income and a 1099-Misc will be issued if the cost share amount is $600 or greater. 11. Surfactants and dyes will be covered as part of the program, as will biological control. 12. Some groups in past years have worked with a helicopter spray program. That is an approved practice; however remember the cap is either $1500 per landowner or $5000 for a group. The Conservation District is requesting before and after photos this year. If you have participated in prior years, and have photos from before and after treatment, those photos would be greatly appreciated. Pulling Together-Against Noxious Weeds Cost Share Program Application LEWIS & CLARK CONSERVATION DISTRICT Name______________________________________________________________ Mailing Address________________________________City, State and Zip__________ Tax ID Number (req. for funding)_______________________________________ Property Address (with city and zip)_________________________________________ Property Acreage______________________________________________________ Daytime Phone Number_________________________________________________ Type(s) of noxious weed to be managed______________________________________ Estimated Acreage to be managed________________________________________ Amount requested_____________$1500 per landowner, $5000 per group-amount requested may be adjusted based on Weed District recommendations) Type of herbicide proposed_______________________________________________ Biological controls (insects) are needed for____________________(noxious weed(s)), and may need to be purchased. Circle yes or no for each question: Do you plan to use a Commercial Applicator? Yes No Do you plan to apply treatment yourself? Yes No Do you have a weed management plan? Yes No Are you currently participating in an NRCS Program? Yes No Have you inventoried your weeds? Yes No Do you use an integrated weed management program? Yes No Do you have a revegetation program? Yes No Are in you a watershed project area? Yes No Do you have new invasive species? Yes No Do you have weed maps or have you GPSd your weeds? Yes No Are you currently in a community area cost share program? Yes No If yes, which program?__________________________________________________ Is the property in an area that was affected by fire in 2012? Yes No Are you willing to provide before and after photos of your projects? Yes No Are the weeds in question on range or wild land? Yes No Are the weeds in question on crop land? Yes No Submit this form with any back up documentation (maps etc.) to the Lewis & Clark Conservation District by March 31, 2015. They can either be dropped at the office or mailed to Lewis & Clark Conservation District, 790 Colleen Street, Helena MT 59601. For more information, call Chris Evans at 406-449-5000 ext. 112. Mailed applications must be postmarked March 31, 2015 or earlier.
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