2015 Spinnaker - Lake Delta Yacht Club


2015 Spinnaker - Lake Delta Yacht Club
2015 Spinnaker
Lake Delta Yacht Club
Well, the winter appears to finally be over, the sun has been poking out every now and then, the yard work
has begun… it must be time to get to the lake!!!
Welcome to the 2015 Lake Delta Yacht Club season…
As I am sure everyone knows, it takes a lot of work and dedicated members to make our club the great
place that we all enjoy. The board has been working throughout the winter to get the club ready for you to
enjoy! We begin this season with a new Steward – The Back 9 – and they will be starting the season with a
Mother’s Day Brunch. Please check out the attached events schedule and officer reports to see what will be
happening at our club!
Please join me in thanking those members that spend their time to make our club the place it is! Special
thanks go to past Trustee Don Hanson, Past Commodore Jim McCarthy and Secretary Kathy McKinney for
their many years of service and leadership to our club!
We also welcome to the board this year several new faces and my thanks go to them for volunteering their
time as well. Pam Holpp and Mary House have joined as new Trustees, Scott Brement is taking the helm as
Rear Commodore and Caitlin Swan is coming in as the Secretary.
If you see any of our current or past board members, please recognize them for their service to our club.
2015 Board
Vice Commodore
Rear Commodore
Past Commodore
Dick Swan
Scott Williams
Scott Brement
Scott Cook
Caitlin Swan
Mike Vanderhoof
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Bill Reese
Mary Metzger
Dave Winberg
Jim Walas
Pam Holpp
Mary House
In an effort to improve communications, the club’s website www.ldyc.com is continuously being updated
by our webmaster Jim McCarthy. All announcements, schedule changes, food and drink specials and the
2015 Spinnaker
Lake Delta Yacht Club
like will be update to keep you current. If you have not already done so, please sign up for the weekly email
newsletter to stay up with current events!
LDYC is our club and I would like to encourage each of the members of our club to get involved with our
club! We are all volunteering our time and efforts to make LDYC the best place we can! Ideas, suggestions,
volunteering on a committee or wanting to be on the board are all not only welcomed, but highly
encouraged. If you want to help but are not sure where to begin, contact me or any board member. Serving
on one of the committees are a great place to start.
I am looking forward to a great 2015 season! I can’t wait to see you enjoying our club!
Dick Swan
2015 Commodore
[email protected]
Vice Commodore Report
Spring is slowly taking root but I’m sure everyone is ready after what seemed like an extra hard winter.
The LDYC Board is pleased to announce our new Steward for the 2015 season – The Back Nine.
This year’s schedule is starting the year off early with a Mother’s Day Brunch from 11am to 2pm. Seating
will be limited since we expect this to be an indoor only event, especially if we see snow. Visit the club
website at www.ldyc.com for menu and pricing, call 240-4161 for reservations.
We have a full schedule of events and are pleased to announce three movie nights are planned. Movie
night was a new event last year and was enjoyed by all who participated. Come and see what it is all about
if you didn’t get a chance last year.
Other highlights of this year’s schedule is the Starting Gun Party on Saturday, May 16th which will also
double as our New Members Welcome Party. We ask all sponsors and new members make a special effort
to attend. Happy Hour begins Wednesday 5/20 and continues every Wednesday through August. The
Clambake is August 1st, Commodore’s Party is Sept 12th, and Oktoberfest will be October 3rd.
I encourage everyone to attend one new event they haven’t had the opportunity in past years.
Our website will again be the best way to keep up with new events and any changes that are necessary. The
Steward is expecting to host special events which be posted on the website as well as sent via the weekly
and special email blasts. Your refrigerator door is the best place to keep the Calendar of Events so you
always know what is happening at LDYC.
double as our New Members Welcome Party. We ask all sponsors and new members make a special
effort to attend. Happy Hour begins Wednesday 5/20 and continues every Wednesday through August.
The Clambake is August 1st, Commodore’s Party is Sept 12th, and Oktoberfest will be October 3rd.
I encourage everyone to attend one new event they haven’t had the opportunity in past years.
2015 Spinnaker
Our website will again be the best way to keep
up with
new events
any changes that are necessary.
The Steward is expecting to host special events which be posted on the website as well as sent via the
weekly and special email blasts. Your refrigerator door is the best place to keep the Calendar of Events
so you always know what is happening at LDYC.
Volunteering is essential for the success of our club. Please email me if you are available to help or if
you have any question about an upcoming event.
Volunteering is essential for the success of our club. Please email me if you are available to help or if you
ve any
question about an upcoming event.
Vice Commodore 2015
Scott Williams
[email protected]
Vice Commodore 2015
[email protected]
Club hours
hours of
of Operation:
Window Service
Window Service
Tuesday - Sunday
11:30am – 10pm
11:30am –9pm
11:30am – 10pm
Full menu shall be available Thursday through Sunday until 9pm
Full menu shall be available Thursday through Sunday until 9pm
Day of week
Dining Room
5pm – 9pm
Rear Commodore Report
It looks like Winter is FINALLY leaving and the warm weather is trying to make its way in. It’s been a long
last few months, but Summer is on the horizon.
Dock Day is set for May 2nd. The work begins at 8 a.m.
Please keep in mind that we are a volunteer club and everyone’s help certainly lightens the load. Dock Day
is an LDYC tradition. The day consists of cleaning the buildings and grounds, and getting it ready for summer
use. Typical jobs will include cleaning the clubhouse inside and out, staining, raking and placing furniture.
You can think of it as spring cleaning for the Club. I would encourage everyone to attend. It is a great way
to meet your fellow members and become familiar with the operation of the club.
As I mentioned above, we are a volunteer club. Help from the membership is always welcomed and
encouraged. If you see something you think needs to be fixed, or have any ideas that you would like to
share that can help improve the club, please reach out to an officer or a board member. There are several
committees to be a part of if you are interested. Take a look at the website, www.ldyc.com for a list of those
Waterfront Items
Applications for Moorings, Slips and Kayak racks are available on the website – www.ldyc.com. The
appropriate deposit must accompany the application.
Slip, Mooring and Rack assignments will be completed by Dock Day and posted on the bulletin board and
web site.
2015 Spinnaker
Lake Delta Yacht Club
Boats Stored on Club Property - A few Reminders!!
• All boats utilizing club facilities - moorings, slips, racks or parking - must be registered with the Rear
• Boats without registration numbers must have the member’s name on or attached to them.
• Damaged trailers and boats that aren’t seaworthy need to be repaired by the owner or moved to
another location off site.
• Boats that are stored on club property are not the responsibility of the club.
• Any boat/kayak assigned to a mooring, slip or rack must be in their assigned spot by July 1st.
Any boat / trailer not registered with the Rear Commodore or not seaworthy may be removed from the
If you have any questions, concerns or need more information on anything, please do not hesitate to
contact me.
Here’s to another great season in the sun…
Scott Brement
Rear Commodore 2015
[email protected]
Past Commodore's Report
Aloha All Members!
We are all looking forward to an outstanding 2015 season.
Just to recap the duties of Past Commodore:
1) Handle membership, both existing membership and new applicants.
2) Changes in member contact information or that of their sponsored applicant’s contact information
3) Inquiries of membership applications and their position on the waiting list need to come through the
applicant’s sponsor. I can be reached by email at [email protected] or [email protected].
To access the LDYC membership Application, access the web site at www.ldyc.com and click on membership
and then click on the membership application to download the form. Complete the Sponsor information
and have your applicant complete their information and mail the completed form and $100 application fee
to the address located at the top of the form. The sponsor must be a Club member for at least 3 years in
good standing and can only sponsor 1 family at a time
In order to ensure all new members are aware of how our volunteer club operates, how to avail themselves
of all the facilities of the club, and to ensure they feel welcome at all times, we are going to hold a New
Members Orientation in June. The New Members orientation will be open to all members, but is a
requirement for all new members and their sponsors. In the past, sponsors signed the application and that
2015 Spinnaker
Lake Delta Yacht Club
was the end of their involvement. The sponsors have a duty to introduce the new member to the club and
welcome them to our community.
Remember: Dues should be paid on time. If you have special circumstances, please contact me.
Scott Cook
Past Commodore
Sailing Committee Report
As another fantastic, but cold, winter of skiing winds down, we look forward to the start of yet another
perfect season here in the northeast. It’s hard to believe that the docks will be going in later this month
when we still have several feet of snow on the ground. But…with water temps soon to exceed 32 degrees F,
we turn to lake play, and that means sailing.
Our Monday Night Race League will be in its 4th year this summer and hopefully we’ll have a couple more
boats on the water. We were fairly consistent with 8 Lightnings each night last year, with Sunfish, Hobies,
and a Catalina cocktail cruiser mixing up the waters. This is NOT a Lightning only event and any type of
sailboat is welcome to join in. The post MNRL cookout in the pavilion has been a great time as well. Come
on out & join us…first gun at 6:00 sharp.
Our “Summer Sailstice” race will be held on 20 or 21 June, we’ll try to hold that around other conflicts with
club members. Always a fun time, and any boat with a sail can join in. After party with “awards” to follow.
This year we will be hosting our 7th annual ILCA sanctioned Lightning Regatta on Sat, 29 August. It’s a one
day event for Lightning sailors from all over the northeast. We can always use help in pulling off another
well liked event…and there’s also a chance of getting on a boat as crew.
We will also host a Lightning clinic sometime in May with sailors from other clubs coming to LDYC for a day
of rigging and sailing. We had a great turnout last year, and although it is based on Lightning sailing, anyone
can attend.
At our ILCA/CNY annual district meeting last December, I got talking with fellow Lightning sailors from
Willowbank YC in Cazenovia. They have a race league on Sunday afternoons, and being less than an hour
apart, we thought it might be fun to swap out some sail time with them. They would take LDYC folks out
with them on Sundays, and we would take them out on Monday nights. At this point we’re thinking that we
would not have to haul boats, just use those at each club, with the owners on board, of course. It might be
another great learning opportunity for us. Again, open to any & all sailors.
Tony Kimball asked about refurbishing our Sunfish fleet this summer too. I’m all for it and would like
to schedule a work day with any of interest to help clean up boats and evaluate rigging. As far as I’m
continued on page 8
LDYC 2015 Calendar of Events
Sat May 2
8 AM
Mother Day’s Brunch
Sun May 10
11 AM – 2 PM
Family Members & Guests
Starting Gun Party
Sat May 16
6 PM – 9 PM
Adult Members Only
Club Opens
Wed May 20
Family Members & Guests
Memorial Day Picnic
Mon May 25
4 PM
Family Members & Guests
June TBD
7 PM – 9 PM
June 7
Family Members & Guests
8 ish
Family Members & Guests
Spring Clean-up
New Member
Golf Outing
Movie Night #1
Boater Safety Course
Summer Sailstice &
Participant Cookout
Sat June 13
Rain date 7/5
Sat June 13
9 AM – 5 PM
Family Members Only
New Members & their
Family Members
Sat June 20
1 PM
Family Members & Guests
Sat July 18
Rain date 7/19
8 ish
Family Members & Guests
Sat Aug 1
3 PM – 10 PM
Adult Members & Guests
Sat Aug 29
Rain date 8/30
8 ish
Family Members & Guests
ILCA Lightning Regatta
Sat Aug 29
8 AM
Family Members & Guests
Ring of Lights
Sun Sept 6
8:30 PM
Family Members & Guests
Commodore’s Party
Sat Sept 12
7 PM – 9 PM
Sat Oct 3
4 PM
Adult Members & Guests
Fall Clean-up
Sat Oct 10
8 AM
Family Members Only
Movie Night #2
Clam Bake
Movie Night #3
Adult Members Only
 Happy Hour 6 PM to 9 PM – Every Wednesday from May 20 through August 26
Every Friday in September
2015 Spinnaker
Lake Delta Yacht Club
House Rules
H-1 The clubhouse and property will be open for the use of members and their guests daily during the published season.
H-2 The clubhouse and kitchen will be closed on Mondays.
H-3 Members may bring their own food on Mondays only. Anytime the kitchen is open, members or guests
shall not bring food to the club nor will any member or guest bring beverage to the Club when it is available for
purchase at the Service Window or Bar.
H-4 No persons attired in a bathing suit (wet or dry) will be allowed in the Dining and Lounge rooms.
H-5 The Board of Trustees is responsible for all matters pertaining to the Club property and Club operation. All
suggestions or complaints should be directed to the Board.
Ground Rules
G-1 It shall be the responsibility of all members to keep the Club neat and presentable at all times. All empty
bottles, cartons, containers, etc., must be returned to the kitchen or placed in the receptacles provided.
G-2 Dogs are not allowed in the Club, on the grounds, or on the waterfront.
Waterfront Rules
W-1 No glass containers will be used on the waterfront facilities.
W-2 members may leave boats at the Club for the season provided
1. The boat is owned by the member for personal use
2. Space has been requested and approved and boat is kept where assigned by the Rear Commodore
3. Moorings meet State and Club regulations
4. Have a means of owner identification
W-3 Dock dinghies are restricted to bringing boats from or returning boats to their moorings. (Oars are to be
left out of their locks when not in use).
1. Boats on the lee side of the docks must weathervane from the dock and fenders used. Sailboats lower
sails or insure that the boat is not driven against adjacent boats
2. Boats shall not be left at the dock for an unreasonable length of time and never overnight.
W-4 parents are responsible for the behavior and safety of their children. Please exercise close supervision
and control –particularly of the very young.
2015 Spinnaker
Lake Delta Yacht Club
continued from page 5
concerned, any unmarked hulls and rigs are fair game for LDYC members to use. We’re thinking of bunks on
the sail docks to keep several at water’s edge for ease of use and eliminate excuses for not sailing. Works
for me…
So…hope to see you on the water, maybe even behind a mast. LDYC weekly emails will get the word out as
to work days and upcoming events. Put down your iPhone and wrap your hands around a mainsheet…
Jamo Jones
Sail/Race Officer
Steward's Report
On behalf of the management and staff from the Back Nine Restaurant, I cannot tell you how thrilled we are to
have been selected as the Steward for the 2015 season. We are looking forward to a great summer and the
opportunity to showcase our menu. The staff at the Back Nine has worked to create a fun, family atmosphere
with good food and entertainment, and we are looking forward to bringing that atmosphere to LDYC.
Our menu will have a variety of items including fresh seafood to on the go sandwiches and we will be
featuring a selection of summer beverages every day.
We will be open for Mothers Day Brunch and will be taking reservations (240-4161). We look forward to
meeting everyone real soon, and will be preparing for the season, please stop by to say hi.
If there is anyone looking for summer employment, please contact us at 240-4161 .