ARRIS Training - ARRIS Academy


ARRIS Training - ARRIS Academy
ARRIS Training
Course Catalog
Version 1.8
Table of Contents
ARRIS Training................................................................................................................................. 1
About ARRIS Training............................................................................................................................................1
ARRIS Training Centers .........................................................................................................................................1
Contact Information .............................................................................................................................................1
Training Policies ....................................................................................................................................................2
Integrated Broadband Services ........................................................................................................ 3
ARRIS E6000™ Converged Edge Router (CER) Course Offerings ..........................................................................4
ARRIS C4®/C4c™ Cable Modem Termination System (CMTS) Course Offerings ..................................................8
Certification Course Offerings ........................................................................................................................... 14
ARRIS D5® Universal Edge QAM Course Offerings ............................................................................................ 16
ARRIS Media Services Platform (MSP) Course Offerings ................................................................................... 20
SDV and SVA Course Offerings .......................................................................................................................... 26
ARRIS Broadcast Multimedia-Service Router (BMR®) Course Offerings ........................................................... 32
Network, Service, and Workforce Assurance ................................................................................. 35
ServAssure™ Performance Management Course Offerings .............................................................................. 36
ServAssure™ Alarm Central Course Offerings ................................................................................................... 41
EventAssure Course Offerings ........................................................................................................................... 44
ServAssure™ Wi-Fi Solutions Course Offerings ................................................................................................. 47
WorkAssure Field Service Management Course Offerings................................................................................ 50
Demand Video and Advertising ..................................................................................................... 63
ARRIS ConvergeMedia™ Distribution Platforms Course Offerings.................................................................... 64
ARRIS Broadcast Multimedia-Service Router (BMR®) Course Offerings ........................................................... 69
ARRIS Video Server Course Offerings ................................................................................................................ 72
Encoders and Transcoders ............................................................................................................. 86
SE202: SE4100/5100 Series Encoders............................................................................................................... 87
SE203 SE-6000 Encoder Class ............................................................................................................................ 87
ST100: ST-6000 Transcoder Installation & Configuration................................................................................. 88
GT3201: GT3 & AVP Setup & Transcoding Operation (VILT-ILT) ...................................................................... 88
VIPr™ 6000 Video Transcoder Products Overview ............................................................................................ 89
Conditional Access ........................................................................................................................ 91
CASMR Course Offerings ................................................................................................................................... 92
DAC Course Offerings ........................................................................................................................................ 95
Optimized Optical and HFC Solutions Course Offerings ................................................................ 100
CHP Max 5000® Converged Headend Platform Training ................................................................................ 101
Omnistar GX2 Optical HeadendPlatformTraining ........................................................................................... 102
CORView™ Enterprise Element Management System Software Training ...................................................... 103
Opti Max™OM4100 1 GHz Fully Segmentable Node Training ........................................................................ 104
Opti Max™OM3100 1 GHz 2x2 Segmentable Node Training .......................................................................... 105
Opti Max™OM2700 1 GHz Optical Lid Node Training ..................................................................................... 106
Opti Max™OM2100 1 GHz Segmentable Cabinet Training ............................................................................. 107
Opti Max™OM1000 Fiber Deep Node Training ............................................................................................... 108
BTN1000/BTN2000 1 GHz Optical Nodes Training .......................................................................................... 109
MBN100 1 GHz Node with Segmentable Return, Forward Return and Path Redundancy Optical Nodes
Training ............................................................................................................................................................ 110
MOTr Optical Transport and Modular Hub Solution Training ......................................................................... 111
MPN 1 GHz Modular Pedestal Node Training ................................................................................................. 112
SG4000 1 GHz Fully Segmentable Modular Node Training ............................................................................. 113
VSN200 1 GHz 2X2 Segmentable Optical Node Training ................................................................................. 114
Flex Max® FM901e 1GHz Trunk/Bridger Amplifier Training ........................................................................... 115
Flex Max® FM601 1 GHz Amplifier/Line Extender Training ............................................................................ 116
Flex Max® FM340 Line Extender Training ....................................................................................................... 116
Flex Max® FM331 1GHz Line Extender Training .............................................................................................. 117
Flex Max® FM321 1 GHz Line Extender Training ............................................................................................. 118
Starline® Series Amplifier 1 GHz Amplifiers Training ...................................................................................... 119
FTTMax™ RF over Glass (RFoG) Optical Network Unit (ONU)Training ............................................................ 120
Wi-Fi Wireless System Overview Training ....................................................................................................... 121
Wi-Fi Access Point Installation and Maintenance Training ............................................................................. 122
Wi-Fi ZoneDirector and FlexMaster Navigation Training ................................................................................ 123
Digital Video ............................................................................................................................... 125
APEX Course Offerings ..................................................................................................................................... 126
Cherry Picker Course Offerings........................................................................................................................ 130
Digital Headend Course Offerings ................................................................................................................... 134
Customer Premise Equipment (CPE) ............................................................................................ 140
Set-Tops ........................................................................................................................................................... 141
ARRIS Whole Home Solution Course Offerings ............................................................................................... 147
Technology ................................................................................................................................. 152
DOCSIS & Technology Course Offerings .......................................................................................................... 153
Uplink Satellite Course Offerings ................................................................................................. 157
DEM001: DEM v3.x New Features .................................................................................................................. 158
DEM400: DEM v4.0 Overview and Operation ................................................................................................. 158
DEM v4.1.1 Operational Overview .................................................................................................................. 159
DSR100: Digital Satellite Receiver Overview .................................................................................................. 160
DSR206: DSR4440/4460 Installation, Operations, and Troubleshooting ........................................................ 160
DSR207: DSR-4201 Installation, Operations, and Troubleshooting ................................................................ 161
DSR208: DSR-6400 Installation, Operations, and Troubleshooting ................................................................ 161
MOD301: Modular Systems 3.x Uplink Administration ................................................................................. 162
MOD301-3: Modular Systems 3.x Uplink – Admin, Config, & Decoder .......................................................... 163
MOD302: Modular Systems 3.x Uplink Configuration .................................................................................... 163
MOD303: Modular Systems 3.x Uplink Decoder Management ...................................................................... 164
MOD304: Modular System BNC 3.5 Maintenance & Troubleshooting ........................................................... 165
MOD305: Modular System BNC 3.5 Database Restore & Server Recovery .................................................... 166
MOD306: Modular System BNC 3.5 Retunes & Blackouts .............................................................................. 166
UPS201: Basic DigiCipher II Encoder Operation and Maintenance ................................................................. 167
ARRIS Customer Training Center Locations .................................................................................. 169
Amsterdam, Netherlands Training Center ...................................................................................................... 170
Atlanta, GA Training Center............................................................................................................................. 171
Beaverton, OR Training Center ........................................................................................................................ 172
Chicago, IL Training Center .............................................................................................................................. 173
Horsham, PA Training Center .......................................................................................................................... 174
Kirkland, WA Training Center .......................................................................................................................... 175
Lowell, MA Training Center ............................................................................................................................. 176
San Diego, CA Training Center ......................................................................................................................... 177
Santiago, Chile Training Center ....................................................................................................................... 178
Westborough, MA Training Center ................................................................................................................. 179
Winnersh, UK Training Center ......................................................................................................................... 180
ARRIS Training
In this section:
About ARRIS Training.............................................................................................................. 1
ARRIS Training Centers ........................................................................................................... 1
Contact Information ............................................................................................................... 1
Training Policies ...................................................................................................................... 2
About ARRIS Training
ARRIS Training is the quickest way to get ARRIS customers installing, configuring and operating
ARRIS products. ARRIS Training offers web-based, instructor-led, virtual, and customized courses at
one of our many Training Centers ( and select International offices. On-site
training is available by proposal or purchase through an ARRIS sales representative.
Web-based courses are available on our learning system, ARRIS Academy This economical option empowers learners to take training from any
location, at any time.
Customers can purchase both web-based and instructor-led sessions through their sales
representatives, through ARRIS Academy, or by requesting a quote via email
(mailto:[email protected]).
ARRIS Training Centers
ARRIS maintains training centers in the following locations:
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Atlanta, GA
Beaverton, OR
Berkshire, UK
Chicago, IL
Horsham, PA
Kirkland, WA
Lowell, MA
San Diego, CA
Santiago, Chile
Wallingford, CT
Winnersh, UK
You can find directions to training centers and hotels in the ARRIS Customer Training Center
Locations ("ARRIS Customer Training Center Locations" page 169) section of this document or visit (
Contact Information
For information about ARRIS Training or to register for training, create an ARRIS Academy account:
Visit ( and click the ARRIS Academy link to get
Email ARRIS Training at:
[email protected] (mailto:[email protected])
Training Policies
Requesting ARRIS Training
The complete course catalog, along with instructor-led session information is available on ARRIS
Academy. You can access the current catalog without creating an account:
( or at (
Payment and Confirmation
For training at an ARRIS location, payment by purchase order (PO) or via major credit card is
required to schedule training. If you have a custom request, contact us at [email protected]
(mailto:[email protected]).
You may email your request for a specific course or custom course and an ARRIS representative will
discuss price, training agenda, dates, and location.
ARRIS reserves the right to reschedule any class having fewer than 6 students enrolled 4 weeks prior
to start date.
You may cancel or reschedule scheduled training up to 4 weeks prior to the start date. No refund will
be issued for cancelations made fewer than 4 weeks prior to the start date or for participants who are
not at the training site at the start of the class.
It is the student's responsibility to ensure that s/he has the proper prerequisite knowledge and skills
before taking an ARRIS training course. Students that do not meet the target audience description or
have the prerequisite level of knowledge required for the course may find the course content too
difficult, too easy, and/or inappropriate depending on their job and level of experience. All
prerequisites are listed in the individual course descriptions in this catalog. Since ARRIS instructorled training courses require you to complete prerequisite courses to ensure a successful experience,
reservations for these courses will not be finalized until all prerequisites have been met.
Integrated Broadband Services
In this section:
ARRIS E6000™ Converged Edge Router (CER) Course Offerings ............................................ 4
ARRIS C4®/C4c™ Cable Modem Termination System (CMTS) Course Offerings.................... 8
Certification Course Offerings .............................................................................................. 14
ARRIS D5® Universal Edge QAM Course Offerings ............................................................... 16
ARRIS Media Services Platform (MSP) Course Offerings...................................................... 20
SDV and SVA Course Offerings ............................................................................................. 26
ARRIS Broadcast Multimedia-Service Router (BMR®) Course Offerings .............................. 32
ARRIS E6000™ Converged Edge Router (CER) Course Offerings
In this section:
E6000 CER Hardware Overview.............................................................................................. 5
Digital Video Fundamentals ................................................................................................... 5
E6000 CER Operations ............................................................................................................ 6
E6000 CER Operations Value Package.................................................................................... 7
E6000 CER Hardware Overview
Digital Video Fundamentals
C4/C4c CMTS Review and E6000 CER Overview Training (2 days)
C4/C4c CMTS Operations Training and E6000 CER Overview Training (4 days)
E6000 CER Operations Training
E6000 CER Operations Value Package
E6000 CER Hardware Overview
Order Code: PeopleSoft N/A (free after registration)
This online course introduces the E6000 Converged Edge Router (CER) functions features and
system components.
Installation, operations, administration, maintenance, provisioning, planning, and engineering
Course Topics
E6000 CER in the Network
Front Chassis Components
Rear Chassis Modules
Front and rear module details
Ask ARRIS overview
Hardware review quiz
Course Specifics
Prerequisites: A basic understanding of CATV systems, RF plant fundamentals, and data networking.
Delivery: online
Duration: Approximately 1 hour
Digital Video Fundamentals
Order Code: 1000101
This online course introduces fundamental digital video concepts basic to functionality in the E6000
CER. Topics include: an overview of video concepts and standards, MPEG transport stream structure,
Switched Digital Video, Video on Demand and additional management tools.
DOCSIS engineers not familiar with video concepts.
Course Topics
Video Technology Overview
MPEG Transport Stream
Switched Digital Video Topologies
Video on Demand
E6000 Management Tools
Course Specifics
Prerequisites: E6000 Hardware Overview and E6000 Operations or successful completion of the
DOCSIS Fundamentals certification exam.
Delivery: Online
Duration: Approximately 1 hour
Price: $250
E6000 CER Operations
Order Code: PeopleSoft 782191 ARRIS Facility / 782192 Domestic Onsite / 782193 International Onsite
Three-day, hands-on, instructor-led training encompassing the features and functionality, planning,
commissioning, operations, administration, maintenance, and provisioning of an E6000 CER. This
course also prepares you for certification.
Installation, operations, administration, maintenance, provisioning, planning, and engineering
Course Topics
Introduction to the E6000 CER
Basic Configuration
Advanced CAM Configuration
Routing and Management
Administration and Security
Logging and Monitoring
Software upgrades
Course Specifics
Prerequisite Courses: E6000 CER Hardware Overview
Delivery: instructor-led
Duration: 3 days
Materials: E6000 CER Operations Course Workbook
782191 - $2000 per student at ARRIS Training facility
782192 - $15000 per class, domestic customer site, includes trainer T&L, 8 students max
782193 - $18000 per class, international customer site, includes trainer T&L, 8 students max
E6000 CER Operations Value Package
Order Code: PeopleSoft 804080/Domestic Onsite
Four (4) classes over a two-year period: three-day, hands-on, instructor-led training encompassing
the features and functionality, planning, commissioning, operations, administration, maintenance,
and provisioning of an E6000 CER. This course also prepares you for certification.
Installation, operations, administration, maintenance, provisioning, planning, and engineering
Course Topics
Introduction to the E6000 CER
Basic Configuration
Advanced CAM Configuration
Routing and Management
Administration and Security
Logging and Monitoring
Patching and Upgrades
Course Specifics
Prerequisite Courses: E6000 CER Hardware Overview
Delivery: instructor-led
Duration: 3 days
Materials: E6000 CER Operations Course Workbook
804080 - $50000 for 4 domestic customer site classes over a 2-year period. Includes trainer T&L, 8
students max per location.
ARRIS C4®/C4c™ Cable Modem Termination System (CMTS)
Course Offerings
In this section:
C4 CMTS Hardware Overview ................................................................................................ 9
C4c CMTS Hardware Overview............................................................................................... 9
C4/C4c CMTS Operations ..................................................................................................... 10
C4/C4c CMTS Review and E6000 CER Overview Training (2 days)....................................... 11
C4/C4c CMTS Operations and E6000 CER Overview Training (4 days) ................................ 12
C4 CMTS Hardware Overview
Order Code: PeopleSoft N/A
This online course introduces the C4 Cable Modem Termination System (CMTS) functions, features,
and system components.
Installation, operations, administration, maintenance, and provisioning, planning, and engineering
Course Topics
System overview
C4 CMTS description
Front chassis
Rear chassis
System components
Module descriptions
Traffic flow summary
Course Specifics
Prerequisites: A basic understanding of CATV systems, RF plant fundamentals, and data networking.
Delivery: online
Duration: 1 hour
Materials: none
C4c CMTS Hardware Overview
Order Code: PeopleSoft N/A
This online course introduces the C4c Cable Modem Termination System (CMTS) functions, features
and system components.
Installation, operations, administration, maintenance, and provisioning, planning, and engineering
Course Topics
System overview
C4c CMTS description
Front chassis
Rear chassis
System components
Module descriptions
Traffic flow summary
Course Specifics
Prerequisites: A basic understanding of CATV systems, RF plant fundamentals, and data networking.
Delivery: online
Duration: 1 hour
C4/C4c CMTS Operations
Order Code: PeopleSoft 728971 ARRIS Facility / 802217 Domestic Onsite / 802218 International Onsite
Three-day, hands-on, instructor-led training on DOCSIS 3.0 features and functionality, planning,
commissioning, operations, administration, maintenance, and provisioning of a C4 CMTS. This
course also prepares you for certification.
Installation, operations, administration, maintenance, provisioning, planning, and engineering
Course Topics
Introduction to the C4/C4c CMTS
Basic configuration
Advanced CAM configuration
Routing and management
Administration and security
Logging and monitoring
Software upgrades
Course Specifics
Delivery: instructor-led
Prerequisites: A basic understanding of CATV systems, RF plant fundamentals, and data networking.
Introduction to the C4 CMTS and Introduction to the C4c CMTS (web-based courses) are
Duration: 3 days
Materials: C4/C4c CMTS Operations Course Workbook
728971 - $1800 per student at ARRIS Training facility
802217 - $12000 per class, domestic customer site, includes trainer T&L, 8 students max
802218 - $15000 per class, international customer site, includes trainer T&L, 8 students max
Certificate: Yes
C4/C4c CMTS Review and E6000 CER Overview Training (2 days)
Order Code: PeopleSoft 781290 ARRIS Facility / 7821291 Domestic Onsite / 781292 International Onsite
Day 1 reviews the C4 and C4c CMTS hardware and configuration as well as a high level feature
overview. Day 2 discusses E6000 CER features and comparison to C4/C4c CMTS features and
Installation, operations, administration, maintenance, provisioning, planning, and engineering
Course Topics
Day 1: C4/C4c CMTS Review
Introduction to the C4/C4c CMTS
Basic Configuration
Advanced CAM Configuration
Day 2: E6000 CER Overview
Introduction to the E6000 CER
Redundancy and Packet Flow
Monitoring and Licensing
Course Specifics
Prerequisite Courses: Introduction to the C4 CMTS, Introduction to the C4c CMTS, E6000 CER
Hardware Overview.
Delivery: instructor-led
Duration: 2 days
Materials: Course Workbook
781290 - $2000 per student at ARRIS Training facility
781291 - $12000 per class, domestic customer site, includes trainer T&L, 8 students max
781292 - $15000 per class, international customer site, includes trainer T&L, 8 students max
Certificate: Yes
C4/C4c CMTS Operations and E6000 CER Overview Training (4 days)
Order Code: PeopleSoft 781293 ARRIS Facility / 781294 Domestic Onsite / 781295 International Onsite
This course is a four-day, hands-on, instructor-led training. Days 1 through 3 encompass DOCSIS 3.0
features and functionality, planning, commissioning, operations, administration, maintenance, and
provisioning of a C4/C4c CMTS. Day 4 includes E6000 CER hardware, features, and comparisons to
C4/C4c CMTS features and functionality.
Installation, operations, administration, maintenance, provisioning, planning, and engineering
Course Topics
Day 1 — 3: C4/C4c CMTS Operations
Introduction to the C4/C4c CMTS
Basic Configuration
Advanced CAM Configuration
Routing and Management
Administration and Security
Logging and Monitoring
Software Upgrades
Day 2: E6000 CER Overview
Introduction to the E6000 CER
Redundancy and Packet Flow
Monitoring and Licensing
Course Specifics
Delivery: instructor-led
Prerequisite Courses: Introduction to the C4 CMTS, Introduction to the C4c CMTS, E6000 CER
Hardware Overview.
Duration: 4 days
Materials: Course Workbook
781293 - $3600 per student at ARRIS Training facility
781294 - $15000 per class, domestic customer site, includes trainer T&L, 8 students max
781295 - $18000 per class, international customer site, includes trainer T&L, 8 students max
Certification Course Offerings
In this section:
CERT401: ARRIS DOCSIS CMTS Operator Certification......................................................... 15
CERT401: ARRIS DOCSIS CMTS Operator Certification
Order Code: SalesForce 596895-001-00
ARRIS DOCSIS CMTS Operator certification provides an acknowledgement by ARRIS that a
candidate has successfully demonstrated sufficient DOCSIS® technical knowledge and ARRIS
product knowledge to earn the designation, “ARRIS Certified DOCSIS CMTS Operator.” To gain
certification, candidates must read and accept the terms and conditions of the Certification Candidate
Agreement and pass two online, proctored exams: one exam testing knowledge of DOCSIS
technology, and one testing specific knowledge of an ARRIS CMTS product. Exams are “open book,”
and you can use specifications, product documentation, training materials, or other reference
materials while taking web-based tests.
Training courses are available and recommended but are not required to take certification exams.
Candidates with confidence in their knowledge of DOCSIS technology and the ARRIS C4 or E6000
CMTS product can register and take the required exams. Exams are proctored, at no charge to the
candidate, by an online proctoring service. After enrollment and registration, candidates need to
contact the proctoring service to schedule their exams.
For candidates seeking training to prepare for the certification exams, ARRIS offers the following
courses in support of the ARRIS DOCSIS CMTS Operator Certification:
DOCSIS Essentials (web-based, self-study)
E6000 CER Courses
E6000 CER Hardware Overview (online)
E6000 CER Operations (instructor-led)
C4/C4c Courses
C4 CMTS Hardware Overview (online)
C4c CMTS Hardware Overview (instructor-led)
C4/C4c CMTS Operations (instructor-led)
C4/C4c CMTS Review and E6000 CER Overview Training (instructor-led)
C4/C4c CMTS Operations and E6000 CER Overview Training (instructor-led)
Questions about certification or enrollment? Please send an email message with the subject
“Certification Inquiry” to [email protected].
Maximum Allowed Completion Time: 2 hours for each exam (4 hours exam time total).
Course Specifics
Delivery: Proctored, online
Maximum Allowed Completion Time: 2 hours for each exam (4 hours exam time total)
Fee: $400.00
ARRIS D5® Universal Edge QAM Course Offerings
In this section:
D5 UEQ Overview ................................................................................................................. 17
D5 UEQ QuickStart ............................................................................................................... 17
D5 UEQ Operations .............................................................................................................. 19
D5 UEQ Overview
Order Code: PeopleSoft 728196
This web-based online course presents an overview of the D5 Universal Edge QAM (UEQ), the system
components and management interface options.
Installation, operations, administration, maintenance, provisioning, planning, and engineering
Course Topics
D5 UEQ overview
Technology review
D5 UEQ performance and features
Service applications
System architecture
Front chassis components
Rear chassis components
Transport stream flow
Management systems
D5 UEQ Web Manager
D5 UEQ Application Manager
Course Specifics
Prerequisites: Knowledge of basic video broadband technology, RF cable plant, IP network, and
MPEG transport is recommended.
Delivery: web-based
Duration: 1.5 hours
Materials: none
Price: $100 per student
D5 UEQ QuickStart
Order Code: PeopleSoft 722023
One-day session covering basic D5 UEQ concepts and commonly performed tasks. This course
provides a new D5 UEQ user an overview of the D5 UEQ components and how to install and start up
the system.
Installation, operations, administration, maintenance, provisioning, planning, and engineering
Course Topics
D5 UEQ Overview
Front panel, hardware architecture, management methods
Installation preparation and racking recommendations
Inserting QAM and WAN modules
Power considerations
Connecting cables
System Configuration Overview
Serial Port connection for the D5 UEQ configuration
Setup-Mode configuration script
Setup-Mode script process
Web Manager Overview
Web pages
CLI (command line interface)
Initial Setup Using the Web Manager
Web Manager login
Basic system configuration via Web Manager
Set up a host name
Configure a CLI account
Configure SNMP
Enable a GigE interface
Configure a QAM module
Enable an Ethernet Interface
Course Specifics
Prerequisites: An understanding of basic video broadcast technology, Ethernet, UDP, and MPEG
transport is recommended.
Delivery: instructor-led
Duration: 1 day (immediately post-installation)
Materials: Course workbook
Price: $2500 per class up to a maximum of 8 students
D5 UEQ Operations
Order Code: PeopleSoft 721963
Hands-on, instructor-led training to configure, operate, provision services, and maintain the ARRIS
D5 Universal Edge QAM (UEQ).
Installation, operations, administration, maintenance, provisioning, planning, and engineering
Course Topics
System overview
System architecture
Initial system configuration Via CLI
Initial system configuration via Web Manager
Video on demand
Digital video broadcast
Conditional access service
Switched Digital Video
System security
System monitoring and maintenance
Course Specifics
Prerequisites: Knowledge of basic video broadband technology, RF cable plant, IP network, and
MPEG transport is recommended.
Delivery: instructor-led
Duration: 2 days
Materials: Course workbook
Price: $1200 per student, onsite trainer T&L not included
Certificate: Yes, upon completion
ARRIS Media Services Platform (MSP) Course Offerings
In this section:
MSP AdEdge COM ADM/Ad Cache Configuration and Operation ....................................... 20
MSP Dynamic Substitution and Targeted Ad Insertion Configuration ................................. 22
MSP2000/2800 Splicing Installation and Configuration....................................................... 23
MSP2000/2800 VMS Configuration and Surveillance .......................................................... 24
MSP2800 QAM Applications ................................................................................................ 24
MSP AdEdge COM ADM/Ad Cache Configuration and Operation
Order Code: PeopleSoft 782366
This two day, hands on course covers the MSP ad splicing chassis and the AdEdge COM server.
Students will walk through a typical installation, including setting up the communication between the
AdEdge COM and the MSP. Chassis, network, and program configuration and provisioning will be
discussed with hands on labs for each section.
The focus of the course is the use of the MSP1200 and MSP2800 chassis for ad insertion using the ad
cache capabilities of the MSP and the ADM feature of the AdEdge COM server. The discussion and
labs will include splicing using virtual zones and the use of the Video Management System (VMS) for
both the MSP and AdEdge COM. In addition, the student will configure programs for ad insertion
using ad caching on both the MSP and AdEdge COM. The use of out of band (and the ARRIS Scout
and Cue Router) and in band cue tones is contrasted. The course includes an overview of the
troubleshooting tools available for the MSP and AdEdge COM and a troubleshooting lab.
Operations, administration, maintenance and provisioning, planning, and engineering personnel.
Course Topics
Ad Cache and ADM Architecture
AdEdge COM Architecture
MSP Ad Cache Configuration
Lab 1: Configure MSP
ADM Configuration
Lab 2: Configure AdEdge ADM
Monitoring and Troubleshooting
Lab 3: Monitor and Troubleshoot
Course Specifics
Prerequisites: MSP Splicing Installation and Configuration
Delivery: Instructor-led
Duration: 2 days
Materials: Presentation Guide and Lab Manual
Price: $15000 at a customer facility
Certificate: Yes, upon completion
MSP Dynamic Substitution and Targeted Ad Insertion Configuration
Order Code: PeopleSoft 782365
This two day, hands on course covers the MSP ad splicing chassis and the AdEdge COM server.
Students will walk through a typical installation, including setting up the communication between the
AdEdge COM and the MSP. Chassis, network, and program configuration and provisioning will be
discussed with hands on labs for each section.
The focus of the course is the use of the MSP1200 and MSP2800 chassis for targeted ad insertion and
dynamic substitution. The discussion and labs will include splicing using virtual zones and the use of
the Video Management System (VMS) for both the MSP and AdEdge COM. In addition, the student
will configure programs for both targeted ad insertion using virtual zones and dynamic ad
substitution. The course includes an overview of the troubleshooting tools available for the MSP and
AdEdge COM and a troubleshooting lab.
Operations, administration, maintenance and provisioning, planning, and engineering personnel.
Course Topics
AdEdge COM Architecture
AdEdge Access and Administration
Lab 1 – AdEdge Access
Dynamic Substitution
Lab 2 – Dynamic Substitution
Targeted Ad Insertion
TAI MSP Configuration
Lab 3 Part 1 – MSP
TAI AdEdge COM Configuration
Lab 3 – Part 2, AdEdge COM
Lab 4 - Troubleshooting Lab
Course Specifics
Prerequisites: MSP Splicing Installation and Configuration
Delivery: Instructor-led
Duration: 2 days
Materials: Presentation Guide and Lab Manual
Price: $15000 at a customer facility
Certificate: Yes, upon completion
MSP2000/2800 Splicing Installation and Configuration
Order Code: PeopleSoft 798432/798433
This two-day, hands on course covers the MSP2000 and MSP2800 chassis installation and operation
of the application and management modules. Students will walk through a typical installation,
including removal and installation of field replaceable units. Chassis, network, and program
configuration and provisioning are discussed with hands-on labs for each section.
The focus of the course is the use of the MSP2000 and MSP2800 chassis for local ad insertion. The
discussion and labs will include splicing into encrypted streams and the use of the Ad Insertion Tool.
In addition, the student will configure each chassis for Dual Node Redundancy and be able to explain
how to exploit this capability in their network. The course includes an overview of the
troubleshooting tools available for the MSP2000/2800 and a troubleshooting lab.
Operations, administration, maintenance and provisioning, planning, and engineering personnel.
Course Topics
Splicing primer
Installation, hardware and architecture
Hardware lab
Command line interface
CLI Lab 1 (platform configuration)
CLI Lab 2 (splicing configuration)
Troubleshooting lab
Course Specifics
Prerequisites: none
Delivery: instructor-led
Duration: 2 days
Materials: Presentation Guide and Lab Manual
Price: 798432: $15000 at a customer facility/798433: $2500 per student at an ARRIS training
Certificate: Yes, upon completion
MSP2000/2800 VMS Configuration and Surveillance
Order Code: PeopleSoft 799175
This one-day, hands-on course covers the MSP2000 and MSP2800 configuration and surveillance
using the VMS graphical user interface. Students will set up the VMS system, creating user accounts
and passwords for a typical installation.
Chassis, network, and program configuration and provisioning will be discussed with a lab for each
section. The course includes an overview of the troubleshooting tools available on the VMS and a
troubleshooting lab.
Operations, administration, maintenance and provisioning, planning, and engineering personnel.
Course Topics
Installation, hardware, and architecture
VMS views and configuration
Lab exercises
Course Specifics
Prerequisites: MSP Splicing Installation and Configuration or MSP QAM Applications
Delivery: instructor-led
Duration: 1 day
Materials: Presentation Guide and Lab Manual
Price: $7500 per course
Certificate: Yes, upon completion
MSP2800 QAM Applications
Order Codes: 798419 Onsite / 798420 ARRIS Facility
This two-day, hands-on course, covers the MSP2800 chassis installation and operation of the
application and management modules. Students will walk through a typical installation, including
removal and installation of field replaceable units. Chassis, network, and QAM configuration and
provisioning will be discussed with hands on labs for each section. The focus of the course is the use
of the MSP2800 chassis for QAM applications. The discussion and labs will include using the
Graphical User Interface to set up and default QAMs and provision QAMs of different types. The
course includes an overview of the troubleshooting tools available for the MSP2800 and a
troubleshooting lab.
Operations, administration, maintenance, and provisioning, planning, and engineering personnel.
Course Topics
Hardware and architecture
QAM applications
VMS configuration
Course Specifics
Prerequisites: none
Delivery: instructor-led
Duration: 2 days
Materials: Presentation Guide and Lab Manual
Price: 798419 - $15,000 at a customer facility / 798420 - $3000 per student at a ARRIS training
Certificate: Yes, upon completion
SDV and SVA Course Offerings
In this section:
SDV Configuration & Troubleshooting ................................................................................. 27
SDV Service Launch CSR/FSR Training Package .................................................................... 28
Switched Video Analysis (SVA) Operations .......................................................................... 29
Switched Video Analysis (SVA) Overview Webinar .............................................................. 30
SDV Configuration & Troubleshooting
Order Code: PeopleSoft 798412/798416
This two-day, hands-on course covers the operation and configuration of the CVEx Swtich Digital
Video (SDV) components for headend and edge devices for BEQ, third-party QAMs, and MSP-QAM
2800 chassis in detail. The SDV overview features lab activities to reinforce QAM activity based on
set-top box session requests. CVEx Manager is used to bind an MSP-QAM edge device to multiple
SDV-Session Managers.
This course also emphasizes configuration of MSP-QAM Media Processing Card (MPC) for SDV
applications, including student lab exercises and operational/troubleshooting tips.
Operations, administration, maintenance and provisioning, planning, and engineering personnel.
Course Topics
Product Introduction
CVEx (SDV) overview and MSP-QAM demonstration
Student Lab Exercise - MSP-QAM Hardware Familiarization
CVEx Configuration
Instructor/Student Headend Services MPTS-SPTS Mapping/Clamping Demo
Instructor/Student CVEx lab configuration demo
BEQ and MSP-QAM MPC configuration
Chassis configuration - Instructor/student lab demo
Student hands-on lab - Card/port configuration
Troubleshooting tips
N+1 Redundancy
LAG, Tagged Pairs, VLANs/Loopbacks
Instructor/Student lab demo - N+1 redundancy, LAG, Tag Pairs
Instructor/Student lab demo - System backup/restore
Site discussion (if applicable) - Site design; site-related configuration settings or issues
Course Specifics
Prerequisites: General understanding of IP networks and telecommunications infrastructure.
Delivery: instructor-led
Duration: 2 days
Materials: Presentation Guide, Lab Manual, MSP-QAM Operations Guide
Price: 798412: $15,000 per course/798416 $2500 per student
Certificate: Yes, upon completion
SDV Service Launch CSR/FSR Training Package
Order Code: PeopleSoft 798414
This training package contains essential information for both Customer Service Representatives
(CSRs) and Field Service Representatives (FSRs) to effectively support a Switched Digital Video
Broadcast (SDV) launch. Both CSRs and FSRs are taught how SDV can provide additional program
services to the customer. Potential SDV customer-facing issues are described to enable CSRs and
FSRs to effectively handle customer issues.
Customer Service Representatives (CSRs) and Field Service Representatives (FSRs).
CSR Course Topics (Course Length 1.5 hours)
Why Switched Video?
HD and transmission capacity limitations
How SDV Broadcast services can increase the number of HD services to the customer
Set-top box communication
SDV components switching and client software requirement for the set-top box
Sequence of events that occur for both upstream and downstream paths when changing a
set-top box channel in a mixed SDV and Broadcast Video environment.
Customer issues
"Service Not Available" message and how it relates to SDV
Handling the small percentage of SDV set-top non-responders seen on initial launch
SDV program service reclamation for dormant unwatched services on customer set-top box
When to dispatch an FSR for a service call
FSR Course Topics (Course Length 2.5 hours)
Frequency Spectrum and capacity limitations
How Switched-Digital-Video Broadcast services improve density and increase the number of
program services to the set-top box.
Field trial statistics and understanding of correct service-group (SG) concentration ratios for
SDV lineup - Broadcast versus SDV video candidates Set-top Box Communication
SDV set-top box client software load
SDV components used to switch video services to the set-top box
Sequence of events for both upstream and downstream paths when tuning the set-top box
to a channel in a mixed SDV and Broadcast video environment.
Troubleshooting customer issues
Effect of oversubscribing an SG and "Service Not Available" message
Set-top box SDV diagnostic screen
Verifying the presence of SDV client software on set-top box
Handling the small percentage of SDV set-top non-responders
SDV service reclamation of un-watch services on customer set-top box
Course Specifics
Prerequisites: none
Delivery: instructor-led
Duration: 2 CSR: 1.5 hour live session/ 1 FSR: 2.5 hour live session
Materials: Training Guide
Price: $7500 per day
Session 1 & 2: CSR training
Sessions 3: FSR training
Switched Video Analysis (SVA) Operations
Order Code: PeopleSoft 798413 Onsite / 798417 ARRIS Facility
This instructor-led course includes essential information needed to analyze a Switched Digital Video
(SDV) enterprise. Participants are shown a functioning SVA system with log files from an SDV
deployment of 285 HD and SD services across numerous service groups. Participants learn how to
effectively use the SVA application to identify network hot spots and channel usage trends for all or
select service groups. New SVA 5.0 features include simulation using "What-If-Scenarios" for
proposed changes in SDV SG tuner size, channel bit-rate assignments, number of QAMs assigned to
SGs, channel movement from broadcast to switched tiers, and channel additions to determine
congestion scenarios.
Operations, administration, maintenance, provisioning, planning, and engineering personnel.
Course Topics
SVA overview, dashboard, and report generator
SVA network management
SVA program/channel usage
SVA-SDV simulation, configuration, and ,anagement
Student hands-on lab activities
SVA menus, administration, report generator
Network management: SG bandwidth and blocking events
Channel usage, ratings, and viewership
Simulation, SVA configuration, management
Course Specifics
Prerequisites: Switched Broadcast 2-day Configuration Class
Delivery: instructor-led
Duration: 1 day
Materials: SVA Training Guide and SVA User Guide
Price: 798413 - $7500 per course, customer site / 798417 - $1500 per student, ARRIS training
Certificate: Yes, upon completion
Switched Video Analysis (SVA) Overview Webinar
Order Code: PeopleSoft 798241
This web-based live presentation includes essential information needed to analyze a Switched Digital
Video (SDV) system. Participants are shown a functioning SVA system with log files from an SDV
deployment containing over 200 SD and HD services. Participants learn how to effectively use the
SVA server to identify potential hot spots, and channel usage trends for all or select service groups.
"What-If-Scenarios" demonstration simulates SDV performance for bit-rate, and blocking effects
using historical data based on parameter changes to: SDV SG tuner size, channel bit-rate
assignments, number of QAMs assigned to SGs, channel movement from broadcast to switched tiers,
and channel additions to service lineup.
Operations, administration, maintenance, provisioning, planning, and engineering personnel
Course Topics
SVA overview, dashboard, and report generator
SVA network management
SVA program/channel usage
SVA-SDV simulation, configuration, and management
Instructor Demonstrations
SVA menus, administration, report generator,
Network management: SG bandwidth and blocking events
Channel usage, ratings, and viewership.
Simulation, SVA configuration, management
Course Specifics
Prerequisites: ARRIS Switched Broadcast 2-day Configuration Class
Delivery: web
Duration: Four 50-minute sessions interleaved with 10-minute breaks
Materials: SVA Training Guide, SVA User Guide
Price: $3000 per session
ARRIS Broadcast Multimedia-Service Router (BMR®) Course
In this section:
BMR Configuration and Operations ..................................................................................... 70
BMR Configuration and Operations Webinar ...................................................................... 71
BMR Configuration and Operations
Order Code: PeopleSoft 798411/798410
This course describes how to operate and configure the BMR and its accompanying I/O boards and
Operations, administration, maintenance, provisioning, planning, and engineering personnel.
Course Topics
Course overview
ARRIS networks corporate overview
BMR hardware and software
BMR video product solutions
BMR Setup and software walkthrough
Broadcast grooming and walkthrough
Ad splicing overview
MPEG and MPEG transport
Ad splicing overview walkthrough
Layer 2 and Layer 3 transport and redundancy
Transport and redundancy walkthrough
Hands-on lab1 - BMR setup
BMR troubleshooting and maintenance
Hands-on labs (grooming, Layer 3 transport & redundancy, and ad splicing (Sea
Course Specifics
Prerequisites: Familiarity with video transmission and media processing.
Delivery: instructor-led
Duration: 3 days
Materials: Presentation Guide and Lab Manual
Price: 798411: $22,500 at a customer facility for up to 12 students/798410: $3500 per student at an
ARRIS training center.
Certificate: Yes, upon completion
BMR Configuration and Operations Webinar
Order Code: PeopleSoft 798428
This course describes how to operate and configure the BMR and its accompanying I/O boards and
Operations, administration, maintenance, provisioning, planning, and engineering personnel.
Course Topics
ARRIS networks corporate overview
BMR hardware and software
BMR video product solutions
BMR Setup and software walkthrough
Broadcast grooming and walkthrough
Ad splicing overview
MPEG and MPEG transport
Ad splicing overview walkthrough
Layer 2 and Layer 3 transport and redundancy
Transport and redundancy walkthrough
Hands-on lab1 - BMR setup
BMR troubleshooting and maintenance
Hands-on labs (grooming, Layer 3 transport & redundancy, and ad splicing (Sea
Course Specifics
Prerequisites: Familiarity with Video Transmission and media processing.
Delivery: webinar
Duration: Two 4 hour sessions spanning 2 days
Materials: Presentation Guide and Lab Manual
Price: $6000 per session
Network, Service, and Workforce Assurance
In this section:
ServAssure™ Performance Management Course Offerings ................................................. 36
ServAssure™ Alarm Central Course Offerings ...................................................................... 41
EventAssure Course Offerings .............................................................................................. 44
ServAssure™ Wi-Fi Solutions Course Offerings .................................................................... 47
WorkAssure Field Service Management Course Offerings .................................................. 50
ServAssure™ Performance Management Course Offerings
In this section:
ServAssure™ Performance Management Users................................................................... 37
ServAssure™ Performance Management Group Administrators......................................... 37
ServAssure™ Performance Management System Administrators (Level 2) ........................ 38
ServAssure™ Performance Management Custom Course ................................................... 39
Multi-Seat License Pack - ServAssure Performance Management ...................................... 39
ServAssure™ Performance Management Users
Order Code: SPM201
Participants learn how to utilize ServAssure™ Performance Management to monitor network health,
troubleshoot customer issues, analyze network issues, and identify areas for network improvement.
Primarily for new ServAssure™ Performance Management users, training modules are offered for the
following MSO roles: Customer Care, Field Technicians, Installer Supervisors and Dispatchers, the
NOC, and Management.
Course Topics
A high-level view of ServAssure™ Performance Management concepts
How Customer Care can use ServAssure™ Performance Management
How Field Technicians can use ServAssure™ Performance Management
ServAssure™ Performance Management for Installer Supervisors and Dispatchers
How the NOC can use ServAssure™ Performance Management
How management can use ServAssure™ Performance Management
Course Specifics
Delivery: instructor-led at customer site
Duration: 2 days
Materials: ServAssure™ Performance Management User Workbook
Price: $8000 per course
ServAssure™ Performance Management Group Administrators
Order Code: SPM310
Participants learn how to manage users and groups, as well as how to customize the user interface for
individual Groups.
For supervisors and managers who interact with ServAssure™ Performance Management.
Course Topics
Accessing Account Management features
Creating, editing, and deleting user accounts
Creating, editing, and deleting group accounts
Selecting and canceling users' running reports
Viewing or deleting users' events
Modifying color coding settings
Creating topology sets that are helpful for Groups
Creating My ServAssure™ Performance Management pages that provide groups with
summary and comparison graphs of devices or areas of particular interest
Managing voice sessions
Course Specifics
Prerequisite Course: ServAssure™ Performance Management Users
Delivery: instructor-led at customer site
Duration: 1/2 day
Materials: ServAssure™ Performance Management Group Administrator Workbook
Price: $2000 per class
ServAssure™ Performance Management System Administrators (Level 2)
Order Code: SPM401
Participants learn the key tasks that a ServAssure™ Performance Management Administrator might
perform on their own without assistance from either ARRIS ServAssure™ Performance Management
Deployment or ServAssure™ Performance Management Technical Support.
System and network administrators.
Course Topics
ServAssure™ Performance Management architecture concepts
Overview of the "Configuration Phase Checklist"
Key ServAssure™ Performance Management behind-the-scenes administrative functions
Troubleshooting ServAssure™ Performance Management
Higher level ServAssure™ Performance Management user interface administrative functions
Course Specifics
Prerequisite Course: ServAssure™ Performance Management Users and ServAssure™ Performance
Management Group Administrators.
Delivery: instructor-led at customer site
Duration: 1/2 day
Materials: ServAssure™ Performance Management System Administrator Workbook
Price: $2000 per class
ServAssure™ Performance Management Custom Course
Order Code: SPM301
This is a client-configurable course. Customers may pre-arrange to have various pieces of any specific
course taught. They can also request abridged/condensed versions of a particular class to focus on
only a few topics.
MSO professionals who require specific information about ServAssure™ Performance Management.
Course Topics
Client configurable course: Clients may pre-arrange to have various pieces of any specific course
taught. They can also request abridged/condensed versions of a particular class to focus on only a few
topics; defined in advance of course delivery.
Course Specifics
Prerequisite Course: none
Delivery: instructor-led at customer site
Duration: minimum 1 day
Materials: Dependent on course content
Price: $4000 per day
Multi-Seat License Pack - ServAssure Performance Management
Order Code: SPM302
Participants learn how to utilize ServAssure Performance Management to monitor network health,
troubleshoot customer issues, analyze network issues, and identify areas for network improvement.
(Multi-Seat License Pack Purchase - Onsite instructor-led, 3 days, Up to 40 seats or 4 separate
locations over a 2 year contract period - T&E included.)
Primarily for new ServAssure™ Performance Management users, training modules are offered for the
following MSO roles: Customer Care, Field Technicians, Installer Supervisors and Dispatchers, the
NOC, and Management.
Course Topics
A high-level view of ServAssure™ Performance Management concepts
How Customer Care can use ServAssure™ Performance Management
How Field Technicians can use ServAssure™ Performance Management
ServAssure™ Performance Management for Installer Supervisors and Dispatchers
How the NOC can use ServAssure™ Performance Management
How Management can use ServAssure™ Performance Management
Course Specifics
Multi-Seat License Pack Purchase
Prerequisite Course: None
Delivery: Instructor-led at customer site
Multi-Seat License Pack Includes: 2 year coverage, 3 days of training delivered to a maximum of 4
different locations to 10 students for a total of 40 students receiving 3 days of instruction each.
Materials: ServAssure™ Performance Management User Workbook
Price: $36,000 per 2 year license.
ServAssure™ Alarm Central Course Offerings
In this section:
ServAssure™ Alarm Central User Training ........................................................................... 42
ServAssure™ Alarm Central Administrator Training ............................................................ 42
ServAssure™ Alarm Central User Training
Order Code: ALM200
Participants learn how to use ServAssure™ Alarm Central to identify network outage and plant issue
root cause, troubleshoot network impairments, and view modem metrics in various forms, such as
maps, tables, and graphs.
Intended for Alarm Central users.
Course Topics
This course provides a detailed explanation of the ServAssure™ Alarm Central user interface with
hands-on exercises designed to simulate user tasks. Participants will be able to use Alarm Central for
alarm detection and identify the root cause by using the map. Users will also be able to create
historical graphs, view RF metrics, and track alarm lifecycles.
Course Specifics
Prerequisites: ServAssure™ Performance Management User Course, Windows and internet
Delivery: instructor-led at customer site
Duration: 2 days for both Proactive and Outage Manager / 1 Day for either Proactive or Outage
Materials: ServAssure™ Alarm Central User Training Guide and Training presentation
Price: $8000 per course
ServAssure™ Alarm Central Administrator Training
Order Code: ALM300
Participants learn how to configure issue and outage thresholds, severity levels, manage access
profiles, as well as manage alarm notifications.
Intended for Alarm Central administrators.
Course Topics
Participants will learn to manage users and profiles, configure soak periods, create Fiber Node
profiles, configure Outage thresholds, and Configure Proactive thresholds.
Course Specifics
Prerequisite Course: Alarm Central User Training, ServAssure™ Performance Management Admin
Training and Windows and internet experience.
Delivery: instructor-led at customer site
Duration: 1/2 day
Materials: ServAssure™ Alarm Central Administrator Training Guide and Training presentation
Price: $2000 per class
EventAssure Course Offerings
In this section:
EventAssure User Training ................................................................................................... 45
EventAssure Administrative Training ................................................................................... 45
EventAssure User Training
Order Code: EVS201
Participants learn how to use EventAssure to detect and analyze network and customer DOCSIS
equipment alarms, monitor network health, isolate alarms on the network, and extract alarm details.
Intended for users of EventAssure Solutions.
Course Topics
This course provides a detailed explanation of the EventAssure user interface with hands-on exercises
designed to simulate user tasks. Participants will be able to use EventAssure for alarm detection and
analyze the root cause by using the alarm log, alarm graph, and other filter features.
Course Specifics
Prerequisites: ServAssure™ Performance Management User Course, Windows and internet
Delivery: instructor-led at customer site
Duration: 1 day
Materials: ServAssure™ EventAssure User Training Guide and Training presentation
Price: $4000 per course
EventAssure Administrative Training
Order Code: EVS301
Participants learn how to configure event thresholds and severity levels, manage access profiles,
access and monitor system health, as well as manage alarm notifications.
Intended for EventAssure administrators.
Course Topics
This course provides an overview of the EventAssure user interface with hands-on exercises designed
to simulate administrator tasks. Participants will learn to configure EventAssure thresholds and
severity levels, manage authentication permissions, and link external applications.
Course Specifics
Prerequisites: EventAssure User Training, ServAssure™ Performance Management Admin Training
and Windows and internet experience.
Delivery: instructor-led at customer site
Duration: 1 day
Materials: EventAssure Solutions Administrator Training Guide and Training presentation
Price: $4000 per class
ServAssure™ Wi-Fi Solutions Course Offerings
In this section:
ServAssure™ Wi-Fi Solutions User Training.......................................................................... 48
ServAssure™ Wi-Fi Solutions User Train-the-Trainer ........................................................... 48
ServAssure™ Wi-Fi Solutions User Training
Order Code: SWF201
Participants learn how to use ServAssure™ Wi-Fi Solutions to configure basic wireless settings,
manage and validate RF environment, and troubleshoot wireless networks.
Intended for users of ServAssure™ Wi-Fi Solutions.
Course Topics
This course provides a detailed explanation of the ServAssure™ Wi-Fi Solutions user interface with
hands-on exercises designed to simulate user tasks. Participants will be able to use ServAssure™ WiFi Solutions to:
Configure Wi-Fi Network Settings
Measure Signal Strength
Mark Locations
View Connected Wireless Devices
View Channel Overlap
Manually Configure Channel
Conduct Speed Test
Create Session Birth Certificate
Course Specifics
Prerequisites: Each student needs a computer. An installed wireless gateway is needed at the training
Delivery: Instructor-led at customer site
Duration: ½ day
Materials: ServAssure™ Wi-Fi Solutions User Training Guide and Training presentation
Price: $2000 per course
ServAssure™ Wi-Fi Solutions User Train-the-Trainer
Order Code: SWF301
Participants learn how to use and teach ServAssure™ Wi-Fi Solutions to internal users who are
responsible for configuring basic wireless settings, managing and validating RF environment, and
troubleshooting wireless networks. Participants learn how to use ServAssure™ Wi-Fi Solutions to
configure basic wireless settings, manage and validate RF environment, and troubleshoot wireless
Intended for trainers of ServAssure™ Wi-Fi Solutions.
Course Topics
This course provides a detailed explanation of the ServAssure™ Wi-Fi Solutions user interface with
hands-on exercises designed to simulate user tasks. Participants will be able to use ServAssure™ WiFi Solutions to:
Configure Wi-Fi Network Settings
Measure Signal Strength
Mark Locations
View Connected Wireless Devices
View Channel Overlap
Manually Configure Channel
Conduct Speed Test
Create Session Birth Certificate
Course Specifics
Prerequisites: Each student needs a computer. An installed wireless gateway is needed at the training
Delivery: Instructor-led at customer site
Duration: 2 days
Day 1 AM – ServAssure™ Wi-Fi User Training Delivered by ARRIS Trainer to internal training
Day 1 PM – ServAssure™ Wi-Fi User Training Delivered by ARRIS Trainer to Users with
internal training team in attendance
Day 2 AM – ServAssure™ Wi-Fi User Training Delivered by ARRIS and internal training team
to Users
Day 2 PM – ServAssure™ Wi-Fi User Training Delivered by internal training team to Users
with ARRIS Trainer in attendance
Materials: ServAssure™ Wi-Fi Solutions User Training Guide and Training presentation
Price: $8000 per course
WorkAssure Field Service Management Course Offerings
In this section:
WorkAssure™ Field Service Management System Configuration ........................................ 51
Capacity Management Configuration .................................................................................. 52
WorkAssure™ Capacity Viewer ............................................................................................ 53
Outage / Work Order Creator .............................................................................................. 53
Plant Maintenance ............................................................................................................... 54
Monitoring Technicians with TechDirector .......................................................................... 55
Managing Technicians' Routes and Schedules ..................................................................... 56
Install and Repair (I&R)......................................................................................................... 57
WorkAssure™ Reporting ...................................................................................................... 58
TechRouter Workshop ......................................................................................................... 59
WorkAssure™ Field Service Management Customized Training Course ............................. 59
WorkAssure™ Field Service Management Pilot Course ....................................................... 60
WorkAssure Overview eLearning ......................................................................................... 61
WorkAssure Converting to I&R Android eLearning.............................................................. 61
WorkAssure I Want to Know iKnow eLearning .................................................................... 61
WorkAssure Dynamic Routing eLearning ............................................................................. 62
WorkAssure™ Field Service Management System Configuration
Order Code: WWM401
This course teaches how to configure WorkAssure™ Field Service Management for your
organization's specific needs.
For system administrators, subject matter experts of billing system components, and support
professionals who manage all aspects of data setup, including work order data, user data, and system
data (such as hierarchy setup and report structures).
Course Topics
This course is designed to train individuals who will be entering information into WorkAssure and
who will continue to update configuration options in WorkAssure. This includes such items as
creating new users, adding new equipment, and creating or changing Business Unit information.
Topics include understanding, viewing, creating, and editing the following items:
Where configuration happens
Business units and SMS groups
Phrase translations
Domains and user classes
Privileges and user permissions
Users and types
Time slots and standard times
Job statuses
Equipment and services
Skill associations to job types and services
Creating Breaks, shifts, and shift patterns
Creating Route areas, route models, and route pattern
Course Specifics
Prerequisites: Each student needs a computer.
Delivery: instructor-led at customer site
Duration: 3 days
Materials: WorkAssure™ Field Service Management Configuration Training Manual
Price: $12000 per course
Capacity Management Configuration
Order Code: WWM406
This course teaches the student how to configure Capacity Manager for your organization's specific
For support professionals involved with capacity or quota and who will be configuring and
monitoring Capacity Manager.
Course Topics
This course is designed to train those individuals who will be configuring capacity for the system.
Topics include the following items:
Capacity groups, areas, and sources
Capacity matrix and plan
Capacity slots and overlapping slots
Redistribution frequencies
Fulfillment organizations
Create capacity models
Create capacity weekly models
Creating capacity patterns
Assigning capacity patterns
Assigning capacity proficiencies
Capacity lockout reasons
Capacity overrides
Capacity Management Viewer
Course Specifics
Prerequisites: Each student needs a computer.
Delivery: instructor-led at customer site
Duration: 1 day
Materials: WorkAssure™ Field Service Management Capacity Manager Training Manual
Price: $4000 per course
WorkAssure™ Capacity Viewer
Order Code: WWM407
The WorkAssure™ Field Service Management Capacity Viewer shows you what capacity is available
for your system. This course teaches students how to use this application to see current capacity and
to create Lockouts and Overrides for capacity.
Designed for those supervisors or support professionals who will be responsible for overseeing
Course Topics
Topics include the following items:
Viewing capacity
Aggregation filtering
Multiple aggregations lockouts
Course Specifics
Prerequisites: Each student needs a computer.
Delivery: instructor-led at customer site
Duration: 1/2 day
Materials: WorkAssure™ Field Service Management Capacity Viewer Student Manual
Price: $2000 per course
Outage / Work Order Creator
Order Code: WWM402
This course teaches students how to configure WorkAssure™ Field Service Management for outages
and outage notifications. It also teaches students how to use Work Order Creator to create outage
work orders if there is no third party system for this.
For support professionals involved with managing outages.
Course Topics
This course is designed to train those individuals who will be configuring the system for outages.
Topics include the following items:
Outage definitions
Overall Outage process
Configuring Outage classes
Configuring Outage types
Outage notification rules
Outage association rules
Outage notifications
Course Specifics
Prerequisites: Each student needs a computer.
Delivery: instructor-led at customer site
Duration: 1 day
Materials: WorkAssure™ Field Service Management Outage Student Manual
Price: $4000 per course
Plant Maintenance
Order Code: WWM403
WorkAssure™ Field Service Management Plant Maintenance allows you to define the physical layout
of your cable infrastructure so that it can be managed for outages. This course teaches students how
to create and assign Plants to technicians.
For supervisors or support professionals who are responsible for plant facilities and outages.
Course Topics
Topics include the following items:
Understanding why plants are created
Plant types
Plant areas
Plant models
Weekly plant models
Plant patterns
Work sites
Assigning plant patterns
Plant exceptions
Course Specifics
Prerequisites: Each student needs a computer.
Delivery: instructor-led at customer site
Duration: ½ day
Materials: WorkAssure™ Field Service Management Plant Maintenance Student Manual
Price: $2000 per course
Monitoring Technicians with TechDirector
Order Code: WWM202
TechDirector is a WorkAssure™ Field Service Management tool that monitors technicians and their
schedules. It includes the capability to assign jobs to techs, remove tech assigned jobs, and complete
work order information if needed.
For those support professionals, such as dispatchers, who monitor technician status throughout the
Course Topics
Topics include the following items:
Understanding TechDirector's screen
Job Pool screen
Route optimization
Normal, Quick, and Smart Assign
Committing assignments
Undo pending assignments
Technician screen
Work order and tech details
Data Selection Screen
Work order and tech filtering
Saving profiles
Sending and receiving messages
Map view
TechDirector Configuration
Completing a job
Course Specifics
Prerequisites: Each student needs a computer.
Delivery: instructor-led at customer site
Duration: 1 day
Materials: WorkAssure™ Field Service Management TechDirector Student Manual
Price: $4000 per course
Managing Technicians' Routes and Schedules
Order Code: WWM203
This course teaches the student how to use TechCalendar within WorkAssure™ Field Service
Management to assign schedules, routes, and skills to technicians. It also teaches how to deal with
every day exceptions to those routes and schedules.
For support professionals, supervisors, or field managers who will be changing or adjusting
technician schedules.
Course Topics
Topics include understanding, viewing, adding, and removing the following items:
Understanding TechCalendar's screen
User Schedules screen
Shift patterns
Shift exceptions
Break exceptions
Business unit scheduling
User Routes screen
Route patterns and exceptions
Business unit routes
User skills
Course Specifics
Prerequisites: Each student needs a computer.
Delivery: instructor-led at customer site
Duration: ½ day
Materials: Managing Technicians’ Routes and Schedules Student Manual
Price: $2000 per course
Install and Repair (I&R)
Order Code: WWM201
This course describes teaches technicians in the field how to effectively use WorkAssure™ Field
Service Management’s I&R application to see and complete work orders.
This course is for field service representatives who will use a laptop or hand-held device to see and
finish work orders.
Course Topics
Topics include the following items:
Logging in
Understanding the I&R screen
Pending Jobs screen
Starting a job
Communicating your status
Seeing what needs to be done
Job codes
Signature capture
Completing a job
Wrap up
Course Specifics
Prerequisites: Each student needs a PDA or laptop (already charged and configured with the
appropriate I & R software) for his or her use.
Delivery: instructor-led at customer site
Duration: ½ day
Materials: The WorkAssure™ Field Service Management I&R Student Manual
Price: $2000 per course
WorkAssure™ Reporting
Order Code: WWM204
The purpose of this course is to explain how to use the reporting functions in WorkAssure™ Field
Service Management to analyze financial and scheduling data. This course covers iKnow Reports,
Reports Wizard, and Scorecard Viewer.
Note: Since reports can be emailed, not everyone who sees reports needs to attend this class; only
those who are going to configure the report data options need attend.
This course is designed for individuals who are responsible for reporting on technician's schedules,
workflow, and financial data. This normally includes managers and Quality Assurance individuals.
Course Topics
Topics include the following items:
Overall iKnow Reports options
iKnow filters
iKnow Business Units
Other tabs in iKnow
Saving report criteria
Running reports automatically
Research Wizard screens
Research Wizard filters
Research Wizard sort options
Exporting search data
Scorecard Viewer screen
Scorecard View single BU
Scorecard Viewer BU hierarchScorecard Viewer output options
Course Specifics
Prerequisites: Each student needs a computer.
Delivery: instructor-led at customer site
Duration: ½ day
Materials: WorkAssure™ Field Service Management TechCalendar Student Manual
Price: $2000 per course
TechRouter Workshop
Order Code: WWM205
WorkAssure™ Field Service Management TechRouter is used to create and run routing
configurations. This course teaches students how to create effective configurations and how to
automate these configurations.
For managers, supervisors, and support professionals who will be responsible for automatic routing.
Course Topics
Topics include the following items:
Overall routing techniques
Committing assignments
Same Day Routing
Tech Schedule rules
Optimization rules
Technician skill rules
Area rules
Rework rules
Miscellaneous rules
Technician filters
Unassigned work order filters
Manual routing
Viewing routing results
Routing groups
Course Specifics
Prerequisites: Each student needs a computer.
Delivery: instructor-led at customer site
Duration: 1 day
Materials: WorkAssure™ Field Service Management TechRouter Student Manual
Price: $4000 per course
WorkAssure™ Field Service Management Customized Training Course
Order Code: WWM302
This course provides a framework for ARRIS WorkAssure™ Field Service Management clients to
work with the creation of customized content for their staff. Specific modules from various other
ARRIS WorkAssure™ Field Service Management training classes may be combined using this course
For clients.
Course Topics
Support professionals who require refresher training, have extensive pre-existing knowledge of
WorkAssure™ Field Service Management, or just require specific information.
Course Specifics
Delivery: instructor-led at customer site
Duration: Priced per day of customized training
Materials: Customized/Existing Materials as needed
Price: $4000 per course
WorkAssure™ Field Service Management Pilot Course
Order Code: WWM301
Trainers who attended the ARRIS WorkAssure™ Field Service Management Pilot classes hold classes
for their employees; the ARRIS trainer is present at these sessions. In this manner, the ARRIS trainer
verifies that these trainers understood the information presented to them and can present it to
others. Pilot classes run the week after the train-the-trainer classes.
Customer trainers who will be training support personnel, dispatchers, and other WorkAssure™ Field
Service Management users at their company.
Course Topics
Course Specifics
Prerequisites: Attending all ARRIS-led WorkAssure™ Field Service Management courses they will
Delivery: instructor-led to customer trainers
Duration: 3 days
Materials: None
Price: $12000 per course
WorkAssure Overview eLearning
Order Code: WWM101
This elearning is designed to give you an overview of WorkAssure. It shows the various components
of WorkAssure and how they interact with one another
Anyone wanting an overview of WorkAssure.
Course Specifics
Prerequisites: None
Delivery: eLearning from ARRIS Academy
Duration: 1 hour
Materials: none
Price: $100
WorkAssure Converting to I&R Android eLearning
Order Code: WWM102
This elearning is designed to help technicians that already use I&R Classic to convert to the Android
Technicians using I&R Classic who are converting to I&R for Android
Course Specifics
Prerequisites: None
Delivery: eLearning from ARRIS Academy
Duration: 1 hour
Materials: none
Price: $100
WorkAssure I Want to Know iKnow eLearning
Order Code: WWM103
This elearning is designed to explain the 10 top useful iKnow Reports in WorkAssure
Individuals using WorkAssure Reports
Course Specifics
Prerequisites: None
Delivery: eLearning from ARRIS Academy
Duration: 1 hour
Materials: none
Price: $100
WorkAssure Dynamic Routing eLearning
Order Code: WWM106
This elearning is designed to teach what dynamic routing is and some best practices for dynamic
Individuals involved in creating routing configurations
Course Specifics
Prerequisites: None
Delivery: eLearning from ARRIS Academy
Duration: 1 hour
Materials: none
Price: $100
Demand Video and Advertising
In this section:
ARRIS ConvergeMedia™ Distribution Platforms Course Offerings ...................................... 64
ARRIS Broadcast Multimedia-Service Router (BMR®) Course Offerings .............................. 69
ARRIS Video Server Course Offerings ................................................................................... 72
ARRIS ConvergeMedia™ Distribution Platforms Course Offerings
In this section:
Video on Demand Overview................................................................................................. 65
Video on Demand Operations SWAP ................................................................................... 65
Video on Demand Operations .............................................................................................. 66
Video On Demand Custom Course ....................................................................................... 67
Multi-Seat License Pack - VOD Operations Course .............................................................. 67
Video on Demand Operations
VOD Operations SWAP
VOD Operations Overview
VOD Custom Course
Video on Demand Overview
Order Code: VOD101
This web delivered course provides an Overview of the VOD system. The course covers CMM
components, monitoring, activities, and reports.
MSO staff; provides an overview of the VOD system components, associated monitoring and reports.
Course Topics
Architecture & Components
Access & Basic Functions
Main Dashboard
Course Specifics
Delivery: instructor-led
Duration: 4 hour web session
Price: $1000 per course
Video on Demand Operations SWAP
Order Code: VOD211
This course is an accelerated version of VOD Operations for Upgrades or SWAPs to CMM. The course
highlights CMM components and functions, monitoring operations, and common tasks. Course
requires a deployed MSO system.
MSO support professionals who have experience with an ARRIS VOD system or customers who are
replacing an existing VOD system with CMM. MSO support professionals responsible for day-to-day
operations, system monitoring, and troubleshooting.
Course Topics
Architecture & Components
Access & Basic Functions
Main Dashboard
User Administration
Management Console
Metadata Management
Session & Resource Management
Course Specifics
Prerequisites: A deployed ARRIS VOD Solution.
Delivery: instructor-led
Duration: 1 day
Price: $4000
Video on Demand Operations
Order Code: VOD201
This course provides an operational knowledge of the VOD system and its components in a DAC or
DNCS environment. The primary focus is proactive monitoring, including best practices. The course
requires an MSO deployed system for demonstration and review of the live system. Modules deliver
overviews of data flows and system events for streaming, content ingest, metadata, billing,
provisioning, and reporting.
MSO support professionals responsible for day-to-day operations, system monitoring, and
Course Topics
Architecture & Components
Access & Basic Functions
Main Dashboard
User Administration
Management Console
Metadata Management
Session & Resource Management
Course Specifics
Prerequisites: A deployed ARRIS VOD Solution.
Delivery: instructor-led
Duration: 2 days
Price: $8000 per course
Video On Demand Custom Course
Order Code: VOD301
This course is a customized VOD Training delivery. Customers may pre-arrange with training to have
various topics from any specific course taught. They may request abridged/condensed or expanded
versions of a particular class to focus on only a few topics.
MSO support professionals who require information on specific topics.
Course Topics
Topics selection based on customer selection from other VOD courses.
Course Specifics
Delivery: Instructor-led
Duration: Minimum 1 day onsite
Price: $4000 per day
Multi-Seat License Pack - VOD Operations Course
Order Code: VOD202
This course provides an operational knowledge of the VOD system and its components in a DAC or
DNCS environment. The primary focus is proactive monitoring, including best practices. The course
requires an MSO deployed system for demonstration and review of the live system. Modules deliver
overviews of data flows and system events for streaming, content ingest, metadata, billing,
provisioning, and reporting. (Multi-License Pack Purchase - Onsite instructor-led, 3 days, Up to 40
seats or 4 separate locations over a 2 year contract period - T&E included.)
MSO support professionals responsible for day-to-day operations, system monitoring, and
Course Topics
Architecture & Components
Access & Basic Functions
Main Dashboard
User Administration
Management Console
Metadata Management
Session & Resource Management
Course Specifics
Multi-Seat License Pack Purchase
Prerequisites: A deployed ARRIS VOD Solution.
Delivery: instructor-led at customer site
Multi-Seat License Pack Includes: 2 year coverage, 3 days of training delivered to a maximum of 4
different locations to 10 students for a total of 40 students receiving 3 days of instruction each.
Price: $36,000 per 2 year license.
ARRIS Broadcast Multimedia-Service Router (BMR®) Course
BMR Configuration and Operations
Order Code: PeopleSoft 798411/798410
This course describes how to operate and configure the BMR and its accompanying I/O boards and
Operations, administration, maintenance, provisioning, planning, and engineering personnel.
Course Topics
Course overview
ARRIS networks corporate overview
BMR hardware and software
BMR video product solutions
BMR Setup and software walkthrough
Broadcast grooming and walkthrough
Ad splicing overview
MPEG and MPEG transport
Ad splicing overview walkthrough
Layer 2 and Layer 3 transport and redundancy
Transport and redundancy walkthrough
Hands-on lab1 - BMR setup
BMR troubleshooting and maintenance
Hands-on labs (grooming, Layer 3 transport & redundancy, and ad splicing (Sea
Course Specifics
Prerequisites: Familiarity with video transmission and media processing.
Delivery: instructor-led
Duration: 3 days
Materials: Presentation Guide and Lab Manual
Price: 798411: $22,500 at a customer facility for up to 12 students/798410: $3500 per student at an
ARRIS training center.
Certificate: Yes, upon completion
BMR Configuration and Operations Webinar
Order Code: PeopleSoft 798428
This course describes how to operate and configure the BMR and its accompanying I/O boards and
Operations, administration, maintenance, provisioning, planning, and engineering personnel.
Course Topics
ARRIS networks corporate overview
BMR hardware and software
BMR video product solutions
BMR Setup and software walkthrough
Broadcast grooming and walkthrough
Ad splicing overview
MPEG and MPEG transport
Ad splicing overview walkthrough
Layer 2 and Layer 3 transport and redundancy
Transport and redundancy walkthrough
Hands-on lab1 - BMR setup
BMR troubleshooting and maintenance
Hands-on labs (grooming, Layer 3 transport & redundancy, and ad splicing (Sea
Course Specifics
Prerequisites: Familiarity with Video Transmission and media processing.
Delivery: webinar
Duration: Two 4 hour sessions spanning 2 days
Materials: Presentation Guide and Lab Manual
Price: $6000 per session
ARRIS Video Server Course Offerings
In this section:
ODS210: M3 Video Server Operations (ILT) ........................................................................ 72
ODS400: ODS Instructor-Led Custom (ILT) .......................................................................... 73
Introduction to ConvergeMedia™ SkyVision Ad Management ............................................ 74
Advanced Ad Insertion (Level 2)........................................................................................... 74
Introduction to Ad Insertion and ConvergeMedia™ SkyVision Ad Management ................ 75
Ad Insertion XMS-Mini Operations (Level 2) ........................................................................ 76
Ad Insertion XMS-Flex Operations (Level 2) ......................................................................... 77
Hardware Vendor Lab Training (Level 3) .............................................................................. 78
Ad Insertion Custom Training Course................................................................................... 78
Introduction to ConvergeMedia™ Interconnect (CMI) ........................................................ 79
AdManager Enterprise 2.0 ................................................................................................... 80
Multi-License SkyVision Refresher Course ........................................................................... 80
Merchandiser 4.0 Overview ................................................................................................. 81
MER102: Merchandiser 4.0 End User Training.................................................................... 82
MER103: Merchandiser 4.0 Developer API Training ........................................................... 83
ODS210: M3 Video Server Operations (ILT) ........................................................................ 83
ODS400: ODS Instructor-Led Custom (ILT) .......................................................................... 84
ODS210: M3 Video Server Operations (ILT)
Order Code: SalesForce 589426-001-00
This 2-day course provides in-depth coverage of the installation, operation, and architecture of the
M3 Video Server. In addition to classroom theory and instructor-led discussions, lab exercises are
used to reinforce the learning process. The course can be taken in residence at ARRIS or brought to
the customer site.
M3 system operations, maintenance, and provisioning personnel should attend this course. Students
attending this class should have a working knowledge of basic networking concepts and fundamental
VOD theory. A basic understanding of the Linux operating system is also helpful.
Course Topics
The modules to be covered on day 1 are:
Module 01: M3 Overview
Module 02: M3 Architecture and Features
Module 03: Hardware
Module 04: M3 Vision Server Configuration
The modules to be covered on day 2 are:
Module 05: M3 Cluster Manager Overview
Module 06: M3 Vision Server Administration
Module 07: M3 Monitoring and Troubleshooting
Course Specifics
Prerequisites: None
Fee: $1,450
ODS400: ODS Instructor-Led Custom (ILT)
Order Code: SalesForce 574171-001-00
ODS Configuration and Operations training can be customized to meet individual customer
requirements. Customized training can be delivered on site or at the ARRIS training facility in Lowell,
Course Topics
As defined with client.
Course Specifics
Delivery: instructor-led
Minimum of 5 students.
Fee: quote
ARRIS ConvergeMedia™ SkyVision Ad Management Course Offerings
Introduction to SkyVision (Level 1)
Advanced Ad Insertion (Level 2)
Level 1 and 2 Refresher Course
Ad Insertion XMS Mini Operations (Level 2)
Ad Insertion XMS Flex Technician
Hardware Vendor Lab Training (Level 3)
Customer-specific Training (adjustable)
ConvergeMedia™ Interconnect Training
AdManager Enterprise 2.0 Training
Introduction to ConvergeMedia™ SkyVision Ad Management
Order Code: ADI251
This course provides an operational knowledge of the ARRIS Advertising Insertion solution at the
graphical user interface level. Clients will receive a brief overview of the various hardware and
software components as well as a thorough understanding of the ConvergeMedia SkyVision Ad
Management software.
Support professionals who will be responsible for performing the following: managing schedules,
creation and distribution of spots, verification of spot play and run rates, and system monitoring.
Course Topics
Hardware and software components of the ad insertion system
Overview of terminology and functionality related to the ad insertion system
Overview of the SkyVision Ad Management Interface
Daily operations: import, export, distribute, and verify
SkyVision Ad Management views: RAID, Schedule, Big Picture, and High Level Schedule
SkyVision Ad Management alerting via e-mail
System monitoring and performance
Course Specifics
Prerequisites: Windows and internet experience.
Delivery: instructor-led at customer site
Duration: 2 days
Materials: SkyVision Ad Management Training Manual
Price: $8000 per course
Certificate: Yes
Advanced Ad Insertion (Level 2)
Order Code ADI351
This course provides students an in-depth understanding of how the ARRIS Ad Insertion system
functions. While the Basic Ad Insertion course focuses on operating the Ad Insertion system from the
graphical user interface, this course goes below the GUI and focuses on architectural design, system
components, and the UNIX command level. This course provides the necessary content for
supporting, troubleshooting, and maintaining the Ad Insertion System.
System technicians and engineers who are responsible for the support, troubleshooting, and
maintenance of the Ad Insertion system.
Course Topics
System Architecture - Analog, Digital, Gigabit Ethernet
Schedule Operations - processing, communication
Content Management - formatting, processing, communication
Spot Play Process - processing, log files
Verification Process - processing, communication
UNIX - directory structure, essential commands, ARRIS scripts
Troubleshooting and maintenance
Course Specifics
Prerequisites: Introduction to SkyVision and basic UNIX knowledge (ability to navigate directories).
Delivery: instructor-led at customer site
Duration: 2 days
Materials: Advanced Ad Insertion Training Manual
Price: $8000 per course
Certificate: Yes
Introduction to Ad Insertion and ConvergeMedia™ SkyVision Ad
Order Code: ADI291
This Level 1 and 2 refresher course provides a training option for clients who have previously
completed ARRIS Basic and Advanced Ad Insertion training but are interested in repeating some
portion of the material presented. This course presents a summary of key content from both the basic
and advanced courses, as well as addresses specific questions the client may have regarding the
operation of the ad insertion system.
This course is offered to existing clients who have completed the Introduction to Ad Insertion and
ConvergeMedia™ SkyVision Ad Management, and Advanced Ad Insertion courses but would like a
refresher course.
Course Topics
System Architecture - hardware and software components
ConvergeMedia™ SkyVision Ad Management Interface - daily operations, views
System monitoring and performance
Schedule and verification operations
Content management
Spot play process
Troubleshooting and maintenance
Course Specifics
Prerequisite Course: Introduction to ConvergeMedia™ SkyVision Ad Management and Advanced Ad
Insertion courses.
Delivery: instructor-led at customer site
Duration: 3 days
Materials: ConvergeMedia™ SkyVision Ad Management Training Manual and Advanced Ad
Insertion Training Manual
Price: $12,000 per course
Ad Insertion XMS-Mini Operations (Level 2)
Order Code: ADI271
This course provides operational knowledge of the XMS-Mini Ad Insertion Server. This includes
discussion of the XMS-Mini server, the Linux operating system, and SME software. The class also
focuses on using the various graphical interfaces to monitor the XMS-Mini.
Support professionals who will be responsible for monitoring the XMS-Mini to ensure proper
Course Topics
Transition to the new XMS server
XMS-Mini theory of operations
Hardware (external hardware/internal hardware)
Hardware monitoring (Baseband Management Controller [BMC] / ARRIS Video Server
System boot up
Linux OS administration
SME management
ACM management (ACM triggers and timing / ACM digital audio calibration)
Course Specifics
Prerequisites: Introduction to ConvergeMedia™ SkyVision Ad Management and Windows and
internet experience.
Delivery: instructor-led at customer site or through an online session
Duration: 1 day
Materials: Ad Insertion XMS-Mini Operations (Level 2) Training Manual
Price: $4000 per course
Certificate: Yes
Ad Insertion XMS-Flex Operations (Level 2)
Order Code: ADI272
Offered for those clients who need to understand and maintain their XMS-Flex Ad Insertion Servers.
Covers XMS-Flex Lite and XMS-Flex cluster configuration, set up, operation, and troubleshooting
with an in-depth review of the SME, ACM, and monitoring subsystems on the SuperMicro XMS-Flex
Support professionals who will be responsible for monitoring the XMS-Flex to ensure proper
Course Topics
Transition XMS-Flex and clustered servers
XMS-Flex and cluster theory of operations
Hardware (external and internal)
Hardware monitoring (Baseband Management Controller [BMC] / ARRIS Video Server
System boot up
Linux OS administration
SME management
ACM management (ACM triggers and timing / ACM digital audio calibration)
Cluster management (clustering commands and configuration)
Course Specifics
Prerequisite Course: Introduction to SkyVision and Windows and internet experience.
Delivery: instructor-led at customer site or through an online session
Duration: 1 day
Materials: Ad Insertion XMS-Flex Operations (Level 2) Training Manual
Price: $4000 per course
Certificate: Yes
Hardware Vendor Lab Training (Level 3)
Order Code: ADI451
This course provides all content associated with the XMS Flex Technician course. In addition to
standard XMS Flex Technician content, this course includes operating this system in either a
qualification or development lab environment. This course covers these operations associated with
running a media server with or without a lab system's HQ server attached.
Engineering professionals who will be responsible for monitoring and maintaining the nx4R3 or the
n5c media hub to ensure proper Lab interfacing and operations.
Course Topics
ARRIS Digital Ad Insertion overview via Gigabit Ethernet
Overview of either the Media Hub or XMS-Mini front and back panel
Functionality of the Media Hub or XMS-Mini
Transit or Linux operating system
nVS or SME's interaction with the Media Data Store
nSM interface for monitoring the Media Hub or XMS-Mini Based GUI
Creation of test schedules
Operation of the system at a Command Line Interface (CLI) level
Basic SkyVision HQ functionality
Course Specifics
Prerequisites: Introduction to ConvergeMedia™ SkyVision Ad Management course, Windows and
internet experience, and understanding of proper lab protocols and procedures. This course is open
only to hardware lab engineers and test technicians.
Delivery: instructor-led at customer site
Duration: 3 days
Materials: Hardware Vendor Lab Training (Level 3) Training Manual
Price: $12,000 per course
Certificate: Yes
Ad Insertion Custom Training Course
Order Code: ADI361
This course provides a framework for ARRIS Ad Insertion clients to work with the creation of
customized content for their staff. Specific modules and chapters from various other ARRIS Ad
Insertion training classes may be combined using this Course ID, and delivered in single day sessions
either in person or online. Clients may also use this course ID to request abridged/condensed
versions of a particular class with the focus on only a few topics.
Support professionals who require refresher training, have extensive pre-existing knowledge of Ad
Insertion, or just require specific information.
Course Topics
Adjustable based upon client requirements.
Course Specifics
Prerequisites: Windows and internet experience and customers must understand their needs and
content from which to choose.
Delivery: instructor-led at customer site
Duration: custom
Materials: custom
Price: $4000 per day
Introduction to ConvergeMedia™ Interconnect (CMI)
Order Code: ADI281
This course provides the trainee with the operational knowledge to run the ConvergeMedia™
Interconnect system.
ConvergeMedia™ Interconnect system operators.
Course Topics
Ad Insertion overview
ConvergeMedia™ Interconnect overview
Merge types
Conflict resolution
Content management (if applicable)
Course Specifics
Prerequisites: Windows and internet experience.
Delivery: instructor-led at customer site or through an online session
Duration: 1 day
Materials: Introduction to CMI Training Manual
Price: $4000 per course
AdManager Enterprise 2.0
Order Code: ADI261
This course provides an operational knowledge of the ARRIS AdManager Enterprise 2.0 monitoring
system. ARRIS AdManager Enterprise systems are designed to consolidate and monitor multiple
SkyVision locations from a key central location. This course will walk operational users through the
AdManager Enterprise 2.0 user interfaces with a focus on Alarm and Report building.
Support/Operations professionals who will be responsible for performing the following: Monitoring
multiple DMA’s, large regions, or specific geographical boundaries. Also for professionals involved in
monitoring assets, alarms and maintaining specific runrates.
Course Topics
Hardware/Software Overview & Interfaces
Dashboard Views
Alarms, Alerts, & Alarm Settings
Running Reports
System/User Configurations
Course Specifics
Prerequisites: Introduction to SkyVision
Delivery: instructor-led at customer site
Duration: 1 day
Materials: AdManager Enterprise 2.0 User Guide
Price: $4000 per course
Multi-License SkyVision Refresher Course
Order Code: ADI292
Level 1 & 2 Refresher training (includes 2 days of Introduction to SkyVision OR Advanced Ad
Insertion training and 1 day of XMS (Mini, 1U, Flex, clustered or standalone) ad insertion training.
XMS Technician for XMS-Mini, 1U standalone series of Ad Insertion Servers. (Multi-License Pack
Purchase - Onsite instructor-led, 3 days, up to 40 seats or 4 separate locations over a 2 year contract
period - T&E included.)
This course is offered to existing clients who have completed the Introduction to Ad Insertion and
ConvergeMedia™ SkyVision Ad Management or Advanced Ad Insertion courses, and an XMS
Technician Class; but would like a refresher course.
Course Topics
System Architecture - hardware and software components
ConvergeMedia™ SkyVision Ad Management Interface - daily operations, views
System monitoring and performance
Schedule and verification operations
Content management
Spot play process
Troubleshooting and maintenance
XMS Architecture
XMS Troubleshooting
Ad Control Manager
ACM Triggers & Timing
ACM AC3 Audio Calibration
Course Specifics
Multi-Seat License Pack Purchase
Prerequisites: Introduction to ConvergeMedia™ SkyVision Ad Management and Advanced Ad
Insertion courses.
Delivery: instructor-led at customer site
Multi-Seat License Pack Includes: 2 year coverage, 3 days of training delivered to a maximum of 4
different locations to 10 students for a total of 40 students receiving 3 days of instruction each.
Materials: ConvergeMedia™ SkyVision Ad Management or Advanced Ad Insertion Training Manual
and XMS Training Materials
Price: $36,000 per 2 year license.
Merchandiser 4.0 Overview
Order Code: SalesForce 594967-001-00
Merchandiser supports a storefront to market the Service Provider's infinite catalog (including music,
games, VOD/non-VOD/application offerings) seamlessly, across multiple screens. Operators can
easily and conveniently create, define, bundle and manage pricing and purchasing options for the
entire VOD catalog as well as target and personalize marketing, promotions and pricing campaigns.
The purpose of this training is to provide the operations personnel of the Service Provider with a
high-level understanding of Merchandiser, its features, capabilities, commonly used terms, and
Operators, system administrators and managers.
Course Topics
Merchandiser Overview
Merchandiser Features
Merchandiser UI
Merchandiser Architecture
Merchandiser Interfaces
Course Specifics
Delivery: web-based
Duration: Approximately 1 hour
Price: $100
MER102: Merchandiser 4.0 End User Training
Order Code: SalesForce
Merchandiser supports a storefront to market the Service Provider's infinite catalog (including music,
games, VOD/non-VOD/application offerings) seamlessly, across multiple screens. Operators can
easily and conveniently create, define, bundle, and manage pricing and purchasing options for the
entire VOD catalog, as well as target and personalize marketing, promotions, and pricing campaigns.
The purpose of this training is to provide the operators with the skills required to create a storefront
to market the Service Provider's Video On Demand (VOD) Catalog.
Operators who build the online catalog for the Service Providers.
Course Topics
Merchandiser Flow
Merchandiser Log In
Manage Offers
Manage Subscribers
Work with Criteria
Manage Categories and Bundles
Building a Web Store
Course Specifics
Delivery: Web-based
Duration: Approximately 1 hour
Price: $100
MER103: Merchandiser 4.0 Developer API Training
Order Code: SalesForce
Merchandiser supports a storefront to market the Service Provider's infinite catalog (including music,
games, VOD/non-VOD/application offerings) seamlessly, across multiple screens. Operators can
easily and conveniently create, define, bundle, and manage pricing and purchasing options for the
entire VOD catalog, as well as target and personalize marketing, promotions, and pricing campaigns.
The focus of this training is on the Storefront Network Element (SNE) that handles all interface
operations. The training is centered on the main functions (and the related APIs) - Browse Catalog,
Search Catalog, Purchase, and Play the Product.
Developers for the Service Provider.
Course Topics
Concept of Merchandiser APIs
Merchandiser Interfaces
Merchandiser API “Story”
Browse, Search and Select Product
Purchase and Play Product
End to End Flow – GUI and XMLs
Course Specifics
Delivery: web-based
Duration: Approximately 1 hour
Price: $100
ODS210: M3 Video Server Operations (ILT)
Order Code: SalesForce 589426-001-00
This 2-day course provides in-depth coverage of the installation, operation, and architecture of the
M3 Video Server. In addition to classroom theory and instructor-led discussions, lab exercises are
used to reinforce the learning process. The course can be taken in residence at ARRIS or brought to
the customer site.
M3 system operations, maintenance, and provisioning personnel should attend this course. Students
attending this class should have a working knowledge of basic networking concepts and fundamental
VOD theory. A basic understanding of the Linux operating system is also helpful.
Course Topics
The modules to be covered on day 1 are:
Module 01: M3 Overview
Module 02: M3 Architecture and Features
Module 03: Hardware
Module 04: M3 Vision Server Configuration
The modules to be covered on day 2 are:
Module 05: M3 Cluster Manager Overview
Module 06: M3 Vision Server Administration
Module 07: M3 Monitoring and Troubleshooting
Course Specifics
Prerequisites: None
Fee: $1,450
ODS400: ODS Instructor-Led Custom (ILT)
Order Code: SalesForce 574171-001-00
ODS Configuration and Operations training can be customized to meet individual customer
requirements. Customized training can be delivered on site or at the ARRIS training facility in Lowell,
Course Topics
As defined with client.
Course Specifics
Delivery: instructor-led
Minimum of 5 students.
Fee: quote
ARRIS ConvergeMedia™ SkyVision Ad Management Course Offerings
Introduction to SkyVision (Level 1)
Advanced Ad Insertion (Level 2)
Level 1 and 2 Refresher Course
Ad Insertion XMS Mini Operations (Level 2)
Ad Insertion XMS Flex Technician
Hardware Vendor Lab Training (Level 3)
Customer-specific Training (adjustable)
ConvergeMedia™ Interconnect Training
AdManager Enterprise 2.0 Training
Encoders and Transcoders
In this section:
SE202: SE4100/5100 Series Encoders ................................................................................. 87
SE203 SE-6000 Encoder Class ............................................................................................... 87
ST100: ST-6000 Transcoder Installation & Configuration ................................................... 88
GT3201: GT3 & AVP Setup & Transcoding Operation (VILT-ILT) ......................................... 88
VIPr™ 6000 Video Transcoder Products Overview............................................................... 89
SE202: SE4100/5100 Series Encoders
Order Code: SalesForce 556031-001-00
This 2 day, instructor-led course provides in-depth, hands-on coverage of the functional and physical
description, configuration, operation, and troubleshooting of the SE4100/5100 series encoders.
The course is intended for satellite technicians and engineers.
Course Topics
SE encoder video product's overview
Underlying technology used in SE-4100/5100 encoders
SE-4100/5100 encoder configuration
SE-4100/5100 encoder operation
Troubleshooting the SE-4100/5100 encoders
Course Specifics
Delivery: instructor-led
Duration: 2 days
Price: $1450
SE203 SE-6000 Encoder Class
Order Code: SalesForce 594784-001-00
This 2 day, instructor-led course provides in-depth, hands-on coverage of the functional and physical
description, configuration, operation, and troubleshooting of the SE6000 series encoders.
The course is intended for satellite technicians and engineers.
Course Topics
SE-6000 encoder video product overview
Underlying technology used in SE-6000 Encoders
SE-6000 Encoder configuration
SE-6000 Encoder operation
Troubleshooting the SE-6000 encoders
Course Specifics
Delivery: instructor-led
Duration: 2 days
Price: $1450
ST100: ST-6000 Transcoder Installation & Configuration
Order Code: SalesForce 590108-001-00
This 2 day, instructor-led class gives participants the opportunity to perform ST-6000 installation
and configuration procedures in a lab environment. It covers the following topics: Uses, Hardware,
Software & Licenses, MPEG Fundamentals, Architecture and Features, Operations and
Configuration, and Troubleshooting Tools.
The information in this class is primarily intended for support, field engineering, and sales
engineering personnel and customers who have a role in supporting and configuring the ST6000.
Course Topics
ST-6000 Transcoder Video product features and functions
Underlying technology used in the ST-6000 encoders
ST-6000 configuration and operation
Troubleshooting tools
Course Specifics
Delivery: instructor-led
Duration: 2 days
Price: $1450
GT3201: GT3 & AVP Setup & Transcoding Operation (VILT-ILT)
Order Code: SalesForce 594642-001-00
This virtual and/or traditional instructor-led course presents an overview of the ARRIS GT3 MBR
(Multiple Bitrate) Transcoder, including its features, functions, basic configuration and key tasks. It
also presents AVP100 ABR (Adaptive Bitrate Stream Packager) settings, critical for effective
packaging and streaming of the GT3 transcoded MPEG-4 video and audio files.
Both the virtual and traditional instructor led versions of this course are delivered over a 2 day
period. Virtual course offerings can be delivered over the internet anywhere in the world and
traditional courses may be scheduled at the ARRIS Horsham site or locally at the customer's site.
The course has been developed for external customer headend personnel and ARRIS support
personnel, including field engineers and technical support personnel.
Course Topics
GT3 Introduction and Overview
GT3 Installation and Configuration
GT3 GUI Overview
GT3 Transcoding Details
GT3 Administration and Maintenance
AVP100 Basics
Course Specifics
Delivery: instructor-led
Duration: 2 days
Price: $1450
VIPr™ 6000 Video Transcoder Products Overview
Order Code: PeopleSoft N/A (free after registration)
This online course introduces the ARRIS VIPr 6000 series of products. The first lesson presents a
brief overview of the technologies used by VIPr 6000 transcoders. The following lesson discusses the
product features and functions. The last lesson presents demonstrations of how to create local and
remote transcode sessions and upgrade the system.
Installation, operations, administration, maintenance, provisioning, planning, and engineering
Course Topics
Technology Overview - encoding for digital TV, compression standards, transport stream
VIPr Product Introduction - product descriptions, features, chassis components
Transcode Demonstrations - system upgrade, single transcode, statmux transcode, remote
Review Quiz
Course Specifics
Prerequisites: A basic understanding of CATV systems, RF plant fundamentals, and data networking.
Delivery: online
Duration: Approximately 1 hour
Materials: none
Price: n/a
Conditional Access
In this section:
CASMR Course Offerings ...................................................................................................... 92
DAC Course Offerings ........................................................................................................... 95
CASMR Course Offerings
In this section:
Introduction to CASMR......................................................................................................... 92
CASMR 100 ........................................................................................................................... 92
CASMR101: Introduction and Operation of CASMR100...................................................... 93
CASMR GIL Operations ......................................................................................................... 94
Introduction to CASMR
Order Code: SalesForce 593612-001-00
This video provides a high-level overview of the key features and functions of CASMR, a modular
plugin conditional access system that is an extension of the DAC 6000. The video includes an
introduction to CASMR Features, CASMR Solutions, CASMR System Components, and CASMR Core
All personnel that need to learn about the key features and functions that the CASMR conditional
access system Solution has to offer.
Course Topics
High-level overview of the key features and functions of CASMR.
Course Specifics
Delivery: video
Duration: 30 minutes
Price: n/a
Order Code: SalesForce 573315-001-00
This 1 day, instructor-led course provides in-depth coverage of the configuration and operation of
CASMR 100. Topics include System Access, User Administration, DAC 6000 Configuration, DTA
Configuration, DTA Terminal Management, Plug-ins, System Maintenance, Code Download using
ACT/CAST, and Installation Procedure.
DAC 6000 4.x administrators, DAC 6000 4.x technical personnel and DAC 000 4.x headend
Course Topics
Access the System
Channel Maps
Terminal Management
Code Downloads
System Maintenance
Course Specifics
Deliver: instructor-led
Duration: 1 day
Price: $725
CASMR101: Introduction and Operation of CASMR100
Order Code: SalesForce 481532-006-00
This web-based course provides a look at the CASMR 100 (R2), including new features,
configuration, and troubleshooting.
Technical personnel who are required to configure the CASMR server.
Course Topics
CASMR Overview
Access to the CASMR system
User Administration
DAC 6000 Configuration
DTA Configuration
Terminal Management
DTA Code Download
System Maintenance
Course Specifics
Delivery: Web-based
Duration: Approximately one hour
Price: $100
CASMR GIL Operations
Order Code: SalesForce 590401-001-00
This instructor-led course provides in-depth coverage of the operation and maintenance of CASMR
GIL (Gateway Image Loader). Topics include System Overview, System Access, User Administration,
Topology, Status, Repositories and Campaign Development (CAST), Campaign Deployment, Plugin
Management, System Maintenance, and Troubleshooting.
The intended audience for this course is Verizon SHE personnel who are responsible for CASMR GIL
Course Topics
System Overview
System Access
User Administration
Campaign Development (CAST)
Campaign Deployment
Plugin Management
System Maintenance
Course Specifics
Delivery: instructor-led
Duration: 2 days
Price: $1450
DAC Course Offerings
In this section:
DAC202D: DAC 4.x Operations ............................................................................................ 95
DAC302: Advanced DAC 6000 V4 Operation ....................................................................... 96
DAC402: DAC 5.x.................................................................................................................. 96
MABS100: MABS 3.0 Overview ............................................................................................ 98
MABS101: MABS 3.0 Operation ........................................................................................... 98
CET 201: Category Epoch Transition (CET) Operations ....................................................... 99
DAC202D: DAC 4.x Operations
Order Code: SalesForce 550797-001-00
This four-day, instructor-led course provides in-depth coverage of the configuration and operation of
the DAC 6000 Digital Addressable Controller (V4.x). Topics include a digital video overview,
hardware descriptions, DAC configuration steps, downloading objects to terminals, and system
troubleshooting. It prepares personnel to configure downstream, DSG and upstream plants, define
services and programs, create virtual channel maps, and perform two-way operations on the DAC
System administrators, technical personnel, pay-per-view (PPV) coordinators, and headend
Course Topics
Digital Addressable System Overview
Data Communications and Networking Principles
Admin Tab
Topology Tab
Content Tab
Channel Tab
Consumer Tab
Code Download Tab
Security Tab
Data Tab
System Tab
Course Specifics
Delivery: Instructor-led
Duration: Four days
Price: $2900
DAC302: Advanced DAC 6000 V4 Operation
Order Code: SalesForce 539171-001-00
This 2 day, instructor-led course provides in-depth coverage of the DAC 6000 (V4) operation and
troubleshooting tools available to debug problems. Topics include an overview of remote support
capabilities, RADD troubleshooting, error reporting, and troubleshooting procedures. It prepares
personnel to perform first-level troubleshooting for billing interface problems, pay-per-view, 2-way
operations, daily operations, and upgrades.
Systems administrators, technical personnel, pay-per-view coordinators, and headend personnel.
Course Topics
KLS Troubleshooting
RADD Troubleshooting
Business System
Course Specifics:
Delivery: instructor-led
Duration: 2 days
Price: $1450
DAC402: DAC 5.x
Order Code: SalesForce 593594-001-00
This 3 -day, instructor-led course provides in-depth coverage of the configuration and operation of
the DAC 6000 Digital Addressable Controller (V5.x). Topics include a digital addressable system
overview, hardware descriptions, DAC 6000 configuration steps, downloading objects to terminals,
and system troubleshooting. It prepares personnel to configure downstream and upstream plants,
define services and programs, create virtual lineups linked to channel maps, and perform 2-way
operations on the DAC 6000.
System administrators, technical personnel, pay-per-view (PPV) coordinators, and headend
Course Topics
Digital Addressable System Overview
Data Communications and Networking Principles
Admin Tab
Topology Tab
Content Tab
Channel Tab
Consumer Tab
Code Download Tab
Security Tab
Data Tab
System Tab
Digital Addressable System Overview
Data Communications and Networking Principles
Admin Tab
Topology Tab
Content Tab
Channel Tab
Consumer Tab
Code Download Tab
Security Tab
Data Tab
System Tab
Course Specifics
Delivery: instructor-led
Duration: 3 days
Price: $2900
MABS100: MABS 3.0 Overview
Order Code: SalesForce 541335-001-00
The ARRIS Multiplatform Automated Backup Solution (MABS) provides a backup and restore
capability for the DAC 6000, CASMR, SDM, and BNC servers to an intranet and, optionally, an
Internet location. With the expansion to customized devices, backup automation can now include
Linux-based machines. This expedient and reliable solution replaces the dependency on tapes, which
must be physically changed daily and transported to an off-site location for storage. This brief video
provides an overview of the features and functions of the MABS 3.0 release.
Any parties interested in transitioning from manual tape backup to an automated backup solution for
their system devices.
Course Topics
Features and functions of the Multiplatform Automated Backup Solution (MABS) 3.0 release.
Course Specifics
Delivery: Web-based
Duration: Approximately 15 minutes
Price: n/a
MABS101: MABS 3.0 Operation
Order Code: SalesForce 595261-001-00
The ARRIS Multiplatform Automated Backup Solution (MABS) provides a backup and restore
capability for the DAC 6000, CASMR, SDM, and BNC servers to an Intranet and, optionally, an
Internet location. This expedient and reliable solution replaces the dependency on tapes, which must
be physically changed daily and transported to an off-site location for storage. This course provides
an overview of the MABS 3.0 features and functions, as well as detailed demonstrations of the MABS
user interface to configure and manage backups, restores, device types, devices, and repositories.
Technical personnel who are required to configure and manage backup and restore operations for
Course Topics
Multiplatform Automated Backup Solution (MABS) 3.0 release Overview
Repository Management
Backup and Restore Options
Backup Scheduling
Backup, Restore, and transfer Timeout Value Settings
Course Specifics
Delivery: Web-based
Duration: Approximately one hour
Price: $100
CET 201: Category Epoch Transition (CET) Operations
Order Code: SalesForce 541335-001-00
This course covers Category Epoch Transition (CET) on the DAC 6000, a security feature provided by
the DAC 6000 that periodically changes the encryption keys used to decrypt video content. The CET
feature is a significant step in defeating unauthorized terminals from viewing encrypted services.
The intended audiences for this course are site operations and support personnel who are responsible
for DAC 6000 operations and support.
Course Topics
CET Operations Overview
Basic Set-top Authorization Provisioning
Service Transitions
CET System Sizing Assessment
CET System Preparation
CET Activation and Progress Monitoring
Troubleshooting and Recovery Paths
Course Specifics
Delivery: instructor-led
Duration: Two days
Price: Available upon request
Optimized Optical and HFC Solutions Course
In this section:
CHP Max 5000® Converged Headend Platform Training ................................................... 101
Omnistar GX2 Optical HeadendPlatformTraining .............................................................. 102
CORView™ Enterprise Element Management System Software Training ......................... 103
Opti Max™OM4100 1 GHz Fully Segmentable Node Training ........................................... 104
Opti Max™OM3100 1 GHz 2x2 Segmentable Node Training ............................................. 105
Opti Max™OM2700 1 GHz Optical Lid Node Training ........................................................ 106
Opti Max™OM2100 1 GHz Segmentable Cabinet Training ................................................ 107
Opti Max™OM1000 Fiber Deep Node Training .................................................................. 108
BTN1000/BTN2000 1 GHz Optical Nodes Training ............................................................. 109
MBN100 1 GHz Node with Segmentable Return, Forward Return and Path Redundancy Optical
Nodes Training.................................................................................................................... 110
MOTr Optical Transport and Modular Hub Solution Training ............................................ 111
MPN 1 GHz Modular Pedestal Node Training .................................................................... 112
SG4000 1 GHz Fully Segmentable Modular Node Training ................................................ 113
VSN200 1 GHz 2X2 Segmentable Optical Node Training.................................................... 114
Flex Max® FM901e 1GHz Trunk/Bridger Amplifier Training .............................................. 115
Flex Max® FM601 1 GHz Amplifier/Line Extender Training ............................................... 116
Flex Max® FM340 Line Extender Training .......................................................................... 116
Flex Max® FM331 1GHz Line Extender Training ................................................................. 117
Flex Max® FM321 1 GHz Line Extender Training ................................................................ 118
Starline® Series Amplifier 1 GHz Amplifiers Training ......................................................... 119
FTTMax™ RF over Glass (RFoG) Optical Network Unit (ONU)Training............................... 120
Wi-Fi Wireless System Overview Training .......................................................................... 121
Wi-Fi Access Point Installation and Maintenance Training ................................................ 122
Wi-Fi ZoneDirector and FlexMaster Navigation Training ................................................... 123
CHP Max 5000® Converged Headend Platform Training
Order Code: PeopleSoft N/A
The course provides operation, installation, and maintenance personnel with the knowledge and
skills necessary to install, operate, and maintain the Converged Headend Platform. Topics include
Comprehensive Key Component Installation, CHP Max 5000 Craft Software installation/operation,
and Network Configuration. Card level configuration of system components with emphasis on
maintaining correct operating parameters prepare the student to effectively operate and maintain
this highly flexible equipment.
The course provides operations, installation, and maintenance personnel with the knowledge and
skills necessary to install, operate, and maintain the Converged Headend Platform.
Course Topics
The course covers Comprehensive Key Component Installation, CHP Max 5000 Craft Software
installation/operation and Network Configuration topics. Card level configuration of system
components with emphasis on maintaining correct operating parameters prepare the student to
effectively operate and maintain this highly flexible equipment.
Overview (Features, Components, and System Architecture)
Shelf (Physical, Installation, and Interface Description)
Power Supply (Physical and Interface Description; Controls and Indicators; Functional
Transmitters (Features; Physical and Interface Description; Controls and Indicators;
Functional Operation)
Receivers (Features and Models; Physical Description; Controls and Indicators; Operation
and Configuration)
Software (Installation and Operation)
Management Modules (Features and Models; Physical Description; Controls and Indicators;
Operation and Configuration)
Course Specifics
Prerequisites: Knowledge of Analog and QAM RF measurements; basic computer skills; optical level
and analysis skills; knowledge of optical mechanics, hygiene, and safety.
Delivery: instructor-led at ARRIS facility or customer site
Duration: ½ day
Materials: DVD training kit, online videos, and support
Omnistar GX2 Optical HeadendPlatformTraining
Order Code: PeopleSoft N/A
The course provides operation, installation, and maintenance personnel with the knowledge and
skills necessary to install, operate, and maintain the Optical Headend Platform. The course covers
Comprehensive Key Component Installation, GX2 Application Modules, the Command Module
installation/operation, and the Web Browser Configuration tool. Card level configuration of system
components with emphasis on maintaining correct operating parameters prepare the student to
effectively operate and maintain this highly flexible equipment. The course is designed for technicians
who are required to maintain and operate Optical Headend and Hub equipment.
The course provides operation, installation, and maintenance personnel with the knowledge and
skills necessary to install, operate, and maintain the Optical Headend Platform.
Course Topics
The course covers Comprehensive Key Component Installation, GX2 Application Modules, Command
Module installation/operation, and the Web Browser Configuration tool. Card level configuration of
system components with emphasis on maintaining correct operating parameters prepare the student
to effectively operate and maintain this highly flexible equipment. The course is designed for
technicians who are required to maintain and operate Optical Headend and Hub equipment.
Overview (Features, Components, and System Architecture)
Chassis(Physical, Installation, and Interface Description; Shelf Display Unit (SDU); Command
Power Supply (Physical and Interface Description; Controls and Indicators; Functional
Transmitters (Features; Physical Description; Controls and Indicators; Functional Operation;
Interface Description)
Receivers (Features and Models; Physical Description; Controls and Indicators; Operation
and Configuration)
Web Browser Configuration Tool (Configure and view module parameters; Facilitate
firmware upgrades; Manage Quick-Swap Module Configuration)
Advanced Modules (Features and Models; Physical Description; Controls and Indicators;
Operation and Configuration)
Course Specifics
Prerequisites: Knowledge of Analog and QAM RF measurements; basic computer skills; optical level
and analysis skills; knowledge of optical mechanics, hygiene, and safety.
Delivery: instructor-led at ARRIS facility or customer site
Duration: ½ day
Materials: DVD training kit, online videos, and support
CORView™ Enterprise Element Management System Software
Order Code: PeopleSoft N/A
The course provides operation, installation, and maintenance personnel with the knowledge and
skills necessary to install, operate, and maintain the ARRIS CORView Enterprise Element
Management Software. This software is a distributed client/server application designed to address
the management needs of ARRIS optical and RF network Access Products in your HFC network. It
supports the ARRIS CHP Max 5000® family of products providing complete fault and configuration
management functions along with other field equipment such as ARRIS Nodes and Amplifiers.
The course provides operation, installation, and maintenance personnel with the knowledge and
skills necessary to install, operate and maintain the ARRIS CORView Enterprise Element
Management Software.
Course Topics
The course provides the skills necessary to install, operate, and maintain the ARRIS CORView
Enterprise Element Management Software.
CORView Introduction (Menus; Panels, Installation Check List; Troubleshooting Guide)
Server Configuration (Before You Begin; Install and Uninstall CORView)
Starting CORView (Client Start-up on a Server Workstation; Remote Client Start-up)
Using CORView’s Element Manager Window (Device List and Tree View)
Using CORView’s Menus (File, View, Faults, Configuration, Security, and Help Menus)
Using CORView’s Panels (Device List/Tree View Panel; Device Panel; Active and Network
Alarms, Viewing; Information)
Course Specifics
Prerequisites: Knowledge of Analog and QAM RF measurements; basic computer skills; optical level
and analysis skills; knowledge of optical mechanics, hygiene, and safety.
Delivery: instructor-led at ARRIS facility or customer site
Duration: ½ day
Materials: DVD training kit, online videos, and support
Opti Max™OM4100 1 GHz Fully Segmentable Node Training
Order Code: PeopleSoft N/A
The course provides operation, installation, and maintenance personnel with the knowledge and
skills necessary to install, operate, and maintain the OM4100 Series 1 GHz Segmentable Node. The
course includes coverage of the OM4100 Node. Detailed content is tailored to the student’s needs.
Comprehensive General, Physical, Functional and Interface topics precede detailed presentations
covering Mechanical, Optical, and Electrical Installation and Operation. Plug-in level configuration of
system components with emphasis on maintaining correct operating parameters prepare the student
to effectively operate and maintain this highly flexible hybrid fiber-coaxial system.
The course provides operation, installation, and maintenance personnel with the knowledge and
skills necessary to install, operate, and maintain the OM4100 Series 1 GHz Segmentable Node.
Course Topics
The course covers operation, installation, and maintenance of the OM4100 Node. Detailed content is
tailored to the student's needs. Comprehensive General, Physical, Functional and Interface topics
precede detailed presentations covering Mechanical, Optical, and Electrical installation and
operation. Plug-in level configuration of system components with emphasis on maintaining correct
operating parameters prepare the student to effectively operate and maintain this highly flexible
hybrid fiber-coaxial system.
Overview (Features and Function; Operational Characteristic; Capabilities; Applications)
Physical Description (Housing; Construction Features; Components; Controls and Indicators)
Functional and Interface Description (Power Distribution; Forward Path Signal Flow; Reverse
Path Signal Flow; Methods of Control)
Installation Description (Mechanical; Optical; Electrical)
Operation (Optical Receiver; Forward Path Turn-up; Optical Transmitter; Reverse Path Turnup)
Course Specifics
Prerequisites: RF/Optical signal analysis skills; knowledge of proper use of optical/RF measurement
equipment; the system’s design operating levels; AC/DC power measurements; optical mechanics,
hygiene, and safety.
Delivery: instructor-led at ARRIS facility or customer site
Duration: ½ day
Materials: DVD training kit, online videos, and support
Opti Max™OM3100 1 GHz 2x2 Segmentable Node Training
Order Code: PeopleSoft N/A
The course provides operation, installation, and maintenance personnel with the knowledge and
skills necessary to install, operate, and maintain the OM3100 Series 1 GHz Segmentable Node. The
course includes coverage of the OM3100 Node. Detailed content is tailored to the student's needs.
Comprehensive General, Physical, Functional, and Interface topics precede detailed presentations
covering Mechanical, Optical, and Electrical Installation and Operation. Plug-in level configuration of
system components with emphasis on maintaining correct operating parameters prepare the student
to effectively operate and maintain this highly flexible hybrid fiber-coaxial system.
The course provides operation, installation, and maintenance personnel with the knowledge and
skills necessary to install, operate, and maintain the OM3100 Series 1 GHz Segmentable Node.
Course Topics
The course includes coverage of the OM3100 Node. Detailed content is tailored to the student's
needs. Comprehensive General, Physical, Functional, and Interface topics precede detailed
presentations covering Mechanical, Optical, and Electrical Installation and Operation. Plug-in level
configuration of system components with emphasis on maintaining correct operating parameters
prepare the student to effectively operate and maintain this highly flexible hybrid fiber-coaxial
Overview (Features and Function; Operational Characteristic; Capabilities; and Applications)
Physical Description (Housing; Construction Features; Components; Controls and Indicators)
Functional and Interface Description (Power Distribution; Forward Path Signal Flow; Reverse
Path Signal Flow; Methods of Control)
Installation Description (Mechanical; Optical; Electrical)
Operation (Optical Receiver; Forward Path Turn-up; Optical Transmitter; Reverse Path Turnup)
Course Specifics
Prerequisites: Proper use of optical/RF measurement equipment; RF/Optical signal analysis skills;
knowledge of system’s design operating levels; AC/DC power measurements; knowledge of optical
mechanics, hygiene, and safety.
Delivery: instructor-led at ARRIS facility or customer site
Duration: ½ day
Materials: DVD training kit, online videos and support
Opti Max™OM2700 1 GHz Optical Lid Node Training
Order Code: PeopleSoft N/A
The course provides operation, installation, and maintenance personnel with the knowledge and
skills necessary to install, operate, and maintain the OM2700 Series 1 GHz Optical Lid Node. The
course includes coverage of the OM2700 Node. Detailed content is tailored to the student’s needs.
Comprehensive General, Physical, Functional, and Interface topics precede detailed presentations
covering Mechanical, Optical, and Electrical Installation and Operation. Plug-in level configuration of
system components with emphasis on maintaining correct operating parameters prepare the student
to effectively operate and maintain this highly flexible hybrid fiber-coaxial system.
The course provides operation, installation, and maintenance personnel with the knowledge and
skills necessary to install, operate, and maintain the OM2700 Series 1 GHz Optical Lid Node.
Course Topics
The course includes coverage of the OM2700 Node. Detailed content is tailored to the student’s
needs. Comprehensive General, Physical, Functional, and Interface topics precede detailed
presentations covering Mechanical, Optical, and Electrical Installation and Operation. Plug-in level
configuration of system components with emphasis on maintaining correct operating parameters
prepare the student to effectively operate and maintain this highly flexible hybrid fiber-coaxial
Overview (Features and Function; Operational Characteristic; Capabilities; Applications)
Physical Description (Housing; Construction Features; Components; Controls and Indicators)
Functional and Interface Description (Power Distribution; Forward Path Signal Flow; Reverse
Path Signal Flow; Methods of Control)
Installation Description (Mechanical; Optical; Electrical)
Operation (Optical Receiver; Forward Path Turn-up; Optical Transmitter; Reverse Path Turnup)
Course Specifics
Prerequisites: Proper use of optical/RF measurement equipment; RF/Optical signal analysis skills;
knowledge of system’s design operating levels; AC/DC power measurements; knowledge of optical
mechanics, hygiene, and safety.
Delivery: instructor-led at ARRIS facility or customer site
Duration: ½ day
Materials: DVD training kit, online videos, and support
Opti Max™OM2100 1 GHz Segmentable Cabinet Training
Order Code: PeopleSoft N/A
The course provides operation, installation, and maintenance personnel with the knowledge and
skills necessary to install, operate, and maintain the OM2100 Series 1 GHz Segmentable Cabinet
Node. Detailed content is tailored to the student’s needs. Comprehensive General, Physical,
Functional, and Interface topics precede detailed presentations covering Mechanical, Optical, and
Electrical Installation and Operation. Plug-in level configuration of system components with
emphasis on maintaining correct operating parameters prepare the student to effectively operate and
maintain this highly flexible hybrid fiber-coaxial system.
The course provides operation, installation, and maintenance personnel with the knowledge and
skills necessary to install, operate, and maintain the OM2100 Series 1 GHz Segmentable Cabinet
Course Topics
The course includes coverage of the OM2100 Node. Detailed content is tailored to the student’s
needs. Comprehensive General, Physical, Functional, and Interface topics precede detailed
presentations covering Mechanical, Optical, and Electrical Installation and Operation. Plug-in level
configuration of system components with emphasis on maintaining correct operating parameters
prepare the student to effectively operate and maintain this highly flexible hybrid fiber-coaxial
Overview (Features and Function; Operational Characteristic; Capabilities; Applications)
Physical Description (Housing; Construction Features; Components; Controls and Indicators)
Functional and Interface Description (Power Distribution; Forward Path Signal Flow; Reverse
Path Signal Flow; Methods of Control)
Installation Description (Mechanical; Optical; Electrical)
Operation (Optical Receiver; Forward Path Turn-up; Optical Transmitter; Reverse Path Turnup)
Course Specifics
Prerequisites: Proper use of optical/RF measurement equipment; RF/Optical signal analysis skills;
knowledge of system’s design operating levels; AC/DC power measurements; knowledge of optical
mechanics, hygiene, and safety.
Delivery: instructor-led at ARRIS facility or customer site
Duration: ½ day
Materials: DVD training kit, online videos, and support
Opti Max™OM1000 Fiber Deep Node Training
Order Code: PeopleSoft N/A
The course provides operation, installation, and maintenance personnel with the knowledge and
skills necessary to install, operate, and maintain the OM1000 Series Fiber Deep Node. The course
includes coverage of the OM1000 Node. Detailed content is tailored to the student's needs.
Comprehensive General, Physical, Functional, and Interface topics precede detailed presentations
covering Mechanical, Optical, and Electrical Installation and Operation. Plug-in level configuration of
system components with emphasis on maintaining correct operating parameters prepare the student
to effectively operate and maintain this highly flexible hybrid fiber-coaxial system.
The course provides operation, installation, and maintenance personnel with the knowledge and
skills necessary to install, operate, and maintain the OM1000 Series Fiber Deep Node.
Course Topics
The course includes coverage of the OM1000 Node. Detailed content is tailored to the student’s
needs. Comprehensive General, Physical, Functional, and Interface topics precede detailed
presentations covering Mechanical, Optical, and Electrical Installation and Operation. Plug-in level
configuration of system components with emphasis on maintaining correct operating parameters
prepare the student to effectively operate and maintain this highly flexible hybrid fiber-coaxial
Overview (Features and Function; Operational Characteristic; Capabilities; Applications)
Physical Description (Housing; Construction Features; Components; Controls and Indicators)
Functional and Interface Description (Power Distribution; Forward Path Signal Flow; Reverse
Path Signal Flow; Methods of Control)
Installation Description (Mechanical; Optical; Electrical)
Operation (Optical Receiver; Forward Path Turn-up; Optical Transmitter; Reverse Path Turnup)
Course Specifics
Prerequisites: Proper use of optical/RF measurement equipment; RF/Optical signal analysis skills;
knowledge of system’s design operating levels; AC/DC power measurements; knowledge of optical
mechanics, hygiene, and safety.
Delivery: instructor-led at ARRIS facility or customer site
Duration: ½ day
Materials: DVD training kit, online videos, and support
BTN1000/BTN2000 1 GHz Optical Nodes Training
Order Code: PeopleSoft N/A
The course provides operation, installation, and maintenance personnel with the knowledge and
skills necessary to install, operate, and maintain the BTN100/BTN2000 Series 1 GHz Optical Nodes.
Detailed content is tailored to the student’s needs. Comprehensive General, Physical, Functional, and
Interface topics precede detailed presentations covering Mechanical, Optical, and Electrical
Installation and Operation. Plug-in level configuration of system components with emphasis on
maintaining correct operating parameters prepare the student to effectively operate and maintain
this highly flexible hybrid fiber-coaxial system. The course is designed for HFC technicians required
to setup and maintain optical nodes.
The course provides operation, installation, and maintenance personnel with the knowledge and
skills necessary to install, operate, and maintain the BTN100/BTN2000 Series 1 GHz Optical Nodes.
Course Topics
The course includes coverage of the BTN1000/BTN2000 Node. Comprehensive General, Physical,
Functional, and Interface topics precede detailed presentations covering Mechanical, Optical, and
Electrical Installation and Operation. Plug-in level configuration of system components with
emphasis on maintaining correct operating parameters prepare the student to effectively operate and
maintain this highly flexible hybrid fiber-coaxial system. The course is designed for HFC technicians
required to setup and maintain optical nodes.
Overview (Features and Function; Operational Characteristic; Capabilities; Applications)
Physical Description (Housing; Construction Features; Components; Controls and Indicators)
Functional and Interface Description (Power Distribution; Forward Path Signal Flow; Reverse
Path Signal Flow; Methods of Control)
Installation Description (Mechanical; Optical; Electrical)
Operation (Optical Receiver; Forward Path Turn-up; Optical Transmitter; and Reverse Path
Course Specifics
Prerequisites: Proper use of optical/RF measurement equipment; RF/Optical signal analysis skills;
knowledge of system’s design operating levels; AC/DC power measurements; knowledge of optical
mechanics, hygiene, and safety.
Delivery: instructor-led at ARRIS facility or customer site
Duration: ½ day
Materials: DVD training kit, online videos, and support
MBN100 1 GHz Node with Segmentable Return, Forward Return
and Path Redundancy Optical Nodes Training
Order Code: PeopleSoft N/A
The course provides operation, installation, and maintenance personnel with the knowledge and
skills necessary to install, operate, and maintain the MBN Series 1 GHz Node. Comprehensive
General, Physical, Functional, and Interface topics precede detailed presentations covering
Mechanical, Optical, and Electrical Installation and Operation. Plug-in level configuration of system
components with emphasis on maintaining correct operating parameters prepare the student to
effectively operate and maintain this highly flexible hybrid fiber-coaxial node.
The course provides operation, installation, and maintenance personnel with the knowledge and
skills necessary to install, operate and maintain the MBN Series 1 GHz Node. The course is designed
for HFC technicians required to setup and maintain optical nodes.
Course Topics
Detailed content is tailored to the student’s needs. Comprehensive General, Physical, Functional, and
Interface topics precede detailed presentations covering Mechanical, Optical, and Electrical
Installation and Operation. Plug-in level configuration of system components with emphasis on
maintaining correct operating parameters prepare the student to effectively operate and maintain
this highly flexible hybrid fiber-coaxial node.
Overview (Features and Function; Operational Characteristic; Capabilities; Applications)
Physical Description (Housing; Construction Features; Components; Controls and Indicators)
Functional and Interface Description (Power Distribution; Forward Path Signal Flow; Reverse
Path Signal Flow; Methods of Control)
Installation Description (Mechanical; Optical; Electrical)
Operation (Optical Receiver; Forward Path Turn-up; Optical Transmitter; Reverse Path Turnup)
Course Specifics
Prerequisites: Proper use of optical/RF measurement equipment; RF/Optical signal analysis skills;
knowledge of system’s design operating levels; AC/DC power measurements; knowledge of optical
mechanics, hygiene, and safety.
Delivery: instructor-led at ARRIS facility or customer site
Duration: ½ day
Materials: DVD training kit, online videos, and support
MOTr Optical Transport and Modular Hub Solution Training
Order Code: PeopleSoft N/A
The course provides operation, installation, and maintenance personnel with the knowledge and
skills necessary to install, operate, and maintain the MOTr Series 1 GHz Optical Transport and
Modular Hub Solution. Comprehensive General, Physical, Functional, and Interface topics precede
detailed presentations covering Mechanical, Optical, and Electrical Installation and Operation. Plugin level configuration of system components with emphasis on maintaining correct operating
parameters prepare the student to effectively operate and maintain this highly flexible hybrid fibercoaxial system.
The course provides operation, installation, and maintenance personnel with the knowledge and
skills necessary to install, operate, and maintain the MOTr Series 1 GHz Optical Transport and
Modular Hub Solution. The course is designed for HFC technicians required to setup and maintain
optical transport, hubs, and nodes.
Course Topics
The course includes coverage of the MOTr. Detailed content is tailored to the student’s needs.
Comprehensive General, Physical, Functional and Interface topics precede detailed presentations
covering Mechanical, Optical, and Electrical Installation and Operation. Plug-in level configuration of
system components with emphasis on maintaining correct operating parameters prepare the student
to effectively operate and maintain this highly flexible hybrid fiber-coaxial system.
Overview (Features and Function; Operational Characteristic; Capabilities; Applications)
Physical Description (Housing; Construction Features; Components; Controls and Indicators)
Functional and Interface Description (Power Distribution; Forward Path Signal Flow; Reverse
Path Signal Flow; Methods of Control)
Installation Description (Mechanical; Optical; Electrical)
Operation (Optical Receiver; Forward Path Turn-up; Optical Transmitter; Reverse Path Turnup)
Course Specifics
Prerequisites: Proper use of optical/RF measurement equipment; RF/Optical signal analysis skills;
knowledge of system’s design operating levels; AC/DC power measurements; knowledge of optical
mechanics, hygiene, and safety.
Delivery: instructor-led at ARRIS facility or customer site
Duration: ½ day
Materials: DVD training kit, online videos, and support
MPN 1 GHz Modular Pedestal Node Training
Order Code: PeopleSoft N/A
The course provides operation, installation, and maintenance personnel with the knowledge and
skills necessary to install, operate, and maintain the MPN Series 1 GHz Node. The course includes
coverage of the MPN Node. Comprehensive General, Physical, Functional, and Interface topics
precede detailed presentations covering Mechanical, Optical, and Electrical Installation and
Operation. Plug-in level configuration of system components with emphasis on maintaining correct
operating parameters prepare the student to effectively operate and maintain this highly flexible
hybrid fiber-coaxial system.
The course provides operation, installation, and maintenance personnel with the knowledge and
skills necessary to install, operate, and maintain the MPN Series 1 GHz Node. The course is designed
for HFC technicians required to setup and maintain optical nodes.
Course Topics
The course includes coverage of the MPN Node. Detailed content is tailored to the student's needs.
Comprehensive General, Physical, Functional, and Interface topics precede detailed presentations
covering Mechanical, Optical, and Electrical Installation and Operation. Plug-in level configuration of
system components with emphasis on maintaining correct operating parameters prepare the student
to effectively operate and maintain this highly flexible hybrid fiber-coaxial system.
Overview (Features and Function; Operational Characteristic; Capabilities; Applications)
Physical Description (Housing; Construction Features; Components; Controls and Indicators)
Functional and Interface Description (Power Distribution; Forward Path Signal Flow; Reverse
Path Signal Flow; Methods of Control)
Installation Description (Mechanical; Optical; Electrical)
Operation (Optical Receiver; Forward Path Turn-up; Optical Transmitter; Reverse Path Turnup)
Course Specifics
Prerequisites: Proper use of optical/RF measurement equipment; RF/Optical signal analysis skills;
knowledge of system’s design operating levels; AC/DC power measurements; knowledge of optical
mechanics, hygiene, and safety.
Delivery: instructor-led at ARRIS facility or customer site
Duration: ½ day
Materials: DVD training kit, online videos, and support
SG4000 1 GHz Fully Segmentable Modular Node Training
Order Code: PeopleSoft N/A
The course provides operation, installation, and maintenance personnel with the knowledge and
skills necessary to install, operate, and maintain the SG4000 Series 1 GHz Segmentable Node.
Detailed content is tailored to the student’s needs. Comprehensive General, Physical, Functional, and
Interface topics precede detailed presentations covering Mechanical, Optical, and Electrical
Installation and Operation. Plug-in level configuration of system components with emphasis on
maintaining correct operating parameters prepare the student to effectively operate and maintain
this highly flexible hybrid fiber-coaxial system.
The course provides operation, installation, and maintenance personnel with the knowledge and
skills necessary to install, operate, and maintain the SG4000 Series 1 GHz Segmentable Node. The
course is designed for HFC technicians required to setup and maintain optical nodes.
Course Topics
The course includes coverage of the SG4000 Node. Comprehensive General, Physical, Functional,
and Interface topics precede detailed presentations covering Mechanical, Optical, and Electrical
Installation and Operation. Plug-in level configuration of system components with emphasis on
maintaining correct operating parameters prepare the student to effectively operate and maintain
this highly flexible hybrid fiber-coaxial system.
Overview (Features and Function; Operational Characteristic; Capabilities; Applications)
Physical Description (Housing; Construction Features; Components; Controls and Indicators)
Functional and Interface Description (Power Distribution; Forward Path Signal Flow; Reverse
Path Signal Flow; Methods of Control)
Installation Description (Mechanical; Optical; Electrical)
Operation (Optical Receiver; Forward Path Turn-up; Optical Transmitter; Reverse Path Turnup)
Course Specifics
Prerequisites: Proper use of optical/RF measurement equipment; RF/Optical signal analysis skills;
knowledge of system’s design operating levels; AC/DC power measurements; knowledge of optical
mechanics, hygiene, and safety,
Delivery: instructor-led at ARRIS facility or customer site
Duration: ½ day
Materials: DVD training kit, online videos, and support
VSN200 1 GHz 2X2 Segmentable Optical Node Training
Order Code: PeopleSoft N/A
The course provides operation, installation, and maintenance personnel with the knowledge and
skills necessary to install, operate, and maintain the VSN200 Series 1 GHz 2X2 Segmentable Node.
Detailed content is tailored to the student’s needs. Comprehensive General, Physical, Functional, and
Interface topics precede detailed presentations covering Mechanical, Optical, and Electrical
Installation and Operation. Plug-in level configuration of system components with emphasis on
maintaining correct operating parameters prepare the student to effectively operate and maintain
this highly flexible hybrid fiber-coaxial system.
The course provides operation, installation, and maintenance personnel with the knowledge and
skills necessary to install, operate, and maintain the VSN200 Series 1 GHz 2X2 Segmentable Node.
The course is designed for HFC technicians required to setup and maintain optical nodes.
Course Topics
The course includes coverage of the VSN200 Node. Comprehensive General, Physical, Functional,
and Interface topics precede detailed presentations covering Mechanical, Optical, and Electrical
Installation and Operation. Plug-in level configuration of system components with emphasis on
maintaining correct operating parameters prepare the student to effectively operate and maintain
this highly flexible hybrid fiber-coaxial system.
Overview (Features and Function; Operational Characteristic; Capabilities; Applications)
Physical Description (Housing; Construction Features; Components; Controls and Indicators)
Functional and Interface Description (Power Distribution; Forward Path Signal Flow; Reverse
Path Signal Flow; Methods of Control)
Installation Description (Mechanical; Optical; Electrical)
Operation (Optical Receiver; Forward Path Turn-up; Optical Transmitter; Reverse Path Turnup)
Course Specifics
Prerequisites: Proper use of optical/RF measurement equipment; RF/Optical signal analysis skills;
knowledge of system’s design operating levels; AC/DC power measurements; knowledge of optical
mechanics, hygiene, and safety.
Delivery: instructor-led at ARRIS facility or customer site
Duration: ½ day
Materials: DVD training kit, online videos, and support
Flex Max® FM901e 1GHz Trunk/Bridger Amplifier Training
Order Code: PeopleSoft N/A
The course provides operation, installation, and maintenance personnel with the knowledge and
skills necessary to install, operate, and maintain the FM901e Series 1 GHz Trunk/Bridger Amplifier.
Detailed content is tailored to the attendee’s needs. Comprehensive General, Physical, Functional,
and Interface topics precede detailed presentations covering Mechanical, Optical, and Electrical
Installation and Operation. Plug-in level configuration of system components with emphasis on
maintaining correct operating parameters prepare the student to effectively operate and maintain
this highly flexible equipment.
The course provides operations, installation, and maintenance personnel with the knowledge and
skills necessary to install, operate, and maintain the FM901e Series 1 GHz Trunk/Bridger Amplifier.
Course Topics
The course includes coverage of the FM901e. Comprehensive General, Physical, Functional, and
Interface topics precede detailed presentations covering Mechanical, Optical, and Electrical
Installation and Operation. Plug-in level configuration of system components with emphasis on
maintaining correct operating parameters prepare the student to effectively operate and maintain
this highly flexible equipment.
Overview (Features and Function; Operational Characteristic; Capabilities; Applications)
Physical Description (Housing; Construction Features; Components; Controls and Indicators)
Functional and Interface Description (Power Distribution; Forward Path Signal Flow; Reverse
Path Signal Flow; Methods of Control)
Installation Description (Mechanical and Electrical)
Operation (Forward Path Turn-up and Reverse Path Turn-up)
Course Specifics
Prerequisites: Proper use of RF measurement equipment; RF signal analysis skills; knowledge of
system’s design operating levels; AC/DC power measurements.
Delivery: instructor-led at ARRIS facility or customer site
Duration: ½ day
Materials: DVD training kit, online videos, and support
Flex Max® FM601 1 GHz Amplifier/Line Extender Training
Order Code: PeopleSoft N/A
The course provides operation, installation, and maintenance personnel with the knowledge and
skills necessary to install, operate, and maintain the FM601 1 GHz Amplifier/Line Extender. Detailed
content is tailored to the attendee’s needs. Comprehensive General, Physical, Functional, and
Interface topics precede detailed presentations covering Mechanical, Optical, and Electrical
Installation and Operation. Plug-in level configuration of system components with emphasis on
maintaining correct operating parameters prepare the student to effectively operate and maintain
this highly flexible equipment.
The course provides operation, installation and maintenance personnel with the knowledge and skills
necessary to install, operate and maintain the FM601 1 GHz Amplifier/Line Extender.
Course Topics
The course includes coverage of the FM601. Comprehensive General, Physical, Functional and
Interface topics precede detailed presentations covering Mechanical, Optical and Electrical
Installation and Operation. Plug-in level configuration of system components with emphasis on
maintaining correct operating parameters prepare the student to effectively operate and maintain
this highly flexible equipment.
Overview (Features and Function; Operational Characteristic; Capabilities; Applications)
Physical Description (Housing; Construction Features; Components; Controls and Indicators)
Functional and Interface Description (Power Distribution; Forward Path Signal Flow; Reverse
Path Signal Flow; Methods of Control)
Installation Description (Mechanical and Electrical)
Operation (Forward Path Turn-up and Reverse Path Turn-up)
Course Specifics
Prerequisites: Proper use of RF measurement equipment; RF signal analysis skills; knowledge of
system’s design operating levels; and AC/DC power measurements.
Delivery: instructor-led at ARRIS facility or customer site
Duration: ½ day
Materials: DVD training kit, online videos and support.
Flex Max® FM340 Line Extender Training
Order Code: PeopleSoft N/A
The course provides operation, installation, and maintenance personnel with the knowledge and
skills necessary to install, operate, and maintain the FM340 Series Line Extender. Detailed content is
tailored to the student's needs. Comprehensive General, Physical, Functional, and Interface topics
precede detailed presentations covering Mechanical, Optical, and Electrical Installation and
Operation. Plug-in level configuration of system components with emphasis on maintaining correct
operating parameters prepare the student to effectively operate and maintain this highly flexible
The course provides operations, installation, and maintenance personnel with the knowledge and
skills necessary to install, operate and maintain the FM340 Series Line Extender.
Course Topics
The course includes coverage of the FM340. Detailed content is tailored to the attendee’s needs.
Comprehensive General, Physical, Functional, and Interface topics precede detailed presentations
covering Mechanical, Optical, and Electrical Installation and Operation. Plug-in level configuration of
system components with emphasis on maintaining correct operating parameters prepare the student
to effectively operate and maintain this highly flexible equipment.
Overview (Features and Function; Operational Characteristic; Capabilities; Applications)
Physical Description (Housing; Construction Features; Components; Controls and Indicators)
Functional and Interface Description (Power Distribution; Forward Path Signal Flow; Reverse
Path Signal Flow; Methods of Control)
Installation Description (Mechanical and Electrical)
Operation (Forward Path Turn-up and Reverse Path Turn-up)
Course Specifics
Prerequisites: Proper use of RF measurement equipment; RF signal analysis skills; knowledge of
system’s design operating levels; AC/DC power measurements.
Delivery: instructor-led at ARRIS facility or customer site
Duration: ½ day
Materials: DVD training kit, online videos and support
Flex Max® FM331 1GHz Line Extender Training
Order Code: PeopleSoft N/A
The course provides operation, installation, and maintenance personnel with the knowledge and
skills necessary to install, operate, and maintain the FM331 Series 1 GHz Line Extender. Detailed
content is tailored to the student's needs. Comprehensive General, Physical, Functional, and Interface
topics precede detailed presentations covering Mechanical, Optical, and Electrical Installation and
Operation. Plug-in level configuration of system components with emphasis on maintaining correct
operating parameters prepare the student to effectively operate and maintain this highly flexible
The course provides operation, installation, and maintenance personnel with the knowledge and
skills necessary to install, operate, and maintain the FM331 Series 1 GHz Line Extender.
Course Topics
The course includes coverage of the FM331. Comprehensive General, Physical, Functional, and
Interface topics precede detailed presentations covering Mechanical, Optical, and Electrical
Installation and Operation. Plug-in level configuration of system components with emphasis on
maintaining correct operating parameters prepare the student to effectively operate and maintain
this highly flexible equipment.
Overview (Features and Function; Operational Characteristic; Capabilities; Applications)
Physical Description (Housing; Construction Features; Components; Controls and Indicators)
Functional and Interface Description (Power Distribution; Forward Path Signal Flow; Reverse
Path Signal Flow; Methods of Control)
Installation Description (Mechanical and Electrical)
Operation (Forward Path Turn-up and Reverse Path Turn-up)
Course Specifics
Prerequisites: Proper use of RF measurement equipment; RF signal analysis skills; knowledge of
system’s design operating levels; AC/DC power measurements.
Delivery: instructor-led at ARRIS facility or customer site
Duration: ½ day
Materials: DVD training kit, online videos, and support
Flex Max® FM321 1 GHz Line Extender Training
Order Code: PeopleSoft N/A
The course provides operation, installation, and maintenance personnel with the knowledge and
skills necessary to install, operate, and maintain the FM321 Series 1 GHz Line Extender.
Comprehensive General, Physical, Functional, and Interface topics precede detailed presentations
covering Mechanical, Optical, and Electrical Installation and Operation. Plug-in level configuration of
system components with emphasis on maintaining correct operating parameters prepare the student
to effectively operate and maintain this highly flexible equipment.
The course provides operation, installation, and maintenance personnel with the knowledge and
skills necessary to install, operate, and maintain the FM321 Series 1 GHz Line Extender.
Course Topics
The course includes coverage of the FM321. Comprehensive General, Physical, Functional, and
Interface topics precede detailed presentations covering Mechanical, Optical, and Electrical
Installation and Operation. Plug-in level configuration of system components with emphasis on
maintaining correct operating parameters prepare the student to effectively operate and maintain
this highly flexible equipment.
Overview (Features and Function; Operational Characteristic; Capabilities; Applications)
Physical Description (Housing; Construction Features; Components; Controls and Indicators)
Functional and Interface Description (Power Distribution; Forward Path Signal Flow; Reverse
Path Signal Flow; Methods of Control)
Installation Description (Mechanical and Electrical)
Operation (Forward Path Turn-up and Reverse Path Turn-up)
Course Specifics
Prerequisites: Proper use of RF measurement equipment; RF signal analysis skills; knowledge of
system’s design operating levels; AC/DC power measurements.
Delivery: instructor-led at ARRIS facility or customer site
Duration: ½ day
Materials: DVD training kit, online videos, and support
Starline® Series Amplifier 1 GHz Amplifiers Training
Order Code: PeopleSoft N/A
The course provides operation, installation, and maintenance personnel with the knowledge and
skills necessary to install, operate, and maintain the Starline Series 1 GHz Amplifiers. Detailed
content is tailored to the student's needs. Comprehensive General, Physical, Functional, and Interface
topics precede detailed presentations covering Mechanical and Electrical Installation and Operation.
Plug-in level configuration of system components with emphasis on maintaining correct operating
parameters prepares the student to effectively operate and maintain this two way capable series of
high performance amplifiers.
The course provides operation, installation, and maintenance personnel with the knowledge and
skills necessary to install, operate, and maintain the Starline Series 1 GHz Amplifiers. The course is
designed for HFC technicians required to setup and maintain RF amplifiers.
Course Topics
The course includes coverage of the Starline Series 1 GHz Amplifiers. Comprehensive General,
Physical, Functional, and Interface topics precede detailed presentations covering Mechanical,
Optical, and Electrical Installation and Operation. Plug-in level configuration of system components
with emphasis on maintaining correct operating parameters prepares the student to effectively
operate and maintain this highly flexible equipment.
Overview (Features and Function; Operational Characteristic; Capabilities; Applications)
Physical Description (Housing; Construction Features; Components; Controls and Indicators)
Functional and Interface Description (Power Distribution; Forward Path Signal Flow; Reverse
Path Signal Flow; Methods of Control)
Installation Description (Mechanical and Electrical)
Operation (Forward Path Turn-up and Reverse Path Turn-up)
Course Specifics
Prerequisites: Proper use of RF measurement equipment; RF signal analysis skills; knowledge of
system’s design operating levels; AC/DC power measurements.
Delivery: instructor-led at ARRIS facility or customer site
Duration: ½ day
Materials: DVD training kit, online videos, and support
FTTMax™ RF over Glass (RFoG) Optical Network Unit
Order Code: PeopleSoft N/A
The course provides operation, installation, and maintenance personnel with the knowledge and
skills necessary to operate and maintain the FTTMax Equipment. Comprehensive Key Component
Installation, Craft Software installation/operation, and Network Configuration topics. Card level
configuration of system components with emphasis on maintaining correct operating parameters
prepare the student to effectively operate and maintain this highly flexible equipment.
The course provides operation, installation, and maintenance personnel with the knowledge and
skills necessary to operate and maintain the FTTMax Equipment.
Course Topics
The course includes coverage of the FTTMax Equipment, Comprehensive Key Component
Installation, Craft Software installation/operation and Network Configuration topics. Card level
configuration of system components with emphasis on maintaining correct operating parameters
prepares the student to effectively operate and maintain this highly flexible equipment.
Overview (Features, Components, and System Architecture)
Shelf (Physical, Installation, and Interface Description)
Power Supply (Physical and Interface Description; Controls and Indicators; Functional
Transmitters (Features; Physical and Interface Description; Controls and Indicators;
Functional Operation)
Receivers (Features and Models; Physical Description; Controls and Indicators; Operation
and Configuration)
Software (Installation and Operation)
Management Modules (Features and Models; Physical Description; Controls and Indicators;
Operation and Configuration)
Course Specifics
Prerequisites: Proper use of optical/RF measurement equipment; RF/Optical signal analysis skills;
knowledge of system’s design operating levels; AC/DC power measurements; knowledge of Analog &
QAM RF measurements; Optical level and analysis skills; knowledge of optical mechanics, hygiene,
and safety.
Delivery: instructor-led at ARRIS facility or customer site
Duration: ½ day
Materials: DVD training kit, online videos, and support
Wi-Fi Wireless System Overview Training
Order Code: PeopleSoft N/A
The course is designed for Employees who need a comprehensive understanding of the Wireless
Network. Detailed content is tailored to the student's needs. Comprehensive General, Physical, and
Functional Overview topics precede presentations covering key features of wireless network products,
including: Access Points, ZoneDirector, and FlexMaster Navigation.
The course is designed for Employees who need a comprehensive understanding of the wireless
Course Topics
The course includes coverage of the Wireless System. Comprehensive General, Physical, and
Functional Overview topics precede presentations covering key features of wireless network products,
including: Access Points, ZoneDirector, and FlexMaster Navigation.
Wireless Overview
Wireless Network Products and Key Features
Access Points (General, Physical, Functional, Interface and Configuration with Lab)
Zone Director (General, Physical, Functional, Interface, Navigation and Configuration with
FlexMaster (General, Physical, Functional, Interface, Navigation and Operation with Lab)
Course Specifics
Prerequisites: Not applicable
Delivery: instructor-led at ARRIS facility or customer site
Duration: 2 days
Materials: DVD training kit, online video,s and support
Wi-Fi Access Point Installation and Maintenance Training
Order Code: PeopleSoft N/A
The course provides Construction, Maintenance and Installation Technicians with the knowledge and
skills necessary to install, operate and maintain Wi-Fi Access Points. Detailed content is tailored to
the attendee’s needs. Comprehensive General, Physical, and Functional topics precede detailed
presentations covering Controls/Indicators, Interfaces, Powering, Orientation and Mounting.
The course provides Construction, Maintenance and Installation Technicians with the knowledge and
skills necessary to install, operate and maintain Wi-Fi Access Points.
Course Topics
The course includes coverage of the Wi-Fi Access Points. Detailed content is tailored to the attendee’s
needs. Comprehensive General, Physical, and Functional topics precede detailed presentations
covering Controls/Indicators, Interfaces, Powering, Orientation and Mounting.
General, Physical and Functional Description
Controls and Indicators
Orientation and Mounting
Course Specifics
Prerequisites: na
Delivery: instructor-led at ARRIS facility or customer site
Duration: 3 hours
Materials: DVD training kit, online videos and support
Wi-Fi ZoneDirector and FlexMaster Navigation Training
Order Code: PeopleSoft N/A
The course provides TOC and RNOC Technicians with the knowledge and skills necessary to install,
operate, and maintain Wi-Fi Access Points, ZoneDirector, and FlexMaster. Detailed content is
tailored to the student's needs. Comprehensive General, Physical, and Functional topics precede
detailed presentations covering Controls/Indicators, Interfaces, Powering, Orientation, and
The course provides TOC and RNOC technicians with the knowledge and skills necessary to install,
operate, and maintain Wi-Fi Access Points, ZoneDirector, and FlexMaster.
Course Topics
The course covers Wi-Fi Access Points, ZoneDirector and FlexMaster. Comprehensive General,
Physical, and Functional topics precede detailed presentations covering Controls/Indicators,
Interfaces, Powering, Orientation, and Mounting.
General, Physical and Functional Description of APs, ZoneDirector, and FlexMaster.
Connecting, Logging in and Navigation of Web Interfaces to perform these basic read-only
access log files,
verify connection (ping),
retrieve MAC/IP address,
available tools (SpeedFlex)
Course Specifics
Prerequisites: na
Delivery: instructor-led at ARRIS facility or customer site
Duration: 3 hours
Materials: DVD training kit, online videos, and support
Digital Video
In this section:
APEX Course Offerings........................................................................................................ 126
Cherry Picker Course Offerings .......................................................................................... 130
Digital Headend Course Offerings ...................................................................................... 134
APEX Course Offerings
In this section:
APEX102: APEX1000 v2.0.x-2.3.x Installation, Configuration, & Operation...................... 127
APEX103: APEX3000 2.2 Overview and Basic Configuration & Monitoring ...................... 127
APEX104: APEX3000 Licensing 1.0 .................................................................................... 128
APEX102: APEX1000 v2.0.x-2.3.x Installation, Configuration, &
Order Code: SalesForce 481532-001-00
This web-based course presents an in-depth overview of the APEX, including updated feature set and
functions though version 2.3.x. It presents installation, basic configuration, set up, and other key
tasks. The course also provides demonstrations of configuration and monitoring tools including
Console Port and Element Manager (EM). SimulCrypt configuration is included for those versions
that support this technology.
This course has been developed for external customer headend personnel and support personnel,
including field engineers.
Course Topics
APEX1000 Overview
Architecture Overview
Installation and Configuration
Monitoring the APEX using the Element Manager
Course Specifics
Delivery: Web-based
Duration: Approximately one hour
Price: $100
APEX103: APEX3000 2.2 Overview and Basic Configuration & Monitoring
Order Code: SalesForce 592549-001-00
This web-based course presents an overview of the APEX3000, including its features, functions, basic
configuration and key tasks.
It also presents Element Manager (EM) settings, critical for effective monitoring of the APEX3000.
This course has been developed for external customer headend personnel and support personnel,
including field engineers.
Course Topics
APEX3000 Overview
Key features and functions
Front and Rear Panel Components
Element Manager (EM)
Basic Configuration
Configuration of GigE Interfaces, QAM Channels and QAM/RF Interfaces
Advanced Configuration
Encryption Architecture
Redundancy Configuration
QAM Module Upgrade
Event and Alarm Indicators
Course Specifics
Delivery: Web-based
Duration: Approximately 1.5 hours
Price: $100
APEX104: APEX3000 Licensing 1.0
Order Code: SalesForce 589408-002-00
This web-based course presents an overview of the Universal Licensing System, including its features,
functions, basic configuration, and key tasks.
It also presents the APEX3000 QAM Blade Upgrade Process.
This course has been developed for external customer headend personnel and support personnel,
including field engineers.
Course Topics
Upon completion of this course you’ll be able to:
Access the Universal Licensing System (ULS) from your web browser
perform a ULS Login
use the ULS Dashboard
perform ULS Procedures
perform a QAM Upgrade
Course Specifics
Delivery: Web-based
Duration: Approximately one hour
Price: $100
Cherry Picker Course Offerings
In this section:
CP101: DM 6400: Overview .............................................................................................. 131
CP200: CAP 1000 Installation, Configuration, and Troubleshooting .................................. 131
CP201: DM6400 Cherry Picker ........................................................................................... 132
SLK102: SLK Basics for Customers ...................................................................................... 133
CP101: DM 6400: Overview
Order Code: SalesForce 481532-022-00
This web-based course introduces a broad scope of basic digital video concepts from image capture to
image transmission and display.
The target audiences for this course are customers and employees in the following roles: technical
support, customer support, field engineering, and sales engineering support.
Course Topics
DM6400 Overview
DM 6400 Uses
Software and Licenses
Course Specifics
Prerequisites: TEC103: Digital Video Concepts
Delivery: Web-based
Duration: Approximately 30 minutes
Price: $100
CP200: CAP 1000 Installation, Configuration, and Troubleshooting
Order Code: SalesForce 559890-001-00
This two-day instructor-led class gives participants the opportunity to perform CAP 1000 installation
and configuration procedures in a lab environment. It covers the following topics: Uses, Hardware,
Software & Licenses, Inputs, Outputs & Grooming, Redundancy, Digital Program Insertion, Stream
Analysis and Error Logging.
Customers and employees in the following roles: technical support, customer support, field
engineering, and sales engineering support.
Course Topics
Introduction to the CAP 1000
GUI Overview
Configuring Inputs and Outputs
Grooming and EBIF
Digital Program Insertion (DPI)
Administration and Maintenance
Alarms and Troubleshooting
Course Specifics
Delivery: Instructor-led
Duration: Two days
Price: $1450
CP201: DM6400 Cherry Picker
Order Code: SalesForce DM-TRN-BSC-HQ-2D
This two-day instructor-led class gives participants the opportunity to perform DM 6400 installation
and configuration procedures in a lab environment. It covers the following topics: Uses, Hardware,
Software & Licenses, Inputs, Outputs & Grooming, Redundancy, Digital Program Insertion, Stream
Analysis and Error Logging.
Customers and employees in the following roles: technical support, customer support, field
engineering, and sales engineering support.
Course Topics
DM 6400 Uses
Software and Licenses
Outputs and Grooming
Digital Program Insertion (DPI)
Stream Analysis and Error Logs
Course Specifics
Prerequisites: TEC103: Digital Video Concepts, a working knowledge of video systems, and a basic
understanding of IP networking.
Delivery: Instructor-led
Duration: Two days
Price: $1450
SLK102: SLK Basics for Customers
Order Code: SalesForce 589407-002-00
SLK is a self-service application for customers and business partners. The tool is the new standard for
headend product license key/entitlement code generation. It generates license keys from an available
pool of licenses/entitlements for each product in the SLK inventory.
Customers and business partners.
Course Topics
SLK Introduction
Fulfillment Process
Entitlement Licensing Model
Permanent License Key Generation
Final Assessment
Course Specifics
Delivery: Web-based
Duration: Approximately one hour
Price: $100
Digital Headend Course Offerings
In this section:
DHE101: Digital Headend Overview ................................................................................... 135
DHE201: Digital Headend Operation (Version 2) ............................................................... 135
NC203: NC1500 Installation and Operation ....................................................................... 136
NC204: NC2000 Installation & Configuration Procedures ................................................. 136
OM101:OM2000 OVERVIEW AND BASIC CONFIGURATION............................................... 137
SDM206: SDM (v5.x) Overview and Primary Operations Course Package......................... 138
ULS101: Universal Licensing System Overview - QAM Upgrade ........................................ 138
NAS-RAC 101 ...................................................................................................................... 139
DHE101: Digital Headend Overview
Order Code: SalesForce 481532-001-00
This web-based course provides an overview of the Digital Headend architecture, functionality, and
Customers and new hires.
Course Topics
Digital Video System Overview
Benefits of Digital Technology
Satellite Transmission
Digital Headend Signal Flow
Everyone Wants More Video RF-Channel Capacity
Course Specifics
Delivery: Web-based
Duration: Approximately 30 minutes
Price: $100
DHE201: Digital Headend Operation (Version 2)
Order Code: SalesForce 532395-001-00
This four-day, instructor-led course provides in-depth coverage of the installation, operation and
maintenance of digital headend components (OM 2000, ARPD 1000, SEM v8, APEX1000, and
The Digital Headend Operations (Version 2) does NOT cover NC 1500. There is a one-day NC 1500
course offering available for enrollment.
Headend installation, operations, and maintenance personnel.
Course Topics
Digital Headend System Overview
Data Communications and Networking Principles
Out-of-Band Modulator (OM2000)
Advanced/Return Path Demodulator (ARPD 1000/RPD 2000)
SmartStream Encryptor Modulator (SEM)
All Purpose Edge QAM (APEX1000)
SmartStream Device Manager (SDM)
Set-Top Box (STB)
Course Specifics
Delivery: Instructor-led
Duration: Four days
Price: $2900
NC203: NC1500 Installation and Operation
Order Code: SalesForce 532394-001-00
This one-day, instructor-led course prepares participants for active roles in operating a digital
interactive system and performing system-level troubleshooting.
Headend technicians responsible for configuring, operating, troubleshooting, and maintaining a
digital interactive system.
Course Topics
Interactive Network Overview
Interactive Network Configuration
NC1500 Configuration
System Monitoring and Troubleshooting
Course Specifics
Delivery: Instructor-led
Duration: One day
Price: $725
NC204: NC2000 Installation & Configuration Procedures
Order Code: SalesForce 590180-001-00
This one-day instructor-led course gives participants the opportunity to perform NC 2000
installation and configuration procedures in a lab environment. It covers the following topics: Aloha
System Overview, Hardware and Software Overview, System Overview, Redundancy, and
Headend technicians responsible for configuring, operating, and maintaining the NC 2000.
Course Topics
Aloha System Review
Hardware & Software Overview
NC 2000AM Redundancy Overview
System Overview
NC 2000 Configuration
NC2000AM Redundancy
Course Specifics
Prerequisites: A working knowledge of video systems and IP networking
Delivery: Instructor-led
Duration: One day
Price: $725
Order Code: SalesForce 594032-001-00
This web-based course provides an overview of the OM 2000, including its features and functions
within a typical headend network. It also focuses on the OM 2000 basic configuration procedures,
including those performed through the OM Console Port and SmartStream Device Manager (SDM).
Headend technicians responsible for configuring, operating, troubleshooting, and maintaining an OM
Course Topics
OM 2000 features and functions
OM 2000 front and rear panels
Basic configuration of OM 2000 using the Smartstream Device Manager
Course Specifics
Delivery: Web-based
Duration: Approximately one hour
Price: $100
SDM206: SDM (v5.x) Overview and Primary Operations Course Package
Order Code: SalesForce 594031-001-00
This comprehensive training package delivers an overview of the SDM (v5.x) and a detailed
presentation of some of its primary operations. It is comprised of five web-based training modules.
Course Topics
SDM Overview
Initial Configuration
Device Management
Fault Management
System Administration/Maintenance
Course Specifics
Delivery: Web-based
Duration: Approximately one hour
Price: $100
ULS101: Universal Licensing System Overview - QAM Upgrade
Order Code: SalesForce 591030-001-00
This course presents an overview of the Universal Licensing System, including its features, functions,
basic configuration and key tasks. It also presents the APEX3000 and BSR 64000 QAM Blade
Upgrade Process.
This course has been developed for external customer headend personnel and support personnel,
including field engineers.
Course Topics
Menu Options
Blade License Upgrade
Chassis Licensing Conversion Tool
BSR Licensing
Course Specifics
Delivery: Web-based
Duration: Approximately 90 minutes
Price: $100
Order Code: SalesForce 591297-001-00
This web-based course provides an overview of the National Authorization Service - Regional Access
Controller (NAS-RAC) network, including its network elements, functionality and architecture as well
as services and benefits. Although it is not a prerequisite, we recommend that the Digital Headend
101 (DHE 101) course be taken in conjunction with NAS-RAC 101.
Assessment: There will be Non-Graded review questions within each section of the training. Upon
completion of the course, you will be asked to complete a Graded Assessment module. You must
achieve an 80% score on the Graded Assessment to receive full or completed course credit.
This training is intended for all NAS-RAC Distributors and Techs working in the headend plant.
Before taking this course, you should possess a basic knowledge of Networking principles and Digital
cable headend operation.
Course Topics
What is NAS-RAC
SDM Quick Start Steps
DSR Configuration Menus
APEX Configuration
SEM v8 Key Points
Course Specifics
Delivery: Web-based
Duration: Approximately one hour
Price: $100
Customer Premise Equipment (CPE)
In this section:
Set-Tops .............................................................................................................................. 141
ARRIS Whole Home Solution Course Offerings .................................................................. 147
In this section:
STB211: Set-top Warehouse Deployment and Troubleshooting ....................................... 142
STB215A: DCX/MRDVR Features & Warehousing ............................................................. 142
STB215B: DCX/MRDVR Features & Installation.................................................................. 143
STB215C: DCX/MRDVR Features & Troubleshooting ......................................................... 144
STB217: mDVR – DCX/MRDVR Service-oriented Selling .................................................... 144
STB218: Warehousing Best Practices for ARRIS Set-tops................................................... 145
STB301: QIP7XXX-QIP3100 Installation and Operation...................................................... 145
STB211: Set-top Warehouse Deployment and Troubleshooting
Order Code: SalesForce 481532-062-00
This web-based course outlines recommended "Best Practices" for the deployment of new set-tops,
repair returns and field pulls. We will also go over how to troubleshoot new set-tops, repair returns
and field pulls.
The target audience for this course is warehouse personnel who are responsible for set-top
deployment and troubleshooting. Each cable provider's procedure for set-top deployment will vary
based upon individual warehouse set-ups, internal processes, billing system providers, and so on.
Course Topics
New Set-tops and Repair Returns
Field Pulls
Transporting Set-tops
Course Specifics
Delivery: Web-based
Duration: Approximately one hour
Price: $100
STB215A: DCX/MRDVR Features & Warehousing
Order Code: SalesForce 481532-114-00
This instructor-led course for MSO warehousing personnel covers the DCX set-top family features
and warehousing best practices. It also covers basic MRDVR concepts including MoCA technology
and the MRDVR network.
Warehousing personnel.
Course Topics
DCX Set-top Features and Models
MoCA Technology
M-Card/Host Validation Process
MRDVR Network Components and Descriptions
DCX Handling/Safety Best Practices
Provisioning and Testing
Field/Repair Return Processing
Pre-deployment Troubleshooting
Course Specifics
Delivery: Instructor-led
Duration: Half-day
Price: $725
STB215B: DCX/MRDVR Features & Installation
Order Code: SalesForce 481532-111-00
This instructor-led course covers multi-room DVR (MRDVR) concepts including MoCA technology
and the MoCA-enabled DCX set-top boxes that comprise the MRDVR network. DCX set-top family
features and MRDVR installation are also covered.
Field installers.
Course Topics
DCX Set-top Features and Models
MoCA Technology
M-Card/Host Validation Process
MRDVR Network Components and Descriptions
DCX Handling/Safety Best Practices
DCX Installation Process
DCX Audio and Video Cabling
MoCA Signal Levels and MRDVR Diagnostic Screens
Course Specifics
Delivery: Instructor-led
Duration: Half-day
Price: $725
STB215C: DCX/MRDVR Features & Troubleshooting
Order Code: SalesForce 481532-115-00
This instructor-led course for MSO CSR support personnel covers DCX set-top family features and
troubleshooting. It also covers basic MRDVR concepts including MoCA technology and the MRDVR
Customer Support Representatives (CSRs).
Course Topics
DCX/ASTB Features and Models
MoCA Technology
M-Card/Host Validation Process
MRDVR Network Components and Descriptions
DCX/MRDVR Diagnostic Access and Navigation
DCX/MRDVR Diagnostic Data
DCX/MRDVR Troubleshooting Procedures
Course Specifics
Delivery: Instructor-led
Duration: Half day
Price: $725
STB217: mDVR – DCX/MRDVR Service-oriented Selling
Order Code: SalesForce 574152-001-00
This instructor-led course for MSO CSR sales personnel covers the up-selling skills to build the
MRDVR’s value of the MRDVR solution with customers while increasing sales for the company.
MSO CSR sales personnel.
Course Topics
Sales as a form of service
Matching features and benefits to customer needs
Opening sales calls to prospective and current customers
Using an effective questioning strategy
Actively listening to your customers
Confirming your understanding to your customers
Presenting your product or service
Securing commitment to your call objective
Closing the sales call
Overcome customer resistance and objections
Course Specifics
Delivery: Instructor-led
Duration: Half day
Price: $725
STB218: Warehousing Best Practices for ARRIS Set-tops
Order Code: SalesForce 532375-002-00
Implement this training to standardize set-top operations across all of your warehouses, and reduce
inefficiencies that slow the flow of set-tops through the supply chain. This instructor-led training
includes the following topics: how to handle and stage set-tops to avoid functional and cosmetic
damage; and troubleshooting and testing set-tops to verify proper functioning prior to deployment.
Set-top warehousing operations personnel.
Course Topics
Receiving and Handling Set-tops
Provisioning and Testing Set-tops
Troubleshooting in the Warehouse
Course Specifics
Delivery: Instructor-led
Duration: Half day
Price: $725
STB301: QIP7XXX-QIP3100 Installation and Operation
Order Code: SalesForce 481532-070-00
This web-based course provides a detailed look at the QIP7200 set-top box, including its available
features, front and rear panel buttons, indicators and connectors, how it differs from the QIP6400
set-top, and how to prepare it for installation.
This course is intended for installation, operation, and support personnel.
Course Topics
Systems Architecture Overview
QIP7232 P2 Features
QIP7100 P2 Features
QIP3100 Features
Set-top Preparation
Installing the QIP7232 P2
Cabling the QIP7232 P2
Optimizing the HDTV Settings
Using Diagnostics
Course Specifics
Delivery: Web-based
Duration: Approximately one hour
Price: $100
ARRIS Whole Home Solution Course Offerings
In this section:
WHS Customer Service/Support (CSR) Tier 1 Training ....................................................... 148
WHS Customer Service/Support (CSR) Tier 2 Training ....................................................... 148
WHS: Media Gateway and Player Technician Installation Training ................................... 149
Whole Home Solutions: Technical Service/Support Representative - NOC Training ........ 150
Multi-Seat License Pack - WHS Training ............................................................................. 150
WHS Customer Service/Support (CSR) Tier 1 Training
Order Code: WHS221
Course Description
This course teaches the user interface and functions of the customer service representative (CSR)
tool. Students will also learn how to diagnose and reset subscriber accounts and system devices at a
subscriber site.
Note that this class is only delivered in conjunction with the CSR Tier 2 Troubleshooting class.
MSO Customer Service Representatives responsible for managing subscriber accounts after the initial
Course Topics
WHS System Overview
Introduction to the CSR Tool
Managing subscriber accounts and devices
Course Specifics
Prerequisites: WHS Introduction and Overview e-learning course.
Delivery: Instructor-led
Duration: Half day
Materials: ARRIS Administration tool for CSRs
Price: $2000 per course
WHS Customer Service/Support (CSR) Tier 2 Training
Order Code: WHS321
Course Description
This course also teaches basic troubleshooting processes and strategies for diagnosing and correcting
common problems with the WHS system.
Note that this class is only delivered in conjunction with the CSR Tier 1 training class.
MSO Customer Service Representatives responsible for managing subscriber accounts after the initial
Course Topics
CSR Tool Diagnostics
Provisioning Devices
MS4000 streaming overview
WHS Mobile App troubleshooting
Course Specifics
Prerequisites: WHS Introduction and Overview e-learning course, WHS Customer Service/Support
(CSR) Tier 1 Training.
Delivery: Instructor-led
Duration: Half day
Materials: ARRIS Administration tool for CSRs
Price: $2000 per course
WHS: Media Gateway and Player Technician Installation Training
Order Code: WHS211
Course Description
The goal of this course is to provide the specifications and process of planning and physically
installing the ARRIS WHS system in a subscriber's site.
Installation, operations, administration, maintenance, provisioning, planning, and engineering
Course Topics
WHS System Overview
Site Prerequisites and Pre-Installation
Installing the System
Educating the Customer
Installation Troubleshooting
WiFi Installation Best Practices
On-site field installation
Course Specifics
Prerequisites: WHS Introduction and Overview e-learning course and Introduction to MoCA elearning course.
Delivery: Instructor-led
Duration: One day
Materials: WHS Installer Student Guide, MoCA Troubleshooting Guide, WHS MoCA Job Aid
Price: $4000 per course
Whole Home Solutions: Technical Service/Support Representative - NOC
Order Code: WHS421
Course Description
The goal of this course is to provide students with advanced troubleshooting for the WHS system,
including system diagnostics and log files, network troubleshooting for the cable systems and MoCA
networks, and hardware status.
MSO Technical Service Representatives and Network Operations Center (NOC) representatives
responsible for managing and troubleshooting hardware and system issues.
Course Topics
Data Flow Architecture
Advanced troubleshooting and diagnostics
Media Gateway update process
PPV Tool overview
Media Gateway and Media Player Warehousing
Course Specifics
Prerequisites: WHS Introduction and Overview e-learning course, WHS TSR Tier 1 and 2.
Delivery: instructor-led
Duration: 1 day
Materials: WHS Configuration and Monitoring Guide, WHS Troubleshooting Guide
Price: $4000 per course
Multi-Seat License Pack - WHS Training
Order Code: PeopleSoft 804086
This course includes CSR1, CSR2, TSR, and Installation training modules for Whole Home Solutions.
Includes all components for installation, operations, administration, maintenance, provisioning,
planning, and engineering personnel. (Multi-License Pack Purchase - Onsite instructor-led, 3 days,
up to 40 seats or 4 separate locations over a 2 year contract period - T&E included.)
Customer Service Representatives, Technical Service Representatives, Installers, and Technicians.
Course Specifics
Multi-Seat License Pack Purchase
Prerequisites: Introduction and Overview of WHS products and MoCA
Delivery: instructor-led at customer site
Multi-Seat License Pack Includes: 2 year coverage, 3 days of training delivered to a maximum of 4
different locations to 10 students for a total of 40 students receiving 3 days of instruction each.
Materials: WHS Configuration and Monitoring Guide, WHS Troubleshooting Guide, ARRIS
Administrator tool for Customer Service Representative, WHS Installer Student Guide, MoCA
Troubleshooting Guide, WHS MoCA Job Aid.
Price: $36,000 per 2 year license.
In this section:
DOCSIS & Technology Course Offerings ............................................................................. 153
DOCSIS & Technology Course Offerings
In this section:
DOCSIS 1.1 Digital Certificate Overview ............................................................................. 154
TEC101: DOCSIS Cable Modem Overview ......................................................................... 154
TEC102: DSG Overview ....................................................................................................... 154
TEC103: Digital Video Concepts ......................................................................................... 155
TEC301: DOCSIS Essentials ................................................................................................. 156
DOCSIS 1.1 Digital Certificate Overview
Order Code: SalesForce 481532-001-00
This course provides an overview of the DOCSIS Standard, the Cable Data System, and the Cable
Modem Connection Process.
Course Specifics
Delivery: web-based
Credits: 1
Price: $100
TEC101: DOCSIS Cable Modem Overview
Order Code: SalesForce 481532-089-00
This web-based course provides an overview of the DOCSIS Standard, the Cable Data System, and the
Cable Modem Connection Process.
Technical and non-technical industry personnel seeking an understanding of the DOCSIS standard
and the cable modem connection process.
Course Topics
What is DOCSIS?
Cable Data System
Upstream and Downstream
Cable Modem Architecture
Connection Process
DOCSIS Versions
Course Specifics
Delivery: Web-based
Duration: Approximately one hour
Price: $100
TEC102: DSG Overview
Order Code: SalesForce 481532-090-00
This web-based course provides a high-level overview of the DOCSIS Set-top Gateway standard.
Technical and non-technical industry personnel seeking an understanding of DSG.
Course Topics
What is DSG?
How Does DSG Work?
Basic vs. Advanced DSG
DSG Initialization, Security and Architecture Example
Course Specifics
Delivery: Web-based
Duration: Approximately one hour
Price: $100
TEC103: Digital Video Concepts
Order Code: SalesForce 481532-091-00
This web-based course introduces a broad scope of basic digital video concepts from image capture to
image transmission and display.
The target audiences for this course are customers and employees in the following roles: technical
support, customer support, field engineering, and sales engineering support.
Course Topics
Digital Video Concepts Overview
MPEG Structure
MPEG Transport Package
PSI Tables
Course Specifics
Delivery: Web-based
Duration: Approximately one hour
Price: $100
TEC301: DOCSIS Essentials
Order Code: SalesForce 593219-001-00
The DOCSIS Essentials self-study training course comprises eleven training modules designed to
provide understanding of DOCSIS® terminology, basic features, and functions. The course is
primarily based on the DOCSIS RFI specification, DOCSIS PHY specification, and DOCSIS MULPI
The DOCSIS Essentials self-study training course can be taken by anyone seeking to bolster their
knowledge and understanding of DOCSIS technology. Additionally, this course is recommended for
those seeking certification as an ARRIS Certified DOCSIS CMTS Operator. If you have interest in the
ARRIS DOCSIS CMTS Operator Certification, please send an email message with the subject
“Certification Inquiry” to [email protected].
This course is for anyone wishing to learn about DOCSIS. It would be particularly useful to CMTS
technical support staff and other headend personnel. A basic understanding of CATV systems, RF
plant fundamentals, and data networking is helpful.
Course Topics
Course topics include:
Module 1: DOCSIS Overview
Module 2: PHY Layer—Downstream Channel
Module 3: Upstream Channel
Module 4: RF Impairments
Module 5: MAC Layer—MAC Domain Fiber Node and Service Group
Module 6: DOCSIS MAC Management Messages
Module 7: Cable Modem Registration
Module 8: Downstream Channel Bonding
Module 9: Upstream Channel Bonding
Module 10: Load Balancing
Module 11: Service Flows, Cable Modem Configuration, and Quality of Service
Course Specifics
Delivery: Online, self-study
Duration: Approximately 6 hours total
Fee: $700
Uplink Satellite Course Offerings
In this section:
DEM001: DEM v3.x New Features..................................................................................... 158
DEM400: DEM v4.0 Overview and Operation .................................................................... 158
DEM v4.1.1 Operational Overview ..................................................................................... 159
DSR100: Digital Satellite Receiver Overview ..................................................................... 160
DSR206: DSR4440/4460 Installation, Operations, and Troubleshooting ........................... 160
DSR207: DSR-4201 Installation, Operations, and Troubleshooting ................................... 161
DSR208: DSR-6400 Installation, Operations, and Troubleshooting ................................... 161
MOD301: Modular Systems 3.x Uplink Administration .................................................... 162
MOD301-3: Modular Systems 3.x Uplink – Admin, Config, & Decoder ............................. 163
MOD302: Modular Systems 3.x Uplink Configuration ....................................................... 163
MOD303: Modular Systems 3.x Uplink Decoder Management ......................................... 164
MOD304: Modular System BNC 3.5 Maintenance & Troubleshooting.............................. 165
MOD305: Modular System BNC 3.5 Database Restore & Server Recovery ....................... 166
MOD306: Modular System BNC 3.5 Retunes & Blackouts ................................................. 166
UPS201: Basic DigiCipher II Encoder Operation and Maintenance .................................... 167
DEM001: DEM v3.x New Features
Order Code: SalesForce 481532-018-00
This web-based course is designed to outline the new features available with the DigiCipher® Event
Manager 3.x.
The course is intended for system supervisors, site engineers, control technicians, and authorization
operators familiar with the DEM version 2.1.
Course Topics
DigiCipher® Event Manager 3.x functions
Graphical User Interface enhancements
High Performance Platform
DEM Redundancy
Addressable DPI
Ethernet Connectivity
Course Specifics
Delivery: Web-based
Duration: Approximately one hour
Price: $100
DEM400: DEM v4.0 Overview and Operation
Order Code: SalesForce 481532-019-00
This web-based training (WBT) course provides a comprehensive overview of the DigiCipher Event
Manager (DEM) Version v4.0 and its operation. The course contains text, graphics, review questions
and interactive exercises, where appropriate, to present key topics.
This course has been developed for both external customer uplink facility personnel and support
staff, including field engineers and TRC/TAC.
Course Topics
Modular System v3.0 and DEM v4.0
Ad Insertion Concepts
The DEM v4.0 GUI
Network Connectivity
Licensing and Setup
DEM v4.0 Operation
System Redundancy
Course Specifics
Delivery: Web-based
Duration: Approximately one hour
Price: $100
DEM v4.1.1 Operational Overview
Order Code: SalesForce 541335-001-00
This web-based course will review the operating principles that apply to the DEM version 4.1.1 and
use of the Graphical User Interface (GUI).
The course is intended for system supervisors, site engineers, control technicians, and authorization
operators familiar with previous versions of the DEM.
Course Topics
DEM v4.1.1 Operational Overview
Ad Insertion Concepts
Licensing and Setup
Hardware Connectivity
Graphical User Interface
Operating the DEM
One to One Redundancy
Return Path Message Monitoring
Digital Program Insertion
Course Specifics
Delivery: Web-based
Duration: Approximately one hour
Price: $100
DSR100: Digital Satellite Receiver Overview
Order Code: SalesForce 481532-023-00
This web-based course provides a high level overview of the functions of Integrated Receiver Decoder
(IRD) equipment used in headend facilities to receive and decode satellite transmissions. The course
will explore the implementation of its Digital Satellite Receivers (DSR) products to provide the
needed services.
The target audience for this course is headend technical staff or other internal/external support
personnel who are required to install and configure Integrated Receiver Decoder (IRD) equipment
and who are interested in understanding the basics of Digital Satellite Receiver (DSR) products.
Course Topics
Functional Overview
Physical Installation
LCD Panel Navigation
Web Portal Interface
Course Specifics
Delivery: Web-based
Duration: Approximately one hour
Price: $100
DSR206: DSR4440/4460 Installation, Operations, and
Order Code: SalesForce 481532-112-00
This web-based course provides a detailed look at the DSR-4440 and 4460 Integrated Receiver
Decoder (IRD), including new features, installation, configuration and troubleshooting.
Technical personnel who are required to configure the DSR4440/4460 and internal/external staff
who support these activities.
Course Topics
Product Overview
Front Panel LCD Menu Navigation
Course Specifics
Delivery: Web-based
Duration: Approximately one hour
Price: $100
DSR207: DSR-4201 Installation, Operations, and Troubleshooting
Order Code: SalesForce 589997-001-00
This web-based course provides a detailed look at the DSR-4201 Integrated Receiver Decoder (IRD),
including new features, installation, configuration, and troubleshooting.
Technical personnel who are required to configure the DSR4201 and internal/external staff who
support these activities.
Course Topics
Product Overview
Front Panel LCD Menu Navigation
Course Specifics
Delivery: Web-based
Duration: Approximately one hour
Price: $100
DSR208: DSR-6400 Installation, Operations, and Troubleshooting
Order Code: SalesForce 586611-001-00
This web-based course provides a detailed look at the DSR-6400 Integrated Receiver Decoder (IRD),
including new features, installation, configuration, and troubleshooting.
Technical personnel who are required to configure the DSR-6400.
Course Topics
Product Overview
Course Specifics
Delivery: Web-based
Duration: Approximately one hour
Price: $100
MOD301: Modular Systems 3.x Uplink Administration
Order Code: SalesForce 574147-001-00
This instructor-led course reviews the administrative activities of the Modular System 3.x system.
This course contains lecture and hands-on activities.
This course is intended for uplink system administrators and uplink system users.
Course Topics
Modular Uplink System Overview
BNC 3.x Client GUI
Database and System Actions
Database Report Management
Course Specifics
Prerequisites: MOD101: Modular System 2.1 Overview
Delivery: Instructor-led
Duration: One day
Price: $725
MOD301-3: Modular Systems 3.x Uplink – Admin, Config, &
Order Code: SalesForce 556028-001-00
This instructor-led course covers tasks necessary to build and configure your Modular System,
Version 3.x. The course also focuses on all tasks pertinent to navigating the graphical user interface of
the system’s Broadcast Network Controller (BNC) and the procedures for several common tasks
customers will complete. Topics include the management (that is, creation, modification, and
deletion) of affiliates, locations, and groups of integrated receiver decoders (IRD), as well as the tasks
required to manage IRDs for use within the Modular System Uplink network using the Broadcast
Network Controller (BNC) 3.x.
This course is intended for uplink system administrators, uplink system users, system operators,
system engineers, satellite program distributors and satellite program operators.
Course Topics
Features, Functions, and Use Cases of the Modular Uplink System
BNC 3.x Client GUI Overview
Database and System Management Database Report Management
Purpose and Features of the BNC 3.x GUI
Site Creation
Device Configuration
Network Diagram Configuration
New Service Configuration
Decoder Management
Course Specifics
Delivery: Instructor-led
Duration: Five days
Price: $3625
MOD302: Modular Systems 3.x Uplink Configuration
Order Code: SalesForce 574148-001-00
This instructor-led course covers tasks necessary to build and configure your Modular System,
Version 3.x. The course also focuses on all tasks pertinent to navigating the graphical user interface of
the system’s Broadcast Network Controller (BNC) and the procedures for several common tasks
customers will complete.
The course is intended for system operators and engineers.
Course Topics
Purpose and Features of the BNC 3.x GUI
Site Creation
Device Configuration
Network Diagram Configuration
New Service Configuration
Course Specifics
Prerequisites: MOD101: Modular System 2.1 Overview (web-based) AND MOD301: Modular
Systems 3.x Uplink Administration (Instructor-Led).
Delivery: Instructor-led
Duration: Three days
Price: $2175
MOD303: Modular Systems 3.x Uplink Decoder Management
Order Code: SalesForce 574149-001-00
This instructor-led course covers the management (that is, creation, modification, and deletion) of
affiliates, locations, and groups of integrated receiver decoders (IRD), as well as the tasks required to
manage IRDs for use within the Modular System Uplink network using the Broadcast Network
Controller (BNC) 3.x.
The course is intended for satellite program distributors and operators.
Course Topics
Decoder Management Overview
Affiliates, Locations, IRDs, MDs, and ACPs Configuration
Search and Replace Wizard
Locations and Affiliates Deletion
Course Specifics
Prerequisites: MOD101: Modular System 2.1 Overview (web-based).
Delivery: Instructor-led
Duration: One day
Price: $725
MOD304: Modular System BNC 3.5 Maintenance &
Order Code: SalesForce 594063-001-00
This instructor-led online or classroom course teaches the following:
How to monitor the status of the modular system
How to perform failover and restore to components of the system
How to remove and replace failed components
Verification of functional status
How to generate and monitor reports on the modular system
This course is intended for uplink system administrators.
Course Topics
Report Tools
Maintenance and System Monitoring
Component Removal and Replacement
Delivery: Instructor-led
Duration: Two days
Price: $1450
MOD305: Modular System BNC 3.5 Database Restore & Server
Order Code: SalesForce 594065-001-00
This instructor-led online or classroom course teaches the following:
How to perform database backup and restore
How to use checkpoints
How to manage DM BNC server switchover
How to perform BNC server backup and restore using the bnccfg-restore command
How to perform MUX copy using the Mux Backup Management Utility
Use MABs to backup and restore BNC Server Configuration images
Course Topics
Database Maintenance
Database Backup and Restore
DM BNC Server Restore and Switchover using Checkpoints
BNC Server Backup and Restore
BNC Server Backup and Restore using bnccfg-restore commands
MUX Backup Management Utility
MUX Copy using the MUX Backup Management Utility
ARRIS Multiplatform Automated Backup Solution (MABS) Overview
Backup and Restore BNC Server Configuration Images using MABS
Course Specifics
Delivery: Instructor-led
Duration: Two days
Price: $1450
MOD306: Modular System BNC 3.5 Retunes & Blackouts
Order Code: SalesForce 594067-001-00
This instructor-led online or classroom course will teach the following:
How to perform manual retunes on the modular system
How to perform set-based retunes
How to perform retunes and blackout from the Retune/Blackout Grid
How to perform program epoch changes using the Flexible Program Scheduler
Course Topics
Manual Retunes
Set Based Retunes
Retunes and Blackouts using the Retune and Blackout Grid
Program Epoch changes using the Flexible Program Scheduler
Course Specifics
Delivery: Instructor-led
Duration: Two days
Price: $1450
UPS201: Basic DigiCipher II Encoder Operation and Maintenance
Order Code: SalesForce 532389-001-00
This instructor-led course provides in-depth, hands-on coverage of the functional and physical
description, operation, and field maintenance of the DigiCipher® II Encoder System. The course
prepares personnel to configure, monitor, and maintain a DC II Encoder System at the field site with
minimal supervision.
System supervisors, site engineers, control technicians, and authorization operators.
Course Topics
Functions of the DigiCipher II Encoder System
Uplink and Downlink Networks
DigiCipher® II Enclosures
DigiCipher® II Circuit Card Assemblies
Redundant Switching and Fault Monitoring
Uplink Control System
Encoder and Event System Logs
Software Tools and Utilities
Course Specifics
Delivery: Instructor-led
Duration: Five days
Price: $3625
ARRIS Customer Training Center Locations
In this section:
Amsterdam, Netherlands Training Center ......................................................................... 170
Atlanta, GA Training Center ............................................................................................... 171
Beaverton, OR Training Center........................................................................................... 172
Chicago, IL Training Center ................................................................................................. 173
Horsham, PA Training Center ............................................................................................. 174
Kirkland, WA Training Center ............................................................................................. 175
Lowell, MA Training Center ................................................................................................ 176
San Diego, CA Training Center............................................................................................ 177
Santiago, Chile Training Center .......................................................................................... 178
Westborough, MA Training Center .................................................................................... 179
Winnersh, UK Training Center ............................................................................................ 180
Amsterdam, Netherlands Training Center
Atlas Arena Building Azië
Hoogoorddreef 5
1101 BA Amsterdam
Tel: +31 20 311 2500
Fax: +31 20 311 2501
The best way to get from Schiphol airport to the Atlas building is by train. There is a direct train from
Schiphol airport to the Amsterdam Bijlmer Arena station. The duration of the trip is 12 minutes.
There is a direct train leaving every 30 minutes from Schiphol.
Recommended Hotels*
NH Barbizon Amsterdam
Prins Hendrikkade, 59-72
1012AD Amsterdam
Tel: +31 20 556 4564
Crowne Plaza Amsterdam
Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal 5
1012 RC Amsterdam
Tel: +31 20 620 0500
NH City Centre
Spuistraat, 288-292
1012VX Amsterdam
Tel: +31 20 420 4545
*Company discounts apply for all the hotels listed above. Please mention that your booking is for
Atlanta, GA Training Center
3871 Lakefield Drive, Suite 300
Suwanee, GA 30024
Tel: 1.678.473.2000
Fax: 1.678.473.5218
From Atlanta Hartsfield Airport
Go west out of airport to I-85 North which will merge with I-75 North to become the I-75/85
connector. Follow the signs to stay on I-85 North after I-75 splits off.
Travel North on I-85 to Pleasant Hill Road exit (approx. 30 miles) and turn left on Pleasant Hill Road
over I-85.
Travel West on Pleasant Hill Road to Medlock Bridge Road, (Hwy. 141) and turn right.
Travel North on Medlock Bridge Road to McGinnis Ferry Road and turn right.
Travel East on McGinnis Ferry Road to Lakefield Drive and turn left.
Travel North on Lakefield Drive to ARRIS at 3871 Lakefield Drive.
From I-285 Perimeter
From I-285, take the 141N exit toward Cumming/Dahlonega. Follow 141N for approximately 15 miles
and turn right onto McGinnis Ferry Road. (Note: 141N is also named both Peachtree Parkway and
Medlock Bridge Road along this route.)
Travel East on McGinnis Ferry Road to Lakefield Drive and turn left.
Travel North on Lakefield Drive to ARRIS at 3871 Lakefield Drive.
From I-985 or I-85 North of Suwanee
Travel I-985 or I-85 South to Lawrenceville-Suwanee Road exit 111 and exit right.
Travel West on Lawrenceville-Suwanee Road to Satellite Blvd and turn left.
Travel South on Satellite Blvd. to McGinnis-Ferry Road and turn right.
Travel West on McGinnis-Ferry Road to Lakefield Drive and turn right.
Travel North on Lakefield Drive to ARRIS at 3871 Lakefield Drive.
Recommended Hotels
Hilton Garden Inn
11695 Medlock Bridge
Duluth, GA
Hyatt Place
Atlanta/Duluth/Johns Creek
11505 Medlock Bridge Road
Duluth, GA
Holiday Inn Express
7146 McGinnis Ferry Road
Suwanee, GA
Beaverton, OR Training Center
1825 NW 167th Place
Beaverton, OR 97006
Tel: 1.503.495.9240
Fax: 1.503.495.9601
Directions from Portland International Airport
Head southwest on NE Airport Way.
Take the I-205 S ramp to I-84/Portland/Salem.
Merge onto I-205 South.
Take exit 21B to merge onto I-84 W/U.S. 30 W toward Portland.
Take the exit on the left onto I-5 S toward Beaverton/Salem.
Continue onto I-405 N (signs for US-26/City Center/Beaverton).
Slight right onto US-26 W (signs for Beaverton).
Take exit 65 for Cornell Rd toward Bethany Blvd.
Turn left onto NW Cornell Rd.
Turn left onto NW 167th Place. Destination will be on your right.
Note: The reception desk is staffed from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. If your training session is scheduled to start
before 8 a.m., please contact your trainer to discuss access to the building.
Recommended Hotels
Phoenix Inn and Suites
15402 NW Cornell Rd.
Beaverton, OR 97006
Hilton Garden Inn
15520 NW Gateway Ct
Beaverton, OR
TownPlace Suites by Marriott
6550 NE Brighton Street
Hillsboro, Oregon 97124
Courtyard by Marriott
3050 Northwest Stucki Pl
Hillsboro, OR
Chicago, IL Training Center
2400 Ogden Avenue, Suite 180
Lisle, IL 60532
Tel: 1.630.281.3000
Fax: 1.630.281.3360
From Chicago O'Hare Airport
From airport loop, merge onto I-190 E toward CHICAGO LOOP.
From rent-a-car agencies, go south on Bessie Coleman Drive approximately one mile to I-190 East
From I-190, merge onto I-294 South via EXIT 1D toward INDIANA (Portions toll).
After approximately 10 miles, merge onto I-88 West (Ronald Reagan Memorial Tollway) toward
AURORA (Portions toll).
After approximately 10 miles on I-88, exit IL-53 South.
Take IL-53 South to US-34 west ramp.
At the end of the ramp, turn right. Take Ogden Avenue approximately 1 mile to ARRIS. Our facility is
on the north side of the road, about ½ mile west of Yackley Ave.
From Midway Airport
Go South on IL-50 S (S. Cicero Ave) toward W. 59th St.
Make a U-turn at W. 59th St. onto IL-50 North (S. Cicero Ave.),
Merge onto I-55 South via the ramp on the left.
After about 17 miles, merge onto I-355 North (North-South Tollway) via EXIT 269 toward WEST
SUBURBS (Portions toll).
Exit at OGDEN AVE (US-34). At the end of the ramp, turn left toward LISLE.
Take Ogden Avenue approximately two and a half miles to ARRIS. Our facility is on the north side of
the road about 1/2 mile west of Yackley Ave.
Recommended Hotels
Hilton Lisle/Naperville
3003 Corporate West Dr.
Lisle, IL 60532
AmeriSuites Hotel
4305 Weaver Pkwy
Warrenville, IL 60555
Hyatt Hotel
1400 Corporetum Dr.
Lisle, IL 60532
Horsham, PA Training Center
101 Tournament Drive
Horsham, PA 19044
Tel: 1.215.323.1613
Directions from Philadelphia International Airport
Take Route I-95 South (toward Delaware) to Route 476 North.
Stay to the right. Two of the lanes will branch off onto Route 476 North. Follow Route 476 North to
the toll plaza.
Take the Pennsylvania Turnpike (Route 276) East (toward New Jersey)
Exit the Pennsylvania Turnpike at Exit 343 (Willow Grove).
Proceed North on Route 611 (EastonRoad)
Move into the left lane and continue North approx 1.5miles (3 lights) until you come to Route 463
(Horsham Road).
Turn left onto Horsham Road. Proceed approx. 2 miles to Tournament Drive and the Commonwealth
Corporate Center.
Turn right onto Tournament Drive and make the first left into the ARRIS complex.
Once in the driveway, park in customer parking.
Training is located in Building 3, Lobby Level.
Note: The reception desk is staffed from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. If your training session is scheduled to start
before 8 a.m., please contact your trainer to discuss access to the building.
Recommended Hotels
Marriott Courtyard
2350 Easton Road
Willow Grove, PA 19090
Staybridge Suites PhiladelphiaMontgomeryville
119 Garden Golf Blvd, North
Wales, PA 19454
Days Inn
245 Easton Road
Horsham, PA 19040
TownePlace Suites
198 Precision Drive
Horsham, PA 19040
Kirkland, WA Training Center
8815 122nd Ave NE
Kirkland, WA 98033
Tel: 1.425.896-6000
Fax: 1.425.896.6062
Directions from Seattle-Tacoma International Airport
Head north on International Blvd./WA-99N toward S 180th st..
Slight right onto the Washington 518E ramp to I-405 / I-5 Renton.
Merge onto WA-518 E.
Continue onto I-405 N.
Take exit 18 to merge onto WA-908 E / NE 85th St. toward Redmond.
Turn left onto 122nd Ave. NE.
Note: The reception desk is staffed from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. If your training session is scheduled to start
before 8 a.m., please contact your trainer to discuss access to the building.
Recommended Hotels
La Quinta Inn & Suites
10530 Northup Way
Kirkland, WA
Courtyard Seattle-Kirkland
11215 Northeast 124th St.
Kirkland, WA
Hyatt House - Redmond
15785 Bear Creek Pkwy
Redmond, WA
Lowell, MA Training Center
Pickering B, Tower 2 – 12th Floor
900 Chelmsford Street
Lowell, MA 01851
Tel: (978) 614-3177
Tel: (508) 561-8626
Directions from Logan International Airport (Boston)
Start out going NW on Harborside Drive toward Hotel Dr.
Merge onto I-90 W/MASS PIKE/Massachusetts Turnpike toward I-93/I-90 West/Williams Tunnel
(Portions toll).
Take Exit 24 toward I-93.
Merge onto I-93 North. Go about 12 miles.
Merge onto I-95 South/MA-128 via Exit 37B toward Waltham.
Take the US-3 North/Middlesex Turnpike exit (Exit 32B-A) toward Lowell/Burlington.
Merge onto US-3 via Exit 32A toward Lowell/Nashua, NH.
Take Exit 30C-31 toward RT-110/Chelmsford/I-495 South/Marlboro. Go straight.
Take the RT-110 exit (Exit 31) toward Lowell/Chelmsford.
Turn right onto MA-110/MA-27/Chelmsford Street.
Continue to follow MA-110/Chelmsford Street.
Facility is at 900 Chelmsford Street.
Directions from Logan Manchester, NH Airport (New Hampshire)
Start out going Northwest on Airport Road toward N. Perimeter Road/Perimeter Road.
Stay straight to go onto Brown Avenue/NH-3A.
Merge onto NH-101 West via the ramp on the LEFT toward Bedford/Nashua/Concord.
Take the Everett Turnpike South exit toward Merrimack/Nashua.
Merge onto Everett Turnpike (portions toll). Everett Turnpike becomes US-3 South (crossing into
Take Exit 31-30B-A toward I-495/Marlboro/Lawrence/RT-110/Chelmsford.
Take the RT-110 East exit (Exit 31) toward Lowell/Dracut.
Turn LEFT onto MA-110/MA-27/Chelmsford Street.
Continue to follow MA-110/Chelmsford Street. Facility is at 900 Chelmsford Street.
Recommended Hotels
Marriott Courtyard
30 Industrial Avenue
East Lowell, MA 01851
Radisson Hotel
10 Independence Drive
Chelmsford, MA 01824
Hawthorn Suites
25 Research Place
North Chelmsford, MA 01863
San Diego, CA Training Center
6450 Sequence Drive
San Diego, CA 92121
Tel: (858) 455-1500
Directions from San Diego International Airport
Exit airport & follow signs to I-5 North
Following N. Harbor Dr. to Left on Grape St.
Interstate 5 North 9 miles to Route 52 East
Route 52 East 3 miles to Interstate 805 North
North 4 miles to Mira Mesa Blvd. Exit
Right on Mira Mesa Blvd., 5 lights to Genetic Dr.
Left on Genetic Dr., 1 block
Cross Sequence Dr. into ARRIS parking lot
Entrance is building on your right
Recommended Hotels
Marriott Courtyard
9650 Scranton Road
San Diego, CA 92121
Hyatt House
10044 Pacific Mesa Blvd
San Diego, CA 92121
Holiday Inn Express
5925 Lusk Blvd
San Diego, CA 92121
Staybridge Suites
6639 Mira Mesa Blvd.
San Diego, CA 92121
Santiago, Chile Training Center
Enrique Foster Sur 39, piso 8
Las Condes, Santiago Chile
Tel: +56 2 678 4500
Fax: +56 2 335 2791
The ARRIS office is about 24km from Comodoro Arturo Merino Benitez International Airport. Public
transportation is available, clean and safe.
Recommended Hotels
Ritz Carlton
Calle El Alcalde No. 15
Las Condes 7550098, Chile
Tel: +56 2 470 8500
(across the street)
Atton Las Condes
Alonso de Cordova 5199,
Las Condes, Chile
Tel: +56 2 422 7900
Holiday Inn Express
Vitacura, 2929
Las Condes 6760235,
Region Metropolitana, Chile
Tel: +56 2 499 6000
Westborough, MA Training Center
15 Sterling Drive
Wallingford, CT 06492
P: 203-303-6400
Fax: 203-303-6411
From Hartford International Airport
Take Exit 23B to merge onto MA-9 W / Boston Worcester Turnpike / Turnpike Rd toward Worcester.
Head northwest on Bradely International Airport
Slight left toward Schoephoester Rd.
Slight right toward Schoephoester Rd.
Continue straight onto Schoephoester Rd.
Continue onto CT-401 South
Keep right at the fork, follow signs for I-91 S/Hartford and merge onto I-91 South.
Take exit 15 for CT-68 toward Durham/Yalesville
Turn right onto CT-68 W/Barnes Rd.
Turn right onto Barnes Rd.
Turn right onto Sterling Dr.
ARRIS offices will be on the right hand side.
Recommended Hotels
Courtyard by Marriott
600 Northrop Rd.
Wallingford, CT 06492
Fairfield Inn
100 Miles Dr.
Wallingford, CT 06492
Homewood Suites by Hilton
90 Miles Dr.
Wallingford, CT 06492
Winnersh, UK Training Center
710 Wharfedale Road
IQ Winnersh
RG41 5TP, United Kingdom
The ARRIS UK Training Facility is located on one of the most established business parks on the M4
corridor. There are excellent transport links, being located within 1 mile of Junction 10 of the M4 and
situated on the doorstep of the Winnersh Triangle Railway Station, giving direct access into London
Waterloo Railway Station in 73 minutes and Reading Railway Station, where you can board fast trains
to London Paddington Railway Station, in 5 minutes.
Recommended Hotels
Holiday Inn
Wharfedale Road Winnersh
Triangle Wokingham, RG41 5TS
+44 118 944 0444
Tudor Place
92 Arbor Lane Winnersh,
Wokingham RG41 5JD
+44 118 978 5007
The Pheasant Inn
355 Reading Road Winnersh,
Wokingham, RG41 5LR.
+44 118 978 4529
Best Western,
Mill Lane,
Sindlesham, RG41 5DG
+118 949 9988