South Marches Scout District i.SCOUT Activity Day


South Marches Scout District i.SCOUT Activity Day
South Marches Scout District
i.SCOUT Activity Day
Dear Parents,
South Marches District are delighted to invite all Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Explorers to an i.SCOUT Activity
Day. The day will be full of lots of exciting activities ranging from a Climbing Wall to Cricket and from Frisbee
Golf to Archery.
Saturday 18th April 2015
Whitecross Hereford High School and Specialist Sports College.
9.30 – 4pm
Please park at The Range, and walk the young people to the school following the signs
All children are to wear full uniform with polo shirt underneath, trainers and group
Please Bring:
A small ruck sack containing packed lunch, waterproofs, a spare set of clothes and
a refillable water bottle.
Spending Money (optional): Up to £5.00. On-site tuck shop, hotdogs and burgers will be available.
All medication to be given to your Group Leader on the day.
What to wear:
All young people who attend will receive a badge.
At 3.30pm there will be a renewal of The Promise and parents are very welcome to join us for this. Please
be on site by 3.15 if you wish to join us.
Booking / Cost: If you would like to take part please complete the booking form and
photography/video/audio release form and send it with a cheque for £2.50 per young person made payable
to ‘South Marches District Scout Activity” to the Event Administrator –
Mrs Jeanette Miller, 6 Dovecote Lane, Credenhill, Hereford HR4 7FA.
Booking forms MUST be received no later than Friday 27th March 2015.
This form is to be returned to: Mrs Jeanette Miller, 6 Dovecote Lane, Credenhill,
Hereford HR4 7FA
Name (of participant): _________________________ Date of Birth:__________________
Scout Group: ________________________________
Telephone Number: _______________________________________________________
Mobile (mother): ______________________
Mobile (father): _____________________
Health & Any Medical Details:
Address: ________________________________________________________________
Email: (Please print) _______________________________________________________
Additional emergency contact NOT parent detailed above (e.g. grandparents):
Name of contact: ____________________Relationship to participant: ________________
Telephone: _________________________ Mobile: ______________________________
I consent to my child (named above) taking part in the i Scout Activity Day on Saturday
18th April 2015 and I have noted the details and information supplied regarding this event.
Signed: ____________________ (Parent/Guardian)
Date: ____________________________
Print name:___________________
release form
0845 300 1818
Item Code FS295428 Mar13 Edition no 2 (103793)
Dear Parent/Guardian
i Scout Activity Day – Saturday 18 April 2015
I am very grateful to you for letting your son or daughter being involved at the i Scout Activity Day
Whitecross Hereford High School
Saturday 18 April 2015
The photographs, video or audio that are taken will be used in connection with Scouting publicity. We will not
publish any address of any young people in captions associated with the photographs, video or audio. It would
be very helpful if you can confirm that you are content for the pictures, video or audio to be used in publicity
material by signing the form below.
Many thanks for your assistance.
Anna King
District Commissioner – South Marches
This is to confirm that I have no objections to the photographs, video or audio taken at the activity above and
used for Scouting purposes only.
Name of participant:
Signature (parent/guardian):
Please return the completed slip by:
Friday 27 March 2015
The Scout Association
Gilwell Park, Chingford, London, E4 7QW. Tel + 44 (0)20 8433 7100. Fax + 44 (0)20 8433 7103. Email [email protected]