Opportunities for Service Ministry Guide


Opportunities for Service Ministry Guide
“You Were SHAPED for Serving God”
Spiritual Gifts
This guide is to help you align your SHAPE with areas
of service to Christ’s body at Locust Grove, the local
community and the world at large.
Ministry Guide
The SHAPE / Ministry Team
Shari Shrum - [email protected]
Becky Pillsbury - [email protected]
Jim Pillsbury - [email protected]
Reta Tumlin – [email protected]
Ron Bengs – [email protected]
Beth McCullough –
[email protected]
Table of Contents
Children’s Ministry
Nursery .................................................................................................................................... 4
Preschool ................................................................................................................................. 4
Children’s Church .................................................................................................................... 4
His Kidz ................................................................................................................................... 4
Vacation Bible School ............................................................................................................. 5
Weekday Education ................................................................................................................. 5
Upward Sports .......................................................................................................................... 5
Student Ministry
Disciple Now Weekends ........................................................................................................ 6
Youth Ministry Team ............................................................................................................ 6
Student Ministry Praise Team ............................................................................................... 6
Lunches of Love .................................................................................................................... 7
Student Worship Chaperones ................................................................................................ 7
Recreation & Events ................................................................................................................. 7
Deacons & Congregational Care Teams …………..................................................................8
After Dinner @ the Grove ....................................................................................................... 9
Life Groups .............................................................................................................................. 9
Education Resource Team ....................................................................................................... 9
Facility Maintenance
Properties Committee ............................................................................................................ 10
Security Committee ............................................................................................................... 10
Building Committee .............................................................................................................. 10
Celebration Ministry Team .................................................................................................... 11
Shower & Tea Committee ..................................................................................................... 11
Usher ..................................................................................................................................... 11
Welcome Center .................................................................................................................... 11
Other Church Ministries
Publicity Committee .............................................................................................................. 12
Stewardship Committee......................................................................................................... 12
Set-up/Take-down Team ....................................................................................................... 12
YAH-WHOs .......................................................................................................................... 13
Family Ministry ..................................................................................................................... 13
Community Benevolence Ministry........................................................................................ 14
Food Pantry ........................................................................................................................... 14
One Harvest Food Ministry ................................................................................................... 15
Missions Leadership Team .................................................................................................... 15
Local Missions “Team Jerusalem” ....................................................................................... 16
Disaster Relief/Emergency Response "Team Nehemiah" ..................................................... 16
Regional Missions “Team Judea and Samaria” ..................................................................... 17
International Missions “Ends of the Earth Team” ................................................................. 17
Music & Worship Ministry
Baptism Committee ............................................................................................................... 18
Decorating ............................................................................................................................. 18
Lord’s Supper Committee ..................................................................................................... 18
Musicians............................................................................................................................... 19
Preschool & Children’s Choir ............................................................................................... 19
Sound & Media Operators ..................................................................................................... 19
Vocalists ................................................................................................................................ 19
Women’s Ministry
Locust Grove Sisters of Grace .............................................................................................. 20
Moms In Prayer International ............................................................................................... 20
Finance Committee ................................................................................................................ 20
Nominating Committee ......................................................................................................... 20
Personnel Committee............................................................................................................. 20
Nursery is provided on Sunday mornings (8:15am, 9:15am
and 10:30am) and Wednesday nights for children ages 6
weeks - 3 years of age. Children are divided into age
groups with at least two volunteers in each room. Our
nursery volunteers rotate serving one Sunday per quarter.
Contact Mary Osborne 256-379-2813 (ext. 28)
[email protected]
Preschool is provided on Sunday mornings at 10:30am for Pre-K
and Kindergarten. Contact Mary Osborne 256-379-2813 (ext. 28)
[email protected]
Children’s Church is provided for ages 4-6 during the 10:30 AM worship service
on Sunday mornings. Volunteers rotate serving once per quarter to lead children in
their own time of worship with music and age appropriate Bible stories and
activities. Contact Mary Osborne at 379-2813 (ext. 28)
[email protected]
His Kidz On Wednesday evenings at 6:30 PM, children are divided into age
groups (age 4&5, grades 1-5) for music, crafts, games, and Bible stories.
Volunteers are needed to teach Bible stories and lead the games and craft
activities. Contact Mary Osborne at 379-2813 (ext. 28)
[email protected]
His Kidz On Sunday mornings for all children in grades 1-5. Our opening
worship lasts from 9:15 – 9:30 and includes fun, music and drama. Class rotation
time begins at 9:30 and includes Bible Study, Crafts, and small group activities.
Volunteers are needed to teach Bible stories and lead the games and craft
activities. Please contact Mary Osborne at 379-2813 (ext. 28)
[email protected]
Children’s Ministry con’t
Vacation Bible School is our biggest children’s outreach
event of the year. Volunteers are needed to decorate, paint
sets, distribute snacks, take pictures, be small group
leaders, craft leaders, recreation leaders, music leaders,
registration helpers, and much, much more! Vacation
Bible School 2014 will be June 15-19. Contact Mary
Osborne 256-379-2813 (ext. 28)
[email protected]
Weekday Education Committee
Our Weekday Education Program is non-profit and
licensed by the Alabama Department of Human
Resources for children ages six weeks to 5 years of age.
We also offer an After-School and Summer Care
program for children in kindergarten through 6th grade.
Members of this committee serve in an advisory
capacity as well as a ministry liaison between the
weekday education ministry and the church.
Contact Laura White [email protected]
Upward Basketball, Cheerleading, & Soccer: Our Upward
Sports program began ten years ago and has become a vital
ministry and community outreach for our church. Our
volunteer’s help children learn the basics of basketball,
cheerleading, soccer and flag football but more importantly,
teach them memory verses, Bible stories, and the ABCs of accepting Christ into
their lives. Volunteers are needed to coach, referee, helpwith concessions, give
half-time devotions, and much more!
Upward, would also like to have people willing to lead the areas of recruiting,
coaching, refereeing, etc...
Contact Brenda Bethune [email protected]
Disciple-Now Weekend: Disciple-Now Weekend
is a fun filled Christ centered weekend that's
/packed full of small group Bible studies, crazy
games, and awesome worship services! This event
is held annually each spring and is open to all
students in grades 6-12. Adult volunteers are
needed to provide meals, transportation and host
homes. Contact Rob Collins
[email protected]
Student Ministry Team: Youth Ministry team members assist in the planning,
organizing, brain-storming, and running of the various youth events that take
place throughout the year. Team meetings are scheduled about every six weeks
and members are expected to attend whenever possible. Youth Ministry team
members are a pivotal part to the success of the LGBC youth program. Contact
Rob Collins [email protected]
Student Ministry Praise Team: The praise team
practices regularly on Sunday afternoons to prepare
for the Wednesday night student worship. Students
that play or sing for the praise team are expected to be
active in the youth group and overall church. They
should attend Life Group and Sunday morning
worship services regularly and be members of the
church. Members of the praise team must attend
practice in order to play. Praise team is considered a
ministry, not a gig. Therefore students that are part of
the praise team are also expected to be of high moral
character possessing attitudes that reflect our Lord
[email protected]
Youth Ministry con’t
Lunches of Love Mission Project: Provides food for local elementary children
that otherwise would not have enough to eat over the weekend. Join in to help
pack the food bags on Wednesdays at 5:30pm in the Fellowship Hall. You can
also provide money and food donations. Contact Kathy Zeigler
[email protected]
Student Worship Chaperones: Provide watchful eye to the gathering and
departing times of the Student Worship Service on Wednesday’s from 66:30pm and 7:30-8pm. Contact Shari Shrum [email protected]
Recreation/Events: The Recreation/Events Committee develops and promotes
Activities that are church wide fellowship and a way to connect people in our
Community to our Church. Contact Brenda Bethune
[email protected]
Fall Festival
Church wide Trips (skiing, cruises, New York City, etc…)
Pool Party
White Water Rafting
Six Flags
Deacon and Congregational Care Ministries
Sorrow and Grief Team (Bereavement): Minister to those families that have lost loved ones by
attending funeral services, visiting with the bereaved,sending cards, and ensuring that the church
body remembers the loss of loved ones. Contact Dave Shrum [email protected]
Evangelism & Ministry Team: Organize and execute events that lead people to Christ;
e.g.,Assisting church ministries, activities, and programs that promote outreach and evangelism,
such as Upwards (Coaching, Refereeing, Devotions) and fall festival; special outreach programs
such as a visitation blitz on a new housing area in our community, Tent Revivals, etc.; coordinating
with church leadership to integrate evangelism opportunities within the outward activities of
LGBC. Contact Lisa Taylor [email protected]
Recovery and Homebound Team: Visit those who are homebound or
recovering to provide meals on Wednesday night and to determine how longer
term needs can be met. This team would help identify needs that could be
met by the Helping Hands team. Contact Arlene Emery
[email protected]
Visitation for the Hospitalized Team: To visit those in the hospital in order to ensure that those
dealing with the stress of a physical injury, illness, or medical procedure feel the love and comfort of
Christ through the church community. Contact: Shelli Kirby [email protected]
Accomodation (Hospitality) & New Member Shepherding (Assimilation):
Ensure that visitors feel welcome, know the basic "where, what, and when" of ministries and activities
at LGBC, and to do follow up visits. Includes greeting visitors (and repeat visitors), "muggings", note
cards, and coordination with church members to provide welcoming companionship as they move
towards membership. Coordinating with the New Member team to hand-off when they've become
And to ensure that new members make crucial connections with existing members and through these
connections become active participants in LGBC. Includes providing information to new members
about life groups and service opportunities within the church life; helping new members find their
way into a growing church life. Contact Jim Pillsbury [email protected]
Task Team (Helping Hands): Performing mission type tasks within the congregation: car rides to
the doctor's office, helping get groceries; home repairs, household activities to alleviate the strain on
family care givers. Contact Daniel Evans [email protected]
After Dinner @ the Grove: This is an informal time of adult
Bible Study and fellowship on Wednesday evenings at 6:30 PM.
Volunteers are needed to provide snacks on a rotating basis
[email protected]
Life Groups: Life Group classes are offered for all age
groups at 9:15 am on Sunday mornings. Volunteers are
needed to teach preschool, children, youth and adult classes.
A wide variety of adult classes are offered which range from
6 week short-term special topic studies to full-year
traditional Bible study classes.
Special Needs Class
Volunteers are also needed. Contact Mary Osborne for
preschool and children at 256-379-2813 (ext. 28)
[email protected] , Rob Collins for youth at
[email protected] , and Marilyn Benefield for
adults at [email protected].
Education Resource Team: Responsible for assistance,
selection and approval of Life Group study materials.
Contact Marilyn Benefield [email protected]
Properties Committee: The Properties Committee
assists the church in the management and
maintenance of all church real estate (buildings and
ground.) The committee’s duties include:
 Determination of maintenance needs and the
meeting of those needs, either through the use of
church volunteer labor or a recommendation to
the church to engage professional assistance.
This applies to both buildings and the
maintenance of grounds.
 Recommending to the Personnel Committee the
hiring of janitorial personnel, with church approval, and overseeing this
 Recommending policies to the church regarding the use of properties.
 Volunteers to maintain flower beds.
Contact Bill Kelley [email protected]
Security Committee: The Security Committee assists the church in securing the
buildings nightly and ensuring that all doors are locked, lights turned off, heat/air
conditioning units are turned up or down as needed and the security alarms are set
after all activities for the day are completed.
Building Committee: Oversees and directs the remodel of our church facilities
as one of the outflows of the Jubilee Campaign of Generosity. Contact John
Harchanko [email protected]
Celebration Ministry Team: The Celebration Team
plans, organizes, and carries out all major church-wide
functions such as Marriage Enrichment Events, our
annual Fall Hoe-Down, banquets, dinners, etc. Volunteers
are needed to plan menus, shop for groceries, prepare
meals, and decorate for events.
Contact Ginger Broyles [email protected]
Shower and Tea Committee: Our Shower and Tea
Committee provides showers for all church members who are
preparing for their first wedding or the birth of their first
child. Volunteers are needed to schedule and plan showers,
prepare or purchase food, decorate and serve refreshments.
Contact Sherry Gage [email protected]
Ushers The Usher Committee responsibilities are:
 See that ushers are available at all Sunday services and at special services
as needed, such as revivals, music programs, and funerals.
 Distribute the order of worship, direct members and visitors to available
seats, and take the initiative in ensuring comfort of the congregation during
worship services.
 Receive offerings
 Establish and maintain a training program for new ushers
 Seek to promote a spirit of worship at all church services
 Give special attention to visitors of the church
Contact Dorrell Benefield [email protected] or
Matt Neal [email protected] 256-851-6581
Welcome Center: Our Welcome Center is open before and after
Life Groups and morning worship services. Volunteers are needed
to greet guests, answer questions, offer informative literature, and
help them find Life Groups for each family member to attend.
Contact Donna White [email protected]
Other Church Ministries
Publicity Committee: The Publicity Committee’s purpose is to communicate the
church’s work to church members and to the community. Specific duties of the
Publicity Committee include:
 Publicizing special events of the church in local and denominational media.
 Design, prepare and erect outdoor signs relating to major events.
 Increase church members’ awareness of the value of good church public
 Assist in the production of a general church directory, when needed.
 Recommend policies and actions to improve church public relations and thus
enhance the attractiveness of Locust Grove to the community.
The pastor and church secretary serve as ex-officio members of this committee.
Contact Matt Neal [email protected] 256-851-6581
Stewardship Committee: The Stewardship Committee develops and promotes
stewardship education and activities that result in church members giving as
distinctive Christian stewards. Duties of the Stewardship Committee include:
 To lead in all aspects of stewardship promotion throughout the year, including
the stewardship of time, talents and money and the Biblical principle of tithing.
 To solicit support for and promote the needs of the church’s general operating
 To offer training opportunities for personal and family financial management.
 To educate the church membership in the opportunities within the church
programs for service and financial support.
The chairperson of the Finance Committee and the pastor are ex-officio members
of this committee. Contact Jim Pillsbury 256-489-9500 [email protected]
Set-up/Take-down Team: A group to help with setting up and taking down tables
and chairs for special events. It is a small commitment but very important so that
events run smoothly.
Other Church Ministries con’t
YAH-WHOs (Young At Heart—We Help Others) This Senior Adult group
meets the 3rd Monday of each month at 6 pm for a covered dish meal. The YAHWHOs are very active in many areas of the church. They provide
food for World Changers, One Harvest Distribution Days,
Church Wide Cleanup Days, Vacation Bible School and many
other events. The YAH- WHOs enjoy taking day trips to different
locations and always find a way to combine good food and fun.
Contact Louise Klimek 256-859-6543
Family Ministry: Exists to strengthen families in Christ, through conferences,
Life Group Studies, and special events that are meant to enrich marriages and help
guide the journey of parenting, as we stay focused on the One who designed it all.
Contact Shari Shrum [email protected]
Community Benevolence Ministry: The Benevolence Committee consists of
members who perform acts of benevolence to persons in need. The committee’s
responsibilities are:
 Investigate requests for personal
emergency assistance, whether physical or
 Take action appropriate to the
circumstances of each case.
 Be aware of community agencies that are
available to provide assistance so as to
refer persons to these agencies if necessary.
 Supervise church benevolence fund and request an appropriate amount be
included in the church budget each year for this purpose.
Contact Debbie Dobbs [email protected]
Food Pantry: Our food pantry is used to help families in our community who are
in need of food. We store non-perishable food and toiletry items and give them
out as needed to local families. Volunteers are needed to donate food, shop for
groceries, organize the shelves in the pantry and prepare food boxes.
Contact Penny Briscoe [email protected]
Suggested Donations for the Food Pantry:
Breakfast items, boxes of liquid milk (no
refrigeration required), macaroni & cheese,
spaghetti & sauce, peanut butter & jelly, instant
potatoes, rice, canned fruits and vegetables, soup,
crackers, tuna fish, and kid-friendly foods such as
Spaghettios, Ravioli, Vienna sausage, etc.
Missions con’t
One Harvest Food Ministry: One Harvest Ministries is a non-profit, nondenominational, faith based organization
that provides high quality food choices at
an affordable price for families.
You can order a box of food for $35 that is
usually worth more than $60. One box will
feed a single person for almost a month, a
family of four for a week. There are no
requirements for purchase, anyone can buy
any number of boxes, and One Harvest also
has specials each month that can be added for an additional price. Volunteers are
needed to take and process orders, pick up food on delivery days, greet people as
they arrive in the parking lot, carry boxes to vehicles, and pray with individuals
when they pick up their food. Contact Laura Walls [email protected]
Missions Leadership Team:
Contact Kim Broyles [email protected]
Local Missions "Team Jerusalem" is focused on mission work within Madison
County, Alabama. This may include (but is not limited to) local repair work,
feeding the hungry, benevolence projects, building houses and hosting LGBC
partner teams who may travel to New Market to do local mission work. This
team works closely with the Disaster Relief/Emergency Response team (Team
Nehemiah) in the event of a local crisis. Team Jerusalem also identifies local
organizations and churches that can partner with LGBC to work together on local
needs (in support of the LGBC reciprocating relationship goal). This team offers
help to several LGBC groups that are already in place doing local kingdom work.
Craig Zeigler / 256-379-5114 / [email protected]
Kathy Zeigler / 256-379-5114 / [email protected]
Jeff Peterson / 256-777-2779 / [email protected]
Missions con’t
Current Team Jerusalem Opportunities:
1. Renovate home in Lincoln Village (128 Barrell). Need: 3 to 5 people.
Schedule: Thursdays and Saturdays from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
Coordinator: Craig Zeigler / 256-379-5114 / [email protected]
2. Tutor students at Martin Luther King Elementary. Need: As many volunteers
as possible. Schedule: Lunch time, 1 day per week, choice of day. Coordinator:
Jeff Peterson / 256-777-2779 / [email protected]
3. Mentor children at Mt. Carmel Elementary. Need: 10 to 15 people. Schedule:
30 minutes / your choice of day of the week.
Coordinator: Kathy Zeigler / 256-379-5114 / [email protected]
Disaster Relief/Emergency Response "Team Nehemiah" is primarily focused
on ensuring that LGBC is prepared in the event of disasters and emergencies
through the mobilization of supplies, financial resources, tools, equipment and
volunteers. This team will work Team Jerusalem and other sub teams to recruit
resources and support when a disaster or emergency need presents itself in the sub
teams area of responsibility. As with the other teams, this team will also be
responsible for identifying organizations that LGBC can partner with to enhance
our ability to react in the event of disasters/emergencies.
Contact Todd Gipson [email protected]
Missions con’t
Regional Missions Team: This team will be focused on mission work outside of
Madison County, Alabama but in our region (primarily focused in the Southeast
U.S. but depending on need may extend to anywhere in the U.S.).
Contact John Harchanko [email protected]
International Missions “Ends of the Earth Team”
Operation Christmas Child: Since 1993, more than 100 million boys and girls
in over 130 countries have experienced God’s love through the power of simple
shoebox gifts from Operation Christmas Child. Samaritan’s Purse works with
local churches and ministry partners to deliver the gifts and share the lifechanging Good News of Jesus Christ. Watch for announcements and get
involved! Contact Becky Pillsbury 256-489-9500 [email protected]
Mission Trips: Mission Trips in recent years have included ministry in Guatemala,
Perry County, AL, Pearlington, MS, Hagerhill, KY, and Hobert, OK. Volunteers are
needed to help in planning, budgeting, building, roofing, painting, preparing meals,
etc. For regional mission trips contact John Harchanko or Jon Naumann. For
international mission trips contact Mike Durboraw [email protected]
Baptism Committee: The Baptism
Committee assists the pastor and the baptismal
candidates before and after the service of
baptism as needed, concerning the filling of
the baptistery, dressing rooms, equipment and
accessories. They also make sure that there is
an adequate inventory of towels and they are
laundered and ready for the next service.
Contact Penny Brink [email protected]
Decorating - Stage set up for special programs and seasonal events requires
people with skills in décor. If you are interested in helping in this area, please
contact the church office.
Lord’s Supper Committee - The Lord’s Supper
Committee duties are as follows:
 Preparation of the elements and the table for the
observance of the Lord’s Supper service.
 Responsibility for cleaning, maintaining and storing
 Recommending purchases of new items when needed.
Contact Gayle Williams (1st service) [email protected]
or Trish Lane (2nd service) [email protected]
Worship and Music con’t
Musicians - Instrumentalists for orchestra and worship bands.
Orchestra members should be in High School and have at least
three years of study to be able to play. Auditions required.
Worship band uses guitars, drums, keyboards, etc. Auditions
required. Contact David Tripp [email protected]
Preschool & Children’s Choirs - Our preschool
and children’s choirs are seasonal (short term) age
graded choirs that perform at Christmas and Easter
requiring two to three adults per class. Some
understanding of music is very helpful, as well as a
gift to work with children. Highly rewarding!
Contact Jenny Cleary [email protected]
Sound and Media Operators - Provide behind the screens leadership for each of
our worship gatherings. Sound techs need to have a good ear and some basic skills
with sound equipment. Media operators need some limited understanding of our
presentation software, Media Shout and basic computer skills. Contact David
Tripp [email protected]
Vocalists - Worship Choir is an all volunteer
group that requires no audition, just a love
for music in worship. All small groups such
as worship band singers, and ensembles
require choir membership and are
auditioned. Contact David Tripp
[email protected]
Locust Grove Sisters of Grace: Sisters of Grace is Locust Grove’s Christian
women's ministry organization which meets regularly for the purpose of
fellowship and encouragement in the name of Christ. If you would like to
become involved in our ministry, please contact Sarah Bengs
[email protected]
Moms In Prayer: Moms In Prayer Intl. meet in the Christian Life Center
each Tuesday morning during the school year from 10:00- 11:00 am. This
group is open to anyone who will help pray for our children, our teachers and
our schools. Contact Usha Hinton [email protected]
Church Administration
(Selection is responsibility of Nominating Committee)
Finance Committee: Our Finance Committee provides financial
administration and management of church operations, and plans the annual
budget of the church. Contact Jonathan Kirby [email protected]
Personnel Committee: The Personnel Committee evaluates the need of
church staff positions, prepares position descriptions, and recruits, interviews,
and recommends to the church (in coordination with the Finance and any
other appropriate committee) proposed additions to the staff. Neither
members of the personnel committee nor their family members may serve in
salaried church positions. Contact Jim Solomon [email protected]
Nominating Committee: The Nominating Committee is responsible for
recommending to the church all persons for “volunteer”, that is, non-paid,
positions of leadership, with the exception of the deacons. Also selects and
enlists program organization leaders, committee members and chairpersons,
general church officers and members of the Finance and Personnel Committees.
This includes filling vacancies that occur during the year. Contact Marilyn
Benefield [email protected]