Local Voter May-June 2015 - League of Women Voters of Syracuse
Local Voter May-June 2015 - League of Women Voters of Syracuse
May /June 2015 METRO LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS SYRACUSE Syracuse Metro LWV PO Box 11866 Syracuse NY 13218 Phone: (315) 396-8225 Email: [email protected] Web Sites: Local: www.lwvsyr.org State: www.lwvny.org National: www.lwv.org LOCAL VOTER LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS SYRACUSE METROPOLITAN AREA SYRACUSE METROPOLITAN LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS 2015 ANNUAL MEETING AND BUFFET LUNCHEON UPCOMING EVENTS Tuesday, May19 School Budgets & Candidates Elections June 5-7 LWVNYS Convention Friday, June 12th LWVSYR Annual Meeting FRIDAY, JUNE 12, 2015 11:30 AM—1:30 PM RAMADA INN 1305 BUCKLEY ROAD NORTH SYRACUSE NY 13212 PROGRAM: INSIDE THIS ISSUE Board Notes………..............................2 Co-President’s Message ……..……...3 Calendar..…………………………….3 Proposed Budget…………………... ..4 Nominating Committee Report…..…5 Proposed Local Issues/Positions……6 Recent League Events……………….7 Membership Application………..…..8 PLEASE SUPPORT THE 2015 BIG LEAGUE RAFFLE By purchasing tickets you will be supporting both the LWVNY Education Foundation and the Syracuse League at the same time. Tickets have been mailed to all League members. Please return your tickets by May 29, 2015 to: LWVNYS, 62 Grand Street, Albany NY 12207 THE FUTURE OF SYRACUSE & CENTRAL NEW YORK GUEST SPEAKERS: CATHERINE RICHARDSON CORNELIUS (NEIL) MURPHY CO-CHAIRS OF CONSENSUS THE COMMISSION ON LOCAL GOVERNMENT MODERNIZATION ______ Number of Reservations @ $25.00 Name ______________________________________________ Address __________________________________ Phone _________________ Email _______________________ Please return this form with your payment by Monday, June 8th to: Syracuse Metro LWV, PO Box 11866, Syracuse NY 13218 or email us at [email protected] or call us at 315-396-8225 to make your reservation. The event is open to the public— feel free to bring a friend MEMBERSHIP NOTES We note the loss of long time member and former board member, Barbara Haege. Throughout her illness she remained passionate about the League continuing her membership and generous donations. Officers Co-President... Co-President" Secretary" Treasurer". Rhonda Hungerford Joan Johnson open Diane Dwire Directors MEMBERSHIP RENEWALS Membership chairs, Sylvia Matousek and Julia Fuleihan will soon be sending out renewal letters. Thanks to all for your support of the League in the past as well as the future. Education Membership " Publications/Public Relations" Voter Service" Directors-at-large Margrit Diehl Sylvia Matousek Joan Johnson Joan Durant Michele Jones Galvin Hasoni Pratts PLANNING FOR THE FUTURE OF OUR LEAGUE The Board of Directors and other members of the Syracuse LWV have met to discuss the future of our organization. It is becoming more and more difficult to find individuals willing to sit on the board or committees. In addition our programs have not been well attended. We have been working with our state membership and leadership development coordinator to discuss ways to stimulate interest in the League. Our recent surveys conducted by two Syracuse University students have revealed some of the reasons interest in the League has declined. As you can see from our slate of officers and directors, we will be trying a “Leadership Team” approach rather than electing a president or co-presidents. Our Candidate for Students Inside Albany Anna Capria I am Anna Capria and I am so excited to be a part of the Students Inside Albany experience, I think I will grow and have a blast. I am the girl at school that is in more organizations and groups then I have fingers to count. I really enjoy model-united nations and student government. I am the president of the Student Council. lt,’s exciting to make decisions and work on events that benefit my school. I run cross-country and make ceramic pieces out of clay; which are two activities that I find relaxing. I play the tuba in many band groups that Baker High School has to offer. My goal is to make the most of life and to not squander opportunities like this one. I am hoping to use this opportunity for a basis of knowledge that I plan on expanding. First, I plan to cure mitochondrial disease and then I would like to change policies in our government to help an even wider range of people. I hope to make everyone proud and am grateful and thankful for this opportunity. Anna is an 11th grader at Baker High School, Baldwinsville, NY Off-Board Positions Budget Director". Nominating Committee".. Technical Support" Roberta Millert Lisa Alford Ona Bregman Helen Buck Diane Dwire Sylvia Matousek Roberta Millert The League of Women Voters, a nonpartisan political organization encourages the informed and active participation of citizens in government and influences public policy through education and advocacy. For more information please call the League office at (315) 396-8225 or email to [email protected] Diversity Statement The Syracuse Metropolitan League of Women Voters is committed to diversity and pluralism, which means there shall be no barriers to participation in any League activity on the basis of age, race, ethnicity, gender, disability, sexual orientation, religion, economic status, or national origin. Please let us know your email address or if your address has changed. It is the most efficient way to communicate . You will be notified of upcoming local events and LWVUS and LWVNY National & State Action Alerts and news. Your e-mail address will not be shared or sold. Please respond to [email protected] if there has been a change on how we can contact you. 2 We hope you will join us for our Annual Meeting at the Ramada Inn on Friday, June 12, 2015. We will have as our guests, two of the co-chairs of Consensus, the Commission on Local Government Modernization: Cornelius B. Murphy, Jr., a Senior Fellow for Environmental and Sustainable Systems at SUNY’s College of Environmental Science and Forestry and a former president of the University, and M. Catherine Richardson, retired attorney with Bond, Schoeneck & King PLLC. CONSENSUS was launched in 2014 as a partnership of Syracuse20/20, CenterState CEO, the County of Onondaga, the City of Syracuse, FOCUS Greater Syracuse, League of Women Voters of the Syracuse Metro Area, Onondaga Citizens League and the Homebuilders & Remodelers Association of CNY. The League is honored to be a part of such an impressive group. The goal of the commission is to review the number and types of local governments in the County; determine the costs associated with these governments; and to learn of opportunities and barriers to restructuring local government while providing essential services to the citizens of Onondaga County. With assistance from Senators John DeFrancisco and David Valesky, the commission was able to secure funding to hire a consultant to produce a baseline report showing all local government structures, costs and benefits. The results of this work and the next steps in the process will be the focus of our speakers’ presentation. Onondaga County is the only government entity in New York State presently to undertake such a study. Hopefully the work of this commission will be a blueprint for other municipalities to follow, helping upstate New York become more competitive in bringing jobs and a quality of life that will keep our young as well as retirees from leaving the area and bringing many who have left back to central New York. Government modernization will only work with citizen engagement. Please plan to attend our June 12th meeting to learn more about the Commission and its work. Joan Johnson, Co-President CALENDAR Tuesday, May 19, 2015 School Candidates & Budget Elections (except for the City of Syracuse) June 5-7, 2015 LWVNYS Convention, Albany NY Friday, June 12, 2015, 11:30am—1:30pm Ramada Inn, Liverpool NY LWVSYR Annual Luncheon & Meeting 3 LWV of the Syracuse Metro Area's Proposed Budget for 2013-2014 INCOME 2014-2015 Budget A. Dues 1. Individuals ($55) 2. Household ($80) Subtotal B. Contributions 1. Member 2. Nonmember Subtotal C. Elections 1. Election Reporting 2. Monitoring Elections Subtotal $3,960 $1,040 $5,000 $600 $400 D. Fundraising E. Grants Voter Reg Bar Association EXPENSES Proposed 20152016 $600 $600 $3,630 $640 $4,270 $400 $60 $460 $130 $350 $480 $3,630 $640 $4,270 $1,000 $300 $1,300 $65 $400 $465 $1,175 $175 $145 $175 $150 $1,000 Subtotal G. From Reserve 1. NY Education Fund 2. Geddes Savings Acc. Subtotal TOTAL INCOME EST Actual $350 $1,220 $1,570 $9,520 2014-2015 Budget $175 $1,000 $1,000 $775 $55 $830 $6,360 $350 $1,337 $1,687 $8,872 EST Actual Proposed 20152016 A. Operating Costs 1. General Supplies/Operations 2. Postage and PO Box Subtotal B. Board & Administrated Tools 1. President 2. Board Tools (Web site) 3. Finance Drive & Fundraiser 4. Membership 5. Public Relations Subtotal C. Delegates: State/Natl. Conventions D. Per Member 1. National LWV Payment 2. State LWV Subtotal E. Local Voter 1. Supplies & Printing 2. Postage Subtotal F. Educational 1. Publications Activities 2. Program 3. Who's Who 4. Election Guide 5. Voters Guide 6. Youth Activities a. Students inside Albany b. Grant forVoter Registration Subtotal TOTAL EXPENSES $300 $100 $400 $110 $202 $312 $150 $220 $370 $100 $280 $400 $200 $200 $1,180 $1,000 $2,837 $1,647 $4,484 $150 $140 $290 $100 $1,021 $200 $0 $200 $100 $670 $175 $2,466 $100 $119 $100 $350 $150 $200 $200 $1,000 $1,000 $2,672 $1,670 $4,342 $150 $140 $290 $200 $500 $200 $9,820 $103 $322 $1,000 $2,868 $1,665 $4,533 $117 $99 $216 $75 $194 $225 $60 $302 $856 $250 $0 $720 $0 $1,870 $7,239 $8,872 4 LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS PROPOSED NOMINATING COMMITTEE REPORT 2015-2016 SLATE OF OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS Officers to be elected at annual meeting: Leadership Team Rhonda Hungerford Leadership Team Joan Johnson Leadership Team Joan Durant Leadership Team To Be Determined Secretary Diane Dwire Treasurer Roberta Millert Term Expires 2016 Term Expires 2016 Term Expires 2016 Term Expires 2016 Term Expires 2017 Term Expires 2017 Directors to be elected at annual meeting: Public Relations/Publications Joan Johnson Director-at-large Mary Ann Barth Director-at-large Peggy Chase Director-at-large Ann Jamison Director-at-large( fill vacancy) To Be Determined Voter Service Joan Durant Education Margrit Diehl Term Expires 2017 Term Expires 2017 Term Expires 2017 Term Expires 2017 Term Expires 2016 Term expires 2017 Term Expires 2017 Continuing Officers and Directors: Membership Sylvia Matousek Director-at-large Michele Jones Galvin Director-at-large Hasoni Pratts (Membership Recruitment) Term Expires 2016 Term Expires 2016 Term Expires 2016 Off Board Positions to be elected at annual meeting: Budget Director: To be Determined Nominating Committee Diane Chappell-Daly Nominating Committee Ona Bregman Term Expires 2016 Term Expires 2017 Term Expires 2017 Continuing Off Board Officers Nominating Committee Lisa Alford Term Expires 2017 (Two additional members of the Nominating Committee will be appointed by the Board. Michelle Jones Galvin has agreed to serve in one of these positions). On behalf of the Nominating Committee: Lisa Alford, Ona Bregman, Helen Buck, Sylvia Matousek, Diane Dwire 5 LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS SYRACUSE METROPOLITAN AREA PROPOSED 2015-2016 LOCAL ISSUES/POSITIONS MAKING DEMOCRACY WORK - Promote greater citizen participation in the political process by encouraging citizens to become knowledgeable about the issues and to actively lobby elected officials - Encourage individuals to exercise their right to vote especially among under represented populations LOCAL GOVERNMENT - Study and support where appropriate legislation, which promotes proposals to modernize local government by sharing services among villages, towns, public schools, the city of Syracuse, and Onondaga County - Support efforts to contain sprawl with planned growth throughout Onondaga SOCIAL POLICY - Monitor the state school aid formula and its implications for upstate school districts and the Big 5 city districts - Promote educational efforts dealing with domestic violence and the Integrated Domestic Violence Court in Onondaga County - Promote opposition to the Death Penalty in support of the LWVNY position NATURAL RESOURCES - Support efforts to facilitate improvement projects for Onondaga Lake and its watershed LOCAL SUPPORT FOR STATEWIDE ISSUES/STUDIES - Promote improved reforms for HAVA: including improved training for poll workers, adequate staffing at polling places, the use of split shifts for election workers and citizen education and training for replacement machines - Promote improved election processes which extend and encourage voting, including no-excuse Absentee Balloting, Election Day registration and allowing 16 and 17 year olds to pre-register to vote - Promote and encourage meaningful campaign finance reform - Promote the creation of an independent redistricting commission - Promote the creation of an independent ethics commission - Promote meaningful reform of public authorities - Promote additional legislative rules reform - Promote and encourage meaningful property tax reform. Please note no changes have been proposed from the 2014-2015 Local Issues/Positions Program 6 Recent League Programs Ash for Trash Proposal On Monday, April 13th the Syracuse Metro LWV sponsored a forum on the Ash for Trash Proposal Pictured left to right: Alison King, PhD, representing the Cortland County LWV, Peggy Chase, LWV Member & Onondaga County Legislator, Patrick J. Brown, Educator & Jamesville Positive Action Committee Member and Martha Loew, LWV member and Sierra Club Iroquois Group Chair. Registering Students at Fowler High School League members Margrit Diehl and Joan Johnson registering students at the Onondaga County Bar Association Law Career Day at Fowler High School on April 16th. LWV 95th Anniversary Luncheon On May 15th the Syracuse LWV hosted a luncheon celebrating the 95th anniversary of the founding of the League of Women Voters. The theme of the event centered around area women who have run for office. Our panel included from left to right Sandra DePerno, Oneida County Clerk, Ursula Rozum, 2012 candidate for the 24th Congressional District, Kathleen Rapp, Onondaga County Legislator, and Mary Sennett, Town of Skaneateles Supervisor. Each of the women had a different story to tell on their journey to elected office including why they decided to run and the hurdles they faced along the way. Guests included members of the Utica/ Rome and Cazenovia Leagues, and CNY NOW members. Also at the event were several women who are running for office this fall. We even had a few men who agreed this was one of the best events we have sponsored. Thank you to Joan Durant for moderating the event and to Hasoni Pratts for the beautiful table arrangements and for bringing members of her family. 7 LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS SYRACUSE METROPOLITAN AREA PO BOX 11866 SYRACUSE NY 13218 May/June 2015 YR LWVS TING L M EE A U N N A 2, 2015 J U NE 1 MAKING DEMOCRACY WORK FOR 95 YEARS Please share this information with others who have expressed interest in our work or who have thought about becoming a member of the League. Name ___________________________________________________________________________ Address_________________________________________________________________________ City______________________________ State______________ Zip________________________ Phone________________ Cell Phone_________________ E-mail_________________________ Date ___________________________ To join call us at (315)396-8225, email us at [email protected] or mail this form to Syracuse Metro LWV PO Box 11866 Syracuse NY 13218. 8