Cross Border M&A Symposium
Cross Border M&A Symposium
2015 INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL FORUM NEW YORK FEATURING THE 7TH ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL M&A AWARDS APRIL 27/28, 2015 The M&A Advisor was founded in 1998 to offer insights and intelligence on M&A activities. Over the past seventeen years, through our research, reporting, publishing and summits, we have established the world’s premier network of mergers and acquisitions, restructuring and finance professionals. The International Financial Forum is a private invitation-only summit that will take place on April 27-28 in New York, NY, and will be comprised of two feature events: the Cross Border M&A Symposium and the 7th Annual International M&A Awards. Cross Border M&A Symposium Transnational Dealmaking in The Era of Reglobalization and Technological Innovation ............................................................................................................................................................................................. TUESDAY APRIL 28 | 7:30 AM – 5:00 PM New York Athletic Club – New York, NY ............................................................................................................................................................................................. Now celebrating its 5th year, the Cross Border M&A Symposium was formed in 2010 to provide an exclusive annual forum for the leaders of the global mergers and acquisitions community. Two significant trends are currently affecting international investment strategies and the advancement of cross border M&A. The 2015 Cross Border M&A Symposium will study in tandem: 1. “reglobalization” and the resulting growth in transnational dealmaking; and II. the advancement of technology as a sector and the effect of technological innovation on all geographies and industries. Independently, these trends warrant thoughtful focus and attention. Their inter-relationship has inspired the theme for this year’s “think tank forum” – Transnational Dealmaking in The Era of Reglobalization and Technological Innovation. On April 28, leading US and international M&A professionals, financial markets experts and technology company leaders from over 25 countries, led by a faculty of over 50 industry stalwarts, will assemble at the New York Athletic Club to participate in the Symposium’s exclusive interactive sessions. The delegates and faculty in attendance will include Executive Management; Principals; Directors and Partners of US and international investment firms including private equity, hedge fund, family offices, and institutional investors; investment banking advisors; corporate leadership; legal advisors; consultants; political influencers and policy makers; academics; and the major global business media. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. “Each M&A Advisor Summit is a remarkable edifice – a finely working multi-level network of strategic alliances.” Lee M. Elman, CEO, Elman Investors, Inc. THE SYMPOSIUM FACULTY FEATURES: Hany Fam Carlos Moreira PRESIDENT MASTERCARD ENTERPRISE PARTNERSHIPS CEO WISEKEY THE SYMPOSIUM FACULTY INCLUDES: Larry Seruma CHIEF INVESTMENT OFFICER AND MANAGING PRINCIPAL NILE CAPITAL MANAGEMENT Euan Rellie CO-FOUNDER SR. MANAGING DIRECTOR BDA PARTNERS Pavle Sabic DIRECTOR CREDIT MARKET DEVELOPMENT S&P CAPITAL IQ Florian Funk DIRECTOR EQT PARTNERS Marshall Sonenshine CHAIRMAN SONENSHINE PARTNERS PROFESSOR COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY Jeffrey Wells EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF CYBER DEVELOPMENT, MARYLAND DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Gregory Bedrosian CEO REDWOOD CAPITAL Pavlo Protopapa CHAIRMAN AND CEO SPACECODE Lawrence Goodman HEAD OF M&A PRACTICE CURTIS, MALLET-PREVOST, COLT & MOSLE LLP Selig Sacks CO-CHAIR INTERNATIONAL PRACTICE FOLEY & LARDNER Jake Bright AUTHOR, THE NEXT AFRICA WHITEHEAD FELLOW OF THE FOREIGN POLICY ASSOCIATION Nicole Y. Lamb-Hale SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT ALBRIGHT STONEBRIDGE GROUP Ira Cohen CHAIRMAN SIGNAL HILL INDIA Hani Ramadan MANAGING DIRECTORHEAD OF PRINCIPAL INVESTMENTS WAHA CAPITAL Ceasar N. Anquillare CO-FOUNDER, CHAIRMAN AND CEO WINCHESTER CAPITAL Andrew Rice SR. VICE PRESIDENT THE JORDAN COMPANY Pimm Fox NEWS ANCHOR OF TAKING STOCK BLOOMBERG TELEVISION Henny Sender CHIEF CORRESPONDENT INTERNATIONAL FINANCE FINANCIAL TIMES Bob Stefanowski CEO DFC GLOBAL - A LONE STAR COMPANY Tom Speechley PARTNER AND HEAD OF NORTH AMERICA THE ABRAAJ GROUP Danil Kerimi DIRECTOR, HEAD OF ICT GOVERNMENT COMMUNITY WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM USA James E. Bunn SENIOR MANAGING DIRECTOR HEAD OF INVESTMENT BANKING RAYMOND JAMES Daniel Bases SENIOR CORRESPONDENT THOMSON REUTERS Jaime Malet CHAIRMAN U.S. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, SPAIN Nnamdi Chiekwu FOUNDER AND MANAGING PARTNER NAMDEX Albert Notini MANAGING DIRECTOR NEW MOUNTAIN CAPITAL Rene-Pierre Azria SENIOR PARTNER LIONTREE ADVISORS Bob Profusek PARTNER & HEAD OF M&A JONES DAY .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... “The M&A Advisor is a preeminent thought leader in international finance and M&A. It has provided me with an extraordinary network of dealmakers and colleagues.” Selig Sacks, Co-Chair, International Practice Group, Foley & Lardner With feature Keynote Addresses, Interviews and Stalwart Roundtables sessions on: • The Next Africa • Reglobalization – The Transnational Economic Era • Global Deals/Local Challenges • Cybersecurity and The Internet of Things • Best Practices of The Best Global Dealmakers • M&A In The Global Growth Markets To view the last year’s (2014) profile of the 2014 International Financial Forum Click Here. 7th Annual International M&A Awards .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... TUESDAY APRIL 28 | 6:30 PM – 11:00 PM New York Athletic Club – New York, NY ................................................................................................................................................................................................... Established in 2009, the 7th Annual International M&A Awards is the benchmark for excellence in M&A cross border deal-making. Held at The New York Athletic Club on the evening of April 28, this black tie gala featuring the Chairman’s Reception, Gala Dinner and the Dealmaker’s Closing Party is a perennial sellout. The awards will recognize the leading Cross Border Transactions, Restructurings, Deal Financings, Products and Services, Firms, and Dealmakers from around the world. In addition to celebrating the accomplishments of the top performers of the year, the program will recognize the international M&A pioneers from around the world with the presentation of the 2015 M&A Leadership Awards. To view the press release announcing this year’s Awards Finalists Click Here To view a list of participating companies Click Here. The Forum Agenda ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. MONDAY, APRIL 27, 2015 6:00 – 7:30 pm Opening Cocktail Reception TUESDAY, APRIL 28, 2015 CROSS BORDER M&A SYMPOSIUM 7:30 – 8:30 am Breakfast 8:30 – 11:40 am Cross Border M&A Symposium - Morning Sessions 11:40 – 12:00 pm M&A CONNECTS Networking Break 12:00 – 12:50 pm Luncheon 1:00 – 3:50 pm Cross Border M&A Symposium - Afternoon Sessions 4:00 – 5:00 pm M&A CONNECTS Reception 7TH ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL M&A AWARDS 6:30 – 7:30 pm Chairman’s Reception 7:30 – 9:30 pm Awards Gala Dinner 9:30 – 11:00 pm Closing Party To view a detailed agenda Click Here REGISTER NOW ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. “BDA has grown its advisory service revenues, year after year, by aligning ourselves with the M&A Advisor, and by networking with the stellar faculty and delegates.” Euan Rellie, Co-Founder and Senior Managing Director, BDA Partners The M&A Advisor-Leading The Industry For 17 years .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... The M&A Advisor, founded in 1998 to offer insights and intelligence on M&A, is today the world’s premier leadership organization for M&A, restructuring and financing professionals. For over 17 years, the organization has been reporting on, presenting, and facilitating connections between the industry’s top performers across the globe. Faculty. The company counts over 500 notable dealmakers, media, academics and policy makers in its’ current faculty. Click Here to view a partial list. Hall of Fame. The M&A Advisor recognizes industry stalwarts, whose contribution to the industry is exemplary, with their Lifetime Achievement and Leadership Awards. Click Here to view the Hall of Fame honorees. MandA.TV. With MandA.TV, The M&A Advisor reports en key industry issues and interviews the dealmakers who are making the news. Click Here to view past MandA.TV interviews. Testimonials. The M&A Advisor is recognized globally, by industry stalwarts, for the significance of their role in recognizing and connecting the market leaders. Click Here to view testimonials. To learn more about the International Financial Forum contact Liudmila Pisareva, Leadership Services Manager, The M&A Advisor, at 718 997 7900 or [email protected] In Alliance with: Sponsored by: ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. “The M&A Advisor’s Symposiums give participants access to premium caliber international deal makers and provide the platform for connecting with Distinguished Faculty Members. I have found these professional exchanges have been the basis of numerous successful transactions over the years. As a former judge of the M&A Advisor Awards, I know that the winning transactions and firms have been evaluated against the highest professional standards.Those fortunate enough to become winners of the M&A Advisor Awards have reached the pinnacle of their careers.” John K. Castle, Chairman, Castle Harlan Since 1998, The M&A Advisor has been serving the world’s leading mergers and acquisitions, financing and turnaround professionals.
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