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product catalogue
MAKHRO HOME AND GARDEN PRODUCT CATALOGUE Makhro Home and Garden’s broad spectrum product range will ensure every home and garden to be beautiful and balanced with nature. “Why try to explain miracles to your kids when you can just have them plant a garden .” - Robert Brault - FOR DISEASES IN ROSES PRODUCT DESCRIPTION A well balanced fertilizer which does not release too much nitrogen, which leads to very long internodes, and will not burn the roots of the plant. It releases nutrients over an extended period of time at every watering. Bonsai Boost is very desirable and ideal. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Natural Seabird Guano in liquid and tablet form. Go Organic works especially well for flowers and growing veggies. This product controls: Powdery Mildew Black Spot ACTIVE INGREDIENT N 53g/kg; P 12g/kg; K 14g/kg; Ca 7.9g/kg; Mg 0.62mg/kg; Mn 62mg/ kg; Fe 195mg/kg; Cu 5mg/kg; Zn 58mg/kg; B 40mg/kg AVAILABLE SIZES 240g (20 x 12g bags) PRODUCT REGISTRATION B4846, Act No. 36 of 1947 REGISTRATION HOLDER BONSAI TREE (Terry Erasmus) P.O. Box 3700, Somerset West, 7130 GREEN GAIN 1 FOR ALL ACTIVE INGREDIENT N 0.91%; P 1474mg/kg; K 2293mg/kg; Ca 33.9mg/kg; Mg 0.1%; Na 1719mg/kg; Mn 0.01mg/kg; Fe 2.51mg/kg; Cu 0.56mg/kg; Zn 0.61mg/ kg; B 0.67mg/kg AVAILABLE SIZES 2Lt; 25Lt; Tube – 250g REGISTRATION HOLDER Go Organic 2003/021759/07 PRODUCT REGISTRATION B3839 HORTISOL MULTIPURPOSE FERTILIZER LIQUID FOLIAR FEED - FERTILIZER GRADE 1 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION All new carbon enriched multipurpose fertiliser for the whole garden. It contains twelve highly soluble plant nutrients as well as carbon and humates and peat for healthy soil and optimal plant nutrition. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION A liquid foliar feed formulation for use as a nutritional supplement for commercial and garden ornamentals, pot plants, orchids and bonsai trees. ACTIVE INGREDIENT Micro Elements: FE 0.45%; Mn 0.3%, Zn 0.23%; Cu 0.75%, B 0.15%; Mo 0.015%; Macro Elements: 11% N; 1.8% P; 5.5% K; 6.45% Seaweed AVAILABLE SIZES 50kg; 5kg; Fertilizer Funnels and tablets (4 Pack); Refill tablets (6 Pack) AVAILABLE SIZES 200ml; 500ml; 1Lt REGISTRATION HOLDER Green Gain Fertilizer 2002/010815/07 PRODUCT REGISTRATION Act 36 of 1947: K6149 FERTILIZERS WATER SOLUBLE FERTILIZER FOR FERTIGATION PRODUCT DESCRIPTION A water-soluble fertilizer and is suitable for application via an irrigation system in a home garden. Further it is ideal to be used as a foliar feed to be sprayed on foliage of plants. ACTIVE INGREDIENT N 112 g/kg; P 52 g/kg; K 264 g/kg; Mg 19 g/kg AVAILABLE SIZES 1kg PRODUCT REGISTRATION Act 36 of 1947: K7046 ORGANICIDE REGISTRATION HOLDER Makhro Agro SA (Pty) Ltd 1994/001973/07 ORGANICIDE PLUS ORGANIC INSECTICIDE This product controls: Aphids Red Spider Mite Whitefly New Product PRODUCT DESCRIPTION An organic broad spectrum insecticide concentrate with contact and repelling action used as a full cover spray for the control of insects as listed on roses, fruit trees, vegetables and ornamentals. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION An organic broad spectrum insecticide concentrate with contact and repelling action used as a full cover spray for the control of insects as listed on roses, fruit trees, vegetables and ornamentals. AVAILABLE SIZE: 100ml PRODUCT REGISTRATION Act No. 36 of 1947: L9579 REGISTRATION HOLDER Makhro Agro SA (Pty) Ltd 1994/001973/07 Hazard Classification: Caution Only use product as indicated in product pamphlet. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION A contact fungicide specially formulated for roses and has no negative effect. Chronos controls Black Spot and Powdery Mildew on roses. ACTIVE INGREDIENTS Prochloraz zinc complex (imidazole) 530g/ℓ Prochloraz equivalent 450g/ℓ AVAILABLE SIZES 100ml; 200ml; 1lt PRODUCT REGISTRATION Act No. 36 of 1947: L7276 N-AR 0868 REGISTRATION HOLDER Adama South Africa (Pty) Ltd 1992/0017471/07 Hazard Classification: Caution Only use product as indicated in product pamphlet. ACTIVE INGREDIENTS Conola oil 250.0 g/ℓ Garlic extract from Allium sativa 642.0 g/ℓ Pyrethrins extract from flowers of Chrysanthemum cinerariaefolium 14.0 g/ℓ Piperonyl butoxide (synergist) 50.0g/ℓ REGISTRATION HOLDER Makhro Agro SA (Pty) Ltd 1994/001973/07 Hazard Classification: Harmful Only use product as indicated in product pamphlet. New Product PRODUCT DESCRIPTION A suspension concentrate contact fungi and bactericide to control diseases listed on crops as indicated. ACTIVE INGREDIENTS Copper Hydroxide 538g/ℓ Copper Equivalent 530g/ℓ AVAILABLE SIZES 1lt PRODUCT REGISTRATION Reg. No. L7526, Act No. 36 of 1947 N-AR 1333 REGISTRATION HOLDER NULANDIS (A division of AECI Ltd) Reg. No. 1924 / 002590 / 06 Hazard Classification: Harmful Only use product as indicated in product pamphlet. ORIUS 200 EW RTU FOR DISEASES IN ORNAMENTALS This product controls: Early and Late Blight Brown Rust Downy Mildew Dollar Spot Black Spot This product controls: Rust Purple Blotch Powdery Mildew Early Blight FUNGICIDE Plus more (see product leaflet) Plus more (see product leaflet) PRODUCT DESCRIPTION A broad spectrum contact fungicide for the control of diseases in lawns, crops and ornamentals. ACTIVE INGREDIENTS Chlorothalonil 720g/ℓ AVAILABLE SIZES 100ml PRODUCT REGISTRATION Act No. 36 of 1947: L7596 N-AR 0913 REGISTRATION HOLDER Adama South Africa (Pty) Ltd 1992/0017471/07 Hazard Classification: Caution Only use product as indicated in product pamphlet. ORIUS 250 EW PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Orius is a broad spectrum systemic fungicide, for the control of Black Spot, Powdery Mildew and Rust on various crops and ornamentals. Ready to use: No mixing required. ACTIVE INGREDIENTS Tebuconazole (triazole) 0.25g/ℓ AVAILABLE SIZES RTU 750ml PRODUCT REGISTRATION Act No. 36 of 1947: L8302 REGISTRATION HOLDER Makhro Agro SA (Pty) Ltd 1994/001973/07 Hazard Classification: Caution Only use product as indicated in product pamphlet. PRUNING SEAL FOR DISEASES IN ORNAMENTALS PROTECTIVE COMPOUND FOR SEALING This product controls: Leaf Rust Dollar Spot Black Spot Powdery Mildew PRODUCT DESCRIPTION A protective compound for the sealing of pruning wounds in all crops, ornamentals and roses. FUNGICIDE Plus more (see product leaflet) PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Orius is a broad spectrum systemic fungicide, for the control of Black Spot, Powdery Mildew and Rust on various crops and ornamentals. DIRECTIONS FOR USE Apply to fresh wounds directly after pruning or cutting by means of a brush or pad. After application the product must have sufficient time to dry thoroughly before rain falls otherwise it will wash off. It is good practice not to prune in rain weather. Brushes and pads should be thoroughly washed in cold water after use. ACTIVE INGREDIENTS Tebuconazole (triazole) 250g/ℓ AVAILABLE SIZES 170g AVAILABLE SIZES 100ml; 200ml; 1lt AVAILABLE SIZE: 100ml PRODUCT REGISTRATION Act No. 36 of 1947: L9558 This product controls: Bacterial Spot Rust Leaf Spot Early Blight Downy Mildew Black Spot BROAD SPECTRUM CONTACT FUNGICIDE This product controls: Aphids Red Spider Mite Whitefly Plus more (see product leaflet) CUNGFU 538 SC FUNGI AND BACTERIA CONTROL Plus more (see product leaflet) ORGANIC INSECTICIDE Plus more (see product leaflet) ACTIVE INGREDIENTS Conola oil 473.0 g/ℓ Garlic extract from Allium sativa 473.0 g/ℓ Pyrethrum 2.75 g/ℓ Plus more (see product leaflet) REGISTRATION HOLDER Ocean Agriculture (Pty) Ltd 1969/015669/07 MULTI BOOSTER New Product FUNGICIDE ODEON 720 SC ACTIVE INGREDIENT N 134.4 g/kg; P 31.5 g/kg; K 81.8 g/kg; Ca 24.7 g/kg; Mg 11.0 g/kg; S 07.8 g/kg Plus trace elements: Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn, B & Mo PRODUCT REGISTRATION Act 36 of 1947: K8241 ORGANIC INSECTICIDE CHRONOS 450 SC GO ORGANIC NATURAL SEABIRD GUANO PRODUCT REGISTRATION Act No. 36 of 1947: L6832 N-AR 0780 REGISTRATION HOLDER Adama South Africa (Pty) Ltd 1992/0017471/07 Hazard Classification: Caution Only use product as indicated in product pamphlet. FUNGICIDES BONSAI BOOST PURE, HIGH QUALITY ORGANIC CANOLA MEAL GARLON 480 EC GLYPHOGAN 360 SL SYSTEMIC HERBICIDE NON-SELECTIVE HERBICIDE CONTROL OF WOODY PLANTS AND WEEDS New Product This product controls: Port Jackson Black Wattle Mauritius Thorn Slangbos Plus more (see product leaflet) BUNGY 15 SC FOR WEED FREE PAVING INDOOR / OUTDOOR RESIDUAL ACTION This product controls: Annual Grasses Broad Leaf Weeds Perennial Weeds Perennial Grass Reeds Shrubs This product controls: Bed Bugs Cockroaches Fish Moths House Flies INSECTICIDE KEMPRIN 200 EC FRUIT FLY & GENERAL INSECTICIDE This product controls: American bollworm Aphids Lily borer Army worm Plus more (see product leaflet) Plus more (see product leaflet) Plus more (see product leaflet) ACTIVE INGREDIENTS Triclopyr (Pyridyloxy Compound) 480g/ℓ (as butoxy ethyl ester) AVAILABLE SIZES 1lt PRODUCT REGISTRATION L4916, Act No. 36 of 1947 N-AR 0557 REGISTRATION HOLDER Dow Agroscience Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd Reg No 1967 / 007147 / 07 Hazard Classification: Harmful Only use product as indicated in product pamphlet. GLYPHOGAN 360 SL RTU NO MORE WEEDS FOR WEED FREE PAVING PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Glyphogan is a non-selective herbicide for control of weeds, on paving, pebbles and path ways. ACTIVE INGREDIENTS Glyphosate 360g/ℓ AVAILABLE SIZES 100ml; 200ml; 1lt; 5lt PRODUCT REGISTRATION Act No. 36 of 1947:L5393 N-AR 0491 REGISTRATION HOLDER Adama South Africa (Pty) Ltd 1992/0017471/07 Only use product as indicated in product pamphlet. Plus more (see product leaflet) KOINOR 350 SC This product controls: Winter Grass White Goose foot Hairy Wild Lettuce Sow Thistle Chick Weed Common Dandelion This product controls: Aphids Red Scale Psylla Leaf Miner Conifer Aphid Mole Crickets SYSTEMIC INSECTICIDE Plus more (see product leaflet) ACTIVE INGREDIENTS Glyphosate (glycine) 18 g/ℓ (glyphosate isopropylamine salt 24 g/ℓ) ACTIVE INGREDIENTS Terbuthylazine 287g/ℓ Simazine 213g/ℓ AVAILABLE SIZES RTU 750ml AVAILABLE SIZES 100ml; 200ml; 1lt PRODUCT REGISTRATION Act No. 36 of 1947: L8357 N-AR 1084 REGISTRATION HOLDER Makhro Agro SA (Pty) Ltd 1994/001973/07 Hazard Classification: Harmful Only use product as indicated in product pamphlet. SUPER LAWNWEEDER SL BROAD LEAF WEED KILLER IN LAWNS BROAD LEAF WEED KILLER IN LAWNS This product controls: Free State Daisy Blackjack Cosmos Khaki Weed White Goose Devil’s Thorn This product controls: White Goose foot Devil’s Thorn Bur clover Purslane SELECTIVE HERBICIDE Hazard Classification: Caution Only use product as indicated in product pamphlet. SEASON LONG CONTROL PRODUCT DESCRIPTION A pre- and post-emergence herbicide for the control of winter grass and some broad leaves as listed in established Kikuyu, Quick and Buffalo grass. MCPA 400 SL SELECTIVE HERBICIDE HERBICIDES ACTIVE INGREDIENTS MCPA (phenoxy acid) 400g/ℓ as potassium salt AVAILABLE SIZES 100ml; 200ml PRODUCT REGISTRATION Act No. 36 of 1947: L7809 N-AR 0919 REGISTRATION HOLDER Makhro Agro SA (Pty) Ltd 1994/001973/07 Hazard Classification: Harmful Only use product as indicated in product pamphlet. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION A broad spectrum contact insecticide for the control of various pests around your house and on crops as listed in label. ACTIVE INGREDIENTS Cypermethrin (pyrethroid) 200g/ℓ AVAILABLE SIZES 100ml; 200ml; 1Lt PRODUCT REGISTRATION Act No. 36 of 1947: L3145 N-AR 0920 REGISTRATION HOLDER Kempton Chemicals (Pty) Ltd 2000/004551/07 Hazard Classification: Harmful Only use product as indicated in product pamphlet. LURECTRON FLY BAIT A FLY BAIT WITH NATURAL ATTRACTANTS Control of flies in and around: Housing and Human Dwellings Manure Heaps Refuse Tips Food Handling Plants Stables, Chicken Runs Etc. Plus more (see product leaflet) PRODUCT DESCRIPTION A systemic, contact, suspension concentrate insecticide for the control of various pests on crops as listed. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Fly bait with natural attractants for the control of house flies in and around animal housing, manure heaps, and refuse tips outside of human dwellings and food handling plants. ACTIVE INGREDIENTS Imidacloprid (chloronicotinyl) 350g/ℓ ACTIVE INGREDIENTS Methomyl (carbamate) 10g/kg Tricosene (attractant) 2,5g/kg AVAILABLE SIZES 50ml; 100ml; 1Lt; 5Lt PRODUCT REGISTRATION Act No. 36 of 1947: L8562 N-AR 0784 REGISTRATION HOLDER Makhro Agro SA (Pty) Ltd 1994/001973/07 Hazard Classification: Harmful Only use product as indicated in product pamphlet. MAKHRO PLANT CARE AVAILABLE SIZES 200g; 600g PRODUCT REGISTRATION Act No. 36 of 1947: L7579 REGISTRATION HOLDER Adama South Africa (Pty) Ltd 1992/0017471/07 Hazard Classification: Caution Only use product as indicated in product pamphlet. SEIZER 100 EC SYSTEMIC AND CONTACT INSECTICIDE FOR THE CONTROL OF PESTS IN CROPS This product controls: White Grubs Aphids White Flies White Grub Larvae Red Spider Mite Bollworm Tuber Moth This product controls: Red Spider Mite American Bollworm Tuber Moth Semi-Looper New Product Plus more (see product leaflet) Plus more (see product leaflet) Plus more (see product leaflet) Plus more (see product leaflet) PRODUCT DESCRIPTION MCPA is a selective herbicide for the control of numerous broad leaf weeds in lawn. REGISTRATION HOLDER Makhro Agro SA (Pty) Ltd 1994/001973/07 PRODUCT REGISTRATION Act No. 36 of 1947: L7461 LAWN CLEANER PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Glyphogan is a non-selective herbicide for control of weeds, on paving, pebbles and path ways. Ready to use: No mixing required. Hazard Classification: Harmful Only use product as indicated in product pamphlet. AVAILABLE SIZES 200ml; 1Lt PRE- AND POST EMERGENCE HERBICIDE This product controls: Annual Grasses Annual Broad Leafs Perennial Weeds, Grasses & Broad Leafs Perennial Grasses, Reeds and Shrubs REGISTRATION HOLDER Makhro Agro SA (Pty) Ltd 1994/001973/07 ACTIVE INGREDIENTS Deltamethrin (pyrethroid) 15g/ℓ LAWNTYL 500 SC NON-SELECTIVE HERBICIDE PRODUCT REGISTRATION Act No. 36 of 1947: L8108 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION A suspension concentrate contact insecticide with a residual action for the control of bedbugs, cockroaches, fish moths, flies and mosquitoes in domestic and industrial premises and animal dwellings. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Super Lawnweeder is broad spectrum selective herbicide for the control of a wide range of tough broad leaf weeds in lawn. ACTIVE INGREDIENTS Dicamba (dimethylamine salt) 120g/ℓ 2,4D (phenoxy derivative) (dimethylamine salt) 180g/ℓ MCPA (phenoxy derivative)(dimethylamine salt) 157,5g/ℓ AVAILABLE SIZES 100ml; 200ml; 500ml; 1lt; 5lt PRODUCT REGISTRATION Act No. 36 of 1947: L4370 N-AR 0703 REGISTRATION HOLDER Enviro Industries (Pty) Ltd 1999/06136/07 Hazard Classification: Harmful Only use product as indicated in product pamphlet. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION An emulsifi able concentrate systemic, contact and stomach insecticide and acaricide for the control of pests in crops as indicated. ACTIVE INGREDIENTS Acetamiprid (acetamidine) 16g/ℓ Bifenthrin (pyrethroid) 30g/ℓ AVAILABLE SIZES 100ml PRODUCT REGISTRATION Act No. 36 of 1947: L9696 REGISTRATION HOLDER Makhro Agro SA (Pty) Ltd 1994/001973/07 Hazard Classification: Harmful Only use product as indicated in product pamphlet. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Seizer 100 EC is a broad spectrum insecticide with translaminar activity for American Bollworms, Scale, Leaf Miner and Red Spider Mite. ACTIVE INGREDIENTS Bifenthrin (pyrethroid) 100g/ℓ AVAILABLE SIZES 100ml PRODUCT REGISTRATION Act No. 36 of 1947: L7471 REGISTRATION HOLDER Adama South Africa (Pty) Ltd 1992/0017471/07 Hazard Classification: Harmful Only use product as indicated in product pamphlet. INSECTICIDES PRODUCT DESCRIPTION A systemic emulsifiable concentrate herbicide for the control of woody plants and weeds as listed for forestry, grass pastures, industrial areas and sugarcane. This product controls: American bollworm Cutworms Spinny Bollworm Weevils Stalk borer Thrips Plus more (see product leaflet) Plus more (see product leaflet) PRODUCT DESCRIPTION A suspension concentrate contact and stomach insecticide and acaricide for the control of red spider mite and European red mite and the simultaneous control of the banded fruit weevil and codling moth in apples and pears as well as insect pests in domestic and industrial premises as indicated. ACTIVE INGREDIENTS Bifenthrin (pyrethroid) 80g/ℓ AVAILABLE SIZES 100ml; 1lt PRODUCT REGISTRATION Act No. 36 of 1947: L7580 REGISTRATION HOLDER Adama South Africa (Pty) Ltd 1992/0017471/07 Hazard Classification: Harmful Only use product as indicated in product pamphlet. SERVUS 25 EC RTU NO MORE INSECTS PRODUCT DESCRIPTION An emulsifiable concentrate contact and stomach insecticide for the control of insects in crops as indicated. PRODUCT REGISTRATION Act No. 36 of 1947: L7271 N-AR 0781 REGISTRATION HOLDER Makhro Agro SA (Pty) Ltd 1994/001973/07 Plus more (see product leaflet) PRODUCT DESCRIPTION A high grade white paraffinic mineral oil to be used as a wetting agent for fungicides and insecticides, as indicated. ACTIVE INGREDIENTS Deltamethrin (pyrethroid) 60mg/ℓ ACTIVE INGREDIENTS Parafinic medium-heavy White Mineral Oil 990g/ℓ Hazard Classification: Harmful Only use product as indicated in product pamphlet. AVAILABLE SIZES: 100ml; 500ml PRODUCT REGISTRATION Act No. 36 of 1947: L8114 N-AR 0969 REGISTRATION HOLDER Makhro Agro SA (Pty) Ltd 1994/001973/07 Hazard Classification: Harmful Only use product as indicated in product pamphlet. CREOVITA SOIL THE ULTIMATE SOIL CONDITIONER PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Creovita Soil is a very advanced soil conditioner that will maximize nutrient uptake, increase root volume and provide healthier plants with greater disease resistance. This product controls: Scale Red Mite Powdery Mildew PRODUCT DESCRIPTION A liquid ready-to-use contact and stomach insecticide for the control of insects in crops as indicated. REGISTRATION HOLDER Makhro Agro SA (Pty) Ltd 1994/001973/07 This product controls: Aphids Red Spider Mite ACTIVE INGREDIENTS Bifenthrin (pyrethroid) 10g/ℓ Bupirimate (pyrimidine) 75g/ℓ Propiconazole (triazole) 25g/ℓ SK ECO OIL SPRAY Plus more (see product leaflet) PRODUCT REGISTRATION Act No. 36 of 1947: L8420 This product controls: Aphids Red Spider Mite Black Spot Powdery Mildew PRODUCT DESCRIPTION A contact insecticide contact and systemic fungicides emulsifiable concentrate for the control of pests and diseases as indicated on roses. WETTING AGENT WITH FUNGICIDAL ACTIVITY This product controls: Cutworms & African Bollworm Thrips Weevils Ants Tuber Moth AVAILABLE SIZES RTU 750ml FUNGI- & INSECTICIDES Hazard Classification: Harmful Only use product as indicated in product pamphlet. GENERAL INSECTICIDE FUNGI- & INSECTICIDES Plus more (see product leaflet) ACTIVE INGREDIENTS Deltamethrin (pyrethroid) 25g/ℓ AVAILABLE SIZES 100ml; 1Lt ROSE PROTECTOR RTU 3 IN 1 PROTECTION ACTIVE INGREDIENT N 7,3 g/kg : P 1,7 g/kg : K 2,7 g/kg Ca 6,8 g/kg : Mg 4,1 g/kg Mn 383 mg/kg : Fe 7248 mg/kg : Cu 38 mg/kg : Zn 233 mg/kg B 19 mg/kg : S 1146 mg/kg New Product REGISTRATION HOLDER Adama South Africa (Pty) Ltd 1992/0017471/07 Hazard Classification: Caution Only use product as indicated in product pamphlet. SNAIL BAIT GRANULAR BAIT FOR THE CONTROL OF SNAILS This product controls: Snails Slugs REGISTRATION HOLDER Nourganic 2007/005649/23 PRODUCT REGISTRATION Act 36 of 1947: B4803 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Plant Whole Disc. A long lasting root booster for new plants. Powerful root stimulation properties help to establish, develop and maintain your plant’s rooting system. ACTIVE INGREDIENT Brown Seaweed; Zeolite AVAILABLE SIZES: 50mm; 90mm REGISTRATION HOLDER Kelp Products (Pty) Ltd 1972/001287/07 PRODUCT REGISTRATION L2709, Act No. 36 of 1947 RAT KILL WAX BLOCKS RAT AND MOUSE WAX BLOCKS INSECTICIDES This product controls: Rats Mouses ACTIVE INGREDIENTS Metaldehied 15g/kg AVAILABLE SIZES 500g; 1kg; 3kg; 25kg PRODUCT REGISTRATION Act No. 36 of 1947: L8443 REGISTRATION HOLDER Makhro Agro SA (Pty) Ltd 1994/001973/07 Hazard Classification: Caution Only use product as indicated in product pamphlet. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Rose Protector is an all-round control for pests on your roses. Control against insects and diseases as listed. Ready to use: No mixing required. ACTIVE INGREDIENTS Bifenthrin (pyrethroid) 0.04 g/ℓ Bupirimate (pyrimidine) 0.3 g/ℓ Propiconazole (triazole) 0.1 g/ℓ AVAILABLE SIZES: RTU 750ml PRODUCT REGISTRATION Act No. 36 of 1947: L8631 REGISTRATION HOLDER Makhro Agro SA (Pty) Ltd 1994/001973/07 Hazard Classification: Harmful Only use product as indicated in product pamphlet. GROW IT ROOT BOOSTER MANUFACTURED FROM FRESHLY HARVESTED SEAWEED PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Sprinkle-on Root Booster enhances root development of potted plants, increase nutrient and water uptake by root zone, also improve water retention of surrounding soil. ACTIVE INGREDIENT Brown Seaweed; Zeolite AVAILABLE SIZES: 1Kg PRODUCT REGISTRATION B4337 PLANT IT DISCS MANUFACTURED FROM FRESHLY HARVESTED SEAWEED Plus more (see product leaflet) PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Snail Bait is granular bait for the control of king snails and slugs in grape vines, lawns, flowers- and vegetable gardens. Plus more (see product leaflet) AVAILABLE SIZE: 1.25kg AVAILABLE SIZES 100ml; 1Lt PRODUCT REGISTRATION Act No. 36 of 1947: L8443 3 IN 1 PROTECTION Plus more (see product leaflet) PRODUCT DESCRIPTION A highly active anticoagulant bait in block form for the control of Norway Rat, Roof Rat and the House Mouse. ACTIVE INGREDIENTS Brodifacoum 0,05g/kg AVAILABLE SIZES 140g; 3.5kg PRODUCT REGISTRATION Act No. 36 of 1947: L6931 REGISTRATION HOLDER Gulf Chemicals (Pty) Ltd 1999/0017961/07 Hazard Classification: Harmful Only use product as indicated in product pamphlet. 3 IN 1 ROSE PROTECTOR This product controls: Cockroaches Fleas European red mite Red Spider Mite IN DOMESTIC AND INDUSTRIAL PREMISES ROSE PROTECTOR REGISTRATION HOLDER Kelp Products (Pty) Ltd 1972/001287/07 ROOTSTIM ROOT STIMULATION PRODUCT DESCRIPTION A dusting powder for the stimulation of rooting of slips and cuttings. ACTIVE INGREDIENT 2-(1-Naphthyl) Acetamide 0,67 g/kg 2-(1’-2’-Methylnaphthyl) Acetic Acid 0,33 g/kg 2-(1’-2’-Methylnaphthyl) Acetamide 0,13 g/kg 4-Indol-3-Ylbutyric Acid 0,57 g/kg BIO GROWTH REGULATORS SERVUS 25 EC GENERAL INSECTICIDE AVAILABLE SIZE: 500g PRODUCT REGISTRATION B4418 REGISTRATION HOLDER PLAASKEM (PTY) LTD Reg. No. 1972 / 13867 / 07 FOOT NOTE FOR ALL PRODUCTS Although this remedy has been extensively tested under a large variety of conditions, the registration holder does not warrant that it will be efficacious under all conditions because the action and effect thereof may be affected by factors such as abnormal climatic and storage conditions, quality of dilution water, compatibility with other substances not indicated on the label and the occurrence of resistance of the pest to the remedy concerned, as well as by the method, time and accuracy of application. The registration holder furthermore does not accept responsibility for damage to crops, vegetation, the environment or harm to man or animal, or for lack of performance of the remedy concerned due to failure of the user to follow the label instructions, or to the occurrence of conditions which could not have been foreseen in terms of the registration. Consult the supplier in the event of any uncertainty. RODENTICIDES SEIZER 80 SC CONTROL OF INSECT PESTS
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