Vendor`s Rules - McHenry County Fair Association
Vendor`s Rules - McHenry County Fair Association
Vendor Rules and Regulations for the 2015 McHenry County Fair 1. EXHIBIT HOURS for INSIDE AND OUTSIDE: Exhibit halls will be open to the public and staffed Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 10:00AM to 10:00PM and on Sunday from 10:00AM to 8:00PM. Second Party must be set up and ready for operations by 10:00Am Wednesday and remain in full operation each day as specified above, unless previous arrangements have been made. NO VEHICLE MOVE-OUTS UNTIL 8:00PM SUNDAY NIGHT. 2. FOOD VENDORS MUST PROVIDE THEIR OWN McHENRY COUNTY HEALTH PERMIT. The McHenry County Health Department phone number is (815)334-4510. 3. FOOD VENDORS MUST SUPPLY A VACUUM BACK FLOW PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE WHERE REQUIRED. 4. FOOD VENDORS may only sell the food and beverage items they have contracted for. 5. FOOD VENDORS must prominently display all food prices for public viewing. 6. Non-Food vendors or exhibitors MAY NOT sell or give away any food or beverage items. (Except water dispensed in cups) 7. Any material of any kind deemed objectionable by the MCFA may be removed, without liability for damage therefore, by the MCFA. 8. Obstructing of visitors passageways, use of public address systems, recorders, gongs, bells or any other objectionable devices or method of attraction attention shall not be permitted. 9. All signs, posters, literature paper, handouts, advertising materials, soliciting signatures, etc. must be displayed or distributed ONLY FROM WITHIN YOUR RENTED inside or outside SPACE. No aisle or walkway shall be obstructed by selling or promoting any article, product, or service. Any sales or promoting shall be done ONLY FROM WITHIN the rented space. 10. Any item or structure placed upon a leased facility or area shall conform and be operated in compliance with requirements of the MCFA, Public Health agencies and all other County, State, and Federal laws, rules and regulations. 11. The MCFA will provide night security. All outside tents and trailers should be secured as best as possible by the Second Party. Items left in the tents or buildings are at the risk of the Second Party. The MCFA will do its best to see nothing is disturbed. 12. The Second Party is responsible for keeping all debris and refuse picked up in their assigned area. 13. The Commercial Committee Chairman and the Commercial Committee shall be the final arbitrator of disputes concerning concessionaries or exhibitors. 14. The MCFA shall not be responsible for any loss or damage to Second Party’s person or persons of Second Party’s employees or agents from any cause whatsoever, arising from the performance of this contract, and the Second Party in signing this contract expressly releases the MCFA from any and all claims of such loss, damages or injuries. Any damage to the building or improvements through carelessness or negligence of Second Party’s employees or agents must be paid for by Second Party. 15. All or any part of displays, stands, equipment and/or supplies used by the Second Party during the time set forth in this contract not removed from the Fairgrounds within 24 hours from the closing day of the Fair must approved by the Fair Office. If items remain longer than 10 days they will be deemed abandoned and become the property of the MCFA without notice. 16. NO PROMISES, representations, agreements or conditions have been made or agreed to which are not stated fully herein. 17. If the Commercial Committee Chairman decides along with the Commercial Committee of the Fair Association that a Concession or Exhibit is not in keeping with the best interest of the Fair, then the Second Party may be ordered to leave the premises without refund. 18. PARKING/DELIVERIES: Concessionaires and Vendors receive one (1) vehicle sticker if needed for deliveries. This will allow for parking in VENDOR PARKING, east of the carnival. NO PARKING IS ALLOWED ON OR NEAR THE CONCESSIONAIRES SITE. THERE ARE NO VEHICLES ALLOWED IN THE EXHIBIT AREA (BUILDING D PARKING LOT) AFTER 9:30AM. Deliveries to your exhibit or concession MUST BE MADE BEFORE 9:30AM. Inform your distributors. Parking in the exhibit areas after 9:30AM will result in being towed at the owner of the vehicle’s expense. 19. OVERNIGHT CAMPING AND RESERVATIONS. There are limited spaces available that include water and electric. There is NO WASTE DISPOSAL. 20. Exhibitors must provide their own tables and chairs. Tables and chairs will be available for a fee. Tables are $10 each and chairs are $2 each. Vendor Rules and Regulations for the 2015 McHenry County Fair 21. The MCFA WILL NOT guarantee you are a sole vendor of a product. 22. All booths and exhibits must be in place BEFORE 10:00 AM on the first day of the Fair. Please check in at the Fair Office before setting up. IF space is not occupied by said time, the MCFA will have the right to resell the space and payment will be forfeited. 23. The Second Party is not allowed to sublease their space. 24. Do not short yourself on space if outside, because if the space is not big enough to fit your booth, you will be moved to whatever might be available. If it is not satisfactory and you leave, there will be no refund. The MCFA reserves the right to make last minute changes in commercial exhibit locations. 25. No live animals may be sold or given away as prizes. No weapons will be displayed unless enclosed in a locked case or cabinet. Weapons sold or given away as prizes must be in a sealed container. No indecent items may be sold or given away as prizes, as determined by the MCFA. The MCFA will enforce all applicable Federal and State laws or County ordinances. 26. No pets or outside liquor allowed on the Fairgrounds. 27. Liability insurance is required of all commercial exhibitors, minimum of $1,000,000. Food vendors also required product liability insurance, minimum $1,000,000. Volunteer workers for commercial exhibitors are not required to have Workmen’s Compensation; commercial exhibitors must have proof of Workmen’s Compensation Insurance for their paid employees. Insurance can be provided through the MCFA’s Insurance Company to non-food booths for a cost of approximately $75/booth (subject to change) and for food booths for $125/booth (subject to change). Vendors with multiple booths will be charged 50% of vendor premium for each additional booth. 28. Picketing or protestors shall only be permitted within a designated area of the parking lot outside the main gate fence of the Fairground activities. 29. If any of the above rules are violated, your contract will not be renewed the following year. 30. The MCFA reserves the right to accept or reject any agreements, applications and/or contracts. Rules for all Vendors and Spectators: 1. Fair gates will open at 8:00 am 2. The Board of Directors reserves the right to cancel any and all events and premiums in case of a calamity, storms, or any unavoidable circumstance. 3. The Fair Association is not responsible for loss of, injury to, or damage to persons, animals, or property due to fire, theft, or any other cause. 4. NO DOGS ALLOWED ON THE GROUNDS unless approved by the Board of Directors to be used for an act or show. 5. No weapon may be brought to the Fair, at any time, except those permitted to be carried by police officers and those that may be a part of an approved sales display. Definition-Weapons: A knife, except common kitchen and cooking knives, pocket knives with a blade no longer than 3 ¼”, or the knives on a Leatherman type hand tool; devices from which a projectile can be fired, except a tool used for construction or maintenance type activities; electronic devices such as stun guns and Taser guns; firearms of all types and sizes, whether loaded or unloaded; clubs that are not tools; bows, arrows, sling-shots, crossbows, metal knuckles, nunchucks, stars and other similar devices. 6. Picketing or protestors shall only be permitted within a designated area of the parking Class outside of the main gate fence of the fairground activities. 7. All gates will be locked at midnight. No vehicles will be allowed access after 11:00pm. Parking regulations will be strictly enforced. Please cooperate and park in the designated areas. 8. No outside alcohol is allowed on the fairgrounds. All alcohol must be purchased and must remain in the entertainment tent/beer garden. This policy will be strictly enforced. The possession or sale of any liquor or other intoxicants is strictly prohibited. This rule will be rigidly enforced by the officers of the grounds. 9. Fair rules must be adhered to. Infringement of rules or anyone conducting themselves in a disorderly or unsportsmanlike conduct will be brought before the discipline committee and handled accordingly. Premiums maybe withheld. 10. Anyone creating or causing a disturbance shall be removed from the grounds by security. Vendor Rules and Regulations for the 2015 McHenry County Fair 11. Final Interpretation of the rules will be up to the McHenry County Fair Association Executive Committee. 12. NO REFUNDS FOR ENTRIES MADE AND NOT ENTERED. 13. NO REFUNDS FOR TICKETS PURCHASED AT THE GATES. 14. The McHenry County Fair Association holds an annual County Fair at the Fairgrounds on Country Club Road. In addition to the fair, various individuals, groups and associations hold other events at the Fairgrounds. While some of these events are private, many are open to the public and involve the use of one or more buildings on the grounds. Tobacco use has been determined to contribute to ill health in humans. Tobacco advertising detracts from family events and often attempts to appeal to minors. The Fair Association, through the Board, has an opportunity to create and sustain an environment that supports non-tobacco use through a tobaccofree policy, rule enforcement, and adult-peer role modeling during the fair and other events. Therefore, it shall be the policy of the McHenry County Fair Association to prohibit the use of tobacco use, and tobacco advertising, in various locations of the fair, including buildings, barns and gathering areas as identified in the guidelines below. 15. Tobacco Use Guidelines: The McHenry County Fair Association shall: a. Prohibit the use of tobacco in all buildings, barns, grandstands and some other public gathering areas, designating smoking areas within the grounds; b. Post signage identifying both areas where smoking is prohibited and where it is allowed; c. Prohibit advertising of tobacco products on the fairgrounds, d. Prohibit the sale of tobacco on the fairgrounds; e. Prohibit the distribution of free tobacco products on the fairgrounds; f. Refuse to accept money directly from a tobacco company for sponsorship or prize money; g. Extend this policy to other individuals, groups or agencies that rent or lease the property.
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