PDF - Mellinger Mennonite Church


PDF - Mellinger Mennonite Church
Below are the scripture readings for the coming week. Leon Oberholtzer
will be preaching.
To know Jesus, to be like Him,
to make Him known.
Prayers and Praise of the Congregation
Nancy Mast will have her last radiation therapy on Monday. We will continue
to pray for Nancy and Joe and for the next steps in her medical care.
Hold in your prayers, wisdom for Keith Weaver, Moderator of Lancaster
Mennonite Conference and Ervin Stutzman, Executive Secretary for
Mennonite Church USA, as they continue to lead. Our Mellinger delegates to
the Mennonite Church USA Convention are: Pastor Joe Miller, Doris Nolt,
Sally Jo Hess, and Ray Leaman. The convention is June 30 to July 5.
Ask for God to bring peace to the Middle East where war and violence
continues to destroy lives. We especially pray for our Arab Christian brothers
and sisters who are often caught in the violence.
Owen & Matthew just completed their first full week at home. We and our
boys are enjoying life together in New Danville. Thank you for your many
prayers, meals and other ways you have loved and supported us.
Duane & Laura Stoner
8:30….Coffee & Fellowship
9:00….Sunday School
10:00….Worship Service
May 31, 2015
Welcome ................................................................. Natalie Good
Congregational Singing
Vote on calling Nolan Livengood
Ministry Team
Joe Miller ...................................... 808.2417
Lead Pastor
Ministry of Mission and Evangelism
Joanne Kuniholm………………………….381.7938
Minister of Congregational Life
Leon Oberholtzer………………………….393.7747
Minister of Congregational Life
Andrea Brubaker…………………….......665.7696
Minister of Worship
Brenda Weaver………………………… ..725-9800
Interim Youth Coordinator
Lynelle Kreider ................ ………......283.7986
Minister of Christian Education
Jared Erb...................................... 490.6888
Preaching Team
Roger Weaver ............................... 725.2984
Preaching Team
Ray Leaman - Deacon ................... 392.7745
Durelle Leaman............................. 471.2541
Music Assistant
Dorothy Nickles…………………………...209.7156
Administrative Assistant
Jane Mininger……………………………...397.1772
For pastoral care and visitation, please contact Joanne Kuniholm,
Minister of Congregational Life
Mellinger Mennonite Church
1916 Lincoln Highway East, Lancaster, PA 17602 717.397.9360
[email protected] - mellingerchurch.org
Offering and Congregational Prayer ..................... Joanne Kuniholm
Video .................................................................... God’s presence
Scripture ........................................................................ Psalm 85
Message ...................... Amazing Love…….………….Pastor Joe Miller
Song of Response
This Week:
Vote for calling Nolan Livengood as Associate Pastor
for Youth & Young Adult
7 pm - MWC Asia Celebration at Mellinger
(see announcement)
7 pm - Sewing Circle
7-8 pm - Lifetree Café - Low Cost, No Cost Adventures
3-8 pm - Blood Drive
7-10 pm - Emmaus Road Café - Yvonne Hartman
Upcoming Events:
June 10
June 22-25
June 26
June 28
June 30-July 5
Save the Date:
July 3-5
July 5
July 13-16
July 21-26
July 24
July 26
10 am - Wednesday Prayer Group/Jr. High Room
9-11:30 am - Vacation Bible School
2:30 pm - Landis Homes Bible Fellowship
MYF356 Activity
Mennonite USA Convention/Kansas City
Church Weekend at Camp Hebron
Paul Zehr preaching at Mellinger
Children’s Music Camp
Mennonite World Conference at Harrisburg
2:30 pm - Landis Homes Bible Fellowship
Mennonite World Conference Sunday/Fellowship Meal
6-8 pm - Family Game Night/Fellowship Hall
Emmaus Road Café will be closed for the month of July
May 24, 2015 Offering:
Congregational Ministries
Online Giving
Online Giving
Sharing Fund
Sanctuary Renovation
Total Received
$ 7,764.60
$ 8,907.60
This morning our offering will go toward congregational ministries unless
otherwise designated.
Next Sunday our offering will go toward the work of Eastern Mennonite Missions
unless otherwise designated.
Today is the last day to register for the 2015 Camp Hebron Weekend.
Please bring your forms to the Registration Table in the church foyer. We hope
you consider joining us this year! If you have any questions, please ask Fred
Bube, Joanne Kuniholm, or Brenda Weaver.
Camp Hebron 2015 Mellinger’s Got Talent will be held after the Chicken
Barbecue on Saturday, July 4. Please take advantage of this opportunity to
share your talent - big or small, funny or not – with the rest of us. We invite
people of all ages to sign up at the Camp Hebron Registration table in the
church foyer. We won’t be doing this every year, so please seize the moment
and share your talent at the 2015 Camp Hebron Weekend!
Children's Musical Our children will be presenting “Joseph and the Dream
Team Extreme” musical, September 11 & 13. Music Camp will be held July
13-16 from 9 to 11:30 am. Rehearsal dates are July 22 & July 29; all
Wednesdays in August; and September 2 & 9, from 6:30 to 8 pm.
Thank You Church Family, for providing 119 pairs of socks and 168 pieces of
underwear! This provides CVCCS's clothing distribution center the opportunity
to help many CV area families with clothing necessities.
MWC Asia Celebration—Learn about the experiences of Asian Anabaptist
Mennonites and Brethren in Christ at 7 p.m. on Monday, June 1, at Mellinger
Mennonite Church. Enjoy a panel discussion featuring Indonesia with Benny
Krisbianto and Aldo Siahaan, Vietnam with Tuyen Nguyen, and India with Paulus
Thalalhoti and Ken Hoke, There will also be music and light refreshments during
this free event in preparation for Mennonite World Conference (MWC) Assembly
in July at the Harrisburg Farm Show Complex.
Summer Lunch Program for Children: The Conestoga Valley Ministerium, in
cooperation with CVCCS, is again offering lunches for children who during the
school year receive a free meal. Mellinger has been a part of this for the past
number of years. We are looking for someone to be the Mellinger connection to
the Faith Church location. This would involve helping to organize our members
who want to be volunteers at Faith Church for the meals. The lunches will be
served for nine weeks starting June 15. Contact Pastor Joe if you would be
interested in serving as Mellinger’s connection to this service project.
Cardboard will be collected next Sunday. (The first Sunday of each month)
It should be placed in the trailer behind the Emmaus Road café.