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CG506 GEODESY 1 TOPIC 6.0 DATUM AND GEODETIC COORDINATE SYSTEM Sr Harith Fadzilah Abd Khalid 2) Reference: 1) Geodesy 2nd Edition, Wolfgang Torge : page 35-59 Introduction to Geodesy, James T. Smith : page 83-99 and 135-137 What is DATUM? Definition of datum (Oxford dictionaries) : - a piece of information a fixed starting point of a scale or operation A datum is a reference point, surface, or axis on an object against which measurements are made or A set of parameters defining a coordinate system. What is DATUM in Geodesy? In surveying and geodesy, a datum is a set of reference points on the Earth's surface against which position measurements are made and (often) an associated model of the shape of the Earth (reference ellipsoid) to define a geographic coordinate system. Geodetic Datum (Source - Trimble Navigation Ltd.) A reference datum is a known and constant surface which is used to describe the location of unknown points on the earth. Since reference datums can have different radii and different center points, a specific point on the earth can have substantially different coordinates depending on the datum used to make the measurement. There are hundreds of locally-developed reference datums around the world, usually referenced to some convenient local reference point. Contemporary datums, based on increasingly accurate measurements of the shape of the earth, are intended to cover larger areas. The most common reference Datums in use is WGS84 Geodetic reference systems Importance of Datum A datum specifies the earth-model (ellipsoid), and the origin associated with a particular set of coordinates. Datums provide the link between the earth and coordinate systems. Without a datum, coordinates have no meaning. There are many datums used worldwide. DATUMS IN MALAYSIA Datums used in Malaysia MRT48/68 - Peninsular Ellipsoid = Modified Everest (Peninsular) Origin = Kertau PMSGN94 (Peninsular Malaysia Geodetic Scientific Network) - Peninsular Ellipsoid = WGS84 Origin = Kertau (NSWZ-9D) BT68 - Sabah and Sarawak Elliposid = Modified Everest (Borneo) Origin = Timbalai EMSGN97 (East Malaysia Geodetic Scientific Network) - Sabah and Sarawak Elliposid = WGS84 Datum = STRE94 GPS Campaign GDM2000 - Malaysia Ellipsoid = GRS80 Datum= ITRF2000 REFERENCE ELLIPSOIDS FOR MRT, BT68, WGS84 AND ITRF GEODETIC REFERENCE SYSTEMS IN MALAYSIA GEODETIC REFERENCE SYSTEMS IN MALAYSIA GEODETIC REFERENCE SYSTEMS IN MALAYSIA MyRTKnet GDM 2000 What is Coordinate System? In geometry, a coordinate system is a system which uses one or more numbers, or coordinates, to uniquely determine the position of a point. Why Coordinate System is important? 3 Types of Coordinates System Cartesian coordinate Geographic Coordinate Systems (unprojected) A reference system using latitude and longitude to define the location of points on the surface of a sphere/spheroid/geoid Projected Coordinate Systems A map projection is the systematic transformation of locations on the earth (latitude/longitude) to planar coordinates Cartesian Coordinate System A Cartesian coordinate system specifies each point uniquely in a plane by a pair of numerical coordinates, which are the signed distances from the point to two fixed perpendicular directed lines, measured in the same unit of length. 3D Cartesian Coordinate System A.K.A EARTH CENTERED, EARTH FIXED X, Y, AND Z Earth Centered, Earth Fixed Cartesian coordinates are also used to define three dimensional positions. Earth centered, earth-fixed, X, Y, and Z, Cartesian coordinates (XYZ) define three dimensional positions with respect to the center of mass of the reference ellipsoid. The Z-axis points toward the North Pole. The X-axis is defined by the intersection of the plane define by the prime meridian and the equatorial plane. The Y-axis completes a right handed orthogonal system by a plane 90° east of the X-axis and its intersection with the equator. EARTH CENTERED, EARTH FIXED X, Y, AND Z Local x,y,z- and global X,Y,Z - system Local x,y,z- and global X,Y,Z - system Geodetic Coordinate System LATITUDE, LONGITUDE, AND HEIGHT The most commonly used coordinate system today - the latitude, longitude, and height system. The Prime Meridian and the Equator are the reference planes used to define latitude and longitude Geodetic Coordinate System The geodetic latitude (there are many other defined latitudes) of a point is the angle from the equatorial plane to the vertical direction of a line normal to the reference ellipsoid. The geodetic longitude of a point is the angle between a reference plane and a plane passing through the point, both planes being perpendicular to the equatorial plane. The geodetic height at a point is the distance from the reference ellipsoid to the point in a direction normal to the ellipsoid. Relationship between Geodetic Coordinate System and Cartesian Coordinate System LOCAL GEODETIC SYSTEM (TOPOCENTRIC) Classically 3-dimensional coordinates of points are given in terms of latitudes, longitudes and heights The latitudes and longitudes are defined by projecting points from the earth’s surface to a socalled reference ellipsoid The position, orientation, size and shape of this ellipsoid is what constitutes a classical geodetic datum GEOCENTRIC SYSTEM Definition, have their center at the center of mass of the earth and the direction of their axes are defined arbitrarily (usually used averaged astronomical phenomena) Systems are easy to define. Advantages are that they can provide seamless positioning across the world and they relate directly to the modern spacebased positioning systems that are nowadays being used for various purposes including surveying and mapping DATUM CONVERSIONS Datum conversions are accomplished by various methods. Complete datum conversion is based on seven parameter transformations that include three translation parameters, three rotation parameters and a scale parameter. Simple three parameter conversion between latitude, longitude, and height in different datums can be accomplished by conversion through Earth-Centered, Earth Fixed XYZ Cartesian coordinates in one reference datum and three origin offsets that approximate differences in rotation, translation and scale. DATUM CONVERSIONS RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN CARTESIAN AND GEODETIC COORDINATE SYSTEM TO CONVERT GEODETIC TO CARTESIAN Datum Transformation & Map Projection Flowchart For Peninsular Malaysia MRT 48 PMSGN 94 GDM 2000 RSO N,E MGPM2000 Map Projection ,,h ,,h ,,h (Map Grid of P.Malaysia 2000) N,E Map Projection (Polynomial Fitting) Coordinate Conversion Coordinate Conversion Coordinate Conversion N,E X,Y,Z X,Y,Z X,Y,Z N,E CASSINI 6 Parameter Transformatio n 7 Parameter Transformatio n 7 Parameter Transformatio n CASSINI 2000 MyRTKnet GDM 2000 TO CONVERT GEODETIC TO CARTESIAN TO CONVERT CARTESIAN TO GEODETIC The longitude can be computed as: λp = arctan(Yp/Xp) Iteratively, ELLIPSOIDAL HEIGHT OR USING A CLOSED FORMULA BY BOWRING(1976): MRT TO WGS84 (DMA) X (WGS84) = X (MRT) - 11m Y (WGS84) = Y (MRT) + 851m Z (WGS84) = Z (MRT) + 5m MALAYAN REVISED TRIANGULATION (MRT) There are two existing local geodetic reference systems in Malaysia Malayan Revised Triangulation (MRT) for Peninsular Malaysia . Borneo Triangulation System 1968 (BT68) for Sabah and Sarawak. The MRT is the coordinate system used for mapping in Peninsular Malaysia. The datum is based on the old Repsold Triangulation and computed using data collected mainly in the period 1948 to 1966 using the Modified Everest ellipsoid. It consists of about 1,200 stations plus a number of more recent standard traverses and has an inter-station accuracy of around 13 to 15 ppm. BORNEO TRIANGULATION SYSTEM 1968 (BT68) The first datum for Sabah and Sarawak was the Primary Triangulation of Borneo 1948 (BT48) established by the Directorate of Overseas Survey (DOS) Referred as the Timbalai Datum . Accuracy of about 5ppm This network consists of the Borneo West Coast Triangulation of Brunei and Sabah (1930-1942) Borneo East Coast Triangulation of Sarawak, extension of the West Coast Triangulation of Sabah (1955-1960) Doppler points surveyed between 1961 to 1968 MAP PROJECTION SYSTEMS -TWO LOCAL DATUMS Rectified Skew Orthomorphic (RSO) – National mapping WGS84 → MRT/BT68 → RSO Cassini Soldner (Cassini) cadastral purposes WGS84 → MRT → RSO → Cassini The UNJURAN PEMETAAN – CASSINI-SOLDNER Origin berlainan bagi setiap negeri GEODETIC REFERENCE SYSTEMS IN MALAYSIA MASS STATIONS What is MASS stations ? Malaysia Active GPS System High density national GPS network Approximately 30km spacing of GPS points over the Peninsular A geocentric reference frame International Terrestrial Reference System (ITRS) that managed the International Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF) derived using GPS observations. At present seventeen (17) MASS stations operated continuously since 1998, ten (10) of the stations are situated in Peninsular Malaysia and the rest (7 stations) are in Sabah and Sarawak. DISTRIBUTION OF 15 MASS STATIONS IN MALAYSIA DISTRIBUTION OF ELEVEN (11) IGS STATIONS REFERENCE ELLIPSOIDS FOR MRT, BT68, WGS84 AND ITRF THE NEW GEOCENTRIC RSO PROJECTION PARAMETERS FOR PENINSULAR AND EAST MALAYSIA DATUM DI MALAYSIA Datum-datum yang digunakan di Malaysia MRT48/68 - Semenanjung Elipsoid = Modified Everest (Semenanjung) Origin = Kertau PMSGN94 - Semenanjung Elipsoid = WGS84 Origin = Kertau (NSWZ-9D) BT68 - Sabah dan Sarawak Eliposid = Modified Everest (Borneo) Origin = Timbalai EMSGN97 - Sabah dan Sarawak Eliposid = WGS84 Datum = STRE94 GPS Campaign GDM2000 - Malaysia Elipsoid = GRS80 Datum= ITRF2000 7 PARAMETERS TRANSFORMATION/BURSAWOLF FORMULA 7 PARAMETERS TRANSFORMATION/BURSAWOLF FORMULA (XS, YS, ZS) are the coordinates of the point in the source geocentric coordinate system (XT, YT, ZT) are the coordinates of the point in the target geocentric coordinate system (dX, dY, dZ): Translation vector (RX, RY, RZ): Rotations to be applied to the point's vector M = (1 + dS*10-6) :The scale correction EXAMPLE: COORDINATE CONVERSION & TRANSFORMATION The Problem Point A was observed using GPS and their coordinates in WGS84 are found to be: Point Latitude Longitude Ellip. Ht (m) A 1o 22’ 35.52238” N 103o 36’ 29.45569”E 90.906 The coordinate of the control point (to be given in latitude, longitude and height) are required to be in the Cartesian coordinate X, Y and Z. Ellipsoid Name : WGS84 a : 6378137.8 m f : 1/298.257223563 Next, the coordinates are required to be transformed into a datum called MRT. The relationship between MRT and WGS 84 is given by: X (WGS84) = X (MRT) - 11m Y (WGS84) = Y (MRT) + 851m Z (WGS84) = Z (MRT) + 5m Finally determine the coordinates of point A and B in latitude, longitude and ellipsoidal height based on the MRT reference datum.