
18 MARCH 2015
Potential forthcoming business
Tolworth Close – Parking Scheme Consultation – Final Results
Planning Appeals update
Traffic Schemes Updates:
(a) RBK schemes
(b) TfL TLRN schemes
(c) Cox Lane bus gate barrier update
5. Community Plan update
Potential forthcoming business and dates of future Neighbourhood
Committee meetings - start 7.30pm
15 April 2015 – Southborough School
• themed meeting on Buses - with TfL attendance *
• recycling pods and brief presentation on new recycling scheme
• Bolton Road/Parbury Rise junction improvement
• appointing an Advisory member
*Anyone who has any questions to raise on bus services for the TfL officers
attending this meeting, is requested to send it to Jean Cousens (tel with voicemail
020 8547 5023 email: [email protected] ) by Wednesday 8 April in
order for TfL officers to investigate responses
Venues to be confirmed for the following meetings:
14 May 2015
• New Roads and Street Works Act presentation (TBC)
16 June 2015
• Tolworth Greenway – responses to consultation
• Hook Parade time limited parking scheme
16 July 2015
9 September 2015
8 October 2015
11 November 2015
9 December 2015
12 January 2016
10 February 2016
22 March 2016
19 April 2016
Item to be scheduled:
Youth Services review (SotBNC 5/2/14)
Dementia awareness presentation (Melanie Creasy)
Tolworth Close – Parking Scheme Consultation – Final Results
A petition with 26 signatures was submitted to Council on 17 December 2013 by
Councillor Richard Hudson stating “‘We the undersigned call on the Council and
Councillors to support the introduction of suitable parking schemes that allow
shoppers and residents to park in the Tolworth area rather than encouraging long
term on street commuter parking.’” The Council referred the petition to Surbiton
Neighbourhood Committee.
A consultation was undertaken in January 2015 on introducing a Permit Parking
Scheme in the Tolworth Close area, and the results were as follows:
Nature of Respondent
All Respondents
Total Responses (150
properties in area approx.)
Do You Support the Proposed Parking Scheme?
8 (57%)
6 (43%)
5 (50%)
5 (50%)
11 (46%)
24 (16%)
The Surbiton Neighbourhood Committee considered these results at its February
2015 meeting, and decided that:
the proposed scheme is not progressed;
new “at any time” double yellow lines be introduced inTolworthClose opposite
No 458a Ewell Road to protect access and egress to No 458a Ewell Road in
the vicinity of the rear of 458 Ewell Road; and
officers investigate whether “at any time” restrictions are also required at No
66 Tolworth Close, opposite Chancery House to prevent obstructive parking.
These sections of “at any time restriction will be taken forward by Officers in due
Should Officers be requested to look again at wider parking issues in this area in the
future, we will again work with both the Surbiton and South of the Borough
Neighbourhoods to look into the issues raised.
Although this location falls within the Surbiton Neighbourhood, Officers wished to
inform South of the Borough Neighbourhood Committee due to the potential impact
on its Neighbourhood which might have been caused by displacement of parking if
the scheme were to be introduced.
Planning Appeals update
Erection of threestorey residential
building to rear of Nos.
36 to 42 Leatherhead
Road to provide 10 x
2-bedroom flats with
11 car and 20 cycle
parking spaces
accessed from new
crossover located to
rear of Nos. 40 to 42
Leatherhead Road
leading onto Fengate
81 Ronelean
Surrey, KT6
Erection of a single
storey house with car
parking space at rear
of No.81 Ronelean
Road with access from
Kent Road (Outline
application to consider
Access, Layout and
Date of
COMM Appeal
122 Hamilton
Surrey, KT6
Erection of first floor
side extension.
March 2015 Traffic Schemes Updates:
Current situation
Those items on the Action List, which do not require consultation, are
now being progressed, with access changes to the Oakleigh Way
disabled bays programmed for March 2015. Additional signs will be
provided in the Tolworth bowl to highlight the shared nature. The
replacement of trees is due to take place (night works) from 9 March
2015. However, those issues which require consultation will only be
progressed once the new consultation process is in place.
Brook Road
parking scheme
A further public meeting will be arranged for the residents of Haycroft
Road, Gladstone Road and Verona Drive to discuss any ongoing
parking issues.
Lorry issues in
Hunters Road
TfL have published the report on the results of the Chessington
Industrial Estate Signage Review. The general issue of Goods
Vehicle intrusion in all the roads around the Industrial Estate was
raised at a meeting with the Cox Lane Businesses on 13 January
2015. TfL have completed their feasibility study into the signage in
the area. See also TfL schemes update.
Cox Lane Bus
Bridge Road
See separate information item.
TfL are progressing a study to identify options to improve safety and
traffic flow at the roundabout. In the meantime the experimental
scheme will be kept in place until a new overall scheme for the
roundabout is forthcoming. TfL have been granted seed funding for
feasibility investigations for the major project. This scheme is due to
be commissioned this month. See also TfL schemes update.
Slip road near
Bridge Road
roundabout (525 –
543 Hook Road)
A report outlining the various consultation responses to the proposed
experimental closure was considered at the February Committee.
Because of concerns raised by the Safety Audit, TfL and the Police, it
was resolved not to progress the physical closure scheme but to
investigate the possibility of “no-entry” signage. A further report is on
the agenda for this Committee.
Bolton Road area
Invitations have been sent out to residents for a follow up public
meeting at the Hook Centre on 19 March 2015 to consider whether
an improvement scheme for the Bolton/Parbury junction can be
adapted to respond to some of the concerns about loss of parking.
The issues concerning yellow lines by 10-12 Parbury Rise will also be
looked at.
Initial discussions with shop owners show that unless the scheme
Hook Parade
Controlled Parking included a period of free parking, the scheme would not be welcomed
by shop owners. Further discussions with Parking and Ward
Councillors to take place before consultation.
20 mph speed
A report on the public consultation for the Woodgate Avenue area
was considered at the January Committee and it was resolved to
progress the scheme. The TMO supporting the 20 mph speed limits
was advertised on 30 January 2015 and there were no objections to
the traffic order.
Equestrian Centre
Phase 2 of the scheme has now commenced and vehicle movements
have resumed to pre-Christmas levels. The issue relating to further
damage to the traffic management measure on Clayton Road is in
Mount Road
through traffic
Warning signs close to the junction of Cox Lane/Mount Road look like
temporary signs and these are still to be replaced with permanent
directional signs, which it is hoped will be more effective. These
changes will be made as part of the wider Chessington Industrial
Estate Signage Review.
Ashby Road area
through traffic
A report on this issue is on the agenda for this Committee.
Beverley Close
parking issue
The summary paper has highlighted that a revised scheme is being
proposed, which will still have the effect of removing obstructive
parking issues taking place in the turning area. A letter informing the
residents will be sent out prior to the TMO process starting.
South of the
Borough – new
A number of consultations have either started, or will soon be
undertaken which involve proposals for new yellow line waiting
restrictions to address a number of visibility, access, parking and
speeding issues. The roads involved are:a) 5 locations in the Cranborne Avenue Area – TMO made on 22
December 2014. Lines to be painted March 2015.
b) Hunters Road/Priory Road –TMO for minor changes at the
bend near to the Priory Road junction with Hunters Road
advertised on 16 January 2015. No objections received to
traffic order.
c) Court Crescent – TMO advertised on 16 January 2015. No
objections received to traffic order.
d) Elmcroft Drive – Minor amendments to be made to proposed
layout, with letter to residents to confirm proposals before
processing TMO.
e) Moor Lane/Sopwith Avenue – information letter to be sent out
concerning proposals to address obstructive parking on west
side of the junction.
Leas Close
parking issue
A resident has highlighted an issue caused by parking in the road.
There is an informal arrangement in place where footway parking
bays have been marked, but there are no signs to reinforce it. In
other sections of the road, bay markings appear to have faded.
Parking opportunities are exacerbated by long wheel based vans and
narrow footways add to issues. Officers are continuing to review the
footway parking arrangements on the ground, as these are
inconsistent and not complete. Parking colleagues are reviewing all
roads which have inconsistent footway parking, and will advise of any
(information in italics is repeated from the previous report to show the context for
the update)
Current Situation
1. Malden Rushett
Major Scheme
Works continues to deliver improvements to the junction at Malden
Rushett between intersections of A243 Leatherhead Road and B280
Fairoak Lane and Rushett Lane.
We recently wrote to residents and business in the area to communicate a
change to dates within our programme. We had previously planned to reopen Rushett Lane on Friday 20 February 2015. Unfortunately, this was
not possible due to a delay that occurred whilst fitting the new drainage
system (culvert), designed to help alleviate flooding in the area.
Works slipped by three days due to technical issues concerning the
installation of the new culvert and associated curing times for several
stages of mass concrete pouring. It was important to allow sufficient time
for the concrete to set around the culvert before the carriageway could be
Resurfacing and line painting concluded on Monday 23 February 2015.
After an overnight switch the Fairoak Lane closure was re-introduced from
Tuesday 24 February, and will remain in place until Friday 20 March 2015.
Despite this setback we anticipate the junction to be fully re-opened by
Friday 27 March 2015 as planned.
2. Chessington
Nurseries Bus
Works are complete apart from lighting on southbound bus stop, which has not
been instated due to ducting issues.
3. Hook Road/ Elm
Road junction
Some snagging works have now been completed, with others still outstanding,
due to some design work needed. Traffic signal plans are being updated to ensure
minimal delay to traffic. TfL have reviewed and provided comments on the
contractor’s snagging issue designs. We await a program of works.
In addition, TfL have received concerns regarding some of the manhole covers
within the footways on the service roads. This has also been raised with our
contractor. SCOOT has been running as of 10/09/2014
Solar panels for this bus stop will be installed in April 2015.
TfL was on site visit with designer 19/02/2015 to look at issues of ponding
outside Boots/ the Butchers. We await a programme of works for
resurfacing to create better levels/ surface drainage. There are still
several items of snagging outstanding and these will be addressed in
coordination with the drainage measures.
Issues with rocking and/or raised slabs/ paving will be raised directly to our
contractor to rectify.
A3 Guard
Rail Removal
remedial measures
near Elmcroft Drive
The crash barrier review has confirmed a crash barrier is required at the junction
of Elmcroft Drive. We are awaiting the designer’s response. Stakeholders will be
consulted on design towards end of February, followed by public consultation end
of May. Public consultation imminent. Timeframe for delivery however is
dependent on the implementation timescales for the Hook footbridge widening, as
this area forms one of the pedestrian diversion routes across the A3 (via the
Communication for this scheme will be done through a public notification;
we will be working for a build date of March 2015. We are currently in
discussion with the Schools regarding the build date for the nearby Hook
Footbridge Widening works, which will influence our start date.
5. Bridge Road
TfL CDT are favouring a fresh approach to this roundabout with the experimental
scheme to be kept in place until the new study is concluded.
Following TfL’s and RBK’s recent meeting with residents an updated programme
has been provided. With some interim work to be reviewed prior to the full review.
Funding authority is being sought, for the sum of £100k for the feasibility,
optioneering and preliminary design work towards a number of innovative junction
layout options. The scheme will enhance junction capacity, promote cycling and
contribute to improved network performance of the A243 between Hook R/B and
Malden Rushett.
Seed funding approval for feasibility investigations for the major project
has been granted earlier in February. This scheme is due to be
commissioned this month.
The minor interim works have been identified and passed on to our Highways
Team who will take these works forward.We are also proposing a small diverge
marking on the A243 northern arm approach to the roundabout. Further signing
and road markings are being proposed near to the Clayton Road junction.
No change
6. Pinch points for
Pedestrians on
the A3 Hook
Rise North
Service Road
The parking has been investigated by Transport for London officers, and can
understand the frustration of parking being on the footway. Yet if vehicles were to
be left off the footway it is likely that parking in the road will most likely stop
emergency vehicles or refuge vehicles and other large vehicles to pass to gain
access to resident’s properties on Hook Rise North. TfL now plan to investigate a
parking review of Hook Rise North and consult residents of what options could be
considered. This scheme will be added to TfL’s list of schemes for financial year
2013/14. The scheme is now on TfL’s programme for 2013/14. The scheme is
being commissioned to begin investigating the parking review. This scheme is
planned to commence towards the end of the year.
Consultation has completed with the outcome action to further investigate the
provision outside no’s 122/124 Hook Rise North only. Other residents were not
supportive of the original proposal to provide partial footway parking between 110
and 140 HRN. However, there are services in the footway outside 122/124 which
need to be taken into consideration. Following additional residents
correspondence, we are extending the investigations of footway parking from
122-128 Hook Rise North. This has now gone to our contractor for preliminary
design, including investigating the utilities which are on the footway which may be
Investigation work is now with our contractor. Feasibility design
progresses, we aim to have a cost that considers the statutory service
implications by the end of Feb. We are favouring inset parking as this
reduces the timescales and costs needed with TMO’s and space for the
enforcement signs.
7. Phasing of lights
at the CWoA
TfL’s Signal Team visited the site on 28th May and made amendments to the
signal MOVA system to improve the junction’s reliability and keep the green signal
for A243 traffic on for longer.
TfL and the Royal Borough of Kingston visited the site on 29th May to look at the
junction operation following the alterations made above. Improvements to the
signing are needed along the A243 outside CWoA’s to reduce confusion for
visitors. Transport for London to add a review of the signing on the A243 outside
CWoA’s to its future schemes list. Chessington World of Adventures signalled
junction – running SCOOT as of 17/09/2014.
No change
8. CWoA Signing
We are in the feasibility stage of tourist signage improvements for the park.
Following the initial design and review by CWoA in June, it was decided to
investigate electronic signing, which will greatly assist in keeping drivers informed
of which car park to go to. Our contractor is currently preparing these designs and
TfL will be seeking 100% contribution to this scheme from CWoA, which will also
include the maintenance costs.
The use of Variable Message signs is still being considered and further
work has been requested by CWoA to incorporate their proposed new car
park management strategy. This involves relocating staff parking to the
Explorer/southern car park to increase the space for visitors. However,
following recent discussions regarding this proposal, the signing scheme is
now on hold until the end of the year to enable CWoA to test this
methodology this season.
Hook Rise
South (& A240
Pinch Point)
In response to the possible development of the Tesco supermarket at Tolworth,
TfL is adding a scheme to our programme of future works to investigate possible
improvements to the Hook Rise South service road between Tolworth and Hook.
This will include undertaking speed surveys to investigate concerns regarding
vehicle speeds along the service road.
The latest development proposes 800 residential units, with minimal retail.
Recent discussions with the Developer have, in principle, confirmed
improvements for pedestrians and cycles within the extents of the site to
be taken forward by the Developer with TfL proposals to tie into these.
The TfL improvement scheme is due to start initial investigations in the
upcoming FY.
10. Hook
Designers have come up with a solution to introduce a 4 metre wide shared foot
and cycle bridge, the design is being reviewed by TfL, RBK and Kingston Cyclists.
Works will be programmed once design is finalised. Works are programmed to
commence in October 2013.
Enabling works start mid September 2014.
Build phase is currently expected May-Sep 2015. This is currently being
negotiated with other works in the area (Gas Works, Elmcroft Avenue)
11. Hook Road j/w
Preliminary investigations and tracking have shown that a 44T tanker cannot turn
safely from the petrol station even with kerb amendments. However TfL have met
with the owner of the petrol station and would like to review this further by running
a truck through the station. This is being discussed further.
Detailed Design work is concluding, the stakeholder traffic management
meeting took place earlier this week and TfL will be discussing the
timescales for build with the Jet garage as it is likely to require partial
closure of the station during the build phase.
Hook Rise
North London bound
off slip at Tolworth
To investigate speed reduction from 50mph to 30 mph from Princes Avenue to
Tolworth roundabout. Speed surveys have been received. The 85% speeds are
as tabulated:
Monday - Friday
Tuesday & Thursday
This is in follow up to requests from the MET Police’s regarding the length of exit
road (287m) in connection with the proposal of speed reduction. Further
discussions will be held with Borough officers to discuss how this proposal should
be taken forward.
Further speed data was undertaken which was received at the beginning of
August. This has been analysed and we will review this with the Police this month.
Additional data has been requested, we await the results.
No change
13. Chessington
Industrial Estate
Signing Scheme
Implementation of new directional signs to instruct HGV drivers to the Chessington
Industrial estate via the A3, rather than the weight restricted side roads. (North
and southbound signs on central reserve). This also includes relocation of side
roads weight restriction signing, Map type width restriction sign relocation.
Scheme is in the process of being approved on to the TfL programme, following
which TfL will aim for implementation this financial year. Programme to follow
once scheme is approved. TfL are reviewing this further with RBK to ensure the
correct signing strategy is put in place. A review has shown a low bridge on
Tolworth Road, may be why lorries are trying to travel through the A243. Further
discussions are being held to ensure the correct directional signs are
implemented. Survey has been commissioned over a 3 day – 24 hour period to
assess HGV and other traffic movements. Principal contractor has also been
instructed to engage with existing companies operating on the industrial estate to
help gather further evidence of the problems being encountered to help deliver a
A FERS (Freight Environment Review Survey) has been undertaken. Further
discussions are needed with the Chessington Industrial Estate and greater
understanding of origin destinations for HGVs, to ensure an accurate signing
strategy. The FERS report has been commissioned. We await a programme from
the LoHAC designer. Survey results received, with timescale for analysing results
at the end of October. Our communications team will be writing to all of the
companies on the industrial estate for their input.
The feasibility studies are now complete with some minor comments /
changes from internal TfL stakeholders.
TfL has engaged via surveys and forum meetings with businesses
currently operating on the industrial estate.
Following the survey results, the signing strategy has been reviewed and
there are proposals to improve the directional signing by way of a
‘preferred route’. Signing is also being investigated on the A3.
Detailed design to commence imminently. TfL will continue to engage via
the Chessington Industrial Estate forum meetings.
14. A243 Lidl
The Lidl store access on the A243 south of Bridge Rd Roundabout has been the
subject of concern from the Borough and residents.
The Lidl store has only one access/ egress point for the commercial car park on
the southern side of the store. On the opposite side of the access point there is a
residential access coupled with a bus stop and bus stop cage and the filter lane
for the right turn into Lidl. Hence there are many conflicting movements outside
the Lidl store, which has also seen an increase in the number of trips to the store
to that which was previously forecast during the development planning stage.
Congestion on the A243 within the area compounds the problem
We will be undertaking traffic surveys in October and will be proposing minor
carriageway markings amendments and general maintenance to improve visibility
and capacity.
Lidl are also investigating improvements to the layout of the car park for turning
movements within the rear of the car park and minor increases in capacity. This
includes signing and road markings (directional arrows). They are also considering
the use of side roads for employees parking, although they do not think this is
major issue. Traffic surveys to determine vehicle movements in and out of the car
park were undertaken and have been received. Following residential concern in
light of the Malden Rushett diversions, further surveys will take place following
completion of the above and various scheduled highway works in the area.
A review of the condition of the carriageway in the study area will also be
TfL is aware of a recent incident of a vehicle overrunning the pavement to
overtake the LIDL delivery vehicle. Both Lidl and the Police have been
informed. TfL and the police are keeping a watching brief; however there
have been no new reported collisions to date at this junction.
In the meantime, we will progress some minor improvements at the
junction to enhance lane discipline.
Further CCTV surveys will be undertaken following the completion of
Malden Rushett and subsequent Hook Footbridge widening works forecast
completion date for the latter is Autumn 2015.
15. Tolworth
We have received several complaints regarding driver difficulties on the
roundabout and a letter from a solicitor on the correct way of using the
roundabout. Liaison with OD and the Met Police indicates improvements to
the road markings may improve the ease of use of this roundabout. We
have therefore put this down as a new scheme on our programme.
This scheme is due to start imminently.
Cox Lane Bus Gate – Rising Barriers
At its meeting on 10 September 2013 the Committee considered a report on enhancing the
Cox Lane bus gate. The Committee was well aware that there has been a long standing
problem of lorry incursion at this location. A 7.5 tonne lorry ban zone was introduced in 1988
in the north Chessington area to limit through lorry journeys. The lorry movements were
mainly associated with Chessington Industrial Estate. Residents in the area were concerned
about the continued inappropriate use of their roads by lorries. However, enforcement of such
zones has never been a Police priority, with significant non compliance. A scheme was
implemented over twelve years ago in Cox Lane between Oakcroft Road and Sanger Avenue
to restrict the movement of lorries to support the lorry ban zone. It included a width restriction
for each direction with by-passes for buses. A width restriction was introduced in Sanger
Avenue by Cox Lane.
At its meeting in June 2013 the Committee, when considering a report giving an update on
the Council adopting additional traffic enforcement powers, had resolved that Cox Lane bus
gate should be a priority location for enforcement.
The report to the Committee in September advised that the Council has now taken on the
powers to enforce moving traffic offences. Trials using the CCTV camera car have taken
place at the bus gate and warning notices have been issued to offending motorists. The
Committee were of the view that, while they welcomed the monitoring which is now being
undertaken, progress needed to be made, without awaiting the outcome of enforcement
measures, to introduce a physical barrier at the bus gates. The Committee therefore resolved
that a scheme now be progressed to introduce rising arm barriers at the bus gates in Cox
Lane; that provision be made in the Committee’s revenue budget to cover the ongoing
operational and maintenance costs; and that before and after traffic monitoring is undertaken
to evaluate the effectiveness of the rising arm barrier scheme. This was in order to respond to
concerns which had been raised at recent committee meetings by residents affected by lorry
At the time of the update to the Committee at the November 2013 meeting, work was in
progress to make the signage and road markings compliant with regulations so that
enforcement could commence. The works were completed in January 2014 and a letter was
delivered to all premises on the Industrial Estate informing them that enforcement would start
on 20 January 2014. Since then regular enforcement has been undertaken using the CCTV
camera car.
Cartledge, the Council’s street lighting service partner, has been commissioned to progress
the installation of metered power supplies for the proposed rising arm barriers. The locations
and electricity loading have been determined and the estimated costs of the feeder pillars and
the supply connection quotation from UKPN have been accepted. The feeder pillars were
installed on 4 April and the supply connections are due to be installed on 2 August 2014.
Work continues on identifying possible suppliers of the rising arm barriers and the finalisation
of the specification. Officers are in contact with TfL regarding their barriers in London and in
contact with colleagues at L B Hammersmith & Fulham as they manage the barriers on
Hammersmith Bridge and helpful feedback has been received. A meeting has taken place
with TfL including London Buses to discuss the method of control and management of the
barriers. When the detailed design is complete, the procurement process for the barriers will
The Committee was informed on the 2 April 2014 that a meeting had taken place between the
Head of Planning and Transport and the Interim Parking Group Manager to discuss the Cox
Lane Bus Gate. It has been agreed that enforcement of the bus gate by using the CCTV
camera cars will continue until the rising arm barriers are installed, at which point it will cease,
as it is not considered appropriate to exercise both forms of control simultaneously. There will
be no proposal to install fixed cameras in the interim period. The Interim Parking Group
Manager has pointed out that, once the rising arm barriers are in place, it would not be
appropriate for the Council to take any “moving traffic contravention” enforcement action, (i.e.
issue fixed penalty notices), in circumstances where a barrier was broken off or went missing
or malfunctioned in a way which allowed unauthorised vehicles to pass through it.
Cartledge and UKPN completed the installation/electrical supply for the feeder pillars in
September 2014. Cartledge informed that their sub-contractors installed meters in the feeder
pillars on 2 December. This will allow energy consumption to be managed when the barrier
scheme is implemented.
The detailed design of the rising arm barrier scheme is substantially complete;
however the final layout will be subject to amendments depending on the final
system specification and configuration.
TfL’s recommendation is to use ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition)
cameras as a more reliable system than “iBus”. Using ANPR cameras would
also mean that bus drivers do not need to have a “back up” card to pass
through the barriers. The cameras will recognise authorised number plates
and, as well as the ability to contact “Centrecom” at TfL Buses, there will be a
telephone number to call to lift the barrier if required. Officers have had initial
meetings with companies who supplies ANPR systems that could be used
here, and also who would also be interested in providing a quotation for
barriers controlled in this manner.
The procurement of the ANPR camera and barrier system is underway. Five
companies have been invited to bid for the work and the date for submission
of bids is Monday 9 March. It is anticipated that the preferred company will be
known by Friday 20 March. A site meeting with the potential bidders
highlighted issues with the location of the camera, emergency services
access and ongoing maintenance of the barrier. These issues will be resolved
once the preferred company is known.
Background papers held by Ian Price, Lead Officer Neighbourhood Engineering tel 020 8547
5934 email: [email protected]
Improvements to the
Malden Rushett
Crossroads junction
Improve the bus
service between
Chessington and
Epsom and provide
links to Surbiton
Chessington World
of Adventures –
warning sign on the
Junction has a poor
accident record and is
a congestion point on
the A243 corridor.
There is also a need
for better pedestrian
The existing 467 bus
service to Epsom is
infrequent and often
not to time. Because of
its unreliability it is not
popular with residents.
However, it is an
important link to
Epsom Hospital. No
direct link for buses to
Surbiton Hospital from
It is believed that there
is a sign on the M25 is
available to CWoA to
warn drivers if the
theme park is full or
queuing. Is this
arrangement still
available and is it
Planned outcome
Actions needed to
progress outcome
Reduced accident
Reduction in traffic
Promote project with
TfL and highlight it’s
important to RBK
Increased frequency
of buses running to
Discuss amendments
to the service with TfL
and Bus Operators.
Item on the agenda of the Health Overview
Panel on 29 January.
CWoA confirm that
system is still working,
however, it’s use and
the use of TfL & SCC
digital signs to be
At CwoA /Traffic Liaison meeting 11
February issue was discussed. Importance
of facility was reiterated.
Adjustment to bus
route to include
Surbiton Hospital
from Chessington
Regular use of
warning sign to
reduce congestion on
the A243
Project currently under construction.
Programmed substantial completion end of
March 2015.
SotB Neighbourhood to have a themed
meeting on buses at April Committee
Chessington World
Of Adventures /
Holiday Inn traffic
signals on A243.
Junction causes traffic
congestion on main
road needlessly.
Phasing allows side
road to be given green
light when no traffic is
Chessington World
of Adventures entry
Current entry
arrangements cause
queuing on to the A243
crating traffic
congestion safety
issues. This occurs
particularly when
arriving cars have to
be diverted to
alternative parking
Traffic Signage on
TfL roads
Some roads traffic
signs on TfL roads
appears to be
inappropriate or
wrongly positioned
Introduce 20mph
speed limits to
residential roads in
the Neighbourhood
Whilst it is appreciated
that the lower speed
limit is not enforceable
at the current time, its
introduction would
make residential roads
safer and a more
pleasant place to live.
Traffic signals
arranged so that side
road only given green
light when vehicles
are waiting.
TfL to examine
specification for signal
Quicker access into
RBK / TfL to liaise
the site and better
with CWoA about how
arrangements to pass to resolve problem.
on information to
TfL have acknowledged there is an issue
and are working to resolve it
Procedures to resolve this have been built
into CWoA 2015 car park management
Removal of street
clutter and
positioning of signs.
TfL to respond to
queries about
particular signage
TfL are reviewing signage along the A243
Debate and
consultation on the
introduction of 20mph
speed limits across
the Neighbourhood
Report to
Committee seeking
views and
authorisation to
consult local
Committee have agreed the introduction of
20 mph limits in the Woodgate Avenue
Fairoak Lane
Pedestrian safety
TfL are reassessing
the proposed design
for the Malden Rushett
crossroads in light of
merging road capacity
issues. Meanwhile
there are still safety
concerns about how
pedestrians cross
Fairoak Lane at the
Leatherhead Road
Provide a Controlled
Pedestrian Crossing
facility in Fairoak
Lane at the
Leatherhead Road
Discussions with TfL
to highlight this issue
and possible LIP bid.
Project currently under construction.
Programmed substantial completion end of
March 2015.
The current bus route
is Cox Lane, Gosbury
Hill, Orchard Gardens
then left at the A243.
Because of the high
demand for on-street
parking this route can
be congested.
Investigate changing
the route to Hook by
continuing along
Hunters Road and
left onto the A243.
Talk to bus operators
and NHS about
public transport links
between Chessington
and Surbiton
Discuss proposals
with the Bus Operator
and NHS.
Item on the agenda of the Health Overview
Panel on 29 January.
K2 Bus Route
Also a better service is
required to Surbiton
Hospital. This is
needed by the elderly.
SotB Neighbourhood to have a themed
meeting on buses at April Committee
Public Transport –
There is increasing
demand for bus
services particularly
at school leaving time
in the
Neighbourhood, but
no increase in
services provided
RBK Parking
Some of the older
machines still do not
accept new 10p
Certain areas within
the Neighbourhood
are susceptible to
flooding, land around
Malden Rushett,
CWoA, Sir Francis
Moor Lane Centre
Playing Field
Protect the playing
field at the Moor Lane
Centre from being
used for
Kingston Hospital Car
The parking
arrangements have
caused many
complaints. Pay on
entry, blue badge
punitive fines have all
been mentioned
Greater frequency of
buses, particularly
during school going
home times.
Better supervision of
pupils by schools and
Transport Police at
bus stops and during
Machines adapted to
receive new coins.
Reduce risk and
instances of flooding
Use the land as play
facility for children
Make the parking
arrangements more
user friendly and
reduce expensive
Discuss with TfL,
Police, Schools and
bus operators.
Review of bus
capacity within the
Upgrade affected
Identify causes of
Item on the agenda of the Health Overview
Panel on 29 January.
SotB Neighbourhood to have a themed
meeting on buses at April Committee
A programme of updating machines across
the Borough is currently underway
£100k project to maintain drainage ditches
along Rushett Lane being carried out
Spring 2015.
Maintenance of
drainage ditches
As part of the Malden Rushett crossroads
improvement new culvert has been
constructed under Rushett Lane.
Scheme for leisure
use of the land to be
Scheme to provide a cycle track on the
playing field is being developed and a
Lottery Fund bid to be submitted.
Kingston Hospital to
consult users on car
parking arrangements
Item on the agenda of the Health Overview
Panel on 29 January.