Tree and Woodland Strategy - Wrexham County Borough Council
Tree and Woodland Strategy - Wrexham County Borough Council
1. REPORT TO: Homes and Environment Scrutiny Committee REPORT NO: HHPPE/47/15S DATE: 8 April 2015 LEAD MEMBER: Councillor David Bithell Lead Member, Environment and Public Protection Councillor Mark Pritchard Leader of the Council and Lead Member, Governance, Corporate Support, Finance and Planning CONTACT OFFICER: Martin Howorth (Tel: 729630) SUBJECT: Tree and Woodland Strategy (2015-2025) WARD: All PURPOSE OF THE REPORT To consider the aims and objectives of the Draft Tree and Woodland Strategy. 2. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2.1 The Housing, Public Protection and Environment Department have worked closely with the Community, Well Being and Development Department to unify tree policies that cover planning, enforcement, trees on private land and the active management of Council owned tree stock. The existing policies have been reviewed and new policies set out in a long term, ten year strategy for trees and woodlands across the County Borough. 2.2 The Strategy sets out ambitious targets to increase the urban tree cover in the County Borough to 20% across the ten year plan, to help in terms of climate change, pollution, flooding and biodiversity. This will be achieved by ensuring the correct policies are in place in terms of planning and local development, targeted work will be undertaken to improve the wards with the lowest tree cover and the opportunity for grant aid will be utilised. 2.3 Utilising the detailed information from the i–Tree Eco Study, the Strategy highlights the need to protect existing large trees, ensure that when planting new trees, in the right locations, larger specimens are used that grow into larger trees and a variety of species are planted to help protect against pests and diseases. 2.4 It is proposed that the Strategy is sent out for public consultation during the summer and the Homes and Environment Scrutiny Committee can then consider the comments and a final draft of the Strategy in the autumn, prior to publication. 3. RECOMMENDATIONS 3.1 The Homes and Environment Scrutiny Committee considers and comments on the Draft Tree and Woodland Strategy and support the public consultation on the Strategy, prior to final consideration by members. 3.2 Members of the Homes and Environment Scrutiny Committee receive a report on the outcome of the consultation in the Autumn of 2015, prior to Executive Board consideration of the Strategy. REASONS FOR RECOMMENDATIONS (i) Members are able to consider the Draft Tree and Woodland Strategy and enable the public consultation to be undertaken to gain wider views on the Strategy’s aims. 4. BACKGROUND INFORMATION 4.1 The Environment Department produced a Tree Strategy for Council owned trees 20082013 (CeO/05/08). This Strategy is now out of date and when Members approved this original Strategy, they recommended the next Strategy should be a single document covering tree matters for the whole Council and include planning and tree preservation orders. 4.2 The Draft Tree and Woodland Strategy has been jointly written by the Housing, Public Protection and Environment Department and the Community, Well Being and Development Department. 4.3 The Strategy has been informed by the extensive research undertaken on trees within the County Borough, through the i-Tree Eco Study (HHPPE/93/14, Wrexham i- Tree Report). This study circulated to all members as an information report, with the “Tree Cover in Wales’ Towns and Cities” study (2009) reveals that Coedpoeth has one of the lowest urban tree canopy covers in Wales. Four other urban areas; Chirk, Wrexham, Rhos, Penycae and Ruabon also have very low urban tree canopy cover (below the Welsh national average). 4.4 The i-Tree Eco Study also indicated in addition to increasing urban tree canopy cover, the retention and planting of trees and woodlands in the rural parts of the County Borough should not be neglected. 4.5 The i–Tree Eco Study data indicates, our tree population is predominantly made up of young trees, with very few mature or older trees present. This highlights the need to retain as many of our older, large growing trees as possible to ensure we do not lose their valuable benefits of carbon storage, biodiversity and interception of flood water. Trees are lost through development, safety reasons and diseases. 4.6 Taking into account the data from the i-Tree Eco Study, the Tree and Woodland Strategy sets out ambitious targets to increase the urban tree cover in the County Borough to 20% across the ten year plan, to help in terms of climate change, pollution, flooding and biodiversity. Towns such as Llangollen have a 28% tree canopy cover, Neath, 23% and Pont y pool, 24%. The Wrexham County Borough average tree canopy cover is 17%, but this figure covers a wide variation across the urban areas, with Coedpoeth having a 6% tree cover, Wrexham Town Centre 13% and Cefn Mawr, 24%. 4.7 The increase in tree cover will be achieved by ensuring the correct policies are in place in terms of planning and local development, targeted work will be undertaken to improve the wards with the lowest tree cover and the opportunity for grant aid will be utilised. 4.8 The Strategy also highlights the need to protect existing large trees, ensure that when planting new trees, in the right locations, larger specimens are used, that grow into larger trees and a variety of species are planted to help protect against pests and diseases. The strategy underlines the role of trees in the mitigation of flooding, by intercepting rainfall and by absorbing the run off and slowing the rate the water reaches the drains and water courses. Trees can also help reduce the effects of noise pollution and when planted on impervious surfaces, such as car parks, reduce air pollution. 4.9 Members’ attention is drawn to the Action Plan of the Strategy, with details of its implementation and the Council’s Tree Policies in relation to the management of Council Owned Trees, as set out in Appendix 2 of the Tree Strategy. 4.10 Wrexham County Borough Council, as the Authority responsible for the Strategy, will lead on implementing the Strategy’s aim and objectives. However, without local community involvement it will be difficult to achieve many of the Strategy’s aims and objectives. 4.11 Policy Framework – The Tree and Woodland Strategy fits within the Wrexham Council Plan (2013-17) and will support the emerging Local Development Plan. It also fits within the long term Welsh Government Strategy Woodland for Wales (2009). 4.12 Budget – The Strategy puts forward an increase in tree planting across the County Borough. This will be funded through existing Departmental budgets and opportunity taken through private landowners and developers ,Section 106 agreements, urban renewal capital schemes, Welsh Government future woodland grants, and other greenspace grant schemes. 4.13 Legal – The Tree and Woodland Strategy fits within existing tree legislation. 4.14 Staffing – It is intended the Strategy will be delivered through existing staffing resources. 4.15 Equality/Human Rights – An Equality Impact Assessment has been undertaken(ENV/EIA 00021/2015) . There appear to be no equality implications from the proposals. 4.16 Risks – The risks if an increase in tree planting as identified in the Strategy are not implemented are related to climate change, such as flooding and pollution and the economic and social consequences. 5. CONSULTATION 5.1 Once Members have considered the Draft Tree and Woodland Strategy, it is proposed to undertake public consultation. A summary of the key points of the strategy will be used for consultation with the public via the internet and at public access points, such as the visitor centres in the parks. The results of this consultation exercise can be considered by Members in the Autumn with any subsequent amendments prior to a final Strategy being considered by the Executive Board in the late Autumn of 2015. 6. EVALUATION OF OPTIONS 6.1 The Tree and Woodland Strategy puts forward a number of actions which Members can consider. Members have the option of approving, amending or rejecting the Strategy. BACKGROUND PAPERS LOCATION (CeO/05/08) Draft Wrexham Tree Strategy and Guidelines, 3rd June 2008. Copy of original Strategy can be obtained by emailing martin.howarth@wrexha (HHPPE/93/14, Wrexham i- Tree Report, information report circulated to all Members. Copy of report can be obtained by emailing elton.watson@wrexham. WEBSITE INFO