MAY 2015 - Monona Lutheran Church
MAY 2015 - Monona Lutheran Church
MONONA MESSENGER Newsletter of: Monona Ev. Lutheran Church, LC-MS 4411 Monona Dr. Monona, WI 53716 NON-PROFIT ORG U.S. POSTAGE PAID MADISON, WI PERMIT #1436 JUNE/JULY 2015 Divine Worship Sunday 9:00 a.m. Monday Evening 6:00 p.m. Communion Services 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month. Midweek Lenten & Advent Vespers 6:00 p.m. NO Monday Worship on Legal Holidays August Messenger Deadline July 22nd, 2015 NO LATE ARTICLES Please submit articles by this date e-mail: [email protected] or leave a copy on the office desk Christian Education Hour Sunday 10:15 a.m. Sunday School & Bible Classes for Adults, Youth and Children Pastor: Rev. Thomas Nowak Office Phone: 222-7071 E-mail: [email protected] OUR MISSION STATEMENT “Loving Christ, Serving Others through Preaching, Teaching, Reaching” MONONA MESSENGER June/July 2015 + VACATION WITH THE LORD, NOT FROM HIM + _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Dear Fellow Redeemed in Christ Jesus, Summer is finally here! Most of us have been eagerly anticipating it for many long, chilly months. Summer provides us with a chance to unwind, to relax, to take leave of some of our dayto-day responsibilities. Here at Monona, summer is a time of reduced activity in some respects as many of our regular groups suspend meetings until the fall, while others increase in activity. The summer is when we do most of our planning for the coming September through May "busy season". Summer is also a time when attendance at worship experiences a decline as many people travel during these months. We'd like to take the opportunity to encourage you, as an individual member of our congregation, to do some planning of your own during the summer months. First of all, please don't neglect your worship life when you are on vacation. We constantly need the spiritual strength that only the means of grace can provide. Contact the church office for assistance in locating a church near your vacation site. Though summer activities may keep us away from our church on occasion, they certainly don't need to keep us away from our Savior. Don't forget to glorify Him in ALL things. Here are a few summer suggestions to help you do that: 1. Again when you are away, try to locate a nearby Christian church and go to worship. (I'd appreciate it if you would bring me back a bulletin.) 2. If it is not possible to locate a church where you are, why not plan and hold your own family devotions? This is a good way for families to worship their Lord and reinforce their closeness at the same time. If possible have the head of your family open and close your family prayer with each family member taking their turn. You will experience a wonderful closeness in your family as each in turn "presents their requests to God." 3. Please don't forget that your own congregation's financial obligations need to be met twelve months a year. These obligations don't stop for the summer. 4. Lastly, start thinking toward fall. If you have gotten out of the habit of attending worship regularly, the "new year" of church activities beginning in September might be an excellent time for you to get started again. If you've been worshiping but are otherwise inactive, the fall would be a good time to increase your activity. There is plenty to do in the Lord's service, and there is certainly a place you can fill. Have a great summer! But as you make plans to "get away from it all," please don't get away from your Savior. Vacation with the Lord, not from Him. In the love of Jesus, Pastor Nowak Congratulations and God’s Blessings to those celebrating special dates Prayer Chain Life presents challenges to all of us, but sometimes those challenges can feel like it’s just too much. If you are experiencing situations, whether physical, emotional, or spiritual, call our Prayer chain: Susan Bartlett at 608-437-5765, Louise Lemke at 608-222-6740, or the church office at 608-222-7071 or if you would like to become a part of our Prayer chain. “Hear my prayer, O Lord; listen to my cry for mercy.” $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Financial Report status through April 2015 General Fund Income YTD - $55,157.98 General Fund Expenses YTD - 51,402.50 Income Less Expenses 3.755.48 Total General Fund Account - 86,338.90 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ BLOOD DRIVE: There will be a blood drive on Wednesday, June 3rd, 2015 from 1:30 p.m. until 6:00 p.m. here at the church. Since donations usually drop during the summer months. The American Red Cross is depending on donors such as yourself to give. Thank you to those who continue to give throughout the year. Organ Refurbishment: Dear fellow redeemed, As mentioned in the letter sent to the congregation, the Voters have approved our refurbishment of our 20 year old organ in order to enhance our worship for the next 20 years. The envelope included with this newsletter is for that purpose. Thank you in advance for all who are moved by the Spirit for this expression of Christian love and all that lies behind it. Receiving such gifts from fellow Christians reinforces for all of us the joy of Christian love and reminds us of our Savior’s free gifts of forgiveness, salvation, and the promise of everlasting life. It is so encouraging to see the love of Christ evident in the actions as well as in the words of His people. Thanks again for all who are moved to contribute to this much needed and worthwhile project. Your generosity and thoughtfulness are truly appreciated. JULY BIRTHDAYS JUNE BIRTHDAYS Joy Hamburg Shirley Sommer Judy Thompson Jeanne Nowak Greg Simmons Molly Daniels Alyssa Simon Dale Thur Jeff Reinholtz Louise Lemke Aleah Noll Zeke Bartlett Martha Gottschalk 1 8 12 18 18 20 23 23 24 26 26 27 29 Nick Richards Janet Graham Jeremie Cribben Don Hamburg Jim Meyer Larry TerMaat Linda Ampe Butch Butler Jack Fahser Dorothy Roth Clem Dohmeier John Germaine Gene Kosbau Neil Bartlett Amber Daniels ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATIONS JUNE Robert & Doris Ganiere 1 Anna & John McNeil 1 Rev. Thomas & Jeanne Nowak 1 Mike & Sarah Simon 4 Dave & Cindy Krivanek 9 Dale & Martha Gottschalk 10 Richard & Tami Noll 22 Don & Joy Hamburg 24 JULY Gerald & Jeanette Schellpfeffer 4 Gary & Gail Steingraber 9 Mark & Meghan Steingraber 16 The Book Club will not meet in June. The next meeting will be on Thursday, July 2. The selection is the third novel in the Chronicles of the Kings series, The Strength of His Hand, by Lynn Austin, which continues the story of King Hezekiah. Please join us at 10:30 in the welcoming area. Save the Date: July 12th, 2015 – 10:45 am – Church Picnic – watch for details. Healing Service: Our next Healing Service will be offered again on June 14th, after the regular worship service. If you have a burden or sickness that you would like to commend to the Lord, this would be a great time to do so. Rejoicing in His love, Pastor Nowak HAPPY FATHER’S DAY JUNE 21st, 2015 2 7 8 8 9 10 13 13 15 16 19 22 26 28 31 JUNE Bible Readings Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Morning 2 Chron. 4-6 2 Chron. 7-9 2 Chron. 10-12 2 Chron. 13-16 2 Chron. 17-19 2 Chron. 20-22 2 Chron. 23-25 2 Chron. 26-28 2 Chron. 29-31 2 Chron. 32,33 2 Chron. 34-36 Ezra 1,2 Ezra 3-5 Ezra 6-8 Ezra 9,10 Nehemiah 1-3 Nehemiah 4-6 Nehemiah 7,8 Nehemiah 9-11 Nehemiah 12,13 Esther 1-3 Esther 4-6 Esther 7-10 Job 1-3 Job 4-6 Job 7-9 Job 10-12 Job 13-15 Job 16-18 Job 19,20 Evening John 12:20-50 John 13:1-17 John 13:18-38 John 14 John 15 John 16:1-15 John 16:16-33 John 17 John 18:1-23 John 18:24-40 John 19:1-22 John 19:23-42 John 20 John 21 Acts 1 Acts 2:1-13 Acts 2:14-47 Acts 3 Acts 4:1-22 Acts 4:23-37 Acts 5:1-16 Acts 5:17-42 Acts 6 Acts 7:1-19 Acts 7:20-43 Acts 7:44-60 Acts 8:1-25 Acts 8:26-40 Acts 9:1-22 Acts 9:23-43 JULY Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Bible Readings Morning Job 21,22 Job 23-25 Job 26-28 Job 29,30 Job 31,32 Job 33,34 Job 35-37 Job 38,39 Job 40-42 Psalm 1-3 Psalm 4-6 Psalm 7-9 Psalm 10-12 Psalm 13-16 Psalm 17,18 Psalm 19-21 Psalm 22-24 Psalm 25-27 Psalm 28-30 Psalm 31-33 Psalm 34,35 Psalm 36,37 Psalm 38-40 Psalm 41-43 Psalm 44-46 Psalm 47-49 Psalm 50-52 Psalm 53-55 Psalm 56-58 Psalm 59-61 Psalm 62-64 Evening Acts 10:1-23 Acts 10:24-48 Acts 11 Acts 12 Acts 13:1-23 Acts 13:24-52 Acts 14 Acts 15:1-21 Acts 15:22-41 Acts 16:1-15 Acts 16:16-40 Acts 17:1-15 Acts 17:16-34 Acts 18 Acts 19:1-20 Acts 19:21-41 Acts 20:1-16 Acts 20:17-38 Acts 21:1-14 Acts 21:15-40 Acts 22 Acts 23:1-11 Acts 23:12-35 Acts 24 Acts 25 Acts 26 Acts 27:1-25 Acts 27:26-44 Acts 28:1-15 Acts 28:16-31 Romans 1 G’DAY MATES!! GET READY FOR THE FUN! At Outback Rock VBS, kids venture into solid faith and discover God’s powerful presence in everyday life! This VBS is filled with incredible Bible-learning experiences kids see, hear, and touch. Cool Bible songs, and multisensory Bible adventures are just a few of the activities that help faith flow into real life. (Since everything is hands-on, kids might get a little messy. Be sure to send them in play clothes and sturdy shoes.) The faith lessons they will experience will be God is with Joseph and Jesus dies and comes back to life, then appears to his followers. Fun adventures for this area. The main Bible Point for the kids will be “God is always with us” and from Matthew 28:20 “I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” The day will begin at 9:00am with music and skit fun. We will get into the faith stories and then onto some crafts. We will then stop for some nourishment (lunch) and then out for some fun outside in the water! We will come back in and have more music, skits, stories and crafts in the afternoon. Someone whispered that we may have a snack too! We will say G’day to all our new mates at 3:00pm. Please invite your neighbor kids, friends, grandchildren or anyone you can think of. Time is coming fast so sign up soon! Adults welcome too. If you’d like to help, volunteers are more than welcome to join us for the day. Hope to see you there! Notes from the Loft: As we approach summer, there are a number of notes worth mentioning.... First, the bell Choir. This was a record year in terms of members! What a blessing! The additional members made planning much easier. I thank all for their time and dedication. The vocal choir continues to be served by a number of faithful members. In the past "choir year" we've sung a number of anthems and sung a cantata. No, the cantata was not difficult, but I'm told we've not done a cantata in probably 20+ years! I'm very thankful for the choir members and those additional people who joined us just for the Cantata. We suffered a significant loss with the going-home of Lorraine Weissinger. She had such a beautiful, sweet voice, and her character and support are greatly missed! It is very hard to believe that she was singing in the Good Friday Cantata one week, and in Heaven the next. I thank God for her service, and look forward to seeing her in Heaven's choir. So, what's left? Well, we have an organ upgrade project in the works. Phase I is complete. This involved the purchase of a computer, audio interface, and some sample sets (digital, note-by-note, stop-by-stop recordings of notable pipe organs). To date, we've purchased the sample sets from Hereford Cathedral (England), and Laurenskirk (Rotterdam, Netherlands). At this point, the only organ I've setup is the Hereford organ. I intend to use the Rotterdam organ as a teaching tool for the people who will be learning the software so they can support it, too. The positive response by "regular" attenders and by visitors has be been MUCH better than I could have expected! We finally have "tender" sounds from the organ as well as "big", aweinspiring sounds! I know some of you are sensitive to "too loud". My goal is to find a good balance. I think I'm closing in on that. Over the summer, we (me, the trustees, and probably others) will begin Phase II. This phase involves the re-purposing of the existing console. I believe the last Sunday we will use this current "incarnation" of the organ will be June 7th. The re-purposing will then commence! We have the funds in hand to get the time consuming portion of this work done, but we still need money for the largest expense in the project, the keyboards. For the keyboards, we need to raise about $8000. I know this sounds very expensive! I was surprised when I first heard the cost, too. These are NOT the same as what you find in your typical $300 Casio keyboard at Walmart. They are essentially pipe organ keyboards. I hope we can raise the funds by late July so we can order them. The goal is to have Phase II complete before the fall choir season begins. While Phase II is being worked, we will be borrowing an organ that I'm currently "babysitting" for a friend. This will be sitting on the ground floor in the back of the church (across the aisle from the piano). I hope you all have a wonderful summer! Corey **************************************************************************************************************************************************************** “Stewardship/Witness Sentences” June 2015 June 7 Mark 3:35 “Whoever does the will of God, he is my brother and sister and mother.” Doing the will of God starts with trusting in His Son Jesus Christ. Once we have faith in Him and have been reborn as new creatures through Holy Baptism, we strive to grow in this faith and in a life that agrees with our faith. Growing in generosity, in kindness, and in love across our callings in the home, in church, and in society is growing in the family of God: for all who do His will are his brothers, and sisters, and mothers. Witness: In Romans 4:18-25 we are assured that God has the power to do what He has promised. He has promised forgiveness of sins, life and salvation in Jesus. We rejoice in that sure hope and share it as we have the opportunity. June 14 Mark 4:34 “He did not speak to them without a parable, but privately to his own disciples he explained everything.” How blessed we are to be His disciples! The Lord has indeed explained everything to us. He has told us all things plainly. Why then are we ever so foolish as to disobey His clear Word? Our fight against sin in the power of the Holy Spirit is truly a struggle. Therefore let us receive the Lord’s help in His Word and Sacraments – and let us fight the good fight of faith and grow up into His image. Witness: The good news we have is that Jesus took on Himself the wrath of God that we deserved because of our sins, and now offers to us life that will never end. What a word of hope we have and what a joy to share with those who live without hope! June 21 Mark 4:40 He said to them, “Why are you so afraid? Have you still no faith?” Faith means trust. If we trust the Lord, what do we have to be afraid of? Isn’t it fear that holds us back in our stewardship? Isn’t it fear that stops us from following the Lord’s Word to give generously toward His work in the Church? Well… “Why are you afraid? Have you still not faith?” The Lord has proved His trustworthiness by His cross. You can trust Him. Witness: Every human being is guilty of sin, but that those who put their hope in Christ have had the guilt and condemnation of their sin taken away. What good news for us and fellow sinners! June 28 2 Corinthians 8:3 “For they gave according to their means, as I can testify, and beyond their means, of their own free will.” St. Paul lifts up an example of faithful Christian generosity in the Epistle lesson today. Read those words again this week and ponder them. How is the Lord calling you to increase your generosity toward His work”? Witness: In our baptisms we have been connected with the death and resurrection of Jesus so that just like He was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life and share the good news of salvation in Christ with a world corrupted by sin. HAPPY 4th of JULY