Bulletin #8 April 7, 2015 Dates to Remember… April 7


Bulletin #8 April 7, 2015 Dates to Remember… April 7
Principal: H. Wall ~ Head Teacher: H. Kimmie ~ Secretary: B. Walters
Safe  Welcome  Responsible
Bulletin #8
April 7, 2015
Dates to Remember…
April 7-10
PAC Book Fair
Thursday, April 9
Student-Led Conferences, 2:00 pm dismissal
Friday, April 17
Team/Group Yearbook Photos (MHL, monitors, basketball, etc.)
Monday, April 20
Class, panorama & grade 7 photos
Monday, April 27
Professional Development Day – school closed
Monday, May 18
Victoria Day – school closed
Wednesday, May 27 Community Thank You Event, 1:00 – 2:00 pm
Evening grade 7 band concert
Friday, May 29
New kindergarten student orientation, 1:15 pm
Friday, June 5
Professional Development Day – school closed
Friday, June 12
Talent Show Dress Rehearsal 1 pm, Evening Performance 7 pm
Tuesday, June 23
Grade 7 lunch & dance
Wednesday, June 24 Grade 7 School Leaving Ceremony, 10:30 – noon
Thursday, June 25
Students dismissed at 10:00. Report cards sent home. Please note that report cards
cannot be given out before June 25th. Students must be in attendance to receive them.
*Please note, some dates may change. Please check future bulletins or the Morley website for updates.*
What “Welcome” Means
Ten years ago, Morley had about 150 suspensions a year. There was a lot of time spent dealing with
problems after they occurred. The principal at the time, Steve Cairns, worked with our district counsellor, Bev
Ogilvie, to solve the problems before they exploded. The solution they came up with was for staff to
intentionally and purposefully develop positive relationships with students. Part of this was coming up with a
new motto for our school, “Safe, Welcome and Comfortable.” By focusing on building inclusive relationships for
all students our school’s culture changed radically. We now have less than five suspensions a year and we
have an overwhelming amount of comments about how calm, inclusive and supportive our school is. Our
school’s success has been shared at many conferences and this approach has been successfully applied to
Elementary, Middle and High Schools throughout BC. However, being “welcome” isn’t something that is
accomplished once and then stays in place. Just like in anything to do with relationships, positive growth
happens because of thoughtful, intentional actions.
As students get older we help them learn how to be increasingly more welcome in their thoughts and
actions. As an example, we teach our students to look at their actions and be intentionally inclusive as an
important way to reduce bullying. This has an impact not just on school life but on their entire life. When we
surveyed some of our older students this year many of them reflected that they had been mean to their peers
as well as to their brothers and sisters. After some discussion, they identified things that they had done that were
mean and then how they could change that. It takes courage to admit mistakes and take responsibility to
build positive, intentionally inclusive relationships and I’m proud of the way our students are developing their
“welcome” skills.
One of the other ways to develop positive relationships is for students and their families to come to school
before the bell and spend time talking or “checking in” before class in the morning. I want to encourage our
families, students and parents, to intentionally “welcome” other families. It takes preparation combined with an
opportunity to be successful in building relationships. The before school time is an opportunity that can have a
big impact on our students and their families. Just as our staff encourages our students to be inclusive of all
students by greeting and spending time with people they don’t know I want to encourage our parents to do
the same. Let’s work together to increase the “welcome” factor of our school and help make a great school
even better.
Mr. Hal Wall - Principal
We have a lot of great classes at Morley including some new additions. The following courses will be offered at
Morley this summer:
 English Language for primary and intermediate (grades 1 – 6)
 Skill Development (for students currently in grades 1 or 2)
 Ready! Set! Go! Going into Grade 1 (for students currently in Kindergarten)
 Ready! Set! Go! Going into Grade 4 (for students currently in Grade 3)
 Essay & Report Writing (for students currently in grades 4 to 6)
 Surprising Science (for students currently in grades 1 – 2)
 Surprising Science (for students currently in grades 4 – 6)
 Drama: Developing Skills Through Play (for students currently in grades 3 – 5) **NEW
 Modern Music (for students currently in grades 4 – 6) **NEW
All classes will take place at Morley School, July 7 – 24, 9:00 am – 12:15 pm. Please note that students MUST
attend all classes. We cannot accept your registration if your son/daughter will not be present for all 14 school
days. Classes are free.
Registration is open to all Burnaby students but there are limited spaces. Our office can help by looking
after registration. To avoid disappointment, please fill in the tear-off sheet on the reverse side and return it to the
school as soon as possible. First come, first served. Seats are limited! Confirmation for programs will be sent to
you after public registration starts.
Second Term Effort Honour Roll
Congratulations to the following students who have made the Effort Honour Roll:
Division 1: Amran, Jana, Qods, Adam, Janna, Nasiya, Teresa, Samantha, Heidi, Lucca, Katelyn, Heaven,
Raphael, Kaydra, Michelle, Division 2: Peter, Nikola, Ahreum, Chloe, Zackary, Jovan, Noelle, Division 4: Mia,
Breanne L., Sophia, Matias, Goran B., Irene, Lazar P., Anissa, Victor W., Division 5: Sam, Mehdi, Myles, Calum,
Zachary, Kelly, Jasmine, Nelson, Asma, Syahira, Hailee, Ljubica, Lexi, Renee, Jewel, Garvey, Elma, Jessica,
Division 6: Kalaya, Jacob, Charlize, Mohammad, Janell, Madison, Emma, Kacy, Madeline, Austin, Phoebe,
Amanada, Alezza, Danie, Darren, Terry, Division 7: Mina, Filip
Congratulations to Charlize and Emma W in Division 6!! Their work was selected for this year’s 2014/15 WORDS
Anthology, a publication by the Burnaby School District recognizing the best K-12 student writing!
It’s Fall
I look outside my bedroom window
It is pouring rain
Pit Pat
The wind snaps off the leaves of the branches
Red, orange and yellow swirling down to the ground
Dancing Leaves
The sky is filled with grayish clouds
Gentle leaves fall through the sky
A draft of cold wind enters the small opening of the window
Dancing in the wind as they fly by
From downstairs I can smell the aroma of my grandma’s apple pie
Drifting down to the cold hard ground
Children crunching the leaves they have found
I tip-toe down the stairs and am handed a cup of hot cocoa
By Emma W
I take another peek outside
I slowly sip the hot cocoa
And take a deep breath
There is no doubt about it
It’s Fall
By Charlize
Student name: ________________________________________________ Teacher: __________________________________
I would like to register for the following class:
 English Language for primary and intermediate (grades 1 – 6)
 Skill Development (for students currently in grades 1 or 2)
 Ready! Set! Go! Going into Grade 1 (for students currently in Kindergarten)
 Ready! Set! Go! Going into Grade 4 (for students currently in Grade 3)
 Essay & Report Writing (for students currently in grades 4 to 6)
 Surprising Science (for students currently in grades 1 – 2)
 Surprising Science (for students currently in grades 4 – 6)
 Drama: Developing Skills Through Play (for students currently in grades 3 – 5) **NEW
 Modern Music (for students currently in grades 4 – 6) **NEW
PAC Volunteering Information
We are looking for parents to help our PAC fundraising events held throughout the school year. These events
help us raise money for our kids at Morley for things such as fieldtrips, sport equipment, team uniforms, hip hop
lessons, music equipment, projection screen and sound system for talent shows, concerts, etc. These are some
of the events we regularly do, please check which activities you would be interested in helping with:
 Bake sales – These events require help with baking and/or volunteer with sales which would take about
an hour of your time.
 Book Fairs – This event is held 1-2 times a year and is held for 4-5 days. We need volunteers to help with
the sales during lunch and/or afterschool. This would require about 1-2 hrs of your time.
 Popcorn days – We have popcorn and other treats for sale twice a month. We need volunteers during
lunch and sometimes afterschool for an hour of your time.
 Movie Nights – We hold movie nights a few times during the school year. This is a fun night you can
spend helping us with concession, supervising and many other tasks while your child has fun watching a
movie. Any amount of time volunteering with this event would help us greatly especially for setting up
and cleaning.
 Pizza/Hot dog hot lunch – We would like volunteers to help organize and distribute lunches to
classrooms. This would be about 30 mins – 45 mins of your time.
 Fruit & Vegetable Program – Once a month we hand out fruits or vegetables and milk to students who
have signed up for the program. We need volunteers to help sort and distribute to all classrooms. This
requires approximately 1 hour of your time. We are also looking for someone who would be interested
with becoming the head of this department which will require a food safe certification in which we will
reimburse all fees for.
Name of Volunteer:
________________________________________ Phone:
Times available to volunteer: Morning
Thank you for your support in Morley!
 Lunch
Community Information
Burnaby Family Life Daycare
Burnaby Family Life is always looking for ways to meet the needs of the community. As an organization that
provides a range of child care programs across Burnaby we are wanting to know if there is a need for weekend
and occasional child care programs and it would be helpful if you could answer the following questions to help
us get a better understanding. It will take only a few minutes to complete this survey; it is anonymous and
confidential as your feedback will be entered directly into a database and information will be analyzed only as
the summary of all entered feedback. Please follow the link: Childcare Survey 2015 and use user name:
bfl.childcare with the password: Burnaby.2015 Thank you so much for your time and contribution.
Royal City Youth Soccer Club (RCYSC)
We offer 2 spring programs for ages 4-17. Sessions run once a week from mid-April to mid-June.
Details and registration are available online at www.rcysc.com
Burnaby’s Got Talent – An Invitation
Wednesday, April 8, 6:30 pm at the Michael J. Fox Theatre. There is an endless variety of student
talent across our city, ranging from dancing acts to bands and much more! There will also be
door prizes, a silent auction and concession. Tickets are $8 for students and $10 for adults and
may be purchased at https://burnaby.schoolcashonline.com/Fee
Play to Learn – Open Houses
Parents of 3-5 year olds are invited to attend any of the District’s FREE fun and interactive Play to
Learn sessions happening in April and May. Featuring children’s performer, Jane Cobb, you and
your child will enjoy lots of great learning activities, meet early childhood educators and health
experts, learn about city of Burnaby library and recreational programs and connect with the
school community and other families.
April 8 @ Cascade Heights Elementary, 9:30 – 11:15 am
April 15 @ Lochdale Community School, 6-7:30 pm
April 22 @ Marlborough Elementary School, 6-7:30 pm
May 20 @ Maywood Community School, 9:30 – 11:15 am