
1. Morse Rules! (This one’s easy.)
2. Seniority Rules: Seniority is determined by the number of years a student has spent at Yale.
3. Rules for Living with People from Another Year: Any requests to live with members of
another year will be handled on a case-by-case basis. We will do our best to accommodate
people who legitimately want to live with Morsels from a different year. Please talk to the
Housing Committee if you plan to live in a group that has Morsels from different classes. Only
rising seniors and rising juniors may live in co-ed suites.
4. Put it in Writing: If you have any questions or concerns about housing in Morse that are not
explained in this document, you must submit them in writing (this includes email) to your
class’s housing reps, who will bring them before the Committee.
5. Co-ed Groups: Individual suites can now be co-ed for rising sophomores, juniors and seniors,
but doubles must be inhabited by a single gender.
6. Invisible Suitemates: Morsels who are currently taking a term abroad, a semester off, or are
otherwise away from Yale may be included in the lottery only if they intend to be enrolled in
Yale this coming fall. To be counted in the lottery, such students must notify the Morse Dean’s
Office in writing of their intention to live in Morse next fall and designate someone (a housing
proxy) to act on their behalf in the lottery.
7. Disappearing Suitemates: If you intend to take the fall term off or to move off campus, you
may not enter the housing draw. After picking a room in the lottery, you must accept that room.
If you decide afterwards that you do not want it and pull out of the suite, you will be fined 25%
of the fall room rent. The Housing Committee reserves the right to relocate any suite that
contains such a person, or “ghost.” Everyone loses in this situation.
8. Empty Beds: The Dean reserves the right to fill any empty beds or rooms for any reason
without notice. Should, for instance, your roommate leave to study abroad or for any other
reason, the Dean may fill that bed without prior notice according to the needs of the college.
9. Unknown Suitemates: Morse will house 3-5 unknown suitemates: 3 visiting rising juniors
from international universities; and 0-2 transfer students from other universities. Groups may
agree to take one or more of these students as a member of their suite. Groups that wish to
exercise this option must inform the Housing Committee in writing before they submit their
Preliminary Housing Form. In all cases, seniority rules.
10. Annex Housing: Morse will be allotted beds in Swing Space, which is Morse’s overflow annex
space next year. Morse must fill all available beds within the college itself before assigning
students to overflow housing. The Housing Committee will move students back into Morse
according to the needs of the college and according to the order in which students “win” their
Swing assignment (i.e., Last In, First Out).
11. The Survey: Current sophomores and juniors must submit their on/off campus intentions for
fall housing on StarRez. All members of the class of 2018 must live on campus next year.
12. No Suite Swapping: Once you select your suite, that decision is final. Suites may not swap
locations, and individuals within suites may not move to other suites.
Last updated 3/29/2015
13. Locations for 2016: Members of the class of 2016 can choose to live where they want, with the
exception of the A B, C and D entryways, as well as the E 7s (E31 and E41) and the G 4s (G22,
G32, and G42), which are reserved for current freshmen.
14. Locations for 2017: Members of the class of 2017 will draw for their group locations after the
2016 draw. They will be able to choose any available suites, except those already taken by rising
seniors or entryways A, B, C and D as well as the E 7s (E31 and E41) and the G 4s (G22, G32,
and G42), which will be reserved for current freshmen.
15. Reserved for 2018: Every current freshman (rising sophomore) is guaranteed a bed in Morse
College next year. The A, B, C, and D entryways in Morse, as well as the E 7s (E31 and E41)
and the G 4s (G22, G32, and G42) will be reserved exclusively for rising sophomores.
16. Your Lottery Ticket: Each student must enter a suite on StarRez by 4PM on the designated
date before the lottery you are entering (see Housing Schedule for dates). If any of the people on
your finalized suite change or drop out after the deadline, the Housing Committee reserves the
right to take appropriate action (e.g., assigning students to the room or giving the suite last pick
in the draw). Late applicants automatically get last pick in their respective lotteries.
17. Playing the Lottery: Morse will hold lotteries in the Morse Common Room on the dates
indicated on the Housing Schedule. Each group must appoint one representative who will draw
cards for your group and pick which location you want. We highly recommended that you
attend the housing draw, if at all possible, as certain situations may arise that require the input
of all members of the group. At the appropriate lottery, one representative from each group
picks a card; the highest card gets first pick, the second-highest gets the next pick, and so on
down the line. The largest groups will get to pick locations first.
18. Picking a Location: Location is dictated by class: Rising seniors (MC '16) get first pick, then
rising juniors (MC’17) and finally rising sophomores. Entryways A, B, C and D as well as the E
7s (E31 and E41) and the G 4s (G22, G32, and G42), however, are reserved for current
freshmen. Rising sophomores may not enter the draw for annex housing.
19. The Special Lottery: Special suites are drawn during a special lottery. Please see the Housing
Schedule for application deadlines and the date and time of the special lottery.
20. Elastic Clause: The Housing Committee reserves the right to modify the rules at any
time if the situation warrants. In addition, suite assignments can be changed to ensure
fairness and to make sure everyone has a place to live. All decisions will be made at the
discretion of the Housing Committee, the Dean, and the Master. All decisions are final.
Who we are:
Chair: David Pitera ([email protected])
2016: Annie Cook, Chareeni Kurukulasuriya, Tavis Leighton, Christian Soler, and Matt Wong
([email protected])
2017: Elizabeth Hines, Michelle Kelrikh, Serena Lau, Tanaz Meghjani, Mimi Pham, Christopher Rim,
and Azan Virji ([email protected])
2018: Samantha Angle, Kevin Cheung and John Henk ([email protected])
Last updated 3/29/2015