Subject: Re: TA53M OK, I know it has been over a month since our


Subject: Re: TA53M OK, I know it has been over a month since our
Subject: Re: TA53M
OK, I know it has been over a month since our last communications but
I want to update you on the antenna/feedline issue I was having.
The coax was full of water since my antenna man did not use coax seal
or even silicone 11 years or so ago when he put the antenna up for me
just electrical tape & then he did not even tape the area where the
water was dripping out when we removed the feedline.
I promise I will advise him of him costing me additional money because
of having to replace the feedline even though The Wireman was happy
I need a new run.
Thanks for a starting point so it was made simple by you at Mosley.
THANKS again & my MOSLEY TA-53M is now back performing like a
Champ with SWR under 1.3.1 on all 5 bands.73 & God bless from a
Clayton Yarbrough
Subject: TA-53M UPDATE
Well I did a review back in 2006 after having my TA-53M installed on
Field Day 2006 & raved about how great it was performing on 15,17,&
20 meters but 10 & 12 meters were for the most part Dead.
Well here it is March 2015 & I just want to say that the TA-53M has not
let me down.
It has been doing an AWESOME job on all 5 bands & with the addition
of my ICOM PW-1 those Massive DXPedition Pileups are not an issue. I
can now also say that it performs just as well on 10 & 12 meters as it
does on 15,17,& 20 meters as I said in the 1st review back in 2006.
The only issue I had was water in my feed line from the coax not being
sealed properly but after writing you fine folks at Mosley you led me
straight to the problem on the 1st try.
The new feed line has been up a week Tomorrow & I have worked
9Q0HQ in The Republic of the Congo on all 5 bands(10-20) & only on 15
meters did it take me more than one call in the last 3 days. Wish I had
room for a larger antenna & I’d put up a Mosley PRO-67B or 67C but
there just is not enough room.
Just wanted too say, THANKS again for building such an AWESOME
antenna & there are 5 other Hams here locally who all run a Mosley HF
yagi & all of us are VERY happy with the performance that we get from
the toughest HF yagi antennas on the planet & the signal reports could
not be better. I included an updated photo of my a tower & antennas if
you wish to use it on your site or for feedback. { )
73 & God bless,