Invitation to Present 2015 MSAN INSTITUTE


Invitation to Present 2015 MSAN INSTITUTE
APRIL 27-28, 2015
Invitation to Present
The MSAN Institute planning team is looking to MSAN districts to share their work in addressing the needs of our students
of color as we focus on closing the opportunity/ achievement gaps that persist in our schools. Two focus areas provide the
framework for the MSAN Institute:
• developing equity-focused leadership, and
• ensuring cultural competence.
Please reflect upon the work going on in your district relative to these two topics and consider presenting a 90 minute
breakout session/workshop. The planning team is seeking conference breakout sessions that highlight promising practices
at all levels - elementary, middle, high school, and district. Sessions can provide new suggestions for classroom practice,
inform future research, or provide guidance for building or district-level decision makers.
New this year, MSAN’s Institute will harness the expertise of the WIDA Consortium who will host a strand of sessions focused
on developing equity-focused leadership and ensuring cultural competence specifically in relationship to the needs of
English language learners.
Questions to reflect on as you consider submitting a session:
• In what ways does your district provide collaborative, inquiry-based, job-embedded, or sustained professional
learning relative to cultural competency?
• What are some promising practices happening in your district relative to the recruitment and retention of racially
diverse staff?
• How does your district support English language learners in terms of ensuring culturally responsive curriculum and
instructional practices?
• What professional development/training models do you offer to teachers and/or administrators to ensure they have
the best tools necessary for effective ELL instruction?
• What does effective parent-community-school engagement look like in your schools relative to closing gaps? What
is the impact of this work? How do you know?
• In what ways does your district “grow your own” equity-focused leaders? “Grow your own” equity-literate teachers?
And/or equity-conscious students?
When designing your session, presenters are asked to consider best practices in adult learning and professional
development research. All proposals will be reviewed by members of the Institute’s planning team and selected based upon
the following criteria: a) clarity of the proposal, b) richness of learning objectives, diversity of activities in which participants
will engage; and c) alignment with MSAN’s mission/goals and the focus of the Institute: developing equity-focused
leadership and ensuring cultural competence.
Session descriptions need to be submitted electronically by March 18, 2015. Individuals will be contacted soon thereafter
regarding the status of their proposal. Electronic session submission forms can be obtained from the MSAN Institute website: proposal form.pdf.
For examples of breakout sessions from previous MSAN Institutes please visit the Conferences/MSAN Institute section
of the MSAN website. If you have questions please contact Connie Showalter, the MSAN Outreach Specialist, at
[email protected] or (608) 263-1565.
Breakout Session Description
for the 2015 MSAN Institute
Email Connie Showalter at [email protected] by March 18, 2015.
Institutional Affiliation/Location:______________________________________________________________
Phone: Office_____________________________________ Cell_____________________________________
Email Address:____________________________________________________________________________
Session Strand
q Equity-Focused Leadership Development
q Increasing Cultural Competency
q Both
q ELL Supports
Title of Session___________________________________________________________________________ Session Overview (approx. 250 words)
Please provide a brief description of the 90 minute breakout session detailing what the session will cover
and what attendees can expect to learn from attending. This description will be used for the conference
program and should clearly address the learning objectives, how attendees can expect to interact with the
content, and ways participants may use the information.
Learning Objectives
List three intended learning objectives that describe what participants will learn, be able to do, and how
they might apply the knowledge as a result of attending this session.
Participant Engagement /Impact
How will you engage the audience during the session? What information or action will participants be able
to implement in their work after attending?
Session Alignment
Describe how the session aligns with the conference strand(s) chosen (equity-focused leadership, cultural
competence, both, and/or ELL supports) and reinforces the MSAN mission of decreasing opportunity/
achievement gaps and increasing achievement.
Please provide three keywords/descriptors of session content
Target Audience
q District Level Administrator
q Community Agency
q General Interest
q Other (please explain)
Audience Level of Interest
q High School
q District Level
q Most Grade Levels
q Other (please explain)
Session Presenters (please note your name and title will appear in the program as it appears below):