First Quarter Newsletter
First Quarter Newsletter
N ACP NAA P HO OUS STO ON BRA B ANC CH H AL LER RT Voluume 7 Issue No N 1 Ho ouston’s Prem mier Civil annd Human Rights R Organnization 1st Quuarter 2015 Dear Members andd Friends, It is not often an individual haas an opportuunity to live a dream and at a the same time, be able to give servicce to society. Today, I am m living one of o my dreamss. It is an honnor that the Members M of thhe Houston Branch B of the National Asssociation for the Advancem ment of Colored People (NAACP), ( th he oldest civvil rights orgganization inn the countryy, have collectively agreeed to allow me, m James Maatthew Dougllas, to providde leadership for the next two years. I would w like to congratulate and thank thoose of you whho have been elected to asssist me in various v leadeership roles, the Officers and At-Largge Members of the Execcutive Comm mittee. I woulld also like to t thank Mrss. Yolanda Sm mith, our Exxecutive Direcctor, those off you who are present mem mbers of the NAACP N and thhose of you who w will becom me memberss in the very near future, our volunteeers, and comm munity and business b supporters for youur commitmen nt to this neceessary and im mportant underrtaking. Dr. James J M. Dougglas, Presidentt NA NAACP Houstoon Branch As a member of the t NAACP, people oftenn ask me one of two questtions. The firrst is whetherr the NAACP P is necessaryy todayy; and the seccond is what the NAACP is doing. Thhe answer to the first is a very strong YES. Y All onne has to do is openn his or her eyyes and view the world. Conflicts C betw ween various races r and culttures are pressent on every continent andd confllict between races r in Amerrica is at its highest h since legal l segregattion. Blacks and Whites have h not grow wn closer sincee 19755; but instead they have grrown further apart. If the NAACP didd not exist todday, we woulld have to crreate it. As too whatt are we doinng, just review w the work performance p of our various committeees (Legal Redress, Educaation, Politicaal Actioon, Economicc Developmen nt, Veterans Affairs, A Laboor Advocacy, Environmenntal & Climatte Justice, AC CT-SO, Youthh Workks; just to naame a few). And lastly, tune t into ourr weekly radiio show, NAACP TODAY Y with Jamees Douglas onn MJW WJ Global Raadio (mjwjtalk to learn moree of our advocacy effortss and to join us in the conversation onn sociaal justice refoorm. The NA AACP is in faact doing a lott; however, we w could do more m with yoour involvemeent, so we askk you to t please join in the work of o our NAAC CP Houston Branch. I'm loooking forwarrd to workingg with you. NAACP Houston H Brranch Annoounces Neew Leadersship Installatio on Ceremonny Highligghts The NA AACP Houstton Branch sw wore in its neew 2015-20166 Officers annd Executive Comm mittee on Sunnday January 11, 2015 att the Worthaam Center. The T NAACP Houstoon Branch would w like to thank Rev. Bill Lawsonn, Mayor Annnise Parker, Counciil Member Dwight D Boykin ns, Congressppersons Al Green G and Sheila Jackson Lee, National N Boarrd Member Howard H Jefferson, Carolynn Scantleburyy, Reverend Reginaald Lillie andd Ms. Natalie Foreman for participaating in the swearing-in ceremoony of our new w leadership and for makiing the event so special. Thank T you to all of our o members who w attended d in support off our new leadership. IN THIS ISSUE: NAACP Announces Neew Leadership 1 2014 Freedom Fund Gaala Highlights 2 ACT-SO Tribute too Ms. Andrea A Arceneeaux 3 On thee Legal Frontt 4 Membbership on thee Move Healthh Happeningss 5 Educaation / Veterans Affairs 6 State & National 7 Mark Your Calenddar 8 2014 Freedom Fund Awards Gala Highlights “Year of the Woman” With over 1,000 persons in attendance, an amazing keynote speaker, an outstanding hosts of honorees and the presence of Grammy and Stellar Award Royalty, our recent Freedom Fund Awards Gala was definitely an event to remember for our Houston NAACP. The fall gala was held on Thursday, October 30, 2014 at the Hilton Americas Hotel. Appropriately themed, "The Year of the Woman,” the NAACP Houston Branch highlighted and paid tribute to an amazing group of women who have made it their life's mission to ensure social justice in our communities. The evening opened with an inspiring prayer by Pastor Suzette Caldwell, Founder of The Prayer Institute-The Windsor Village United Methodist Church Family. Introduced by State Representative Senfronia Thompson, NAACP'ers were addressed by then Texas Senator and Gubernatorial Candidate, Wendy Davis who delivered a powerful speech highlighting the accomplishments and struggles of women in the civil rights movement and detailing the current forms of voter suppression, educational inequities and threats to women social causes. In keeping with our theme of highlighting women of excellence. Mrs. Audrey Lawson was presented by Congressman Al Green, our branch's highest honor, the coveted Mickey Leland Humanitarian Award. Mrs. Lawson was joined by her husband, Rev. William "Bill" Lawson and her beautiful daughters, Roxanne, Cheryl and Melanie (who also served as the Mistress of Ceremony) to accept on her behalf and who gave the most heartwarming acceptance speech. Former Branch President, Rev. Reginald Lillie presented our prestigious Presidential Awards to Mrs. Karen Jackson, President of Sisters Network, Inc. and Mrs. Sharon Michael Owens, Co-Owner LaMaison in Midtown. NAACP Houston Alert No strangers to playing a huge role in improving the lives of countless women in our communities, the NAACP is grateful for the opportunity to have honored Karen Jackson, Sharon Owens and Mrs. Audrey Lawson. A special treat of the gala was when the NAACP surprised two un-expecting women with recognition. Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee presented our branch's oldest member, Mrs. Emma G. Primas, at 109, with the NAACP Legacy Award. Mrs. Marian Tolan also received the NAACP Defender of Justice Award for her fearless fight for justice in the case involving the shooting of her unarmed son Bobby, Jr. at the hands of Bellaire Police Officer. (The case goes back to trial this fall; so stay tuned for continued information and opportunities to join in the Tolan advocacy). Mrs. Audrey Hoffman Lawson Left to right: Reverend Reginald Lillie, Branch President, Sheila Jackson Lee - U.S. Representative for Texas's 18th congressional district, Melanie Lawson (MC for the night), Congressman Al Green, Audrey Hoffman Lawson (Mickey Leland Award Recipient), Bill Lawson (Husband of Audrey), Roxanne Lawson, Cheryl Lawson As if the evening couldn't get any better, the night was topped off by the Wendy Davis & Honorees incomparable, Yolanda Adams. Senator Left to Right: Reverend Reginald Lillie (NAACP Accompanied by the fabulous Wheeler Houston Branch President), Texas State Senator Wendy Davis, Karen Jackson (Honoree), Avenue Baptist Church Choir, Ms. Sharon Owens (Honoree) Adams presented a musical tribute to this year's honorees by performing “I Believe I can Fly”. Indeed, The Year of the Women gala was a fabulous event honoring Women of Excellence. The Houston NAACP sincerely thanks Mr. George Foreman, Houston First, HEB, Capital One, Shell Corporation, Chevron USA, Brentwood Baptist Church, Centerpoint Energy, Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church, CWA, Kroger, United Airlines and Fox 26 for the wonderful financial support of this year's gala. The gala would not have been a success without your generous contributions to support our branch's myriad of advocacy efforts. If you missed the recent gala, we encourage you to visit our website for gala photos and videos at Yolanda Adams withWheeler Avenue Baptist Church Choir 2 THE NAACP HOUSTON BRANCH MOURNS THE LOSS OF ITS BELOVED ACT-SO CHAIR, MS. ANDREA ARCENEAUX Affectionately known to many as Ms. ACT-SO, Andrea Daphine Arceneaux passed away on the morning of January 15, 2015 at the age of 58. A native of neighboring Port Arthur, Texas, Andrea was born on September 5, 1956 to Willie M. and Leroy Arceneaux. Andrea was a 1975 graduate of Lincoln High School and a 1979 graduate of Texas Woman’s University, where she received a Bachelor of Science in nursing. She received a master’s degree in Hospital Care Administration from Texas Woman’s University and a Doctorate of Jurisprudence from South Texas College of Law. In addition to serving the healthcare community in various executive and administrative capacities to include Chief Operating Officer, Administrative Director, and Director of nursing, Andrea was also a lawyer in private practice for 14 years and also served as Assistant County Attorney for Harris County. Andrea was a professional lecturer on healthcare related issues and spoke throughout the state and nation. She served on the Executive Committee of our local Houston NAACP and was Chair of the ACT-SO enrichment program for over twenty years. Andrea was so revered throughout our local and national NAACP, receiving THREE times the NAACP Houston Branch President's Award along with Houston's ALEX Award for Achievements in Legal Excellence. Under her leadership, the Houston Branch ACT-SO was awarded the "Most Outstanding ACT-SO Program in the nation with receipt of the National 25th Anniversary Platinum Award; and in 2014, she was presented with the Inaugural National NAACP ACT-SO Advisory Council Award, for recognition as the nation's most exemplary chairperson. Additionally, the Shell Corporation, the longtime Title Sponsor of our Houston ACT-SO program, created a four year “Perseverance” scholarship in Andrea's honor. Andrea's commitment and dedication to the NAACP and Houston ACT-SO is unparalleled, having influenced a generation of youth and touching the lives of countless volunteers, parents and supporters. Andrea will forever remain in the heart of the NAACP Houston Branch Family. NAACP Houston Alert The NAACP Houston Branch ACT-SO Enrichments Sessions are held on Friday nights at 7:00 p.m. at the NAACP Branch Office, 2002 Wheeler Avenue, Houston, TX 77004. The remainder enrichments dates are: Friday, February 13, 2015 Friday, February 27, 2015 Friday, March 13, 2015 Friday, March 27, 2015 Friday, April 3, 2015 Friday, April 10, 2015 The schedule for the Local and National competition are as follows: April 18, 2015 - Competition - Hyatt Regency Hotel Downtown - 9:00 a.m. April 25, 2015 - Culinary Competition - Hyatt Regency Hotel Downtown- 9:00 a.m. April - May 2015 - Awards Ceremony - Hyatt Regency Hotel Downtown TBA National Competition is in Philadelphia, PA on July 9-10, 2015, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. National ACT-SO Awards Ceremony, July 12, 2015, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Avelina Holmes ACT-SO Chair 3 ON N TH HE LE EGA AL FR RON NT by Taft Fooley, Direcctor of Leggal Redresss Chair The U United States of America is the greatest ccountry on earth. However,, it is not our m military power or our wealtth that defines our ggreatness. Thee concepts of Freedom, Justtice and Demo ocracy are wh hat epitomizess this great naation and distinguishes us as the eenvy of the enttire world. No o organization has worked h harder to make these conceepts a reality than the NAAC CP. The sstruggle to com mbat the vesttiges of slavery and end seggregation were fought by th he NAACP. Ou ur nation's road to freedom m was paved by thee blood, sweaat and tears of o NAACP meembers. Manyy in our orgaanization marched, while others o literallyy sacrifficed their lives in the warr against judicial inequalityy and voter suppression. s N other orgaanization has worked moree No diligeently, has mad de more sacriffices, has lost more lives in the effort to make the nottion, the conccept, the dream of freedom m, justicce, and democcracy a reality than your NA AACP. A wh ho sat at lunch counters, marched, witthstood wateer Segreegation is an evil concept defeated by courageous Americans canno ons, and weree bitten by the e dogs of racissm and discrim mination. But despite the m many victories throughout our history, our preseent condition remains fraugght with challeenges. Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown an nd Eric Garner epitomize ou ur present dayy strugggle to break tthe shackles o of police brutaality. Efforts likke voter identtification requ uirements atteempt to shift tthe balance o of true democracy in favor of oppression. Ou ur present baattles againstt anti‐Americaan racism an nd discriminattion echo thee unding calls fo or justice shou uted from everry mountain top and heard in every valleey from sea to shining sea. resou For 1 106 years, the NAACP has b been the voicee that loudly ssings the sweeet songs of freeedom, the an nthem of justiice and speakks truth to power, demanding thatt this great nattion honor its promise of lib berty and justice for all. The N NAACP Legal R Redress Comm mittee stands on the front line in our waar to overcome disenfranch hisement and oppression. In n 2014 we took aim m against prossecutorial misconduct and struck injusticce at its core.. The Texas Supreme Courtt unanimouslyy ruled d in favor of th he NAACP‐Hou uston in a batttle for equalityy in our crimin nal justice systtem. nks for our role in the advancement of ju ustice, we acknowledge thaat the road to liberty is a lon ng road, full o of Whilee we give than obstaacles. We cho oose march this road in defiance of tyyranny, shoutiing for freedo om, demanding justice, an nd fighting fo or demo ocracy each and every step p of the way. TThe civil unresst behind the senseless killing of unarmeed African‐American citizens have stirred the consciousness of many frusstrated citizen ns who have chosen c to join n the fight aggainst racism. However, thee CP Legal Redreess Committee has remaineed diligent in tthe face of ap pathy. Rather than the sleeeping giant, wee are the giant NAAC who never sleeps. In the last yeaar, our committee has assissted 192 indivviduals. We haave been theree for the moth her who needs a willl, for the fatheer who has be een brutalized d by the policee, for the sisteer fighting thee system to keeep her children and for thee broth her suffering tthe pains of workplace discrrimination. On January 31, 2015 2 the Legaal Redress Clinic reinvesteed in the Ho ouston community by offeering free leggal services to o disen nfranchised ciitizens. Over 20 attorneys and volunteeers joined the effort to streengthen our co ommunity. Ad dditionally, wee registtered citizens to vote and aaccepted seveeral new memberships. Ourr promise to o our communityy is that we w will continue to o be th he voice of tho ose whom tyraanny seeks to silence. We w will continue to extend a heelping hand to lift our brothers and sisters from the crippling throngs of po olice brutality. We will remaain diligent in o our commitment to strengtthening our co ommunity, our city aand our great nation througgh unrelentingg activism. NAAC CP Houston A Alert 4 M MBER MEM RSHIP P ON N THE E MO OVE byCarrroll Robinson, Membbership Chhair Withhout memberss the NAACP P is only a name--a collecttion of memoories of peoplle who in the past were wiilling to comee togetther, stand together, march h together, prrotest togetheer, litigate toggether, and saacrifice togetther to help make m Americaa better for all Americans. This year it will be b 106 years since the NA AACP was foounded and 977 years sincee the Houstonn Brannch was fouunded. Unforrtunately, thee NAACP is i still needded today too help fightt discrrimination annd protect thee civil rights of far too many m Americcans regardlesss of race orr politiical party. Sincee the foundinng of the NAA ACP and its Houston H Brannch, our natioon and our hoome town hass madee progress buut there is sttill work to be b done on protecting thhe right to voote, ensuringg minoority and low w income stud dents receive a quality edducation, reforming and im mproving ourr crimiinal justice syystem, holdin ng financial innstitutions acccountable for fair and incluusive lendingg practtices and incluuding minoritty business ow wners in goveernment contrracting opporrtunities. A Blake, New Akil N Member To acchieve these goals, Housto onians must come c together once again as members of the NAAC CP to take colllective actionn consiistent with our o common commitmentt to fairness, equality under the law and buildingg a tolerant and inclusivee comm munity. Mem mbership is moore than just numbers, n its energy, e intelleectual talent and a collectivee determinatioon to make a difference. As a member of the t NAACP Houston H Brannch, you will be connectedd to more thaan just historyy; you will bee a part of thee preseent that is shaaping the futurre of our city and region. If yoou want to be part of an efffort to build a new pathwaay from incom me to prosperrity, to ensuree economic opportunity, o too proteect civil rightss and ensure social justicee, then for $30 dollars youu can becomee a member of the NAACP P and you cann becom me one of thee people work king to make our communiity better now w and for the future. f Mem mbership is oppen to all who o are committted to achieviing a better, more m inclusivee and prosperrous city and America, thaat incluudes the youngg people of co ommunity. Welcome to your NAACP N Hou uston Branch h. Join our coonversation at: a www.fa m/naacphousstonbranch|w w www.instagr acp_houstonn| https://ww Qdr-YvEg6qqVw3iEA H Health Happenings byCarool Moore, Health Addvocacy Chhair The Heaalth Advocacy y Program is in i a race for Countdown C too Health Coveerage. We have receivved a grant fro W om National to t assist in thaat effort. The greatest impaact in a short winddow of time iss with our reliigious affairs partners. Thee program is as a follows; eaach church wiill receeive a grant of $500 to hosst an enrollmeent fair between 2/8/15 andd 2/15/15. Eacch church willl seleect the date thhat is a good fit f for them. The T NAACP members m listeed the followingg churches as enrollment siites: First Shiiloh Baptist Ch hurch, Saint Paul P Missionaary Baptist Chhurch, Higherr Dimensions, Saint Andrrews United Methodist M Chhurch, and Greeenhouse Internnational Churrch. Those T interestted in this Ouutreach, pleasee contact Carrol Moore or Yoolanda Smithh at the Housto on NAACP Branch B Officee at 713-526-33389. We neeed your help. NAAC CP Houston A Alert 5 EDU UCATIION IN N ACTIION byDr. Caarolyn Evaans-Shabazzz, Educatioon Chair The Education Committee C haas kept a waatchful eye on o the Houstton Indeppendent Schoool District. An alarmiing percentagge of minorrity studeents are unablle to read on grade level. School closuures in minorrity schoools is dispropoortionately high and finallyy the loss of quality q program ms and teachers t tendss to provide a poor deliveery of educational services in the minority m comm munities throu ughout the innner city. Reading Initiative I Studdents at Cullenn Middle Schoool The committee has h been eng gaged in colllaboration wiith the Texas Civil Righhts Project too address thee disparity oof oppoortunities given to affluent students and schools in thee lower econoomic areas whhich are primaarily minorityy.The Houstonn Branch has asked for a morato orium on schoool closures and a has been involved in litigation l regaarding the cloosing of Jones Highh School. NA AACP Housto on Branch as is the Texas Civil Rights Project P is com mmitted to levveling the plaaying field foor minoority children. The committee c meembers have been b involvedd in the “It Taakes A Villagge” Reading Initiative I at Cuullen Middle School wheree we meet m weekly to t engage in reading suppport activities.. We are acttively seekingg volunteers so s that we caan reach moree studeents. To becoome involved d, please register at www..houstonisd.orrg as a Volunnteer in Publiic Schools (V VIPS). Pleasee contaact our Educattion Committtee to get moree informationn on how you can c join our Reading R Initiaative efforts. The Education E Coommittee meetts on the first Thursday of each month except e the moonth of July att the branch, 2002 2 Wheelerr, at 5:330PM. We welcome w all forrmer educatorrs and anyonee interested in positively im mpacting the edducation of alll children. A Armed Service S es and Veteran V ns Affaiirs Advvocacy by W. Clyde C Lemoon, Armedd Services & Veteranns Affairs Chair C The NAACP N Houuston branch’ss Armed Servvices and Veteeran’s Affairss committee was w re-establiished in Auguust 2014. Sincee its re-establishment, the current c comm mittee members include: NAM ME W. Clyde Lemon L LaShondraa Jones Chassity Black B Sylvia McCarter Lee Perrry Detra Snneed Brian Seyymour Ray Fredddie M MILITARY STATUS Chairman C of Houston H Brannch Armed Seervices and Veeterans Affairrs Committee Veteeran U.S. Marrine Corps Vice Chairm man of Houston Branch Arrmed Services annd Veterans Affairs A Comm mittee Veteeran U.S. Marrine Corps Veteran U.S. Navy Selecttive Service Commission C Veeteran U.S. Air A Force V Veteran U.S. Army Veteeran U.S. Marrine Corps. Veteran U.S. Navy V Veterans Com mmittee at Veteerans Day Eveent To gain more insiight into the needs n of mem mbers of the armed a servicees; their families; and veteerans and theiir families thee comm mittee began a survey on Veterans Dayy. To ensure a valid surveey the comm mittee will be visiting houssing and otheer faciliities that serve veterans. Preliiminary Survvey Summary Results On Tuesday, T Novvember 11, 2014, 2 the meembers of thhe NAACP Veteran’s V Com mmittee disseeminated surrveys to locaal veterrans during thhe City of Ho ouston Annuaal Veteran’s Day D Celebratiion / Job Fairr. Of the 50 suurveys that were w given ouut to loccal veterans, 46 filled out the forms, 3 were w not retuurned to boothh, and one surrvey was filleed out by veteeran’s relativee concerning the Deenver VA Ho ospital which is not applicaable. The overall concerns were regardiing the servicces at the locaal Michhael E. DeBakkey Veterans Medical Cennter with few other generaal concerns ass well. These issues will bee reviewed byy the Houston H Brannch Armed Fo orces and Veeterans Affairrs committee members onn how we cann best address these issues thereeby serving thhis committeee with the aforrementioned issues i and conncerns of Houuston’s veteraan populationn. NAAC CP Houston A Alert 6 Environmenta E al and Climat C e J Justice - A Civ vil Righ hts Issu ue TEXA AS NAA ACP NEWS N by Jaacqueline Smith, S PhD D Chair The NA AACP has deetermined thaat Environmeental and Clim mate Justice (ECJ) advocacy is a civil rights issue an nd is developiing a compreehensive and holistic agend da to reduce p pollution, advvance energy efficiency, promote p cleaan energy, and build disaaster resilien nt infrastructu ures. The Houston Branch h began havin ng an active rrole in ECJ advvocacy with th he creation of an ECJ Comm mittee in 2013 3. ouston Branch ECJ Committe ee is committed to empoweering The Ho individu uals with kno owledge, prom moting dialoggue on ECJ isssues, and exxploring the linkages betwe een environm mental qualityy and social justice. j The committee opposes o policcies that resu ult in damagee to the environment, that increasse inequity, and disprop portionately im mpact commu unities of colorr. Upcom ming activities o of the ECJ Com mmittee include a review o of the Toxics R Release Inven ntory data for facilities in Ho ouston, promo otion of a climate sustainaability plan th hat has equityy based indicaators, m reggulations, and d the continued support for net metering oring of propo osed changes tto the solid w waste managem ment monito and reccycling practicces of the City of Houston. The NAACP National Heaadquarters, NA T AACP Texas State C Conference annd NAACP Houston H Brancch recently hheld a joint press coonference to discuss d the reelease of our new E Environmenta l Justice Reeport, “Just Energy Poliicies: R Reducing Polllution and Creating Jobs – Texas Repoort”. T report assesses energy policy The p in the State S of Texas from a civil rights leens. NAACP Texaas State Confeerence Lobby Day N D will be heeld Monday, Marrch 2, 2015 in Austin, TX. Please P join us as we walk the halls of our Texas T Capitol to discuss andd advocate for important i legislative changees with our loccal state electted officials. N NATIO ONAL NEWS N NA AACP Nationnal Announcees New Leaadership Cornell Williiams Brooks President and CEO NAAC CP Houston A Alert Houston Brannch wins 2nd Place H P in Natioonal Memberrship Competiition during 20144 National Coonvention in Las L Vegas. 20115 National Convention C will be held J July 11-15th in i Philadelphia, PA - 2014 Im mage Awards will be live inn Los Anngeles on Fridaay Feb 6, 20155. NAAC CP Houston Branch B is hosting a LIVE E viewing parrty for those w who caannot attend thhe live show! 7 Marrk Yoour Caalendaars EV VENT LOC CATION N DATE E NAA ACP Image Awards A View wing Party Baywayy Lincoln Februuary 6, 2015 NAA ACP’s 106th Birthday B Foundeer’s Day Februuary 12, 20155 NAA ACP General Membership p Meeting Palm Ceenter - 2nd Floor F Judge Burney's B Couurtroom (5300 Griggs G @ ML LK) Februuary 19, 20155 NAA ACP Lobby Day D Austin, Texas Marchh 2, 2015 NAA ACP General Membership p Meeting F Palm Ceenter - 2nd Floor Marchh 19, 2015 NAA ACP General Membership p Meeting Palm Ceenter - 2nd Floor F April 16, 2015 “NA AACP Today”” Radio Show w 1-800-9970-8716 Everyy Tuesday 9-11am Monntly Standing Committee Meeting M Date/Time Variees. Please ww forr meeting dattes/times U ON SOCIIAL MEDIA| FOLLOW US aacp_houstoon| https://ww Vw3iEA Officeers Jamess M. Douglas, Essq. Presid dent F II Taft Foley 1st Vicce President We Claudde Cummings Jr. 2nd Vice V President NON N‐PROFIT ORG U.SS. POSTAGE PAID HOU USTON, TEXAS PERM MIT NO. 3023 Carol Galloway V President 3rd Vice Dr. Chherry R. Goodenn Secretary Algennita Scott-Davis Assisttant Secretary Carrolll G. Robinson Treassurer Johnnny D. Gentry Jr. Assisttant Treasurer Yolannda Smith Execu utive Director NAAC CP Houston A Alert 8
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