LTG - Nevada Arts Council
LTG - Nevada Arts Council
NEVADA ARTS COUNCIL A DIVISION OF THE DEPARTMENT OF TOURISM AND CULTURAL AFFAIRS To apply for Grants online: Folklife Program, Nevada Arts Council, 716 North Carson Street, Suite A, Carson City, NV 89701, New for FY2016 Living Traditions Grants FY16 GO™ Submission Deadline: March 27, 2015, 5:00 p.m. PST. Grant Application Packet postmark deadline: April 3, 2015. LIVING TRADITIONS GRANTS PROGRAM T he Living Traditions Grants Program funds individual master folk artists and eligible organizations to support exemplary traditional arts projects in Nevada. Grants up to $2,500 are awarded to projects that demonstrate significant impact within a particular tradition or cultural community. Applications are accepted on an annual basis and each proposal will be evaluated by a panel of traditional arts and culture specialists. WHAT WE FUND z Cultural continuity of traditional art forms practices z Sustaining traditional arts practices with needed purchases or acquiring new skills z Engaging and strengthening cultural communities Examples of eligible projects include, but are not limited to, the following: z Traditional arts mentorships, apprenticeships, or small group learning activities. z Workshops and gatherings that bring together traditional artists, cultural specialists, and/or community leaders to share skills and information. z Equipment and materials purchases related to traditional arts creation or practice such as musical instruments, media equipment, costumes or regalia, and tools. Individual item cost may not exceed $500. Receipts required with final report. z Conservation, creation, or acquisition of important traditional cultural items for public display or use in outreach activities. z Intergenerational classes or other educational programs within a cultural community (such as after-school youth programs, dance ensemble classes, summer programs, etc.). z Documentation of traditional arts, skills, ceremonies, beliefs, or performances for the benefit of an individual traditional artist or a cultural community, or for the purpose of public education. z Other activities supporting Nevada traditional arts and artists. FOLKLIFE LIVING TRADITIONS GRANTS PROGRAM | NEVADA ARTS COUNCIL | PAGE 2 WHO CAN APPLY Individuals z Master folk/traditional artists (those who have not previously participated in NAC programs should talk with Folklife Program staff prior to applying). z Intermediate- or advanced-level folk/traditional artists who wish to work with master artists. Traditional artists may receive NAC funding for one project during a fiscal year and are generally limited to three consecutive years of Living Traditions funding. Individuals may apply either for a Living Traditions Grant or a Jackpot Grant during a fiscal year, but not both. Organizations z Only organizations operating under the IRS 501(c)3 exemption, or federallyrecognized tribal entities, are eligible to receive funds. For a group or organization that does not have 501(c)3 status, an application can be submitted by an individual folk or traditional artist who is a member of the group and who will act as the project coordinator. These individual grant recipients will be liable for any personal income taxes associated with receipt of grant award since it is considered personal income. Talk with Folklife Program staff if you need further clarification. z Eligible organizations must work to maintain, present, or document traditional art forms of their own cultural heritage. z Applicant organizations must have an annual budget of $250,000 or less. Tribal entities must have cultural programs budgets of less than $250,000. Organizations may receive Living Traditions funding for one project during a fiscal year, and are generally limited to three consecutive years of Living Traditions funding. Organizations are encouraged to build upon their Living Traditions grant experience in successive years through Project, Arts Learning, or Partners in Excellence grants administered by the NAC’s Grants Program. Organizations applying for NAC Jackpot, Project, Arts Learning, or Partners in Excellence grants are not eligible for Living Traditions funds in the same fiscal year. WHAT WE DO NOT FUND • General operating support • Projects whose main purpose is fundraising • Commercial (for profit) enterprises • Projects limited to an historical emphasis including programs presenting the re-creation of past lifestyles or re-enactments of historic events • More than one proposal per individual or organization FOLKLIFE LIVING TRADITIONS GRANTS PROGRAM | NEVADA ARTS COUNCIL | PAGE 3 LIVING TRADITIONS GRANT PROGRAM GUIDELINES AND INSTRUCTIONS HOW TO APPLY Prepare and submit the application on the GO™ website by March 27, 2015. The website includes a “Help” section with resources to help you to create and submit your online application and upload required Support Materials. Contact Folklife Program staff if you need assistance. If you need to submit a paper application and support materials by mail, you must arrange this with Folklife Program staff well in advance. Appointments for help with uploading materials must be made in advance; none will be available March 25–27, 2015. Submission deadlines will be strictly enforced, NO EXCEPTIONS. Be sure to print and keep a copy of your application. SUPPORT MATERIALS NO applications for Living Traditions Grants will be accepted without Support Materials. Panelists will evaluate the level of artistic excellence for the project based on the materials that you submit. Assemble your required Support Materials. These must be available in electronic/digital format, and uploaded to the GO™ website. Please call or email Folklife Program staff if you have questions. Use the list below to ensure that your application is complete before you submit it. 1. We require two Letters of Support for the project. These must be written by non-family members of your community, other master artists, or by representatives of cultural organizations with which you have worked in the past. The original letters must be scanned and uploaded to the GO™ website. Support letters should explain and describe: a. Why the project is important or significant in your cultural community; Proposal Narrative Please address each of the following items in your proposal. All nine must be included for your application to be complete and competitive. 1. What is your proposed project (who, what, where, how, when)? 2. Outline your work plan and timeline for the project. 3. List participating folk/traditional artists or culture bearers and describe their qualifications. 4. What specific folk/traditional arts will be the focus of your project? 5. Why are folk/traditional arts important in your cultural community? 6. Will your project share folk/traditional arts with the public? If so, how? 7. How will your project make a difference to the participants? 8. Will your project make a difference in your community? If so, how? 9. How will you know if the project is successful? b. The participant’s level of artistic excellence and experience with the art form; c. How the cultural community will benefit from the apprenticeship project. Each letter must clearly identify the writer, their relationship to the artist(s) or project, and their position in, or relationship to, the community. 2. Confirmation of Collaboration. If you are working with other artists or organizations, you must submit letters from project partners or copies of correspondence (letters, email, etc.) describing their project roles and commitment to work on the project. 3. Artistic Work Samples. Evidence of artistic excellence that has been achieved by the participating artist(s). Choose one or more that are appropriate for the art form and/or the project. You must upload these via the Internet to accompany the online grant application. Contact Folklife Program staff if your photos, videos and/ or audio materials are not in digital format or you need help converting them to digital files. FOLKLIFE LIVING TRADITIONS GRANTS PROGRAM | NEVADA ARTS COUNCIL | PAGE 4 a. Photographs of art or of performance – No more than 10 photographs. Choose only recent (within the last few years) photographs that clearly show the artistic excellence of the work. The descriptions should identify the people pictured and tell what they are doing. For pictures of objects, please identify the art form, its maker, materials used, and when it was made. b. Video that presents demonstration or performance – No more than 6 minutes. If the project involves performing artists, the evaluation panel needs to see performance in order to judge artistic excellence. Video is the best way to show this. Video is also an effective way to show mastery of a process that will be taught. The description field for each item you upload to GO™ should identify the people pictured and tell what they are doing. The description field for each video clip that you upload to GO™ must describe who and what the panelists will see or hear. The video(s) uploaded must not exceed six minutes total, no exceptions. However, you may specify in the description field which specific portion(s) (i.e. minute 1:30 to 2:30; minute 5.23 to end) of a particular clip that you want the panelists to view. c. Audio (musicians, storytellers) – No more than 6 minutes. The description field for each audio clip should identify the performer(s), the piece, and where/when it was recorded. 4. You may include brochures, flyers, or news articles from programs, demonstrations, performances, or exhibitions that have relevant performances or artwork. This is not required. No more than 4 pieces. All materials must be submitted online no later than 5:00 p.m. on March 27, 2015. ONCE YOU HAVE APPLIED: Written notification of grant awards will occur in July 2015. REVIEW PROCESS Review Panels The Nevada Arts Council invites folklorists and other cultural specialists to serve as the Living Traditions Grant review panel. They will review applications during a public meeting held in May or June, 2015. Contact Folklife Program staff for details. Folklife Program staff oversees the panel process and an NAC Board member serves as panel chair to facilitate the review and enforce agency policy. Only the panelists participate in the discussion, review, and scoring of the applications. The panel’s recommendations are presented to the full Board of the Nevada Arts Council to discuss and approve at an open public meeting in June, 2015. Attendance at Panel Meetings The Nevada Arts Council encourages applicants to attend but your absence will NOT prejudice your application review. Applicants may not address the panel during the review process, but are given an opportunity at the end of the meeting to make comments. This ensures that applicants attending the meeting as observers do not have any advantage over those not in attendance. EVALUATION CRITERIA Successful applications will: 1. Explain the significance of folk and/or traditional arts in the family and/or cultural community that is represented; 2. Establish the viability of the project with a realistic work plan, appropriate budget, and qualifications of project personnel; 3. Provide compelling evidence of community support and strong potential for community impact; 4. Describe the potential for long-term benefit to traditional artists or tradition bearers. FOLKLIFE LIVING TRADITIONS GRANTS PROGRAM | NEVADA ARTS COUNCIL | PAGE 5 SUBMITTING A GRANT APPLICATION GRANTS ONLINETM REQUIRED SUPPORT MATERIAL Support Material must be submitted through GOTM. For exceptions, please contact the NAC at 775.687.6680. Support Material required for Living Traditions Grants is listed on pages 4–5. All NAC grant applications must be submitted through Grants OnlineTM (GOTM). Please visit: GRANT APPLICATION DEADLINES The Two-Part Application Process All NAC grant applications must be submitted through GOTM by the stated online submission deadline for the specific grant category. A. GOTM Grant Application – Applicant Profile, Narrative, Budget and Support Material must be submitted through GOTM by the online submission deadline as stated for each grants category. The system will not accept late submissions. B. Grant Application Signature Page – May be: If you mail your Application Signature Page and/or Support Material, remember that mail pick-up in your community may occur before 6 p.m. We encourage you to send your materials with return receipt or by other means that will provide documentation that you have met the postmark deadline. • Uploaded through Grants Online™ as part of Support Material. • Faxed or emailed within one week of submission deadline. Please ensure your hard copy application materials are submitted on or before the postmark deadline to: • Submitted through U.S. mail, the Signature Page must be postmarked no later than one week after the online submission deadline. Nevada Arts Council Grant Management Team 716 North Carson Street, Suite A Carson City, NV 89701 C. Support Material that cannot be uploaded and has been approved by staff for U.S. mail submittal must be postmarked no later than one week after the online submission deadline. USING GRANTS ONLINETM Step 1: Go to GOTM at: The site will guide you through the application process by a combination of help screens, links to instructions, and checks for math and other errors. Step 2: If you have not previously registered, please register and create your user name, password and applicant profile. Fax: 775.687.6688 Email: [email protected] DUNS NUMBER– ORGANIZATIONS ONLY All applicants (except individuals) must have a DUNS number, which can be obtained for free at The DUNS number and organization must also be registered with the System for Award Management (SAM) at and maintain an active SAM registration throughout the life of the grant. Step 3: If you have previously registered, do not “sign up” again. Contact NAC staff for assistance with forgotten user names or passwords. Step 4: Follow GOTM instructions to select your grant category. Step 5: Follow GOTM instructions to submit your completed application. Do not mail in a hard copy of your application. FOLKLIFE LIVING TRADITIONS GRANTS PROGRAM | NEVADA ARTS COUNCIL | PAGE 6 IF YOUR PROJECT IS FUNDED Grants Management Packet If your project is chosen for funding, you will receive a Grants Management Packet in July. Applicants who accept Living Traditions Grants must agree to the contractual responsibilities of the Grants Management Packet by signing, dating, and returning documents in a timely fashion. The first payment of the grant award (90%) will be provided on receipt of the signed Terms & Conditions, Vendor Registration Form (with cancelled check for electronic funds transfer), and the first Cash Request Form. The final payment (10%) occurs after the project has been successfully completed, upon receipt of the final report and second Cash Request Form, which are due no later than June 15, 2016. PROJECT RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Provide the Folklife Program staff with copies of “thank you” letters or emails you are required to send to your legislators, acknowledging your grant from NAC and thanking them for their support. 2. Keep a written record – a journal or log of your project meetings and activities. Folklife Program staff will review these at the end of your project/ apprenticeship period. 3. If possible, take photographs; if you are working with music or spoken word, record your session. 4. The Folklife Program staff will contact you to arrange for site visits during and after the Living Traditions project. We will document your work through recorded interviews and photographs or video recordings. This material will be added to NAC’s Nevada Folklife Archives and may be used for educational purposes such as exhibits, publications, reports, and the Nevada Arts Council website. The Nevada Arts Council (NAC) is a division of the Nevada Department of Tourism and Cultural Affairs, and is charged with ensuring that state and national funds support cultural activity and encourage participation in the arts throughout Nevada. The NAC is funded by the Nevada State Legislature, the National Endowment for the Arts, and other private and public sources. Brian Sandoval Governor, State of Nevada Claudia Vecchio Director, Department of Tourism and Cultural Affairs Susan Boskoff Executive Director, Nevada Arts Council Patricia Atkinson, Folklife Program Coordinator — 775.687.7103; [email protected] Rebecca Snetselaar, Folklife Program Associate — 702.486.3739; [email protected] 716 North Carson Street, Suite A, Carson City, NV 89701 | FOLKLIFE LIVING TRADITIONS GRANTS PROGRAM | NEVADA ARTS COUNCIL | PAGE 7 716 N. Carson St., Suite A Carson City, NV 89701 Change Service Requested 2979 New! PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 15 CARSON CITY, NV Living Traditions Grants FY2016 T his annual grant is open to individual folk artists, Native American tribes, and non-profit (501(c)3) cultural organizations. Grants of $2,500 will be awarded to projects that demonstrate the highest regard for artistic excellence and traditional knowledge. Master artists can still apply for funding to support an apprenticeship project – but the application will be made to the new Living Traditions Grant program. Successful applications will: z explain the significance of folk and/or traditional arts in the family and/or cultural community that is represented; z establish the viability of the project with a realistic work plan, appropriate budget, and qualifications of project personnel; z provide compelling evidence of community support and strong potential for community impact; and z express the potential for long-term benefit to traditional artists or tradition bearers. This change accommodates more flexible scheduling, master classes, and master-to-master exchanges in specific traditional arts. The final report portion of the grant requirement will incorporate documentation of the projects for the Nevada Folklife Archive and will be a prerequisite for the final cash draw.
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