item 9 - Town of Richmond Hill
item 9 - Town of Richmond Hill
Agenda Item __q __ From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Ana Zotovic Wednesday, November 06, 2013 5:43 PM Clerks Richmondhill Municipal council support resolutionMunicipal Support Letter_Ric hmondhil l. pdf; application_to_appear_before_council Richmond Hill.pdf; 650 EDWARD LAYOUT. pdf; Municipal Council Support Resolutionupdated.pdf; OSP- References _Rybak, Vansickle, Oxen_2.pdf; portfolio.pdf Hi Karyn, In regards to our request for municipal council support for our rooftop solar PV project located in the Town of Richmond Hil l, please find attached the following: 1. A letter requesting Municipal Council Support which provides information on the proposed project including the location, voltage, size of project and description. 2. Rendering of location of panels on rooftop 3. Ontario Power Authority Municipa l Counci l support resolution form 4. Application to Appear Before Town Council 5. Project References and Case studies Please let me know if you require any more information . Thank you, Ana Zotovic Project Manager OSP- Ontario Solar Provider Inc 1 Atlantic Ave., Unit 105 Toron to, ON M6K 3E7 Office: 416.532.4658 Fax: 416.532.0090 www.ontariosp .co m rll Please cons ider t he environment bef ore printing this ema il. u6 1 Atlantic Ave., Suite 105 Toronto, ON M6K 3E7 OSP Ontario So lar Provider Office : (416) 532-4658 Fax: (416) 532-0090 Email: azotovic@o ntariosp .com November 5, 2013 Karyn Hurley Council/Committee Clerk 225 East Beaver Creek Road Richmond Hill, ON L4B 3P4 Subject: REQUEST FOR MUNICIPAL COUNCIL SUPPORT RESOLUTION Dear Ms. Hurley, We are a solar PV developer and construction company with a project located in the Town of Richmond Hil l. Under the new OPA's FIT 3.0 rules we are able to request municipal approval in order to gain priority points for our projects. We are requesting that the Town of Richmond Hill either enact a blanket support resolution for all rooftop solar projects within the region or consider our project, listed below, for approval of municipal support. Please find project info below in support of th is project. • • • • • • • • • • • • • Project type: Solar PV Rooftop facility Project size: 250 kW (nameplate capacity), Project location : 650 Edward Avenue, Richmond Hill, Ontario L4C 051 Rooftop area to be used is approximately 29,896 square feet with a six foot perimeter for maintenance and fire access. Build-out will occur with no obstruction to the surround ing area. The equipment is light in weight, designed and built to building code standards at all times, with no adverse impact on the structural integrity of the building. The facility is backed by a 20 year lease which will be registered to title. Project partners will own the project and mainta in the PV plant and the occupied space. Local labour will be used during the installation period. As a proj ect installed on a commercia l rooftop, it does not occupy prime land (agricultural, industrial, or commercial), and has no visible impact on the landscape . The project will not be visible from the street. No noise will be generated by the installation. The installation does not affect the existing storm water management design. If you have any questions regarding the project do not hes itate in contacting me . Best Regards, Ana Zotovic Project Manager Ontario Solar Provider Inc. TOTAL: 1,200 SOLAR PANELS 250 WP 300,000 WP DC 250,000 WAC 350 AZIMUT 5° INCLINATION PRELI MINARY LAYOUT SCALE CREATED CUE NT C.R AUTHOR ONTARIO SOLAR PROVIDER INC 650 Edward Avenue, Richmond Hill, L4C 051 DATE SEPT EMBER 2 012 ~ 2 J .~C it:.'~3·f.!r: S: :-~~~ .ti"t.]')"; NTA 10 POWER AUTHORITY 1 -::;rJI~to, ) 1.:1> 1i):::t_: Onu ·o v ) ..., ; T1 T ~ '6·9~7 ' 471 -41i). =J 67- 19~17 ....,,.,v oo·t·'?'fll.. n'onr 1 c- ~r.c J INSTRUCTIONS: MUNICIPAL COUNCIL SUPPORT RESOLUTION (Section S.l(g)(i) of the FIT Rules, Version 3.0) Capitalized terms not defined herein have the meanings ascribed to them in the FIT Rules, Version 3.0. INSTRUCTIONS APPLICABLE TO All RESOLUTIONS 1. The instruction page is not required to be submitted with the hard copy Application materials . 2. The first page of the resolution must be marked, by the Applicant, with the FIT reference number associated with the Applicat ion. 3. Where the resolution has multiple pages, the resolution should be stapled. 4. Information provided in the resolut ion must be consistent with the information provided in the electronic Application Form in order for the Application to be awarded Priority Points. 5. Apart from the completion of any blanks in the template resolution, no amendments, other than those outlined in paragraph 6 below, may be made to the wording of this form . 6. Words in between square brackets (i.e. "["and"]") are immaterial to the intent of the template resolution and may be modified to follow standard procedure of the issuing body. Wording not contained within square brackets must not be changed in order for the Application to be awarded Priority Points . 7. The entirety of the resolution (all blanks) must be completed in order for the Application to be awarded Priority Points. INSTRUCTIONS SPECIFIC TO THE RESOLUTION 8. Local Municipal councils have the option of drafting the Template: Municipal Council Support Resolution on the Council or equivalent governing body letterhead. The language of the Template: Municipal Council Support Resolution must be the same as shown in the template in order for the Applicant to obtain Priority Points. The OPA does not award Priority Points if the resolution includes additional conditions or delegation of authority to staff for additional approvals . 9. The separate Prescribed Form: Municipal Council Support Resolution Confirmation may be completed and provided to the OPA by an Applicant that had received a FIT Rules, Version 2.1 Template: Municipal Council Support Resolution (that was not a blanket support resolution) that was issued by the Local Municipality prior to October 9, 2013 in relation to the Appl icant and the Project. The Prescribed Form : Municipal Council Support Resolution Confirmation may not be used as a substitute for a Municipal Council Support Resolution where no Municipal Council Support Resolution was issued for the Project previously. 10. Where no resolution number exists, insert "N/A" into the appropriate field. J/U Oct 20 13 Page i of i TH IS PAGE HAS BEEN INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK LJ71 12 : ON ~RI POWER AUTHORITY A-.~ 0t.-:1 ~.z· su~~t ·w ~ .,.,k . r,')r,: ·: t.o, O il U i 1 0 (j , V \ {\ 5 "-' S'.J ~~ '6X 1T I T 4 16 ·967 -7.:!7.1 f 4 1 6 - 9 ~ 7 19-• 7 TEMPlATE: MUNICIPAL COUNCIL SUPPORT RESOLUTION (Section S.l(g)(i) of the FIT Ru les, Version 3.0) QPr\KP/ f-F IT -0 ~2·2 Resolution NO: Date: [WHEREAS) capitalized terms not defin ed he rei n have th e meanings ascribed to them in t he FIT Rules, Ve rsion 3.0. [AND WHEREAS] OS PSD and WIKWEM IKONG FIT 3 LP -------------------------------------- (the "Applicant") proposes to construct and operate a Solar PV roo ftop facili ty (the "Project ") on 650 Edward Avenue ------------------------------------------------------------ (the "Lands") in Town of Richmond Hill under the Province's FIT Program ; [AND WHEREAS] the Applicant has requested that Counci l of Town of Richmond Hil l -------------------------------------------------- ind icate by resolution Council's support for the construction and operation of t he Project on the Property; [AND WHEREAS], pursuant to the FIT Rul es, Vers ion 3.0, Appl ica tion s whose Proje cts receive the formal support of Local Municipalities will be awarded Priority Po int s, which may result in the Ap pli cant being offered a FIT Contract prior to other Persons applying for FIT Contracts; [NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT]: Council of the Town of Richmond Hill suppo rts t he constructi o n and operation of the Project on th e Lands. This reso lution's sole purpose is t o ena ble the Applicant to receive Pri ority Points under the FIT Prog ram and may not be used for the purpose of any oth er form of municipal approval in relati on to the Applica t ion or Project or any ot her p urpose . Title: Tit l e: (signature lines fo r elected representatives.) FIT re ference number: (The reference number must be inserted by the Applicant in order far the resolution to comply with the FIT rules, even where Local Municipal letterhead is used_This is not to be inserted by the Local Municipality.) Oct 2013 .J l {_ Pa ge 1 of 1 OSP Ontario Solar Provider Case studies and references Case Study #1: Rybak Solar Located in North York, Ontario, Rybak Solar is supplying green electricity to the Ontario grid thanks to the qu ick and tailor-made construction services of OSP. The premises are leased for the solar project. The solar system is owned and operated by OSP. The project is under a 20-year Ontario Power Authority FIT contract. Project Description Project name Project location System size Reference contract number Scope of services Construction time Modules Inverters Racking Date in t erconn ected Rybak Solar 25 Berta! Road, North York, ON Canada 206.65 kW F-002060-SPV-13-502 Development and con struction 4 weeks Siliken KACO KB AeroRack Ma rch 2012 References Off-ta ker Pr operty Owner Ontario Power Authority Todd Wierenga 120 Adela id e St . W, Suite 1600 Toronto, ON MSH 1T1 todd. wi e renga@ powe ra uth ority. on. ca (416) 969-6002 Progress One Holdings Inc. Gregory Rybak 25 Berta! Road North York, ON Canada [email protected] (416) 760-0222 LJ/j Case Study #2: Vansickle OSP was involved in the installation and connection of this solar project located in St. Catharine's, Canada. This project will be supplying green electricity under a 20 year Ontario Power Authority FIT contract. Project Description Vansickle 2300 Yonge St., Suite 1600, Toronto, ON M4P1E4 321kW F-001704-SPV-135-502 Construction 5 weeks Canadian Solar Advanced Energy KB Aero Rack August 2013 Project name Project location System size Reference contract numbe r Scope of services Const ruction time Modules Inverters Racking Date interconnected References Off-ta ker Property Owne r Ontario Power Authority Enduro Energy. Todd Wierenga 120 Adelaide St. W, Suite 1600 Toronto, ON M5H 1T1 todd .w ierenga@ power authority .on .ca (4 16) 969-6002 Cameron Steinman 2300 Yonge St., Suite 1600 Toronto, ON M4P1E4 cstei nman {416) 789-4655 Pnone \-1 16 53 ~ -135 '3 Fe!\ 1-ll-J , 532 OG iJ 'N.v·.v 0nt3"3)~ C01l1 l -".>"' I OSP On i cl rio S(JI .tr !·1i\)l,ilk·r Case Study #3: Oxen Solar I The Oxnard site, located in Los Angeles, California is the first solar project in the LADWP FIT program to be interconnected . Thanks to the quick and tailor-made construction services of SunStarter Insta llations, this solar site is now supplying green electricity to the Los Angeles County with the 20-year LADWP FiT contract. SPG (OSP) has sold the project but is in charge of the operations and ma intenance . Project Description Project name Project location System size Reference contract number Scope of services Construction time Modules Inverters Racking Date interconnected Oxen Solar I 11313 Oxnard Street, North Hollywood, CA 83kW 70S114 Development and construction 3 weeks ReneSola KACO KB EkonoRack June 2013 References Off-taker Property Owner Los Angeles Department of Water and Power Peter Liang, Solar Energy Development 111 North Hope Street, Room 940 l os Angeles, CA 90012 Peter.Lian g@ ladwp .com (213) 367-4895 MJW Investments Brennen Degner 1640 5th St. Suite 112 Santa Monica, CA 90401 [email protected] (310) 857-9654 J/] c.. co
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