Business Model Canvas - Netværk Danmark A/S


Business Model Canvas - Netværk Danmark A/S
Business Model Canvas
– et værktøj til at skabe vækst
Netværk Danmark og Aarhus Universitet, School of Business and Social Sciences (Aarhus BSS) inviterer til gratis
morgenmøde tirsdag 28. april kl. 07.45 – 10.30 på Aarhus Universitet.
Kom og bliv opdateret på nyeste viden fra dygtige undervisere på et af verdens top 100-universiteter. Vi fører dig gennem den strategiske
model Business Model Canvas og viser med praktiske case stories, hvordan du kan skabe vækst med strategi og innovation i din virksomhed.
Hør hvordan førende danske og udenlandske virksomheder har opnået stor succes gennem målrettet arbejde med
Business Model Innovation, herunder kundestrategi.
Kl. 07.45-08.15
Kl. 08.15-08.25Velkomst/intro
Kl. 08.25-09.00
Market leader with Business Model Innovation
v/professor René Rohrbeck, Aarhus BSS
Companies like Apple, RyanAir, but also construction tool companies such as Hilti, have attained their
dominant and highly profitable market position through pioneering entirely new business models
in their respective industries. Today, business models have become increasingly popular as a tool to
describe the value creation and value capture processes of organizations on an architectural level.
They make it easier to explore why an organization is successful and how it needs to organize to create
or sustain a competitive advantage in the future. Learn the basics of BMI and be inspired to develop
and grow your business.
Kl. 09.00-09.35
Customer strategies that work
v/partner Tomas Lykke, Hildebrandt & Brandi
Most companies have defined a vision, often containing elements related to customers and customer
experiences. Customers are often a key element in the strategy, yet few companies have developed
a customer strategy. Why do you need a customer strategy? What does it contain? And which steps
should be followed to develop an effective customer strategy? Based on learnings from the best
selling book “Vil du anbefale os – kundeloyalitet i praksis”, you will hear case stories from a number of
Danish companies that have made impressive results on improving customer loyalty – as a key driver
for better financial performance.
Kl. 09.35-10.00
Q&A – paneldebat
Kl. 10.00-10.30Afrunding
Tirsdag den 28. april kl. 7.45 – 10.30 på Aarhus BSS, Fuglesangs Allé 4, 8210 Aarhus V, bygning 2625, Fuglesangssalen.
Deltagelse er gratis for medlemmer af Netværk Danmark. Sidste frist for tilmelding er onsdag 22. april 2015.
René Rohrbeck Professor at Aarhus BSS
René Rohrbeck teaches in MBA, MSc. and executive education programs at the Aarhus School of
Business (Denmark), the University of Kiel, Die Technische Universität Berlin (both Germany), the
University of Technology, KTH, Stockholm (Sweden) and the Hanken School of Economics (Finland).
Before joining Aarhus University he spent 6 years in industry where he worked with innovation
management at Volkswagen and on corporate foresight at Deutsche Telekom. He has worked both
as a consultant and a manager for companies from a wide range of industries, including automobile, oil & gas, pulp & paper, information & communication technologies (ICT), and energy.
He has authored the book “Corporate foresight – Towards a Maturity Model for the Future Orientation of a firm”, in which he develops a benchmarking framework for assessing future orientation
and describes best practices in corporate foresight.
Tomas Lykke, Partner at Hildebrandt & Brandi
Leveraging on his 14 years of corporate experience from leading Danish Companies Tomas Lykke is
helping clients to improve their customer experience with the purpose of improving their customer
loyalty and profitability.
Tomas Lykke has a clear viewpoint of service excellence; why it matters, what it is and how to make
it happen. In particular, he focuses on consistency and how to secure long term sustainability in our
improvement initiatives.
During the last three years he has been the author and co-author of three best selling books,
published by Gyldendal Business in Danish: “Tag Ansvar for Kunden” (2012), “Vil du anbefale os? kundeloyalitet i praksis” (2014) and “Kompleksitet - virksomhedens største udfordring” (2014 with
Anders Nørgaard).