
The National Empowerment Network of PLHIV in Kenya (NEPHAK)
Say yes to life
say yes to life
say yes to life
say yes to life
17th – 23rd May 2015
Edition 20
Questions & Questions on US NGOs NEPHAK Joins members to Mark
Candlelight memorial in Kisumu.
Support with Kenya PEPFAR COP.
Kenya CSOs over the weekend welcomed
suggestions by their US counterparts on the Kenya
PEPFAR COP but with questions. First, it was not
clear whether the US NGOs gave suggestions on all
PEPFAR COPs or the questions were only on the
Kenya COP. It was also not clear why the questions
were only shared at the PEPFAR review meeting in
Frankfurt, Germany whereas the PEPFAR COP
process started in February and included more than
10 consultative meetings.
The greatest question is why one of the NGOs that
engaged in the Kenya COP process and supported
the draft COP review by KP representatives still
signed on the letter presented at the PEPFAR COP
review meeting. It also did not escape the attention
of the Kenya CSOs that another NGO that signed the
letter had the Coordinator of OGAC, Ambassador,
Deborah Birx (in photo below) in its board just a few
years back. Nonetheless, most of
the questions were really relevant
and some even mirrored those sent
earlier to Kenya PEPFAR PCO by
PLHIV leaders under NEPHAK,
and KP leaders under BHESP and,
Amb. Debby Birx in
which responses had been gotten.
past photo
The letter by US NGOs only contradicted local CSOs
position in one area. Whereas local CSOs, including
communities have asked the Kenya Government to
increase its domestic financing for HIV to cover the
gap arising from the PEPFAR prioritization plan, the
US NGOs stated in their letter that “the Kenya
Government lack the capacity to provide services in areas
where PEPFAR may be phasing out”. This stand fails to
appreciate the latest government efforts to ensure
strengthened leadership and country ownership of
the HIV response. The letter also faulted the Kenya
CSOs engagement with PEPFAR at country level
citing low capacity among some local CSOs.
NEPHAK with support from ICW global joined
members from Kisumu under the leadership of
Grassroots Network (G-NET); a community based
organization and one of active members in Kisumu to
Mark the Candlelight celebrations. The members
were joined by other civil society organizations and
community groups.
‘Sauti Skika’ Champions pose with the Banner in Kisumu
In keeping with the theme of the memorial 2015
which is “Supporting the Future” the members
supported ‘Sauti Skika’ initiative to various activities
aimed at asking leaders and partners to support the
future of young people born and living with HIV to
engage in decision making platforms. The children
and young people; many who are orphans were also
supported to light candles for their parents and
friends who had passed away due to HIV.
FACTBOX: This week, the Chair of NEPHAK Board shall be leading the board and management of NEPHAK in policy and guidelines
review meeting in Nakuru. Eleven board members and 4 technical staff are expected to join the meeting supported by Trocaire to
enable NEPHAK adapt polices and guidelines and develop new ones to support its operations and programming.
Study links some anti-HIV drugs to
heart disease
NEPHAK to Launch Position on how
to #EndAdolescentAIDS at the AGM.
Latest research has suggested that there is a link
between specific HIV drug combinations and heart
disease. Heart attacks, strokes and other forms of
cardiovascular disease are important causes of
serious illness in people living with HIV. The
reasons why rates are higher than in the general
population are not fully understood. While it is
partly due to higher rates of risky behaviors such as
smoking, researchers also think that HIV infection
and the persistent immune activation and
inflammation that it causes make a difference.
After months of consultations with PLHIV
networks and groups, NEPHAK team is now set to
launch its position on how to #EndAdlescentAIDS
at its Annual General Meeting, 29th May. The AGM
which doubles as the National PLHIV Conference
will bring together around 150 leaders drawn from
more than 32 Counties.
The researchers say that the findings will be most
relevant for people who are older or who are
already at elevated risk of heart disease. This
includes people who smoke, who have high blood
pressure, who have high levels of cholesterol, who
do not exercise much, or who have a family history
of heart disease. For people in this situation, the
information could help doctors choose the best HIV
treatment to offer.
But in general, the main issues to consider when
choosing anti-HIV drugs are how effective they are
in reducing HIV viral load and whether they have
side-effects. A second study on cardiovascular
disease examined hardening of the arteries in HIVpositive people and HIV-negative people with
similar lifestyles. Over time, people living with HIV
were more likely to have their arteries clogged up
by fatty substances known as plaques than people
without HIV. The risk was greatest for people who
had a low CD4 cell count. For more information, see
NAM’s factsheets on The heart, Stroke and Cholesterol.
Are you attending the MOH-NASCOP
The 10th Annual HIV Prevention, Care & Treatment
Consultative Forum 2015 will provide a platform
for sharing experiences, innovations, strategies and
best practices by different stakeholders. The theme
for this forum is “Accelerating HIV prevention, care
and treatment: a comprehensive approach towards 90-9090 targets”. Let us know if you are NEPHAK
member and have been invited to this forum.
([email protected]).
The position was arrived at after consultations with
PLHIV leaders at national and county levels. In
total, 320 PLHIV leaders, including representatives
of adolescents living with HIV under the ‘Sauti
Skika’ Initiative were reached during the
consultations in various counties (see sample photos
NEPHAK Members in Homa Bay County.
NEPHAK Members and Adolescents in Mombasa County.
Kisumu members during Consultative Meeting
Kisumu Consultative
NEPHAK Weekly Bulletin is published by the Advocacy and Communications Department
at the national
Secretariat, 3rd Flr, Wood Avenue Court, Wood
Avenue off Argwings Kodhek/Lenana Rd, Nairobi. Articles can be reproduced freely as long as NEPHAK is acknowledged. Further details can be obtained from the
Editor, P. O. Box 75654-00200 Nairobi. TEL: 0720209694, Email: [email protected], Website : www.nephak.or.ke, Twitter: NEPHAKPLHA