Release of balance funds to National Seeds Corporation Ltd
Release of balance funds to National Seeds Corporation Ltd
BY SPEED POST F. No.CPS 12-3/2014-NFSM Governmellt of India Ministry of Agriculture Department of Agriculture & Cooperation Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi Dated: 6'h May, 2015 The Pay & Account Officer, Ministry of Agriculture Department of Agriculture & Cooperation Krishi Hhawan New bclhi Sub: Release of balance funds to National Seeds Corporation Ltd. (NSC) for reimbursement of claim towards distribution of Wheat and Pulses seeds for the year 2013-14 during 2015-16. Sir, I am directed to refer to this Department's letter No.20-112012-NFSM (CA-V) dated i 0.04.20 15 conveying Administrative Approval for 2015-16 for implementation of National Food Security Mission (NfSM) under Krishi Unnati Yojana (State Plan) and to convey the sanction of __ the President of India for release of balance funds of Rs.5,31,33,037/- (Rupees five crore thil1y one lakh thirty three thousand and thirty seven only) to National Seeds Corporation Ltd (NSC) towards reimbursement of claim for distribution of Wheat and Pulses seeds for the year 2013-14 during 7.01) 16. This is inclusive of the claims submitted by SFCl (now merged with NSC) for similar purpose 2. This release is subject to the condition that all terms and conditions laid down in the Administrative Approval issued vide letter No.20-1/2012-NFSM (CA-V) dated 10.04.2015 are followed. The Implementing Agency is requested to furnish the Audited Utilization Certificate (AUC) in the prescribed proforma GFR-19(A) to this Department at the end of the financial year. 3. The aforesaid cXflenditure may be debited to thc following I lead of Account:- ~ - --_ .. _. _._--------_._---_._----_._.- Head of- Account -. - ---- -- - -- - --- - ---- ---- - - - - - - IJcmand No. i-Agriculture 7!JO I Crops I !usbandry (Major Ilead) ! Og C0I11 !11l'!"cial Crops (Minor! !cad) 37.-Krishonnati Yojana-State Plan 01 National Food Security Mission 320 ~~ _1 ~Grants-!Il_-aid ~Qe:~leral-20 15-16 (~lar~L_ _.__ 11. Rs. in lakhs Amount ---+----- - --531.33037 -----~---'----------"----, - ----------~ The payment sanctioned above is also subject to adjustment on the basis of audited figures th of expenditure in terms of Ministry of Finance letter NO.2 (19)/P.ll/60, dated the 9 October, 19611. -2- 5 The accounts of the grantee institute/organization shall open to inspection by the sanel ion i ng allt! lmi!)' and aud it. both by the COlllptroller anu i\ ud itor (Jeneral of Ind ia unuer the provision of Ci\(j (Ope) Aet i 971 and internal audit by the Principal Accounts Office of the Ministry or Department, whenever the institution/organization is called lIpon to do so and they will have the right to demand the production of books of accounts, vouchers and other papers/documents in this rcgard. 6. Thc paymcnt may pleasc bc made through RTGS. 7. This issucs with the concurrence of the Finance Division oqhe Department of Agriculture & Cooperation vidc their Dy. No.3592-FTS/AS&FA dated 01.05.20 r5. 8. Provisions of GFR 211 (1) will bc followed. 9. This sanction has been noted at S. No.I/2015-16 in the Register of Grants. Under Copy for information to: I. 2. '"l J. 4. 5. ~ 8. Chairman-culll-Managing Director,-National Seeds Corporation, Beej Bhawan, Pusa Complex, New Delhi. Principal Accounts Officer, Department of Agriculture & Cooperation, 16, Akbar 'Road, Ilutments, New Delhi .. Sr. PPS to Agriculture Commissioner. PPS to JS (Crops). PS to Director (Crops)/ADC (Crops)/AD (NFSM)/ADC (CC) US (Fin-VII)/Budget Section/Budget & Accounts Section. Sr. Programmer NFSM-Cell. It is requested that the Sanction Order may be posted in NFSM website. Guard File I • I •