Healthcare - Nathaniel Lichfield & Partners
Healthcare - Nathaniel Lichfield & Partners
Healthcare NLP has a proven track record in assisting public and private sector healthcare clients to deliver their projects throughout the regions. This includes primary and secondary care providers such as GP surgeries, hospitals, specialist facilities and care homes. We understand healthcare requirements and for existing assets to work harder, for new developments to be more operationally efficient and for disposal strategies to maximise capital receipts. In response to the on-going housing crisis, the Government is promoting the release of surplus public sector land for housing. This creates a valuable opportunity for the public sector to dispose of redundant assets and generate funding to reinvest in clinical services. The National Planning Policy Framework and Planning Practice Guidance emphasises the importance of planning authorities working with health organisations to understand their needs and plan ahead. NLP has extensive experience of effective engagement and promoting projects through the development plan process for both public and private sector clients. NLP’s in-depth planning knowledge meant issues were overcome quickly and we incorporated a number of changes to meet local authority requirements with minimum delay, ensuring our project remained on schedule. Vickie Holcroft, Programme Director, West London Mental Health NHS Trust It is important to help our clients deliver credible and robust development strategies, which are capable of meeting their short term operational requirements and their longer term objectives. This may involve: • appraising assets to understand their development potential, for expansion or redevelopment; • identifying suitable alternative uses for surplus land to inform a disposal strategy which seeks to achieve best value; • working with planning authorities to promote land interests and seek site allocations and flexibly worded policies to enable change over time. Unlocking Value St Bernard’s Hospital, Ealing Client: West London Mental Health NHS Trust (WLMHT) and Kier The Brief: The WLMHT was required to move service users out of unsuitable accommodation into a new fit-forpurpose Medium Secure Unit. It also needed to dispose of surplus land and assets in order to fund the development. Key Services Applications & Appeals Community Engagement Economics & Regeneration Environmental Assessment Heritage GIS & Graphics Strategy & Appraisal Sunlight & Daylight Urban Design Credit: Feilden + Mawson Architects We secured planning permission for a new 70 bed MSU and also worked with the Trust to develop a site disposal strategy to help it to achieve best value through the sale of redundant land and assets. Planning permission and listed building consent was obtained, releasing surplus land for around 600 homes, including affordable and key worker housing, as well as securing the future of the listed buildings on site and meeting the on-going operational needs of the hospital. Working in partnership with officers of Ealing Council and English Heritage, We steered the proposed development through to a successful planning outcome. In doing so, we sought to maximise capital receipts for the Trust, which in turn enabled significant improvements to mental healthcare. Credit: David Morley Architects Delivering Improvements to Care Edenfield and Prestwich Hospitals, Manchester Client: Greater Manchester West Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust The Brief: NLP is retained by the Greater Manchester West Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust to lead on development activities at the Prestwich Hospital Site and Edenfield Centre. The Trust has been involved in an on-going programme of upgrading facilities and services at both sites. Key Services Applications & Appeals Community Engagement Strategy & Appraisal Credit: Gilling Dod Architects We were appointed on the creation of a new flagship headquarters building for the Trust through the development of a new Recovery, Health and Wellbeing Academy. The Recovery Academy will provide education and training facilities which will significantly improve the quality of the Trust’s educational offering, by providing a vibrant and stimulating centre-point for the Trust’s development activities. The new facility will accommodate and enhance the existing education and training functions and act as a central ‘hub’ for the Recovery Academy. The facility will also enable the re-location of Trust Headquarters to more appropriate and inspiring accommodation. We secured planning permission for a number of significant extensions to the Edenfield Hospital complex to deliver new medium secure care facilities. The site is a designated as a Major Developed Site in the Green Belt. We successfully argued acceptability of the development against established Green Belt policy and compatibility with the surrounding built form. We also secured planning permission for a replacement adolescent unit at the former McGuiness Unit, Prestwich Hospital and the provision of a Step Down Unit at Prestwich Hospital. NLP has consistently secured a number of important planning permissions for the Trust. NLP have guided us through the planning process, providing a professional and personal service working collaboratively with all team members and the Local Planning Authority. Joe Peers, Director of Estates and Facilities, Greater Manchester West NHS Foundation Trust Delivering a Revolutionary Hospital Northumbria Specialist Emergency Care Hospital, Cramlington Client: Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust The Brief: The Trust is investing £200 million in healthcare which includes a state of the art Specialist Emergency Care Hospital to serve Northumberland and North Tyneside. The hospital will be the first of its kind in the country and will have emergency care consultants on site 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Key Services Applications & Appeals Community Engagement Climate Change & Sustainability Economics & Regeneration Environmental Assessment GIS & Graphics Strategy & Appraisal Urban Design Credit: Keppie Design Ltd Through the application of a GIS model, running nearly 20,000 separate calculations, we helped select the most equitable and appropriate site given the hospital will provide healthcare for residents spread across a 500,000ha area. One of our key tasks was to engage with residents and stakeholders, in conjunction with the Trust, to explain the proposal, address concerns expressed about changes to healthcare provision and gain feedback. A public meeting was also held where residents aired their concerns to the Trust, NLP and wider project team. We led the planning application preparation and worked with the Council and key stakeholders throughout its determination. Despite the size and complexity of the project, the Council was able to determine the application within 8 months as all issues had been fully addressed. NLP has led the process from the outset and the Trust has been impressed by their professional approach. Paul Brayson, Head of Capital Development, Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust Delivering Healthcare and Protecting Heritage Assets UCL Cancer Institute Building, London Client: University College London (UCL) The Brief: UCL was committed to delivering a new Cancer Institute research building to provide a hub for cancer research at UCL. We delivered permission for the state of the art Institute. In doing so, we prepared a Heritage Assessment justifying the demolition of the existing building within a Conservation Area and internal alterations to the adjacent Grade II listed building. Justifying New Healthcare Provision NHS Treatment Care, Cobalt Business Park Client: Ashall Plc The Brief: Ramsey Healthcare was committed to delivering a new specialist care treatment centre specialising in the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of conditions on a day care basis, providing general and orthopaedics surgery and endoscopy treatment. We justified the need for the facility assessing the current capacity in the local and wider area. We also demonstrated the appropriateness and sustainability of the selected location. Engagement and Consultation Independent Hospital, Caerphilly Client: Grwp Gwalia The Brief: Grwp Gwalia was committed to delivering an independent hospital for women with mental health support needs. Through extensive engagement with the local community and members of Caerphilly Council leading up to submission and during determination of the application, we delivered the successful determination of the planning application. Maximising Potential and Safeguarding Operations Development Plan Representations We worked with the Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust to prepare representations seeking hospital allocations for existing operations and housing allocations for surplus land. This will provide certainty and also flexibility when the Trust seek to further invest in healthcare provision. We secured a site allocation for the West London Mental Health Trust land at St Bernard’s Hospital which is supportive of clinical development and alternative uses, including housing, on redundant land. Assessing Strategic Needs Northholt Acquired Brain Injury Unit Client: Enable Care The Brief: Enable Care required a robust assessment to accompany their planning application. We produced a strategic needs assessment which involved a review of existing facilities in the area and a consideration of Department of Health policy initiatives. We consulted with a range of healthcare providers and other stakeholders in the area and estimated future levels of accidental brain injuries based on population forecasts and average incidence of such accidents. Defining Needs Woodlands Hospital, Salford Client: Vinci Construction The Brief: To act on behalf of Vinci Construction to secure planning permission for an extension to the Woodlands Hospital, Salford which is a centre for excellence for delivery of all older people’s inpatient services across Bolton and Salford. The site is constrained by a blanket TPO and established trees, a number of which have to be removed to facilitate the development proposals. We demonstrated that the benefits of providing this scheme and its consistency with the Government’s aim to deliver major improvements in dementia care significantly outweighed the loss of the protected trees. Contact Us @nlpplanning Our Health Specialists London James Fennell Managing Director 020 7837 4477 [email protected] Cardiff John Cottrell Senior Director 029 2043 5880 [email protected] Leeds Justin Gartland Chairman 0113 397 1397 [email protected] Manchester Michael Watts Senior Director 0161 837 6130 [email protected] Newcastle Jonathan Wallace Senior Director 0191 261 5685 [email protected] London Pauline Roberts Planning Director 020 7837 4477 [email protected] Cardiff Cem Kosaner Associate Director 029 2043 5880 [email protected] Leeds Suzanne Philipson Associate Director 0113 397 1397 [email protected] Manchester Caroline Musker Planning Director 0161 837 6130 [email protected] Newcastle Samantha Marlow Associate Director 0191 261 5685 [email protected] Planning 2011-2014 Consultancy of the Year © Nathaniel Lichfield & Partners Ltd 2014. Nathaniel Lichfield & Partners is the trading name of Nathaniel Lichfield & Partners Ltd. Registered Office: 14 Regent's Wharf, All Saints Street, London N1 9RL. Designed by NLP 2014. All imagery © NLP except where otherwise stated.