North Springfield Civic Association General Meeting Minutes April 8


North Springfield Civic Association General Meeting Minutes April 8
North Springfield Civic Association
General Meeting Minutes
April 8, 2015
Call to order- 7:32 PM
Gary Black led the group with the Pledge of Allegiance.
President’s Report
Ken Balbuena reported:
Fairfax County Budget Hearings are taking place and that there are various cuts that affect us,
for example the defunding of the Grass Enforcement Ordinance. Ken thanked Skip Chaples for
speaking at the public hearing on our behalf.
The NSCA Board passed a resolution opposing the defunding of the Grass Enforcement
Ordinance. Ken read the resolution out loud. He then reported that this was sent to all the
supervisors, with only Sharon Bulova responding to it. Ken also reported the Fairfax Federation
adopted this, with minor tweaks, as their resolution.
Complaints about the mail service have been heard and resolved. Ken let the members know
about the success NSCA had with addressing the poor service many residents have been
receiving with mail delivery. The NSCA asked the District Postmaster to look into the mail
situation. Many of the routes in North Springfield were considered “temporary” routes. These
have all been changed to permanent routes. If residents are still having issues with mail service,
those affected should contact Ken immediately.
May 16 is our community yard sale and May 23 is the Community Cleanup day. NSCA is forming
a committee for next year to see how we can enhance the Yard Sale event.
An Audit Committee is being formed. Three representatives will sit on this committee to review
the finances of the association. One person is still needed on the committee. If you are
interested, please contact Ken.
Officers’ elections will take place at the May meeting. A motion to accept the members of the
nomination committee will be needed. The nomination committee members are: Chet
McLaren, Heidi Miller, and Gary Black. A motion was made and properly seconded to accept
these individuals as the nominations committee. The motion passed unanimously.
The 60th Anniversary of both the building of North Springfield and the founding of NSCA are
approaching. Ideas for how to celebrate are welcome.
The by-laws are now updated and some numbering changes had to be done. No content was
changed, and the bylaws reflect what membership past at the last (March) meeting.
Vivian Watts will be at our May meeting with updates on the General Assembly and the veto
April 23, 2015, Vivian Watts and VDOT will be meeting with NSCA representative.
The minutes were approved, with the month correction.
Treasurer’s Report
Skip Chaples reported:
The last audit done on the NSCA books was in 2000.
NSCA generally has had a $12,300 annual budget; we are running about $700 in deficit each
year. The five year average has been about $11,600 in monies received. $5,000 was in the
form of membership dues, $3,500 has been generated in advertising sales, and $2,300 has been
collected in donations.
Only 14-16% of residents have paid to join NSCA.
There is $19,200 in the bank currently. This permits a one year reserve. Of this amount, $3,000
is already committed, leaving about $4,000 in discretionary funds.
We are currently on budget, and ahead of predications with membership dues, but behind on
ad and slightly on donations as of this time in last year.
Skip also reported on his experience speaking for NSCA at the Fairfax County Budget hearings. He spoke
in support of the resolution to keep Grass Enforcement funding in the budget.
Committee Updates
The Minority Outreach Committee asked for people to help with Committee work. President
Balbuena explained the history of the committee and why it was formed.
The PTA Committee Liaison reported out the construction of the school was ahead of schedule.
The PTA is also looking for nominations for their board.
Guest Speakers reported on updates to Ravensworth Shopping Center, Springfield Town Center,
Concord Centre, and Wegman’s. They took questions from the community.
$200 Speeding Sign Issue
The meeting turned to the $200 Speeding Signs. President Balbuena told the membership that several
people could not come this evening and wanted to know if they could vote in absentia. A motion was
moved and properly seconded that members who asked could vote in absentia. The motion failed.
Ken began to discuss voting by individual streets. A motion was made and properly seconded that the
vote be of all streets at once. The motion carried.
A motion to support the $200 Speeding Signs was moved and properly seconded. The motion failed.
President Balbuena told the membership that he has heard the residents wishes and as long as he is
president, this will not be brought forward again. He did let the membership know that another means
of traffic calming is being looked at through the formation of an ad-hoc traffic calming committee. He
also let the membership know that the work of the committee will take at least a year to eighteen
months if not longer.
Ken reminded all that the next meeting will be on May 6, 2015, and to prepare for parking shortages
because the school play will be happening at the same time.
Adjournment: 9:16 PM
Respectfully submitted by Margaret Panik, NSCA Secretary