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QkeZ uForm No. jk"Vªh; ukV~; fo|ky; NATIONAL SCHOOL OF DRAMA Bahawalpur House, Bhagwandas Road, New Delhi 110 001 Telephones: (+91-11) 23389402, 23387916 www.nsd.gov.in vkosnu i= 2015 APPLICATION FORM 2015 Please affix a passport-size colour photograph here, and attach 3 additional photographs to the application form bl vkosnu i= ds t+fj, gh p;u lfefr Ikj vkidk igyk izHkko iM+xs kA blfy, Ñi;k bls lkQ&lkQ HkjsaA Vafdr gks rks vPNk gSA laf{kIr tkudkjh nas c<+k&p<+kdj u fy[ksaA fdlh Hkh rjg ds v/kwjs vkosnu i= Ikj fopkj ugha fd;k tk,xkA A. Name in full (in capital letters) Shri/Shrimati/Kumari ______________________________________________ Ikwjk uke ¼Li"V v{kjksa es½a Jh@Jherh@dqekjh_____________________________________ Date of birth ___/____/________Age as on 1/7/2015________years________months_____ days tUe frfFk Nationality/ 1@7@2015 dks vk;q lky ukxfjdrk _________________ Male eghuk / iq#"k fnu Female/ L=h Present address (in capital letters)_________________________ City__________ OkrZeku irk 'kgj District____________ State _______________Pin__________Phone no.______________ ftyk jkT; fiu Qksu Permanent address (in capital letters)_________________________ City__________ LFkkbZ irk 'kgj District____________ State _______________Pin__________ Phone no._______________ ftyk jkT; fiu Qksu Mother’s name ___________________________ Father’s name_______________________ Ekkrk dk uke firk dk uke Address )_______________________________________________ City__________ irk 'kgj District____________ State _______________Pin__________ Phone no.________________ ftyk jkT; fiu Qksu E-mail ______________________________________________ (Kindly provide your e-mail address for speedy communication) 1 Father’s/mother’s profession, and his/her annual income______________________________ firk@ekrk dk O;olk; vkSj mudh okf"kZd vk; Whether SC/ST/OBC (attach documentary proof, duly verified)___________________________ D;k vuqlwfpr tkfr@tutkfr@vU; fiNM+k oxZ ls gSa ¼;fn gkW rks lR;kfir izek.k i= layXu dhft,½ Married/Unmarried__________________________________________________________________ fookfgr@vfookfgr If married, husband’s/wife’s name and address__________________________________________ ;fn fookfgr gSa rks Ikfr@iRuh dk uke o Ikrk ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ City__________ 'kgj District____________ State ___________ Pin__________ Phone no.______________________ ftyk jkT; fiu Qksu Husband’s/wife’s profession and his/her annual income__________________________________ ifr@iRuh dk O;olk; ,oa mldk@mldh okf"kZd vk; Number of children, if any_____________________Contact phone no.______________________ laidZ gsrq ua-] ;fn gks CkPpksa dh la[;k] ;fn gSa B. KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGES Can speak fluently Ckksy ldrs gSa Hkk"kkvksa dk Kku Can read fluently Can write fluently ___________________ _______________________ i<+ ldrs gSa ______________________ fy[k ldrs gSa ______________________ ___________________ ______________________ ______________________ ___________________ ______________________ 'kSf{kd ;ksX;rk (Attach attested copies. lR;kfir izfrfyfi layXu djsa½ ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS Certificate/Degree/Scheme Year izek.k&i=k@[email protected] High School o"kZ University/Board/Institute fo'ofo|ky;@cksM@ Z laLFkku Marks obtained (%) izkIr vad _____ ____________________ _________ _____ ____________________ _________ ______ _______________________ ___________ Main subjects eq[; fo"k; ___________ gkbZLdwy Intermediate ___________ baVjehfM,V Graduation ______________ Lukrd Postgraduation _______ _______________________ ___________ ______ ____________________ _________ _____________ LukRdksÙkj Training, if any ____________ dksbZ vU; izf'k{k.k 2 THEATRE EXPERIENCE Direction jaxeap vuqHko funsZ'ku Mention any 6 major productions the applicant has directed. (Attach separate sheets for more productions.) vH;FkhZ }kjk funsfZ 'kr fdUgha 6 ukV~;&izLrqfr;ksa dk mYys[k djsAa ¼vf/d izLrqfr;ksa ds fy, vyx ls dkxt+ layXu djsAa ½ Name of play Language Place/Occasion UkkVd dk uke Hkk"kk LFkku@lekjksg ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ Author/Playwright Year ys[kd o"kZ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ Acting vfHku; Mention any 6 major roles the applicant has performed. vH;FkhZ }kjk vfHkuhr vf/kdre 6 izeq[k ukV~; Hkwfedk,aA Name of play Language Author/Playwright Directed by Role UkkVd dk uke Hkk"kk ys[kd funZs'kd Hkwfedk ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ Stage Craft eap f'kYi Mention any 6 major productions in which the applicant was actively involved in stage design, set construction, lighting, costume design, make-up, stage management, etc. fdUgha 6 izeq[k izLrqfr;ksa esa vH;FkhZ }kjk fd;s x, eap ifjdYiuk] eap&fuekZ.k] izdk'k] os'k&Hkw"kk vfHkdYiuk] :i&lTtk] eap izca/ ku bR;kfn dk;ksaZ dk mYys[k djsaA Name of play Author/Playwright UkkVd dk uke ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ____________ ____________ ys[kd dk;Z dk izdkj o"kZ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ dk;Z Language UkkVd dk uke ______________ ______________ ______________ Year ____________ ____________________ ____________ ____________________ ____________ ____________________ ____________ ____________________ ________ ____________ ___________ ________ ____________ ___________ WRITING SKILLS ys[ku Plays UkkVd Name of play Nature of Work Hkk"kk _________ _________ _________ Attach separate sheet if needed. Full-length/One-act UkkVd@,dkadh _______________ _______________ _______________ Staged/Not staged iznf'kZr@viznf'kZr _________________ _________________ _________________ vko';d gksus ij fooj.k vyx dkxt+ ij layXu djas A½ 3 Poetry dfork _______________ _______________ _______________ Stories dgkfu;k¡ Novels miU;kl ________________ ________________ ________________ OTHER QUALIFICATIONS vU; _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ ;ksX;rk,Wa Any previous training in theatre? If yes, its nature___________________________________________ jaxeap esa dksbZ iwoZ izf'k{k.k\ ;fn gS] rks fdl izdkj dk gS\ Any previous training in dance, music (vocal/instrumental), visual art?__________________________ Uk`R;] laxhr ¼xk;u@oknu½ ,oa n`';dyk esa dksbZ iwoZ izf'k{k.k \ Any other qualifications______________________________________________________________ dksbZ vU; ;ksX;rk,a ORGANISATIONS ASSOCIATED WITH laLFkku ftlls lac) gSa Name of the organisation Professional/Amateur Since when In what capacity laLFkk dk uke O;kolkf;d@'kkSfd;k dc ls fdl :Ik esa lEc) gSa _________________ _________________ _________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________ __________ __________ ______________ ______________ ______________ C. PROFESSIONAL BACKGROUND O;kolkf;d Ik`"BHkwfe Present occupation________________________________Annual income_________________________ orZeku O;olk; okf"kZd vk; Experience of other jobs, if any_____________________________________________________________ vU; dk;ksZa dk vuqHko] ;fn gS Whether recipient of any scholarship while undergoing training, etc.__________________________ vxj izf'k{k.k bR;kfn ds nkSjku fdlh Hkh izdkj dh Nk=o`fr izkIr dh gS rks mYys[k djas If recipient of any scholarship, mention: ;fn Nk=o`fr izkIr dh gS rks (i) Amount of monthly scholarship_____________________________________________________ ekfld Nk=o`fr dh jkf'k (ii) Scholarship received from which date________________________________________________ Nk=o`fr dc ls izkIr dj jgs gSa (iii) Source of scholarship___________________________________________________________ Nk=o`fr dk lzksr D. PREVIOUS ATTEMPTS fiNys iz;kl Have you applied to this course previously? How many times? (Mention year/s.) IkwoZ esa fdruh ckj vkosnu fd;k \ ¼o"kZ dk mYys[k djsa½ Preliminary interview _______________________ Final interview/Workshop________________________ IkzkjafHkd lk{kkRdkj vafre lk{kkRdkj@ dk;Z'kkyk 4 E. STATE OF HEALTH LokLF; (i) Are you physically fit to undertake theatre practice for long hours?___________________________ ¼d½ jaxeap ij nsj rd dk;Z djus ds fy, D;k vki 'kkjhfjd :i ls LoLFk gSa \ (ii) Have you undergone any training in physical fitness? If yes, mention details.________________________ ¼[k½ D;k vkius 'kkjhfjd LoLFkrk gsrq dHkh dksbZ izf'k{k.k fy;k gS\ ;fn gk¡] rks mYys[k djsa A (iii) Your height and weight____________________________________________________ ¼x½ viuk otu vkSj mQ¡pkbZ dk C;kSjk nsaA F. REFERENCES vkosnd ds tkudkj At least 3 eminent persons in the theatre field, not related to the applicant but familiar with his/her work, should be mentioned, and certificates given by them should be attached with this application. jaxeap {ks= ds de&ls&de rhu izfl) O;fDr;ksa ds uke] tks fd vkosnd ds laca/kh u gksa ysfdu muds dk;Z dh iw.kZ tkudkjh j[krs gks]a nsa A muds }kjk fn;s x, izek.k i= Hkh layXu djas A Name Ukke _________________ _________________ _________________ Address Status irk Lrj ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ GENERAL/ Plans after training_________________________________________________________________ Ikzf'k{k.kksijkUr ;kstuk Any other information______________________________________________________________ dksbZ vU; lwpuk I have read the rules of the National School of Drama and agree to abide by them. EkSaus jk"Vªh; ukV~; fo|ky; esa izos'k ds fu;e i<+ fy, gSa vkSj mudk ikyu djus ds fy, opuc} gw¡A I have already sent/deposited DD No.__________for Rs 225 (inclusive of Rs 75 as postage expenses) dated___________issued by _________________________ (bank’s name) for the prospectus and application form. eSa foojf.kdk o vkosnu i= gsrq :- 225@& ¼:- 75@& ds Mkd 'kqYd lfgr½ fMekaM Mªk¶V la[;k&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&fnukad&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&tkjh&&&&&&&&&& ¼ukekafdr cSad½ igys gh Hkst@tek dj pqdk gw¡ A fo|ky; }kjk vius fdlh foHkkx esa f'k{kko`fr@ekuns;@foLrkfjr vuqca/k ds vk/kj ij tks Hkh 'kks/kdk;Z eq>s lkSaik tk,xk] mlds fy, ,d o"kZ rd fo|ky; dh lsok djus ds baVuZf'ki vuqca/k dks Lohdkj djus ds fy, eSa lger gw¡ vkSj mls iw.kZ djus dk opu nsrk@nsrh gw¡ A ______________________________ ______________________________ Date Signature of Applicant frfFk vkosnd ds gLrk{kj 5 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY dsoy dk;kZy; ds iz;ksx gsrq Interviewed on____________________________________________________________________ lk{kkRdkj dh frfFk Report of interview_________________________________________________________________ lk{kkRdkj dh fjiksVZ Admitted/Not Admitted_______________________________________________________________ izos'k iznku fd;k@ugha fd;k x;k Director funs'kd INDICATE YOUR FIRST, SECOND & THIRD preference of area of specialization from 2nd year onwards by writing 1,2 & 3 in the boxes given below. ÑIk;k viuh ilUn ds ojh;rkuqlkj 1, 2 vkSj 3 fy[kas % Acting Direction Theatre Technique & Design vfHku; funs'Z ku jaxeap rduhd vkSj vfHkdYiuk CENTRES OF PRELIMINARY INTERVIEW IkzkFkfed lk{kkRdkj ds fy, dsUnz Indicate your first and second preferences by writing 1 and 2 for any two centres of your choice: ÑIk;k viuh ilUn ds nks dsUnzksa esa ojh;rkuqlkj 1 vkSj 2 fy[kas % Delhi Kolkata fnYyh dksydkrk Mumbai eqEcbZ Bengaluru caSxyq: Guwahati xqokgkVh Lucknow y[kuÅ 6 CHECK LIST tk¡p lwph Note: Please tick-mark the square applicable to you and sign in the appropriate space below: fVIi.kh % tks Hkh vkids fy, vuqiz;ksT; gks] ml oxZ esa lgh dk fu'kku yxk,Wa vkSj uhps mfpr LFkku ij gLrk{kj djsa A gkWa ugha Have you attached attested copies of certificates and degrees of examination passed? D;k vkius mŸkh.kZ ijh{kkvksa ds izek.k&i=ksa vkSj fMfxz;ksa dh lR;kfir izfr;kW¡ layXu dh gS \ Have you attached an attested copy of the certificate of High School or Matric or equivalent examination in support of your age? D;k vkius viuh mez ds leFkZu esa gkbZLdwy ;k eSfVªd ;k led{k ijh{kk ds izek.k&i= dh lR;kfir izfr layXu dh gS\ Have you attached three additional passport-size colour photographs? D;k vkius ikliksVZ vkdkj ds vius fp= dh rhu vfrfjDr izfr;ka layXu dh gSa \ Have you attached certificates from three eminent persons in the theatre field testifying to your experience in theatre ? D;k vkius jaxeap {ks= ds fdUgha rhu izfl} O;fDr;ksa ls izkIr i= layXu fd, gSa tks jaxeap esa vkids vuqHko dks lR;kfir djrs gksa \ Have you attached documentary proof of your theatre experience? D;k vkius vius jaxeap vuqHko dk fyf[kr izek.k layXu fd;k gS \ Ñi;k viuk vkosnu i=k layXu fyQkQs esa LihM iksLV }kjk HksatAs In case of foreign nationals the applicant should apply through the Indian Embassy in his/her country and the Director General, Indian Council for Culture Relations, Azad Bhawan, New Delhi 110 002. fons'kh vH;FkhZ vius ns'k ds Hkkjrh; nwrkokl vkSj egkfuns'kd] Hkkjrh; lakLÑfrd ekeys ifj"kn~] vkt+kn Hkou] ubZ fnYyh&110002 ds ekè;e ls vkosnu djsa A Signature of Applicant/ vkosnd ds gLrk{kj % _____________________ Name of the Applicant______________________________________ vkosnd dk uke % Contact phone no: ___________________________________________ laidZ Qksu % 7 'kiFk i= ¼vH;FkhZ bls Hkjdj vius gLrk{kj lfgr vkosnu i= ds lkFk tek djsa ½ EkSa] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------lqi=q @lqiq=h-----------------------------------------------------------fuoklh---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'kiFk ysrk@ysrh gw¡ fd jk"Vªh; ukV~; fo|ky; ds fMIyksek ikB~;Øe esa izo's k gksus ij esjk O;Okgkj iw.kZRk;k 'kksHkuh; jgsxk vkSj fo'okl fnykrk@fnykrh gw¡ fd eSa bl nkSjku fdlh Hkh rjg dh jSfxax xfrfof/k esa fgLlk ugha ywxa k@yaxw hA ;fn vf/dkjh eq>s bl laca/k esa fo|ky; }kjk tkjh funsZ'kksa dk mYya?ku djrk gqvk ikrs gaS] rks fo|ky; dks fu/kkZfjr dkuwuh dkjZokbZ djus dk vf/kdkj gksxkA fo|ky; us eq>s ekuuh; loksZPp U;k;ky; ds vè;kns'k W.P. (c) laLFkk fnukad 4-5-2001 ds lacaf/kr va'k ls voxr djk fn;k gS] vkSj ;g 'kiFk i= mijksDr vkns'k ds rgr izLrqr fd;k tk jgk gS A Nk=k@Nk=k dk uke o gLrk{kj irk Undertaking (To be filled in by the applicant and submitted along with the application, duly signed) I, _______________________________________son/daughter of_____________________ resident of____________________________________________________________________, hereby undertake that in the event of my selection to the Diploma course in the National School of Drama, I hereby vouch for my good conduct and assure that I will not indulge in any kind of ragging. In case the authorities find me violating the instructions issued by the School in this regard, apart from the criminal legal action which will be initiated as per law, the School authorities will also be at liberty to take appropriate action against me as provided in the instructions. The School has also made me understand the relevant portion of the order of the Supreme Court of India in W.P.(C) No. 656/1998 dated 04.05.2001 and this undertaking is being given pursuant to the above order. Name and Signature of Student______________________________________ Address_______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ 8