Iron Horse Gazette - Northern Virginia Christian Riders
Iron Horse Gazette - Northern Virginia Christian Riders
Northern Virginia Christian Riders Iron Horse Gazette July Volume 15, Issue 7 From Our President It’s Summertime!! What are your plans? OFFICERS President Greg Ford 703 - 477 - 1015 [email protected] Vice President Jerome Bryant 571 - 331 - 2143 [email protected] Secretary Matt Morrow 703 - 753 - 9576 [email protected] Chaplain Chino Kearney 703 - 677 - 7229 [email protected] TREASURER George Scutt 703 -360 - 7297 [email protected] Road Captain Tracy Kearney [email protected] Matt Morrow 703 - 795 - 9224 AREA REPS Tom and Carol Moyer 571 - 210 - 0115 [email protected] First, next time you see George Scutt, congratulate him on being affirmed as our Treasurer for the last half of this year. Dessi Davis, the outgoing Treasurer, had to move due to military orders. She is in the Norfolk/Suffolk area. She is planning on attending the State Rally in September. B-) There are a few rides & events we’re planning for. Of notable worthiness - plug this onto your things to support list: our Chapter Chaplain Chino, is going to be ordained as a full-fledged preacher this month. This special service will be on July 12. Pay attention to email announcing details, once we receive them. The day before, July 11th, is a final planning session for the upcoming CMA Virginia State Rally. It will be in Lynchburg. I’m unable to attend, so our illustrious VP, Jerome, is planning to attend. Others may as well. More details to follow. On July 11th also is a fund raiser ride (Poker Run) for the Serve Our Willing Warriors organization. We’ve supported them in the past on a number of occasions. Check out this website for more information - We have an opportunity to bless bikes on July 18th, after our chapter meeting. There is a wedding that day in the Fredericksburg area for an engaged couple that are part of Fairfax HOG. That will be the planned ride after the meeting. More information will come out as the date draws nearer. In August, we have committed to serve and minister (where needed) at Summit Point. Over the weekend of 21-23 August, we will be providing meals to the MidAtlantic Road Racing Crew (MARRC) and their group of volunteers during the final race weekend. Plan to join us and help where you can. STATE COORDINATOR Continued on the next page…. Doug Surges 540 - 219 - 5843 [email protected] CMA Vision: Changing the World, One Heart at a Time Page 2 Iron Horse Gazette Volume 15, Issue 7 ….Continued from the previous page Our State Rally will be September 17th – 20th. If you haven’t been to one, or it’s been a long time, this is the one to go to. See the flier and registration form sent out. Or you can plug this into your search engine: http:// If you know of rides that are not on our calendar and wish to share an invitation to them, send them to myself or to Tracy, our Road Captain. We’ll get the word out. In Christ ~ Greg By Vice President Jerome Bryant Last month, I learned a great lesson in perseverance. Let me explain. I was out of steady employment for 44 months. I sought the Lord diligently during my time in the desert of unemployment. I’d received two offers but the Lord said no to them. By the grace of God, I was selected for a position in December 2014 and the Lord told me to take it. I started my new position in March 2015. Praise the Lord! During the hiring process, I ran into several problems. The primary issue I had pertained to creditable service. Creditable service is time you’ve spent doing other jobs that counts toward your time in government service. For me, I fell into a category that allowed me to receive quite a bit of creditable service as I was hired to fill a position that has been my specialty for several years. All of the problems that I ran into dealt with getting the human resources department to do what the regulations say. Yes, I said, “to do what the regulations say.” This struggle began before I ever came onboard in March. I sought the Lord every step of the way. I did my best to not only pray but also listen and do what the Lord told me to do. Well, last month, my obedience paid off. I received a message from the person in HR with the authority to approve the necessary corrections to my record. In her message, she stated that she agreed with the HR specialist’s calculations of my creditable service and that the correction to my record would be made. She then told me to contact her if I had any questions about the corrected document after I received it. Praise the Lord! What if I had given up? Would the corrections to my record still be made? Would I ever see what I was eligible to receive? Is this how we approach the things God promises? If we choose to trust and obey the Lord (Proverbs 3:5,6), whether or not we understand what’s going on or why these things are happening, we will see the victory because the victory belongs to the Lord (Proverbs 20:31)! Your Servant in Christ, Jerome Volume 15, Issue 7 Iron Horse Gazette Page 3 What Do You Need a Template For? By Chaplain Chino Kearney template for success in America is, “Go to school, study hard, get a good job, and you’ll be successful.” In my youth I went to school to become a mechanical engineer. One of the skills I needed to acquire in the process was mechanical drafting. Drafting is pretty much a lost art these days because that entire process has long since been replaced with CAD/CAM technology. In school, one of the tools we learned to use was a template. Templates were extremely helpful, invaluable really, because they allowed the user to create and recreate virtually the exact same thing over and over again. It was very important to use the correct template otherwise you would obviously create the wrong result. Drafting has disappeared but the use of templates has not. We use principles that templates represent in several areas of our lives. One of those areas is behavior. Behavior can be dissected and defragmented and divided enough to fill several semesters of a college curriculum. For the moment, however, let’s confine behavior to the context of raising children. Let’s face it, children are basically blank sheets of paper, and that paper is where they write their life lessons. Good or bad, right or wrong, pleasant or unpleasant, they are all recorded. Those life lessons also all factor into the development of that child’s moral and ethical standards on which they base their values in life. One of those primary life standards is success. What a Rubik’s cube of pretzel logic that can be for most of us, especially young folk. Small wonder we end up with such a smorgasbord when it comes to behavior and the standard on which that behavior is based. Our own values and behavior standards are the templates we use to structure those same principles and define the standards of success for our children. I would be willing to say the basic As human beings we are born with energy and ambition. Energy and ambition go a long way in making money, acquiring academic degrees, climbing Mt. Everest, and hitting home runs. This is indisputable. But such goals, all of them much lauded by our culture, have very little to do in themselves with living a mature life. Competitive ambition can be pursued without conscience, without love, without compassion, without humility, without generosity, without righteousness, without holiness. Which is to say, quite apart from maturity. How is maturity developed? Romans 12:2 (The Message) tells us, “Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you.” Immature millionaires routinely walk out on their families. Immature scholars and scientists who collect Nobel Prizes make do with estranged and godless lives. Immature star athletes regularly embarrass their fans by infantile and adolescent, sometimes criminal, behavior. These are the men and women who set the standards for getting to the top, making a name for themselves, beating out the competition. These are the men and women who provide the examples, the templates, of what it means to be standout human beings. It’s our job as parents, as responsible members of society, and as CMA members to always remember we are constructing, or being a part of the construction of, templates for society; especially the younger generation. Continued on the next page…. Page 4 Iron Horse Gazette ….Continued from the previous page Like it or not, they are our leaders of tomorrow. Like it or not, they are spooling up and we are winding down. Like it or not, we’re moving out and they are moving in. Like it or not, it’s up to us to help determine our future through them. Let’s establish templates like 2 Kings 22:1-2, which describes what happens when someone followed a wellestablished template for his life, “Josiah was eight years old when he became king, and he reigned thirty-one years in Jerusalem…And he did what was right in the sight of the Lord, and walked in all the ways of his father David: he did not turn aside to the right hand or to the left.” Chino Kearney Volume 15, Issue 7 Volume 15, Issue 7 Iron Horse Gazette Page 5 Sunday Siren Hop to Great Falls, VA June 14, 2015 As a Boss Hog for the Fairfax Harley Owners Group, Tracy organized a ride to the Great Falls Starbucks. Nine bikes participated in the ride which began at Patriot Harley-Davidson. Once at our destination, Tracy made Lemon Cake Shots which everyone tried, but only a few truly appreciated. We decided to extend the ride back to Patriot with a beautiful curvy stretch of Georgetown Pike. Great weather, great company, great Lemon Cake Shots! Lemon Cake Shot Recipe: whipped crème, lemon cake, espresso shot. Directions: swirl, soak, chug! Page 6 Iron Horse Gazette Volume 15, Issue 7 Volume 15, Issue 7 Iron Horse Gazette Page 7 NVCR Events Photos are courtesy of President Greg Ford Dorian having his first ever taste of anything coffee. He downed a Lemon cake espresso shot. This is not his initial reaction - it was one of shear disgust. Who knows if Dorian will ever try coffee again. These are a couple of shots taken at Tall Oaks Assisted Living Facility on 31 May. Here are some shots taken as we were making our way along Boundary Channel Drive adjacent to the Pentagon, to stage in North Parking with Ride of The Patriots Group for Rolling Thunder on May 24th . Page 8 Iron Horse Gazette CMA Booth at Whitt's Harley Davidson By Art Casoni NVCR Chapter members Rick and Teresa Saunders, Phil Paulter, Susan and Art Casoni set up a CMA booth as guests of Whitts Harley-Davidson Open House on Saturday, June 23rd, before Rolling Thunder. The booth was set up next to Rolling Thunder’s booth and we conversed with several visitors. Susan Casoni should be renamed Rag Tract Susan. She distributed over two dozen Rag Tracts left over from last year’s road-side rest area safety break. It was a real treat when Rick and Teresa arrived, after all he's been through. Rick and Susan quickly joined up to do tag team Rag Tract and Bike Blessings. Susan would give someone a Rag Tract, ask if they wanted their bike blessed, and Rick would perform the blessing of the bike. Phil Paulter joined us. For a new guy, you'd have thought he was an old hand. We showed him once and he was blessing bikes as if he’d done it for years. The Flip Chart Tract was presented four times to people who were already believers. One lady became a believer during the presentation. I commented on something during the presentation and a flash went across her face. She left for a couple of minutes and then came back and asked us to pray with her for her son. All in all, we were blessed by coming along side of Whitts HarleyDavidson and doing God's work, and we had a beautiful day for doing it. Volume 15, Issue 7 Volume 15, Issue 7 Iron Horse Gazette Page 9 Frank and Lisa Proctor at the Ride of the Patriots Rolling Thunder 2015 Page 10 Iron Horse Gazette Volume 15, Issue 7 Where Do You Stand? By President Greg Ford My two-bits on what recently happened in our great country. “As for me and my family, we will serve the Lord” is how Joshua ended a statement captured in verse 15 of chapter 24. With all that has gone on in our country lately, this scripture rises to the forefront of my mind. Is your Christian foundation solid? We should look at the whole verse of Joshua 24:15, “But if it doesn’t please you to worship Yahweh, choose for yourselves today the one you will worship: the gods your fathers worshiped beyond the Euphrates River or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you are living. As for me and my family, we will worship the Yahweh.” He recognized that folks will do what they want to do, regardless of consequences, but he and his family will worship God. God hasn’t changed. Though we see the basic foundations within our country swinging towards a nonChristian based set of values and morals, we each need to assess our own, individual and personal stand. Let me encourage you to evaluate your stand in relation to the Word of God. God’s values have not changed. He is the creator of all and controls the destiny of all. His ways are not complicated or difficult. Consider what James said in his letter “to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad.” In James chapter 1, verses 12 through 18, you find “Blessed is the man who endures temptation…” receiving “the crown of life which the Lord promised to those who love Him.” And you’ll read that God is not tempted and does not tempt anyone. “But each person is tempted when he is drawn away and enticed by his own desire…” which leads to sin, and sin leads to death – the death that eternally separates a person from God. His standards were enforced with the great flood of Noah’s time, about 4,300 years ago. People were living life freely in their own eyes. Their “freeness” lead to sin and ultimately a horrible death. However, he produced a rainbow at the conclusion, which included a promise to never destroy the earth in that manner again. In time, He sent His Son to bear humankind’s sins, break the hold of death, and giving us a way to spend eternity with Him in heaven. We are to love others, not their sin. We are to be a reflection of, a demonstration of, Christ to those around us. Loving, but upholding and standing firm in our Christian, God given, morals and standards. Where do you stand? Are you within God’s protective arms, His promises and calling for your life, or, are you with mankind’s perspective on personal desires. Nothing wrong with having desires, just ensure they are aligned with God’s plan for you and your family. Volume 15, Issue 7 Iron Horse Gazette Page 11 NVCR Chapter meeting - 06/20/2015 Welcome/Call to Order, President Greg Ford President Greg Ford called the meeting to order at 9:41 AM and discussed the available flyers for the State Rally and Biker Sunday (at a church in Warrenton). Mentioned that some NVCR chapter members were attending the CMA Eastern National Rally Opening Prayer & Devotional, Chaplain Chino Kearney Secretary Report, Matt Morrow Treasurer Report, (By Greg and Jerome for Dessi Davis ) Announced that a new treasurer is needed as Dessi has deployed. The NVCR budget balance was given; and it was mentioned that some of those funds would go towards the auction at the State Rally Opened with prayer. Gave a devotional : God puts in your heart what to talk about or not talk about In his youth he did mechanical drafting (which has been largely replaced with CAD/CAM now). For that you used a template to get a consistent look (over and over again). A template is not used now— but the same principles are still applied. We are our own templates to ‘measure success’. We have energy, ambition. They have little to do with living a mature life. Youth are leaders of tomorrow, ‘like it or not’; we determine our future thru them. 2 Kings 22:1,2 (NKJV) Josiah was eight years old when he became king, and he reigned thirty-one years in Jerusalem. His mother’s name was Jedidah the daughter of Adaiah of Bozkath. 2 And he did what was right in the sight of the Lord, and walked in all the ways of his father David; he did not turn aside to the right hand or to the left. Passed the helmet for offerings and accounted for funds collected. Individually covered the agenda items and asked about who had attended the events. Tracy discussed Rolling Thunder and there was more CMA presence throughout the event (and not just at the parking lot) Greg also discussed Rolling Thunder Art discussed Whitt’s open house. 2 or 3 bikes were blessed. Rick, Theresa, Phil and Susie were there. He did a flip chart on evangelism. Phil participated in the bike blessings and prayers for the first time. Tracy discussed Patriot’s open house. They gave away ‘a lot of Bibles’ and spoke with many people, some of whom were having life crisis's. Jerome suggested that we try to put together a chart for responsibilities. He thanked individuals for their participation. He had hurt is foot (which is now better) and could not make it. Cheryl discussed MARRC. Jerome passed along Tom’s KUDO’s/thank-you’s for the food and help Guest, Visitor, New Member Focus, Vice President Jerome Bryant George is the nominee for treasurer (but not present as he had to go to Pittsburgh). He has taken over other responsibilities within the chapter. He was voted in as our new treasurer ‘by affirmation’. Past Events, Ministry and Praise Reports, Vice President Jerome Bryant Romans 12:2 (NKJV) And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. God develops maturity in you. Contrasted the elite, stars who provide their own standards today— ’scary’. Asked for Newsletter submissions; and announced that, as of August, he has been the editor for 2 years and will not be available to continue after September 1st. He asked for a replacement as the newsletter editor. Jerome introduced our visitors. Bobbie Dunn is living in Annandale and had a bike blessing done by our group. She was part of a group in Oregon sever- al years ago. Jeff Fields is a friend of Jerome’s and is from New York. He is here temporarily for 18 months. He rides because ‘it’s who I am’. He rides cruisers and Sport Bikes. Greg, Tracy and Jerome discussed the Tall Oaks Assisted Living event Art discussed the Jill’s House event Page 12 Iron Horse Gazette Volume 15, Issue 7 NVCR Chapter meeting - 06/20/2015 continued Past Events Continued Rick discussed the Freedom Biker Fellowship and baptisms that evening Jerome discussed the Prayer and Planning meeting - that we can still meet in the prayer room of Parkwood Baptist Church. Rick indicated that there might be issues with that. Jerome explained the purpose of the Prayer and Planning meeting for our visitors Cheryl discussed Bikes and Breakfast Upcoming Events,/Rides Road Captain Tracy Kearney Tracy discussed today’s fellowship ride Chino is to be ordained at the First Baptist Church Greg indicated the need for POCs for some events. Jerome and Tracy discussed the CMA Changing of the Colors rally Jack discussed the Virginia state HOG rally The Mid-Atlantic Motor Squad and the Fairfax Motorcycle Police event at the Chantilly Expo Center (next weekend) was discussed. Judges are still needed. Greg discussed the emails regarding the funds raised by Run For the Son. One person (in Ohio) raised over $100,000. The grand total raised was a record amount. Tracy and Matt discussed the purpose of RFS for our visitors Greg discussed the Biker Wedding & Bike Blessings event on July 18th and the conflict with our chapter meeting (on the same day). Darren and Carey to wed. Greg indicated that Wendy had knee surgery and thanked us for the card. She needs prayers for legal issues. He indicated that Dessi is ‘in travel mode’. And that Frank Proctor had shoulder surgery and wants prayer. Greg did drawings for door prizes. Winners were Chino, Jack and Cheryl. Cheryl did not want her prize and it was re-raffled (and Art accepted it). The flyers were again discussed and Art submitted flyers for another fund-raiser ride For our visitors: Greg discussed the state rally and Tracy, Jerome and Rick discussed the Changing of the Colors rally. Jerome discussed our chapter’s communications through email and Facebook. There was discussion about Linton Hall and US Route 29 construction and today’s fellowship ride. The total of the day’s donations was given. Closing Prayer Chino closed with prayer at 10:59 AM Respectfully Submitted, Matt Morrow Editor’s Corner By Matt Morrow The newsletter editor position will be vacant as of September 1, 2015. If you are a member of the NVCR who feels comfortable editing and proofreading articles, or has prior experience with newsletters, or is familiar with the Microsoft Publisher product and you'd like to help with this newsletter please let us know. Volume 15, Issue 7 Iron Horse Gazette Page 13 Northern Virginia Christian Riders Northern Virginia Christian Riders P.O. Box 2673 Woodbridge, VA 22195 We’re on the Web! CMA - NVCR - Regular Monthly Events Northern Virginia Christian Riders Fairfax 3rd Saturday 703-670-3965 NVCR Prayer & Planning Meeting Call for location 8 days before meeting 703-670-3965 (usually the 2nd Friday) Solid Rock Riders Stafford 1st Saturday [email protected] Rolling Thunder VA Chapter 3 Dumfries Community Room Last Wednesday 703-494-6705 Abate Fairfax Falls Church Culpeper 2nd & 4th Tuesday 1st Monday 2nd & 4th Thursday 703-206-0571 703-309-7197 540-937-5568 Retreads New Baltimore 1st Sunday 804-239-3905 Potomac Area Road Riders Fairfax 2nd Tuesday Virago Owners Club Fairfax Woodbridge Sterling 1st Tuesday 1st Wednesday 1st Tuesday 703-691-1423 703-680-0698 703-450-4425 1st Tuesday 703-631-1633 2nd Thursday 2nd Tuesday 1st Thursday 703-548-9499 301-942-2312 703-590-4837 Honda Riders Club Manassas Women on Wheels Alexandria Capitol Cruisers Woodbridge BMW Blue Ridge Beemers BMW of Metro Washington 1st Sunday 3 times/month Gold Wing Road Riders Association Alexandria Chapter A 2nd Monday Manassas Chapter I 2nd Sunday Leesburg Chapter Y 3rd Thursday Winchester Chapter F 4th Sunday Fredericksburg Chapter E 3rd Wednesday Culpeper Chapter Z 3rd Sunday Harley Owners Group Manassas Dumfries Washington Fairfax 3rd Tuesday 2nd Wednesday Rides every Saturday 2nd Wednesday - 7pm Honda Riders Club of America Manassas Honda 1st Tuesday Loudoun Motorsports 4th Sunday Blalock Cycle 1st Thursday Capital Cruisers 1st Saturday - 10 am 804-293-8369 540-899-0926 703-978-4802 703-648-1889 703-435-0132 540-877-2019 703-371-1096 540-547-4437 703-335-6163 703-221-3757 703-352-5400 703-361-2233 703-777-1652 703-347-4591 Coleman Power Sports Woodbridge