THE WISDOM OF FOOLISHNESS - Congregation Ohr Chadash
THE WISDOM OF FOOLISHNESS - Congregation Ohr Chadash
March–April 2015 Adar–Nissan–Iyyar, 5775 3190 Gulf To Bay Blvd. Clearwater, FL 33759 Phone: 727-726-1472; Web:; Email: [email protected] THE WISDOM OF FOOLISHNESS Purim is Judaism’s wildest holiday, commemorating not only the deliverance of the Jewish people, but also that despite appearances, our G-d is still in control. Purim itself stands in sharp relief to other observances and holidays in the Jewish calendar: masks and bright costumes (even cross-dressing!) against, for instance, the pure white of Yom Kippur garb, feasting against fasting, drinking to excess against moderation the rest of the year, laughter against lamentation, merriment against mourning. Yet more, all this is enjoined on us as a religious holiday and the megillah (scroll of Esther) is ordered to be read, but the book itself doesn’t mention G-d at all! Purim’s craziness is modeled after that of the upside-down Book of Esther. In it, Queen Vashti is banished because it’s feared her refusal to follow orders will embolden women across the kingdom to rebel. A new queen is given her place and crown, and in the end she exercises great power over the land. Haman, a feared and respected noble, plots against the Jewish people. His inner foolishness is turned inside out for all to see, and he’s put to death on his own gallows. The Jews, having many enemies as a people and nearly exterminated, have good reason to fear and suspect non-Jews. At the end, this too is turned around, for “fear of them,” the Jews, “fell upon all people”. We’re fortunate to view these events from the inside, reading them in the megillah instead of living them, seeing G-d’s hand in it all instead of just the outward appearances. The strangeness of Purim should remind us that appearances aren’t always reality, and that we should trust in the G-d who can turn everything upside-down in an instant. “Multiply your mirth when Adar arrives,” says the Talmud. Purim is upon us! And folly is serious business. – Matt Lilly A WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY AND CHALLENGE We are again falling behind in our finances. This becomes a wonderful extra opportunity for us all to help out. The enclosed envelope is for your convenience, or use the PayPal button that is located on our reworked web site. Please click on READERS CANDLE LIGHTERS ONEG SCHEDULE MARCH MARCH MARCH 6: Connie & Gary Kolosey 7: Chrissy & Joe Cook 13: Doreen German Lisa Harris ——— & Janis Nicolosi Twardzik Havurah ——— Betty Brown Morel Havurah 20: Chet & Judy Twardzik Mary Esther Morel Schutz Havurah 27: Alex Badger & Matt Lilly Sharon White Kolosey Havurah APRIL APRIL APRIL 3: No Service: Enjoy your Family Seder! ——— ——— 4: Alex Badger & Matt Lilly ——— ——— 10: Jeff & Sjondi Dudley Diane Minnix Morel Havurah 17: Don and Sharon White Virginia Sajdera Schutz Havurah 24: Patrice Fischer & Dan Vinovich Judy Twardzik Kolosey Havurah March 2015 / Adar–Nissan 5775 Sunday 1 / 10 Adar Monday 2 / 11 Adar Tuesday 3 / 12 Adar Wednesday 4 / 13 Adar Thursday 5 / 14 Adar Purim Friday Saturday 6 / 15 Adar 7 / 16 Adar Purim Service, 8PM Parashat Ki-Tissa Shabbat Morning Service, 10AM Purim Party, 6PM 8 / 17 Adar 9 / 18 Adar 10 / 19 Adar 11 / 20 Adar 12 / 21 Adar 13 / 22 Adar 14 / 23 Adar Shabbat Service, 8PM Parashat Va-YakhelPekudei-Parah Will the Real Yeshua Please Stand Up Seminar, 2PM 15 / 24 Adar 16 / 25 Adar 17 / 26 Adar 18 / 27 Adar 19 / 28 Adar 20 / 29 Adar 21 / 1 Nissan Shabbat Service, 8PM Parashat Va-YikraRosh Chodesh Dinner Hachodesh 6:30PM, please sign up Rosh Chodesh Nissan by March 13th! 22 / 2 Nissan 23 / 3 Nissan 24 / 4 Nissan 25 / 5 Nissan 26 / 6 Nissan 27 / 7 Nissan Shabbat Service, 8PM 29 / 9 Nissan 30 / 10 Nissan 28 / 8 Nissan Parashat Tzav 31 / 11 Nissan MISS A SERVICE? Video recordings of our services are now available. Please send us your email address to [email protected] to be added to the list. April 2015 / Nissan–Iyyar 5775 Sunday 5 / 16 Nissan Second Day of Pesach Chag Hat’khiyah Service, 11:30AM 1 Omer 12 / 23 Nissan 8 Omer 19 / 30 Nissan Monday 6 / 17 Nissan Tuesday 7 / 18 Nissan 26 / 7 Iyyar Thursday 1 / 12 Nissan 2 / 13 Nissan 8 / 19 Nissan 9 / 20 Nissan Friday Saturday 3 / 14 Nissan 4 / 15 Nissan Search for Chametz Pesach Eve, 1st Seder Shabbat Morning Service, 10AM After Nightfall No Service; enjoy First Day of Pesach your Family Seder! 10 / 21 Nissan 11 / 22 Nissan First Day Chol Hamoed Second Day Chol Hamoed Third Day Chol Hamoed Fourth Day Chol Hamoed Shabbat Service, 8PM Seventh Day of Pesach Community Seder, 3:30PM 2 Omer 3 Omer 4 Omer 5 Omer 6 Omer 7 Omer 13 / 24 Nissan 9 Omer 20 / 1 Iyyar 14 / 25 Nissan 10 Omer 21 / 2 Iyyar Rosh Chodesh Iyyar, Rosh Chodesh Iyyar, First Day Second Day 15 Omer Wednesday 16 Omer 27 / 8 Iyyar 17 Omer 28 / 9 Iyyar 15 / 26 Nissan 11 Omer 22 / 3 Iyyar Yom Hazickaron: Israel’s Memorial Day Observed 18 Omer 29 / 10 Iyyar 16 / 27 Nissan Yom Hashoah: Holocaust Remembrance Day 12 Omer 23 / 4 Iyyar Yom Ha’atzma’ut: 17 / 28 Nissan Yom Hashoah Service, 8PM 13 Omer 24 / 5 Iyyar Israel’s Independence Day Observed Yom Ha’atzma’ut Service, 8PM 19 Omer 20 Omer 30 / 11 Iyyar 1 May / 12 Iyyar 18 / 29 Nissan Parashat Shemini 14 Omer 25 / 6 Iyyar Parashat Tazri’aMetzora 21 Omer 2 May / 13 Iyyar Shabbat Service, 8PM Parashat Acharei Mote-Kedoshim 22 Omer 23 Omer 24 Omer 25 Omer 26 Omer 27 Omer 28 Omer