Director Submission Form
Director Submission Form
OLD LIBRARY THEATRE • • • • • • • • • 12-45 RIVER ROAD #103 • FAIR LAWN • NJ 07410 973 (OLT) 4420 [email protected] DIRECTOR’S SUBMISSION FORM PLEASE SUBMIT THIS COMPLETED FORM ALONG WITH YOUR THEATRICAL RESUME VIA EMAIL BY JULY 1. LEGAL FIRST NAME LEGAL MIDDLE NAME LEGAL LAST NAME PHONEEMAIL SHOW #1 Title: Check all that apply: ❒ Musical ❒ Play ❒ Main Stage Production ❒ Minor Production ❒ Youth Production ❒ Reader’s Theater Audience: ❒ Adult (mature themes/language) ❒ Family friendly Rights by: Brief Synopsis of Show: Cast Breakdown (Principles/Ensemble; Male/Female; Ages): Set/Properties Requirements: Costuming Needs: Orchestral/Musician Needs: Why is this show a good fit for OLT? SHOW #2 Title: Check all that apply: ❒ Musical ❒ Play ❒ Main Stage Production ❒ Minor Production ❒ Youth Production ❒ Reader’s Theater Audience: ❒ Adult (mature themes/language) ❒ Family friendly Rights by: Brief Synopsis of Show: Cast Breakdown (Principles/Ensemble; Male/Female; Ages): Set/Properties Requirements: Costuming Needs: Orchestral/Musician Needs: Why is this show a good fit for OLT? SHOW #3 Title: Check all that apply: ❒ Musical ❒ Play ❒ Main Stage Production ❒ Minor Production ❒ Youth Production ❒ Reader’s Theater Audience: ❒ Adult (mature themes/language) ❒ Family friendly Rights by: Brief Synopsis of Show: Cast Breakdown (Principles/Ensemble; Male/Female; Ages): Set/Properties Requirements: Costuming Needs: Orchestral/Musician Needs: Why is this show a good fit for OLT?