Siubhan Harrison


Siubhan Harrison
193 Wardour Street
Phone: 020 7439 3270
Email: [email protected]
Photo: Matt Humphrey
Siubhan Harrison
Playing Age:
5'6" (167cm)
8st. 5lb. (53kg)
21 - 30 years
East Asian, White
Eye Colour:
Hair Colour:
Hair Length:
Voice Quality:
Voice Character:
Dark Brown
Mid Length
2014, Stage, Mi Mitti, Pitcairn, Out of Joint/Shakespeares Globe/Chichester , Max Stafford Clarke
2013, Stage, Lorene, From Here to Eternity, Tamara Harvey / Javier Du Frutos / Tim Rice
2012, Stage, Lucy , The Soft Of Her Palm, Finborough Theatre, Ola Ince
2012, Stage, Sally Simpson, Tommy, Pure Theatre, Raz Shaw
2011, Stage, Marina, Earthquakes in London, Headlong and the National Theatre, Caroline Steinbeis and Rupert Goold
2011, Stage, Rizzo, Grease, The Piccadilly Theatre, West End, David Gilmore
2011, Stage, Thea Stangl, In Quest of Conscience, The Finborough Theatre, Rachel Heyburn
2010, Stage, Karla, Rich Isn't Easy, The Tristan Bates Theatre, Martin Wall
2009, Stage, Sherry Mendez, The Stripper, Queens Theatre, UK Tour, Bob Carlton
2008, Stage, Claudine, Understudy Annette, Marguerite, Act Productions, Theatre Royal Haymarket, West End, Jonathon Kent
2007, Stage, Miss Chesterfield, Marianne Dreams, The Almeida Theatre, Will Tuckett
2006, Stage, Spike, Bad Girls The Musical, West Yorkshire Playhouse, Maggie Norris
2006, Stage, Madonna, Understudy Scaramouche and Meatloaf, We Will Rock You, Dominion Theatre, West End , Tony Edge/ Ben Elton
2004, Stage, Factory Girl/Understudy Fantine, Les Miserables, Queens Theatre, West End, James Powell
2004, Stage, Ensemble, Les Miserables, Windsor Castle, Trevor Nunn
2003, Stage, Michelle, Carmen, New Vic Theatre, UK Tour, Chris Monks
2003, Stage, Amy, Company, Guildford School Of Acting, Jody Tranter/Rochelle Zimmerman
2003, Stage, Slytherin Student, Harry Potter Launch, Royal Albert Hall
2002, Stage, Ensemble, Broadway And Beyond, Keynotes, Chris Key/Peter Roberts
2002, Stage, Lucinda/Kathleen, Love Off The Shelf, Guildford School Of Acting, Peter Addis
2002, Stage, Ensemble, The Magnificent Musicals, E.C. 1, Kevin Amos
2001, Stage, Suzanne, Castaway Cafe, Slunglow, Alan Lane
2000, Stage, Stella, Whale Music, Girls Playing Up, Ali Fryer
2010, Television, Waitress, The Song Of Lunch, BBC, Niall MacCormick
2007, Television, Bohemian, Al Murray Show, ITV Television
2007, Television, Backing Vocalist, Ant and Dec Saturday Night Takeaway, ITV Television
2010, Feature Film, Victoria Gull, Little Deaths, Sean Hogan
2009, Commercial, Heroine, Vodafone 360, Stink Productions, Brian Lee Hughes
2008, Commercial, Heroine, Thomsons Holidays, Thomsons
2006, Commercial, Heroine, BMW X5 campaign, BMW
2006, Commercial, Girl, Digital Camera, Sony
2014, Workshop, Myrtle, The Great Gatsby, Adrian Noble
2012, Workshop, Eve, The Third Sector, Ridley Scott Associates and Pure Theatre, Lilah Vandenberg
2011, Workshop, Liza, Liza Liza Liza, David Ball productions, Lotte Wakeham
2008, Workshop, Cat, A Girl Called Dusty, Nick Grace
Short Film
2009, Short Film, Rachel, Well Prepared, Jonk Films, Jon Kight
2005, Short Film, Faye , The Man Who Met Himself, Cannes Film Festival, Ben Crowe
Accents & Dialects: (* = native)
American-Southern States, American-Standard, Edinburgh, Heightened RP, Irish-Southern, London, Mexican, RP*, Russian, ScottishStandard, Welsh-Standard
Languages: (* = Native/Fluent)
Music & Dance: (* = highly skilled)
Aerobics, Ballet, Jazz Dancing, Mezzo-Soprano*, Old Time Dancing, Period Dancing, Tap
Sports: (* = highly skilled)
Climbing, Cycling, Running, Stage Combat, Swimming, Yoga
Vehicle Licences:
Car Driving Licence
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