The Oratory Church of Saint Boniface


The Oratory Church of Saint Boniface
June 13 - 14, 2015
5:30 pm
PREACHER: Fr. Joel Warden
INTENTION: Robert Turner
READERS: Barbara Slattery, Alexandra Widlak
9:00 am
PREACHER: Fr. Anthony Andreassi
INTENTION: Adam Seminora
READERS: Brendan Coburn, Suleika Drinane, Jane DiLeo
EM: Alfonse Borysewicz, Millie Tam
HOSPITALITY: Doug Currier, Denise Fraser
MC: Bro. Jim Simon
11:15 am
PREACHER: Fr. Joel Warden
READERS: Martha Hoffman, Maribeth Flynn, Michele Cahill
EM: Barbara & Walter Higgins, Ellen Rios, Virginia Navarro
HOSPITALITY: David Mullan, Lois Bond, Danuta Glowacki
MC: Elizabeth Di Guglielmo
CROSS & CANDLE BEARERS: Georgianna, Delia, Grace, Caroline
6:00 pm
PREACHER: Fr. Anthony Andreassi
INTENTION: Priest’s Intention
READERS: Tom Cahill, Angela Loguercio
HOSPITALITY: Katie Blicharz, Rick Siemers
1st Reading: Ez 17: 22-24
2nd Reading: 2 Cor 5: 6-10
Gospel: Mk 4: 26-34
109 Willoughby Street
109 Willoughby
NY 11201
NY 11201 USA
Tel: 718-875-2096
Tel: 718-875-2096
Email: [email protected]
[email protected]
us on
Twitter: @brooklynoratory
Follow us on Twitter: @brooklynoratory
Deadline for Bulletin Info:
for Bulletin
Info: 16
21 Bulletin:
Noon, June
30 Bulletin:
Bulletin: Noon,
June 28
Noon, March
June 2325
March 30 Bulletin: Noon, March 25
15, June, Monday, Weekday
Natalie Egan
Michael Man
16, June, Tuesday, Weekday
Germaine Desbas
Edner Jean-Bapiste, Sr.
17, June, Wednesday, Weekday
Jack Rooney - Special Intention
Mike Elia and All The Deceased Members of the Elia Family
18, June, Thursday, Weekday
Joan Sexton
Marianne Cutrona
19, June, Friday, Weekday, St. Romuald, Abbot
Larry E. Smith
Immaculate Baujame
20, June, Saturday, Weekday, The Blessed Virgin Mary
Joan Sexton
Community Prayer for Those Who Are Sick: Beverly Slomka, Marianne Mc Nammara,
Bryon Gordon, Ofelia Martinez, Ramon Salvans, Rebecca Grady, Joe Mondel, Caitlin Mullinex,
Anders Pilitz, Jessica Silverman, Judith Allen, Edna Poduch, Mary Lou Carney, Patrick Spieldenner, Edie Brown, Christine Phillips, Patrick Gallagher, Emilio Pelosi, Connie Schiavone, Henry
Latham, Kenneth G. Bagot, Duncan Fraser, Doug Tveter, Margaret Slattery, James Houghton, Mary Pat
Ahern, Ken Dray, Paul Goodloe, Constance Richardson, Steven Carlson, Andrew Jerdon, Lauren Van Roten,
Richard Batten, Lorraine Diahy, Margaret Shea, Gideon Abbas, Dennis McCoy, Marie Smith, Kathy Leitman,
Donald Corrado, Jeff Almaii, Larry Bressler, Patricia Henson, Frank Sweeney, Maureen Lally, John Moogan,
Alex Wallace, Rachel Owens, Ellen Barrett, Elaine Heron, Ted Ostberg, Camille Ryan, Mike Greeley, Larry
Mc Geaney, Mary Jean Kelley, Joseph Poux, Chris Gubanich, Ed Cranston, Rick Boeshore, Donna Marie
Agoncillo, Ron DuBois, Buddy Van Roten, Betty Reyner, Lori MacDonald, Aldonna Noto, Elizabeth
Mc Geaney, Theresa, Dale Dixon, Jane Antonson, Joyce Dubensky, Dean Smith, Bernadette Mc
Lean, Patty Evers.
For Those Who Have Died: Rosemary Weil, Anna Maria Tripodi, Maria Rabb, Peter Phillips, Martin
McCarthy, Maureen Kennedy, Suzanne O’N Scanlan, Erik Roman, Jeanne Lamar, Patricia Calcado, Martin
McCarthy, Margaret Mersh, Richard Patrick, Dylan Cronick, Robert Kiernan, Thomas Carley, John Barrera,
Rosemarie Martorell, Margaret Hughes, Nicole Rosa, Maureen Dirken, Nancy Kuhlman, Ann Marie Guy,
Joan Sexton, Rev John Cullinane, Henry Cox, Yvonne Manske, Mabel Warrington, Vincent O’Brien.
PARISH STAFF – Rev. Fr. Joel M. Warden, C.O., Ph.D., Pastor (ext 103); Rev. Fr. Anthony D.
Andreassi, C.O., Ph.D., Parochial Vicar (ext 109); Christina Matone, Ph.D., Director of Children’s
Catechesis, [email protected]; Christopher Smith, Business Manager (ext 104); Carole
Fabrizio, Administrative Assistant (ext 101), [email protected]
MUSIC MINISTRY – Benjamin Niemczyk, Director of Music/Choir Director (ext 105); Scott
Ellaway, Organist/Artist in Residence; Stephen Parahus, Cantor.
IN RESIDENCE – Very Rev. Fr. Dennis M. Corrado, C.O., Provost, Rev. Fr. Mark J. Lane, C.O.,
Bro. James Simon, C.O.; Rev. Fr. Michael Callaghan, C.O.
PARISH TRUSTEES – Karla Denalli, William Vinicombe
FINANCE COMMITTEE – William Weigel (Chair), Bridget Rhode,
Tom Levy (Stewardship), Beth Skelley, Carlo Trigiani, Blair Craske.
PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL 2014 –2015 Larissa Payne (Chair), Pam Guigli (CoChair), James Murphy (Secretary), Marie Bresnahan, Martha Burgess, Ramona Candy,
Suzanne Carlson, Amy Deal, Michael Devlin, Linda Douglas, Patty Evers, Kathy
Gaffney, Rose Halligan, James Ryan, Cara Tuzzolino.
Coffee Hour will resume in September. Heartfelt thanks to Ann Marie and
Rudy Kamuf for their wonderful co-ordination efforts for coffee hour this
past year. Thank you for your service!
Ann Marie and Rudy would like to thank everyone who hosted Coffee Hour
during the year. We will no longer be coordinating the Coffee Hour. Bill
Shadrick and Carmen Rodriguez have graciously agreed to coordinate the
Coffee Hour starting September.
Summer Sunday Mass Schedule - Starting Sunday, July 5 through Sunday, September 6, 2015. Mass Schedule: 8:30am + 10:00am + 6:00pm Sundays; 5:30pm Mass as usual on Saturdays.
Oratory Choir: After a year of beautiful, prayerful and polished singing the
Oratory Choir is on summer hiatus. Thank you to Benjamin Niemczyk and
Scott Ellaway for your generous leadership, and thank you to all the members of the choir for showering us with such great gifts every Sunday! Enjoy
the well-earned break.
COUNCIL ELECTIONS are under way. Please look for the candidates’
poster in the back of the Church. We’ve extended the deadline to 6/24.
Thanks to the six candidates who have volunteered to run, and thank you all
for voting.
Book Club - Monday, June 22, The Dream of the Red Chamber by Cao
Xuequin. 7pm, Newman Hall.
THE ART NEAR THE TABERNACLE: With the beginning of summer and Ordinary Time and also in anticipation of Pope Francis upcoming
encyclical on the Environment, Alfonse Borysewicz 's large painting Emmaus
makes a return to the Oratory Church of St. Boniface. On the Road to Emmaus reminds us of the recognition of Jesus by his disciples in the breaking
of the bread, the first fellowship of community. Depicted on the Risen One
is gold leafed honeycomb, the great symbol of community, painted garland
replacing a crown of thorns, highlighting the victory over death and a real
wasps nests that directs our gaze upwards to the heavens. In all, a created
world our Saviour once shared, full of abundance and mystery which we are
all called to be good stewards.
Women's Group Forming - This fall St. Boniface is planning to launch a
new fellowship group for women in their 20s and 30s. The group will include spiritual, social, and service components. We are looking for 6 to 8
women to form a steering committee and help drive the group, from writing
its mission statement to planning monthly activities. The kickoff meeting for
the steering committee will be in mid-April, date TBD. If interested, please
email Jane DiLeo [email protected]
Baptisms: If you would like to have your child baptized here at St Boniface,
please contact the priest coordinating that baptismal session. Fr. Anthony
can be contacted at 718-875-2096, ext. 109 or at [email protected] Fr.
Joel can be contacted at718-875-2096, ext. 103 or at [email protected]. Baptisms for the 2015-2016 pastoral year will be celebrated on:
August 9, 10:00am (Fr. Anthony), September 27, 11:15 (Fr. Joel), November 15, 9:00am (Fr. Anthony), January 10, 11:15am (Fr. Joel), April 10,
11:15 (Fr. Anthony), June 12, 11:15 (Fr. Joel).
Adult Faith Formation Committee - Have you ever wondered how
things get put on the activity calendar or how you can get some event or
speaker to visit and speak at St. Boniface? The Adult Faith Formation Committee sponsors many events throughout the year, and we'd love your feedback. Please join us on Sunday, June 14th at 10:00 AM in Aula Maxima
and tell us what you'd like to see, hear or participate in. A retreat? A speaker? Bible study? What will bring you to St. Boniface besides Sunday Mass?
You do not have to join the Committee, although we'd love to have new
members, we just want your feedback.
Gentle Yoga on June 20 at 4pm in Newman Hall. Yoga mats and other
props are provided. All are welcome subject to room max of 10 people.
Please contact Asha at [email protected] or 347-633-5779 if any questions.
New Young Adult (21 to 39) Group Forming at the Oratory—Are you
in your 20s and 30s and interested in connecting with other women and men
who want to deepen their faith life by engaging in meaningful social, service
and spiritual activities? If so, we want your ideas and input! We will be having a brainstorming session for the start and future of this yet to be named
group on Tuesday, June 23 at 7:00 in Newman Hall (111 Willoughby
Street). Important: There will be beer, wine, and snacks. For more information, please e-mail Emily Mathis at [email protected].
Liturgical Ministers: Please Save the Date - On Saturday, October
24th we have a Day of Reflection/Practicuum for all Liturgical Ministers
(Hospitality, Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers) who serve at all four weekend
Masses. Please save the date. More details to follow.
Food Pantry Collection - The Social Justice Committee collects and delivers to food pantries, 12 months a year, non-perishable unopened food. Food
is collected in the Seat Boxes marked Food Pantry in Newman Hall.
HOLY STROLLERS: A Group for Parents of Small Children will be held
the first and third Friday of the month, at 11:30am. Join us in Newman Hall
for fellowship and prayer - light refreshments provided. Contact Tera Tarulli
for more details: [email protected]
Zen Meditation / Christian Spirit - 2nd & 4th Wednesdays, 6:15pm to
7:30 (beginners 6:00pm), starts on time, no reservations, beginners welcome.
111 Willoughby Street (Newman Hall). Host: Christopher Smith:
718.875.2096, x-104. Current schedule: 6/10, 6/24, 7/8, 7/22, 8/12, 8/26,
9/9, 9/23.
Pastoral Care Work - If you are interested in providing lay pastoral care to
those in need, please call the parish office at 718-875-2096.
CAFE for Men ages 22-39—Interested in learning more about a group of
Catholic young men who come together regularly to pray, to discuss what it
means to be a Christian in a post-modern city and to perform practical acts
of service and charity? We call ourselves CAFE (Catholics/Coffee and Fake
Eggs) because we meet before work in the morning twice monthly over coffee
and egg whites (real men need both caffeine and protein). To learn more
contact Fr Anthony at [email protected]